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Unit 11 Effective CommunicationA FAMOUS QUOTEThink like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.William Yeats像智者那样思考,像群众那样交流。威廉叶芝William Yeats 1865-1939, Irish poet, playwright, and perhaps the greatest poet of the 20th century.He won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1923 and was the leader of the Irish Literary Renaissance.威廉叶芝1865-1939,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,可能是20世纪最伟大的诗人。叶芝曾经赢得1923年的诺贝尔文学奖,他是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动的领袖。Speaking ActivityTalking about Future EventsSample DialogueRead the following conversation.Pay attention to how the speakers talk about future events.Jack: Are you going to London next week?Ann: Yes.Jack: Its rather cold there.Ann: Yes.Im afraid I couldnt fall asleep at night.Jack: Have you reserved a hotel?Ann: Yes.Holiday Inn.Jack: Holiday Inn is offering a human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month.Ann: A human bed-warming service?Jack: Yes.If requested, a bed-warmer at the hotel will dress in a fleece sleeper suit before slipping between the sheets.Ann: That sounds great, but I hope the warmer will shower first.Guided PracticeDirections: Ask your partner what he/she plans to do during the coming vacation.You may use the following tips to help you.Are you going tonext week?is offeringserviceHow long will you stay?I willforThat sounds great, but I hope.Text ANew Word1、frustrated adj.feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want 懊恼的;沮丧的2、anxious adj.feeling worried or nervous 焦虑的;忧虑的;担忧的3、essential adj pletely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity 必不可少的;极其重要的4、co-worker n.a person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job 合作者;同事5、passively adv.accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them 消极地;被动地6、establish v.to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another person, group or country 建立尤指正式关系7、tip n.a small piece of advice about something practical 指点;实用的提示8、nonverbal adj.not involving words or speech 不涉及言语的;非言语的9、percentage n.the number, amount, rate of something, expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100; a part or share of a whole 百分率;百分比10、tone n.the quality of somebodys voice, especially expressing a particular emotion 语气;腔调;口吻11、facial adj.connected with a persons face; on a persons face 面部的12、truthfully adv.giving the true facts about something 真实地;如实地13、manner n.the way that somebody behaves and speaks towards other people 举止;态度14、signal n.a movement or sound that you make to give somebody information, instructions, a warning, etc.信号;暗号15、point of view n.the particular attitude or opinion that somebody has about something 观点;态度;意见16、echo v.to repeat what somebody else has just said 重复别人的话17、rephrase v.to say or write something using different words in order to make the meaning clearer 换个说法说,改变词句18、perform v.to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty 做;履行;执行19、technique n.a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to learn special skills 技巧;技艺;工艺20、temptation n.the desire to do or have something that you know is bad or wrong 引诱;诱惑Phrases and Expressions1、be aware of to know or realize something 知道;意识到2、be responsible for to be the cause of something 作为原因;成为起因3、putaside to ignore or forget something, usually a feeling or difference of opinion 无视;不理睬;忘记Text A Active ListeningPre-reading Questions1.Have you ever found yourself turning a deaf ear to your friends?2.What