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2022年考博英语-安徽大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Perhaps you didnt quite understand the movie and then left before finishing it.( )the case, I think this little pamphlet may be of some help.问题1选项A.If this beB.This should beC.Should this beD.Is this【答案】A【解析】考查条件状语从句。由I think this little pamphlet may be of some help.句意:我想这个宣传册可能有所帮助。由关键词may可知空格后的the case这种情况并不是虚拟的,而是一个真实条件句,故不用倒装,而条件句一般是用if引导。因此答案选A,相当于省略了should,即If this (should) be。整个句意为:也许你并不十分理解这部电影,没结束就提前离开了。如果真的如此,我想这个宣传册可能有所帮助。2. 单选题While I was reading in the sun, a drowsy feeling( )over me, so I had to go back into the house.问题1选项A.climbedB.creptC.crawledD.rose【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项climbed“爬;攀登”;B选项crept“爬行;蔓延”;C选项crawled“爬行;匍匐行进”;D选项rose“上升;起立”。句意:当我在阳光下看书时,一阵昏昏欲睡的感觉向我,所以我不得不回到屋里。睡意向我袭来,让我不得不回到屋内。A选项是及物动词,不与介词搭配,可排除。同理可排除D选项。B选项creep over意为“悄悄来袭”,符合句意。C选项主要用来形容人匍匐前行,而句中的主语是a drowsy feeling,可排除。故选B。3. 单选题Wind and water cause( )in rocks and soil.问题1选项A.conversionB.erosionC.depressionD.diversion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项conversion“转变”;B选项erosion“腐蚀”;C选项depression“沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;低气压区”;D选项diversion“令人分心的事物;改道”。句意:风和水让岩石和土壤。风和水对岩石和土壤有侵蚀作用。因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题Since there was no place to take shelter, we got( )in the sudden downpour in no time.问题1选项A.stainedB.soakedC.sprayedD.sticky【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项stained“玷污的”;C选项sprayed“被喷成雾状的”;D选项sticky“粘性的”。句意:由于没有地方躲避,我们立即被突然而至的倾盆大雨了。可根据关键词downpour倾盆大雨,和前面的no place进行联想猜测。B选项soaked“湿透的”更符合语境。故选B。5. 单选题Shopping in the United States is always a pleasant experience. There are different types of shops that operate to cater to your different needs. To buy groceries, you can go to the convenience store, the supermarket or the mass merchandiser (such as Wall Mart). To buy some clothes and big-ticket items you can go to the mall or factory outlets.Every grocery store has promotions on different kinds of products every week. Usually you can find a store weekly newspaper with featured promotions for that particular week. I am a bargain hunter, forward buying a lot of daily products if I feel I need them in the future. Once, I saw a featured promotion on Pantene 2 in 1 shampoo plus conditioner(护发素). Although I did not need it at that time, I felt it was a great deal. So I decided to buy 2 bottles. However, I could not find any such Pantene on the shelf. I went to a sales clerk and asked if he could find any for me. He told me that the store was out of the stock and it would not have any in until the next week. The unfortunate thing was that by then the promotion would be over. However, the clerk told me that I could go the customer service counter and I would be given a rain check, which would guarantee the promotion price for me on that particular item.A shopping mall in the States is composed of many individual specialty shops and nationwide chain stores, such as Sears and JC Penny. What impresses me most when shopping is its return policy. No matter what you buy, shoes, pants or big-ticket items such as JV and VCR, if you find some problems with them or simply do not like them any longer, you can return them within 30 days. You wont be challenged at the customer service counter as long as you have your receipt. Of course there are some people who might take advantage of this return policy, especially when they need something for a momentary use. Thats why you can find a long line of people waiting to return their goods right after Christmas.5. What does the word “big-ticket” (Para. 1) most probably mean?6. