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Unitl单元同步测试卷(满分:100分时间:60分钟)听力部分(40分)、听录音,判断录音内容与下面图片是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画 X”。(10分)、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)()1. A. Its windy. B. It s hot.()2. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is.()3. A It s hot.B. Yes, it is.()4. A. No, it()5. A. No, I cans not. B. It s hot.t. B. No, I don t.C. No, we don t.C. Yes, she is.C. It s Friday.C. It s windy.C. Yes, I like.、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。(10分)()1. A. sunB.sunnyC.summer()2. A. windyB. windowC.winter()3. A. ballB. fallC.small()4. A. bodyB. butC.baby()5. A. winterB. weatherC.father()6. A. notB. dogC.hot()7. A. sisterB. waterC.season()8. A. sunny and hotB. rainy and hotC. cloudy and sunny()9. A. It s green.B. It s grey.C.It s red.()10. A. Look at the leaves.B. Look at the trees.C.Look at me.四、听短文,填上所缺单词。(10分)Here is today sreport. It s andin Beijing.s in Nanjing. Its colder and colder.It s and in Shanghai. And itin Guangzhou,is coming. It care, everyone.笔试部分(60分)五、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的画,不同的画X ”。(5 分)1.weathermeatleave()2.mybabywindy()3. rainywaitsay()4 cloudyfourhot()5.summersunstudent()六、单项选择0 (5 分)()1. Look! The flowersbeautiful.A.amB. isC. are()2. Itsin summer.A.hotB. coldC. cool()3. What s the weather today?A. lookB. /C. like()4. it rainy in fall?No, it.A. Is; isB. Does; doesn t C. Is; isn()5. The leaves are red and in fall.A. greenB. yellowC. blue七、根据以下表格完成对话。(10分)CityWeatherHeilongjiang5c翳It s.2. Is it cold in Heilongjiang?, it.3. Is it rainy in Lhasa?, it.4. Is it in Sanya?Yes, it is.5. 一? No, it isn t.Hong Kong八、看下图,回答下列问题。(10分)Guangzhou BeijingShanghai Nanjing1. What s the weather like in Beijing?2. Is it windy in Shanghai?3. Is it cloudy in Hong Kong?4. What s the weather like in Guangzhou?5. What s the weather like in Nanjing?九、根据情景提示,选择合适的句子补全对话。 ( 10 分)A. What s the matter?B. How about Tokyo?C. What s the weather like in Guangzhou?D. This is Ben.E. It s windy now.Lisa: Hello.Ben: Hi, Lisa. Lisa: Hi, Ben. Ben: It s rainy today. Lisa : It s sunny.Ben: Oh, no! My photos!Lisa: Ben: I have to close the windows.Lisa : OK. Bye!十、阅读短文,判断下列句子的对错,对的在括号里写,错的写“X”。( 10 分)s rainyWinter holiday is coming. Mary and her family are going somewhere for a vacation. As the report says, the weather in Harbin is cold and windy. ItIt s snowy and cold in Beijing. After listening to the weather report, they would like to go to Beijing, because they like ice-skating!() 1. The summer holiday is coming.() 2. Mary wants to go for a vacation.() 3. It s cold in Harbin.() 4. It isn t rainy in Dalian.() 5. They want to go ice-skating in Beijing.H一、以“My Hometown”为题,写一篇关于你家乡四季的小短文,不少于 5旬话。 ( 10 分)My Hometown1. B2. C3. A6. C7. C8. C二、1. V2. V3. x1. A2. C3. C4. C5. B9. C10. B4. V5. X4. A5. B四、 weather; cold; sunny; rainy; windycloudy; cool; Winter; getting; Take五、1. X 2. X 3. V 4. X 5. X六、 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B七、 1. windy 2. Yes; is 3. No; isn t 4. sunny八、 1. It s cold.2. No, it isn t.3. Yes., it is.4. It s sunny.5. It s windy.九、 DCBA E十、1. X 2. V 3. V 4. X 5. V十一、略听力材料一、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。1. sunny2. winter3. ball 4. baby 5. weather6. hot7. season8. cloudy and sunny9. It s red. 10. Look at the trees.二、听录音,判断录音内容与图片是否相符,相符的画“,”,不相符的画“X1. M: What s the weather like in Beijing?W: It s cloudy and windy.2. M: What will the weather be like tomorrow?W: The weather report says it s going to rain tomorrow.3. It s spring now.4. M: What s your favorite season?W: Winter.5. M: What s the weather like in summer?W: It s hot.三、听录音,选择正确的答语。1. What is the weather like in fall?2. Is your mother a doctor?3. What day is it today?4. Is it rainy in fall?5. Do you like winter?四、听短文,填上所缺单词。Here is today s weather report. It s cold and sunny in Beijing. It s rainy ain Shanghai. And it s cloudy in Nanjing. It s cool in Guangzhou. Winter is coming. It getting colder and colder. Take care, everyone.


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