kind of body language do your friends and yourself use?Active ListeningDo you ever get frustrated when you realize that the person youve been talking to was not really listening at all?Do others ever complain that you dont listen?Dont be too anxious if the answer to either or both questions is yes.Although we may not be aware of it, many of us have poor listening skills, and strong listening skills are important for everyone, not only for second language learners.Good communication is essential to forming good relationships with people of all kinds, from family, friends and neighbours to co-workers, bosses and even government officials!We often focus on saying what we want to say in an effective way and forget that listening carefully to others is just as important.The good news is that we can learn how to improve our listening skills.One key to improvement is developing active listening skills.Much of the time we listen passively.By making an effort to listen actively, we can improve our learning skills and establish successful relationships more easily.Here are a few tips to help you start listening more actively:Firstly, never underestimate the importance of nonverbal communication.Nonverbal simply means without words.One study found that nonverbal factors were responsible for 93 percent of communication effectiveness.While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this, they do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful.So, when you listen to another person, pay close attention to their tone of voice, facial expression and body language.Sometimes, for example, a persons words may be positive but their nonverbal communication is not.When a persons words do not agree with their nonverbal signals, you may need to consider how truthfully they are speaking.Also, you can use nonverbal methods to encourage another person to communicate with you.Making eye contact, using friendly facial expressions and having a relaxed and open manner are all helpful.You can use nonverbal signals such as nods of the head or smiles to let the speaker know you are interested and truly listening without interrupting their speech too much.Another key to active listening is having an open mind.Do your best to put your own feelings and opinions aside while you listen, and encourage the speaker to fully express their ideas.Try to imagine that you are in the same situation as the speaker.In this way, you will better understand their point of view.One more tip is to echo what the speaker has said.By repeating or rephrasing their words, such as by saying, So, you feel unhappy or This caused problems for you?, you are performing two important functions of an active listener.One is showing the other person that you have been following what they have been saying, and the other is giving the speaker the chance to correct you if you have misunderstood.This technique is especially useful in highly emotional situations or situations where there is disagreement.Avoid the temptation to start talking about your own ideas or views.If you do that, you have stopped listening and started talking.Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many benefits.Key Sentences1.While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this, they do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful.虽然不是所有专家都认同有这么高的比率,但是他们确实认为非言语沟通的作用不可小觑。2.Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many benefits.一旦专注于积极倾听你就会发现这样做的诸多好处了。