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the author( ).7. According to the author, the return policy of the mall( ).8. The author thinks many people return their goods after Christmas because( ).问题1选项A.A large amount of.B.Name-brand.C.Highly price.D.Huge space occupied.问题2选项A.could buy Pantene in the following week at the promotion priceB.bought what he wanted with the help of the sales clerkC.didnt buy Pantene shampoo for he didnt need it at that timeD.wouldnt buy Pantene the next week for the promotion would be over问题3选项A.is as good as promotions of grocery storesB.is impressive but not pleasingC.benefits the customersD.is taken advantage by poor people问题4选项A.there are some problems with their goodsB.they dont like the goods any longerC.they are challenged at the customer service counterD.they just want to use them for a very short time【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D【解析】5. 词义推测题。根据原文No matter what you buy, shoes, pants or big-ticket items such as JV and VCR, if you find some problems with them or simply do not like them any longer, you can return them within 30 days.(不管你买什么,鞋子、裤子或者是像电视和录像机这样的物品,如果你发现它们有问题,或只是不喜欢它们了,你都可以在30天内退掉它们。)big-ticket放在名词前由此可推测出它是一个形容词。前面讲的是小物件,后面指的是像电视机或者录像机价格比较贵的物品。因此C选项“价格很高的”正确,符合题意。A选项“大量的”;B选项“名牌的”;D选项“巨大占地方的”均不符题意,故选C。6. 推理判断题。定位在第二段最后一句However, the clerk told me that I could go the customer service counter and I would be given a rain check, which would guarantee the promotion price for me on that particular item.(不过,他告诉我,我可以到顾客服务台去拿一张推迟票,这张票确保我以后会以促销价买到那东西。)由此可知作者之后还是能够以促销价买到潘婷,因此A选项“可以在下周以促销价购买潘婷”正确,符合题意。B选项“在售货员的帮助下买了他想要的东西”,根据原文However, I could not find any such Pantene on the shelf.(然而,我在架子上找不到这样的潘婷。)和He told me that the store was out of the stock and it would not have any in until the next week.(他告诉我这家商店没有存货了,要到下周才能进货)可知,作者并没有立马获得,售货员的建议是拿一张推迟票,可以在下周买。表述有误,可排除。C选项“没有买潘婷洗发水,因为他当时不需要”,根据原文Although I did not need it at that time, I felt it was a great deal. So I decided to buy 2 bottles.(虽然我当时不需要它,但我觉得它真的很值。所以我决定买两瓶。),可知作者还是决定要买,表述有误,可排除。D选项“下周不会买潘婷,因为促销活动将要结束了”,干扰项,文章中只说作者有这个打算,但最后有没有买下来并未提及,可排除。故选A。7. 推理判断题。定位在第三段What impresses me most when shopping is its return policy.(退货政策让作者印象最深。)30天内可退货,而且You wont be challenged at the customer service counter as long as you have your receipt.(只要你有收据,顾客服务台就不会有人为难你。)由此可推理,退货政策是能够让顾客受益的。因此C选项“使顾客受益”正确,符合题意。A选项“和杂货店的促销活动一样好”与题意无关,可排除。B选项“令人印象深刻但不讨人喜欢”,作者对保护权益的退货政策是很满意的,只是后面说到了这个政策会被人钻空子。D选项“被穷人占了便宜”,定位到原文Of course there are some people who might take advantage of this return policy, especially when they need something for a momentary use.(当然,有些人可能会利用这种退货政策,特别是当他们需要一些暂时使用的东西时。)并没有说明占便宜的一定是穷人,可排除。故选C。8. 推理判断题。