安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七上 第2课时 Units 6-9习题

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七上 第2课时 Units 6-9习题_第1页
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第2课时.单项选择。(A)1.(2018安庆四中模拟)Its seven now.Lets_and finish_the room.Ago; cleaningBgo; to cleanCto go; cleaningDto go; to clean(D)2.(原创题)Susan didnt feel _,so she went to the doctor this morning.AgoodBbadCweakDwell(B)3.(原创题)A set of keys usually_ different doors. Its a rule.AfitBfitsCfittedDwill fit(D)4.(2018滁州模拟)The Greens arrived at the station on time,_they got on the train on time.AorBbutCifDand(A)5.(预测题)Every night,when I lie in the bed,I usually _ what I have done today and what I will do tomorrow.Athink aboutBtalk aboutCcomplain aboutDcare about (A)6.(原创题)There are_ floors in the building, and I live on the_ floor.Atwelve; fifthBtwelve; fiveCtwelfth; fifthDtwelfth; five(B)7.(原创题)What do you think of your new subject?Its kind of_. I often meet some problems.AeasyBdifficultCinterestingDrelaxing(C)8.(改编题)_does your uncle do?He is a teacher.He is always very popular with his students.AHowBWhoCWhatDWhy(D)9.(2018芜湖模拟)Why doesnt your brother like the new movie?Because he thinks it is _.AinterestingBrelaxingCfunnyDboring(A)10.(原创题) If you are free tomorrow, how about going shopping together?_.AAll right BThats all rightCIt doesnt matterDNot at all(C)11.(原创题)Where is your cousin,Linda?She is busy_her homework in her bedroom.AforBaboutCwithDat(A)12.(预测题)I bought some flowers_my mom_my best wishes on her birthday.Afor; withBto; forCof; toDfrom; with(B)13.(原创题)_?Id like one hamburger and some juice.AWhats your favoriteBWhat can I do for youCHow will you have your lunchDWhat do you want to eat.(原创题)完形填空。There are different kinds of lakes in the world.And there are a few different ways to_1_which is the worlds largest lake.Are you interested in the lake with the largest area or the lake with the_2_water? And,do you want to_3_salt water seas with others? In fact,there are lots of differences between salt water seas and other seas.“Which lake is the worlds largest?” is not a_4_question to answer._5_,we can discuss the question in a few different and difficult ways.Lake Baikal is the worlds largest_6_water lake with the most water.It has about 23,013 km3 of water,or about 20% Earths fresh water.This_7_is as large as all five of the North American Great Lakes.The salty Caspian Sea has the largest salt water area with 370,886 km2.Lake Superior,_8_the United States and Canada is a fresh water lake with the largest area with 82,103 km2.There are also some other interesting lakes in the world.If you want to know about_9_,you can visit http:/ of funny facts about different kinds of lakes.Have a good time!(B)1.Amake upBmake sureCthink aboutDthink of(C)2.AsmallestBleastCmostDworst(A)3.AcompareBprovideCrealizeDprotect(C)4.AspecialBdeepCeasyDsuccessful(C)5.AAndBButCSoDIf(A)6.AfreshBsaltCrainDsnow(B)7.ApopulationBnumberCconditionDsign(C)8.AacrossBduringCbetweenDbehind(D)9.AmeBitCusDthem(B)10.AachievesBincludesCleadsDcauses.(原创题) 补全对话。A: I want to eat fried egg rice, Sally.1.EB: Of course. At first, you need to pour some oil in the pot.A: Whats next?B: 2.B After a minute, you need to put the rice into it.A: Oh, I see.3.AB: Its up to you. If you want to be healthier, you can put two or three eggs.A: 4.GB: It usually takes about three to five minutes.A: OK.5.C Many thanks.B: Youre welcome.(原创题)任务型阅读。The wolf spent his nights shouting at the moon.He was making fun of her,of how old she was,how slowly she moved,and how little light she had.When the shout stopped,the little pig would come out to console(安慰)the moon.One day,both the wolf and the pig were far from home and were caught by a great storm.When the storm stopped,both animals were lost.As the moon came out,the wolf began his usual shout,while the pig was feeling sad and scared of being lost.Before long the pig heard a voice calling him,but he couldnt see anyone around.It was the moon,who was so thankful for the pigs help and advice that she wanted to help him find his way home.So the moon collected all her light to help show the pig how to get back safely.The pig arrived home in the early hours,while the wolf were still lost and scared to death.Only then did he realize that all his rudeness to the moon had been meaningless.The moon didnt shine for him until the wolf asked for forgiveness(原谅),and promised not to get anyone into trouble again.1How was the pig when he got lost one day?(不超过10个词)He was sad and scared of being lost.2How did the moon help the pig find the way back home?(不超过10个词)She collected all her light to show the way.3What might happen at the end of the story?(不超过15个词)The moon helped the wolf and he didnt shout at the moon any more.(原创题)单词拼写。1Thesale(销售) of this kind of socks is very good.2The strange old man alwaystakes(带着) an umbrella.3We usually have sevenlessons(课) at school every day.4Look,my mother is busybuying(购买) some food in the store.5Math is his brothers favoritesubject(学科) at school.5


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