Notes1.In the book Leader Effectiveness Training, Thomas Gordon coined the term active listening.2.Active listening is used in a wide variety of situations, including public interest advocacy, community organizing, tutoring, medical workers talking to patients, HIV counseling, helping people who are suicidal, management, counseling and journalistic settings.Text A Active ListeningExercisesI.Checking Your ComprehensionDirections: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.1.A large number of people fail to realize that _.Athey feel annoyed and impatient easilyBtheir language learning ability varies a lotCtheir listening skills are poorly developedDthey lack essential negotiating skills答疑编号506494110301:针对该题提问【正确答案】C【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第一个句子Although we may not be aware of it, many of us have poor listening skills可以知道,很多人并不知道自己缺乏聆听的技巧。答案为C。2.Active listening contributes to the improvement of_.Asocial relationshipsBmental healthCsocial statusDphysical health答疑编号506494110302:针对该题提问【正确答案】A【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第二个句子:Good communication is essential to forming good relationships with people of all kinds可以知道,积极的聆听可以改善一个人的社会关系。答案为A。3.One study has found that communication effectiveness owes much to_.Adirect eye contactBshared experienceCgood personal relationshipsDnonverbal factors答疑编号506494110303:针对该题提问【正确答案】D【答案解析】阅读文章第七段第三个句子:One study found that nonverbal factors were responsible for 93 percent of communication effectiveness可以知道正确答案。答案为D。4._can encourage another person to continue his talk.AAvoiding eye contactBNods of the headCA blank expressionDConstant interruptions答疑编号506494110304:针对该题提问【正确答案】B【答案解析】阅读文章第九段第三个句子You can use nonverbal signals such as nods of the head or smiles to let the speaker know可以知道正确答案。答案为B。5.When engaged in active listening, we try our best not to_.Akeep an open mindBrepeat the speakers wordsCfocus too much on our own ideasDencourage the speaker答疑编号506494110305:针对该题提问【正确答案】C【答案解析】阅读文章第十段第二个句子:Do your best to put your own feelings and opinions aside while you listening, and encourage the speaker to可以知道正确答案。答案为C。II.Building Your VocabularySection ADirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.1.This is an extremely _experience for the student.frustrated, frustrating答疑编号506494110306:针对该题提问【正确答案】frustrating【答案解析】译文:对学生来说,这是一种很懊丧的经历。此题考查-ing结尾的形容词与-ed结尾的形容词作定语时的区别。-ing形容词,中心词与其成主动关系,表示中心词所具有的某种性质;-ed形容词,中心词与其成被动关系,表示中心词所处的状态。因此,空格处应选frustrating。答案为frustrating。2.The _of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.essence, essential答疑编号506494110307:针对该题提问【正确答案】essence【答案解析】译文:他的论点的核心意思是,教育应贯穿一生。空格处应填入名词,因此应选essence。答案为essence。3.I think Im suffering from the _of too little sleep.effects, effective答疑编号506494110308:针对该题提问【正确答案】effects【答案解析】译文:我觉得我因睡眠太少而难受了。空格处应填入名词,因此应选effects。答案为effects。4.The public has a right to expect _answers from politicians.truthful, truthfully答疑编号506494110309:针对该题提问【正确答案】truthful【答案解析】译文:公众有权要求政客们说实话。空格处需填入形容词作answer的定语,因此应选truthful。答案为truthful。5.There are still lots of _offers on new cars.tempting, temptation答疑编号506494110310:针对该题提问【正确答案】tempting【答案解析】译文:新车仍有很多诱人的优惠条件。空格处需填入一个形容词作offers的定语,因此应选tempting。答案为tempting。6.Children normally feel a lot of _about their first day at school.anxious, anxiety答疑编号506494110311:针对该题提问【正确答案】anxiety【答案解析】译文:孩子们在上学第一天通常都会很焦虑。空格处需填入一个名词被a lot of修饰,并做feel的表语,因此应选anxiety。答案为anxiety。Section B Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.percentage 百分比 performance 表现,表演 echo重复 passively 被动地establish 建立 technique 技巧 facial 面部的 manner 态度,举止1.Kathy seems to take a very _role in the relationship.