定位在第三段Of course there are some people who might take advantage of this return policy, especially when they need something for a momentary use. Thats why you can find a long line of people waiting to return their goods right after Christmas.(当然,有些人会利用这个退货政策占便宜,尤其当他们只是暂时需要某种东西的时候。这就是为什么在过完圣诞节之后,你会看到人们排着长队等着退货。)由此可知圣诞后很多人退货是因为他们只需要暂时使用,因此D选项“他们只想在很短的时间内使用它们”正确,符合题意。A选项“他们的货物有些问题”,B选项“他们不再喜欢这些商品了”,C选项“他们在客户服务柜台受到质询”,A,B,C选项均与题意不符,可排除,故选D。6. 单选题George was( )from military service while he was still in school.问题1选项A.preventedB.restrainedC.exemptedD.stopped【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项prevented“阻止;避免”;B选项restrained“抑制;约束”;C选项exempted“免除;豁免”;D选项stopped“停止;终止”。句意:乔治还在学校的时候就被服兵役。military service“兵役”,服兵役是一项责任。exempt做形容词有被免除责任和义务的意思,而且exempt sb. from sth.为固定搭配,意为“免除某人某事”。因此C选项符合题意。7. 单选题The Bank of China is interested in how much money is in( )in the economy.问题1选项A.circleB.circulationC.expenseD.rotation【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项circle“圈子;圈出”,不与介词in搭配;B选项circulation“流通;传播”,in circulation“在流通的”,常与货币的流通有关;C选项expense“损失;代价”,固定搭配为at the expense of“以为代价”;D选项rotation“旋转;循环”,指物品的旋转。句意:中国银行对经济中有多少货币在流通感兴趣。此处指的是与货币的流通有关。故选B。8. 单选题The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed, when the congress is in( )again next spring.问题1选项A.assemblyB.sessionC.conferenceD.conventional【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项assembly“集会;集合”;B选项session“会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会”;C选项conference“会议;协商”;D选项conventional“符合习俗的;惯例的”。句意:污染问题,还有其他几个问题,将于明年春季代表再次召开时讨论。根据前面的介词in可知空格内应填入一个名词,做the congress“代表大会”的表语。由此可排除D选项。conference为正式用词,一般指大型会议,各国之间的协商、会谈等。assembly多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。session一般指议会等召开的正式会议,也可指法庭之休庭期,会议之会期。根据关键词again“再一次”,说明现在的会议已经结束,需要等到下一个会期再进行讨论,in session“会议期”。因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题Mr. Smith had an unusual( ): he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.问题1选项A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.career【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项profession“职业;专业”,一般是指需要经过专业培训的职业,尤指需要较高的受教育水平的职业;B选项occupation“职业;占有”,泛指任何一种工作,多用于表格填写或正式书面语中;C选项position“位置;职位”,多指所处的方位;D选项career“生涯;职业”,指从事的职业或希望毕生从事的事业。句意:史密斯先生有一个不同寻常的职业生涯:他最初是一名办公室职员,然后是一名水手,最后成为一所学校的老师。他的职业从职员到水手,最后到老师,是一段任职经历,而不单单指一份职业,故选D。10. 单选题Charles Wheelers paintings often( )the sharp edges and geometrical shapes of machines.问题1选项A.highlightB.reviveC.visualizeD.upgrade【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项highlight“突出;强调”;B选项revive“复兴;复活”;C选项visualize“设想;形象化”;D选项upgrade“升级;改善”。句意:查尔斯惠勒的作品机器的锋利的边缘和几何形状。句中的主语是paintings“绘画;画作”,可知是在谈论这位画家作品的风格,会着重强调哪些部分。因此A选项符合题意。11. 填空题(46)Some people seem to be better in learning languages.(47)They can pick new vocabulary, master rules or grammars, and learn to write in the new language quicker than others.(48)They do not seem to be any more brighter than others,(49)so what makes language such easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.First of all, successful learners are independent. They(50)do not depend on the book and the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to understand the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers(51)finding clues hard and form their own conclusions. When(52)they guess wrong, they guess others time. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active. Therefore, successful learners look for chances to use the language(53)actively. They find people speak the language and ask them to correct them when they make a mistake. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or say strange(54)things. They can also receive information that is inexact (55)or incomplete if a communication is difficult.46. _47. _48. _49._50._51._52._53._54._55._【答案】46. in改为at47. grammars改为grammar48. 去掉more49. such改成so50. and改成or51. form改为forming52. others改为another53. people和speak间加上who54. receive改为accept55. if改成when【解析】46. 考查固定搭配。表示擅长的短语搭配为be good at,句中说的是有些人会更擅长。因此需要使用good的比较级形式better。句意:有些人似乎更擅长学习语言。47. 考查词汇的单复数含义。grammar为不可数名词时表示“语法,文法”,而其复数形式grammars表示“语言知识及应用能力”。句意:他们可以学习新的词汇,掌握规则或语法。句中指的是语法,为不可数名词,不能使用复数形式。48. 考查比较级的用法。bright是单音节形容词。它的比较级为brighter,more是用来修饰三个音节及以上的形容词的比较级的,故应删掉。句意:他们似乎并不比其他人更聪明。49. 考查such与so的辨析。such是形容词,用来修饰名词;so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。后面的easier是形容词,故应使用so来修饰。句意:那么是什么让语言对他们来说如此容易呢?50. 考查连接词的使用。and和or都能够表示并列,and用在肯定句和陈述句中,or用在否定句和疑问句中。在句中前面有表否定的not,故连接的使用应该用or。句意:他们不依赖书本老师;他们发现自己学习语言的方法。51. 考查并列句中的谓语一致。and前面使用的是现在分词作定语修饰guessers,后面句中的谓语动词也应该与之保持一致。故应将form改为forming。句意:他们是很好的猜测者,能找到困难的线索并形成自己的结论。52. 考查介词辨析。others表示其他人。another做介词时可表示再一,又一次的意思。根据句意:当他们猜错的时候,他们会再猜一次。因此需将others改为another。53. 考查句子成分。They find people speak the language and ask them to correct them when they make a mistake.根据句子结构可知speak the language是定语从句修饰people,而people在从句中担当主语,因此关系代词who不能省略。句意:他们找到说这种语言的人,当他们说错时请这些人纠正。54. 考查动词辨析。receive“收到”表达较为客观被动。accept“接受”具有主观色彩,主动的去接。句意:当交流有困难的时候,他们也能接纳不准确或者不完整的信息。交流的时候他们会主动地去接受一些不完整的信息。因此需要将receive改成accept。55. 考查连接词的使用。根据先前所说的当他们猜错的时候,他们会再猜一次。使用的就是时间状语,那么在他们遇到a communication is difficult的情况的时候,也应该作为时间状语,故应使用when连接而非if。12. 单选题School children ought to be( )to their parents and teachers.问题1选项A.alienB.transientC.obedientD.current【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项alien“外国的;相异的”;B选项transient“短暂的;路过的”;C选项obedient“服从的;孝顺的”;D选项current“现在的;最近的”。句意:学龄儿童应该父母和老师。句中主语是School children,由关键信息to their parents and teachers“对其父母和老师”要服从。因此C选项符合题意。13. 单选题I asked the tailor to make a small( )to my trousers because they were too long.问题1选项A.alterationB.variationC.revisionD.change【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项alteration“修改;更改”;B选项variation“变化;变更”;C选项revision“修正;复习”;D选项change“变化;改变”。alteration尤指部分的改变,可用于服装的改长短;variation一般是指(形式、位置、条件的)变化、改变、变动;revision常指文章、词典、剧本等的修改、订正;change改变,变化,可指表面的、本质的、内在的变化。句意:我要求裁缝对我的裤子稍作,因为太长了。句中指的是对trousers“长裤”的修改,因此A选项符合题意。14. 单选题She later confessed that she didnt really work out the solution by working hard on it. Instead she( )it when she was doing something else.问题1选项A.fell back onB.stumble uponC.fell short ofD.squeeze out of【答案】B【解析】考查词组含义辨析。A选项fell back on“依赖;依靠于”;B选项stumble upon“偶遇;偶然发现”;C选项fell short of“缺乏;达不到”;D选项squeeze out of“榨出;挤出”。句意:她承认她并不真的是因为努力思考而得出的方案,而是在做其他事情的时候想到的。说明她想出的方案是碰巧灵感来了才出现的。因此B选项符合题意。15. 单选题To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be( ), and display interest in the job.问题1选项A.swiftB.instantC.timelyD.punctual【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项swift“迅速的;敏捷的”;B选项instant“立即的;紧迫的”;C选项timely“及时的;适时的”;D选项punctual“准时的;守时的”。句意:为了给未来的雇主留下印象,职员应该穿戴整洁,显示对工作的兴趣。