答疑编号506494110312:针对该题提问【正确答案】passive【答案解析】译文:在这个关系中,Kathy看起来好似很。结合句意,空格处应填一个形容词做role的定语,因此空格处应填passive。答案为passive。2.Some athletes take drugs to improve their_.答疑编号506494110313:针对该题提问【正确答案】performance【答案解析】译文:一些运发动为了改善而服用药物。根据句意,空格处应填入表示“表现的词,因此应选performance。答案为performance。3.A proper procedure for complaints should be_.答疑编号506494110314:针对该题提问【正确答案】established【答案解析】译文:应为投诉一套标准的程序。结合句意,空格处应填入表示设置、创立的词,因此应选establish。此处应用过去分词形式,与其前边的be动词构成被动语态,表示“被创立。答案为established。4.You got 20_of the answers right that means one in every five.答疑编号506494110315:针对该题提问【正确答案】percent【答案解析】译文:你的答案的正确率为20即五分之一。根据后半句的“五分之一我们可以知道,空格处与其前面的20构成20%。英语中百分数由“基数词+percent构成,因此空格处应填percent。答案为percent。5.The _of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds.答疑编号506494110316:针对该题提问【正确答案】echo【答案解析】译文:他的叫喊声在洞穴里回响了好几秒钟。结合句意,空格处应填echo。答案为echo。6.There have been major new developments in satellite_。答疑编号506494110317:针对该题提问【正确答案】technique【答案解析】译文:在卫星领域已经取得了重大进展。结合备选词及句意,空格处应选technique。答案为technique。Section C Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.1.He felt he needed to focus more _ his career.答疑编号506494110318:针对该题提问【正确答案】on【答案解析】译文:他觉得他需要把更多的注意力放在自己的事业上。此题重点考查固定搭配focus on,意为对某事或做某事予以注意。答案为on。2.Every bank pays _attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff.答疑编号506494110319:针对该题提问【正确答案】close【答案解析】译文:每个银行都密切关注其职工的工作速度和准确性。pay attention to意为关注,pay close attention to 意为紧密关注。答案为close。3.He believed that some form of religion was essential _ human happiness.答疑编号506494110320:针对该题提问【正确答案】to【答案解析】译文:他认为,对于人类的幸福来说,某种形式的宗教是必不可少的。此题考查固定用法be essential to.,意为对是必不可少的,重要的。答案为to。4.Were you aware _the risks at the time?答疑编号506494110321:针对该题提问【正确答案】of【答案解析】译文:你当时意识到风险了吗?此题考查固定搭配be aware of的用法,意为意识到。答案为of。5.Last months bad weather was responsible _ the crop failure.答疑编号506494110322:针对该题提问【正确答案】for【答案解析】译文:上个月的恶劣天气造成作物欠收。此题考查be responsible for的用法,意为对负责,形成的原因。答案为for。6.You must _aside your pride and apologize to him.答疑编号506494110323:针对该题提问【正确答案】put【答案解析】译文:你必须放下你的架子向他抱歉。put aside意为撇开、扔下。因此空格处应填put。答案为put。.Bridging the GapDirections: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.if developed misunderstood volunteer tremblingnamed grew hesitate miraculously rareMany years ago, when I worked as a_ at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl _ Liz who was suffering from a _ and serious disease.Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her five-year-old brother, who had _ survived the same disease and had _ the antibodies needed to combat the illness.The doctor explained the situation to her little brother and asked the boy _ he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.I saw him _ for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, Yes, Ill do it if it will save Liz.As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the colour returning to her cheeks.Then his face _ pale and his smile faded.He looked up at the doctor and asked with a _ voice, Will I start to die right away?Being young, the boy had _ the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give her all his blood.答疑编号506494110324:针对该题提问【正确答案】volunteer; named; rare; miraculously; developed; if;hesitate; grew; trembling; misunderstood【答案解析】考查对全文宗旨的理解。通读全文,可以知道第一句意为“多年前,我在一家医院做志愿者的时候,因此空格处应选volunteer。答案为volunteer。空格后为人名,因此空格处应选named,意为一个名叫Liz的女孩。答案为named。结合空格后的serious disease,空格处应选rare,意为一种罕见而严重的病。答案为rare。根据句意:她唯一康复的时机是由她五岁的弟弟为她输血。她弟弟也得了这种病,但是_ 地康复了并且_对抗这个疾病的抗体。空格处应填miraculously,意为奇迹般恢复。答案为miraculously。根据句意:她唯一康复的时机是由她五岁的弟弟为她输血。她弟弟也得了这种病,但是奇迹般地康复了,并且_对抗这个疾病的抗体。空格处应填developed,意为生长、形成。