目的是impress a future employer“给未来雇主留下好的印象”,应该要dress neatly“穿戴整洁”,be punctual“守时的”,而且显示出对这份工作的兴趣。就像是一场面试,最重要的还是要守时。因此D选项符合题意。16. 单选题The sewage system of the city( )the water so that swimming was forbidden.问题1选项A.dilutedB.divertedC.culminatedD.contaminated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项diluted“稀释;削弱”;B选项diverted“转移;使转向”;C选项culminated“使结束;达到顶点”;D选项contaminated“污染;弄脏”。句意:城市的污水系统了这片水域,因此游泳被禁止。关键词sewage“污水”和后面的结果swimming was forbidden“游泳被禁止了”由此可知是污水会污染这片水域。本句使用的是过去式,因此空格内应填入谓语动词的过去式。因此D选项符合题意。17. 单选题Diana could hardly believe her eyes when she saw in the mirror how pretty she was in that( )dress.问题1选项A.deliberateB.tentativeC.ingeniousD.exquisite【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项deliberate“故意的”;B选项tentative“试验性的,暂定的”;C选项ingenious“新颖的,灵巧的”。D选项exquisite“精致的”。句意:当在镜子里看到她穿着那件的裙子是多么的漂亮时,戴安娜不敢相信自己的眼睛。空格后dress“裙子”为名词,因此需要填入一个形容词进行修饰。根据后面的提示how pretty she was“她是多么的漂亮”,由此可知她穿了一条精美的裙子。因此D选项符合题意。18. 单选题Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is( )loud continuous noise.问题1选项A.attached toB.subjected toC.filled withD.associated with【答案】B【解析】考查词组搭配辨析。A选项(be) attached to“附属于;系于”;B选项(be) subjected to“遭受;承受”;C选项(be) filled with“充满”;D选项(be) associated with“与有关”。句意:应注意缩短人们连续噪音的时间。从句中的主语是one“人”,宾语是loud continuous noise“响亮不间断的噪音”。人对噪音是难以忍受的,所以需要缩短人们承受噪音的时间。因此B选项符合题意。19. 单选题( )morbidly aggressive person, he would regard even a stare as some kind of intrusion.问题1选项A.AB.BeingC.AsD.To be【答案】A【解析】考查句子成分。A选项A“一个;一位”;B选项Being“作为”引导主语从句;C选项As“作为”引导定语从句;D选项To be“成为”引导目的状语从句。主句he would regard even a stare as some kind of intrusion.(他甚至会把别人的凝视看作是一种冒犯。)句中成分完整,因此可排除B,C,D选项。句意:一个极其好斗的人,他甚至会把一个眼神注视当作一种侵犯。前面的句子用逗号隔开,可充当主语he的同位语。因此A选项符合题意。20. 单选题A growing number of college officials, guidance counselors and education experts would like to eliminate, or sharply curtail(减少) early admission(提前录取)a process in which many colleges admit a substantial percentage of their students in the fall. Controversy is particularly heated regarding many early admission programs that require applicants to give up the chance to apply elsewhere.Opponents of early admissions offer several criticisms. The practice intensifies an unhealthy level of competition for admission to the nations top colleges and universities, they say. Moreover, critics say, early admission unfairly gives a leg up to some applicants, mostly those who already have many advantages-students at elite private schools and wealthy public schools where families and guidance counselors know how to work the angles of the admissions system.The president of Yale University fueled the debate earlier this month by proposing that Yale and other elite institutions consider abandoning the early programs. In a sign of just how competitive the admissions process has become, he said his university could not make such a move alone. Even some students who gain early admission to the colleges they want say the process involves too much pressure, too soon.The use of “early decision” and “early action” programs, which, in different ways, grant admission to students months ahead of the usual spring notifications, has soared in recent years and is at what some say are record highs. Many top private colleges now accept more than a third of their freshman classes in the weeks before Christmas, significantly reducing the number of spots available in the spring. For next year, Stanford already has picked 34% of its freshman class; Yale has chosen 42% of its. The University of Pennsylvania has locked up 49.5% of its entering class.Early admission policies have existed for at least 20 years. But their useand the controversy around themhas grown in the last decade, especially since the mid-1990s, when Yale, Princeton and Stanford all instituted binding early decision. The programs clearly benefit colleges, allowing schools to lock in talented young scholars and enhance their own standings in the influential college rankings.31. In some peoples opinion, early admissions( ).32. It can be inferred from the passage that( ).33. According to the passage, Yale claimed that( ).34. In recent years, early admissions( ).35. The authors attitude to early admission is( ).问题1选项A.will be abolished in the futureB.cause unfair competition in collegesC.attract more and more studentsD.are popular without entrance exams问题2选项A.early admissions include excellent students in every schoolB.parents are against early admissions absolutelyC.many parents learn little about the early admission systemD.the people who have the upper hand has more chances in early admissions问题3选项A.they were satisfied with the students from early admissionsB.they were critical of the deed of other collegesC.they were aware of the disadvantages of the early admission systemD.they would reform the current early admission system问题4选项A.changed the standard fullyB.were less competitiveC.were becoming more and more popularD.were not publicized in spring any longer问题5选项A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.despairingD.conservative【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】31. 推理判断题。定位在文章第二段第一句Opponents of early admissions offer several criticisms.(反对提前录取的人提出了一些批评言论。)The practice intensifies an unhealthy level of competition for admission to the nations top colleges and universities, they say.(他们说,这种做法加剧了进入美国顶尖大学的不健康竞争。)由此可知提前录取会引起大学不公平竞争。B选项“会造成大学里不公平的竞争”正确,符合题意。A选项“将来会被废除”,C选项“吸引越来越多的学生”,D选项“没有入学考试很受欢迎”,A,C,D在文章中并未涉及,可排除。故选B。32. 推理判断题。定位在第二段最后一句Moreover, critics say, early admission unfairly gives a leg up to some applicants, mostly those who already have many advantages-students at elite private schools and wealthy public schools where families and guidance counselors know how to work the angles of the admissions system.(此外,批评人士说,提前录取不公平地让一些申请人获得了优势,主要是那些已经有很多优势的学生就读于精英私立学校和富裕的公立学校的学生,这些学校的家庭和辅导员都知道如何从招生系统的角度出发。)A选项“每所学校的优秀生都被提前录取”,B选项“家长坚决反对提前录取”,C选项“许多家长对提前录取制度了解甚少”,A,B,C选项在文章中并未提及,可排除。D选项“那些占上风的人在提前录取方面机会更大”正确,故选D。33. 推理判断题。定位在第三段The president of Yale University fueled the debate earlier this month by proposing that Yale and other elite institutions consider abandoning the early programs.(本月早些时候,耶鲁大学的总统教授提出,耶鲁和其他精英机构应该考虑放弃早期的项目,这引发了这场争论。)Even some students who gain early admission to the colleges they want say the process involves too much pressure, too soon.(甚至一些提前被他们想要的大学录取的学生也说,这个过程压力太大,太早了。)由此推论耶鲁大学和提前录取的学生都觉得这项制度有不合理的地方。A选项“他们对提前录取的学生感到满意”,未提及。B选项“他们对


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