答案为developed。空格处需要填入一个词引导后面的句子作为ask的宾语,因此应选if,意为问这个男孩是否愿意为姐姐输血。答案为if。根据句意:我看到他_了一小会,然后深深吸了一口气说:“好的,如果能救Liz,我愿意。空格处应选hesitate,意为犹豫。答案为hesitate。联系上下文,上文为:看到输血后姐姐的气色好转,下文为:他的脸色变得苍白,笑容退去。空格处应填grew,意为渐渐变得。答案为grew。a trembling voice意为颤抖的声音,联系上下文,上文意为:当为姐姐输血时他脸色开始变得苍白,下文意为“我就要死了吗,由此可以看出男孩的紧张、恐惧的情绪。因此,他讲话时声音会颤抖。答案为trembling。此题考查对全文宗旨的理解。通读全文,可以知道因为对输血的误解,男孩以为自己在输血后会死亡。因此空格处应选misunderstood。答案为misunderstood。【参考译文】许多年前,我在Stanford医院做志愿者的时候,认识了一个名叫Liz的女孩,她得了一种罕见而严重的病。她唯一康复的时机是由她五岁的弟弟为她输血。她弟弟也得了这种病,但是奇迹般地康复了,并且发育形成了对抗这个疾病的抗体。医生说明情况并且问这个男孩是否愿意为姐姐输血。我看到他犹豫了一小会,然后深深吸了一口气说:“好的,如果能救Liz,我愿意。当输血时,小男孩躺在他姐姐的身旁微笑着,看到输血后姐姐的气色好转。然后,他的脸色变得苍白,笑容退去。他看着医生用颤抖的声音问道:“我就要死了吗?因为小男孩年纪太小,对输血的医生误解了,男孩以为自己把全部血液输给姐姐,在输血后自己会死亡。Section ADirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.1.They _为没有进展而感到懊丧.frustrated答疑编号506494110325:针对该题提问【正确答案】felt frustrated for no progress【答案解析】此题考查“因为而懊丧的表达,可译为feel frustrated for 。答案为felt frustrated for no progress。2.Money_对于幸福并非必不可少.be essential to答疑编号506494110326:针对该题提问【正确答案】is not essential to happiness【答案解析】此题考查“对是必不可少的的表达,可译为be essential to.。答案为is not essential to happiness。3.The school has_ the local community与建立了良好的关系.establish答疑编号506494110327:针对该题提问【正确答案】established a good relationship with【答案解析】此题考查“与建立良好的关系的表达,可译为establish a good relationship with。注意此题中应使用现在完成时。答案为established a good relationship with。4._, the party was a complete success依我看.point of view答疑编号506494110328:针对该题提问【正确答案】From my point of view【答案解析】此题考查“依看的表达,可译为in .point of view。注意首字母大写。答案为From my point of view。5.Mike_负责全部工程的设计.be responsible for答疑编号506494110329:针对该题提问【正确答案】is responsible for the design of the whole project【答案解析】此题考查“对负责的表达,可译为be responsible for.。答案为is responsible for the design of the whole project。Section BDirections: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Sometimes cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstanding.One common example is the use of a smile.In some Asian cultures, a smile can show embarrassment or apology.However, smiling back at a teacher who is unhappy with you, or a stranger whose foot you accidentally stepped upon, is probably not a good idea in most English speaking cultures! Also, you should not assume that nodding your head means yes or that shaking your head means no or vice versa.Yes, you can even get that wrong, with potentially disastrous consequences.答疑编号506494110330:针对该题提问【参考译文】即便是正确的肢体语言,如果在不同的文化背景下,有时候也使人不舒服或造成误解。一个常见的例子是微笑的使用。在一些亚洲文化中,微笑可以表示为难或歉意。然而在一些英语国家的文化里,朝着跟你生气的老师或被你踩到脚的陌生人笑,就不太好了。你不要想当然地以为点头就表示“是的,反之亦然,摇头也不一定表示“不是。没错,你很可能因为这样的错误而引发潜在的严重后果。V.Organizing Your IdeasDirections: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.1.John replies, Im trying to win a Nobel Prize.2.He pulls the car over to the side of the road and notices that John is just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing.3.Well, I heard they give the Nobel Prize to people who are out standing in their field.4.Sam gets out of the car, walks all the way out to John and asks him, Excuse me, what are you doing?5.How? asks Sam, puzzled.6.Sam is driving down the Delhi highway, when he spots John standing in the middle of a huge field of grass.答疑编号506494110331:针对该题提问【正确答案】排列句子顺序: 62 4 15 3 【答案解析】依据动作发生先后对第6、2、4句排序。这三个句子是Sam做的一系列连贯动作,第6个句子中Sam开车时看到John站在那里,第2个句子Sam停车,第4个句子Sam下车。依据语法一致及语意一致的原那么,对第4、1、5三句排序。第4个句子中Sam对John以现在进行式提问What are you doing?第1个句子John以现在进行时Im trying to作答。第5个句子中,Sam对John的答复感到困惑并追问如何获得诺贝尔奖,第3个句子中John做进一步解释。【参考译文】山姆在德里的高速路上开着车,他发现约翰站在一大片草地中间,山姆在路边停下车,注意到约翰就站在那里,什么也不做


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