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2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The boy has learned from fairy stories that what at first seems a( ), threatening figure can magically change into a most helpful friend.问题1选项A.benevolentB.repulsiveC.compulsiveD.imperative【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。benevolent “仁慈的,慈善的”;repulsive “令人厌恶的,冷淡的”;compulsive “强制的,强迫的”;imperative “必要的,紧要的”。句意:男孩从童话故事里知道那些第一眼看起来令人厌恶的并且危险的人物会魔法般地变成一个最有用的朋友。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.She can devote all her life to pursuing her passion.B.Her accumulated expertise helps her to achieve her goals.C.She can spread her academic ideas on a weekly TV show.D.Her research findings are widely acclaimed in the world.问题2选项A.Provision of guidance for nuclear labs in Europe.B.Touring the globe to attend science TV shows.C.Overseeing two research groups at Oxford.D.Science education and scientific research.问题3选项A.A better understanding of a subject.B.A stronger will to meet challenges.C.A broader knowledge of related fields.D.A closer relationship with young people.问题4选项A.By applying the latest research methods.B.By making full use of the existing data.C.By building upon previous discoveries.D.By utilizing more powerful computers.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】Conversation OneM: You are a professor of physics at the University of Oxford, youre a senior adviser at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, you also seem to tour the globe tirelessly giving talks. And, in addition, you have your own weekly TV show on science. Where do you get the energy?W: 1 Oh, well, I just love what I do. Im extremely fortunate to have this life, doing what I love doing.M: Professor, what exactly is your goal? Why do you do all of this?W: Well, as you said, I do have different things going on, but these I think, can be divided into two groups: 2 the education of science and the further understanding of science.M: Dont these two things get in the way of each other? What I mean is, doesnt giving lectures take time away from the lab?W: Not really. No. I love teaching, and I dont mind spending more time doing that, now than in the past. Also, what I will say is that 3 teaching a subject helps me comprehend it better myself. I find that it furthers my own knowledge when I have to explain something clearly, when I have to aid others in understanding it, and when I have to answer questions about it. Teaching at a high level can be very stimulating for anyone, no matter how much expertise they may already have in the field they are instructing.M: Other any scientific breakthroughs that you see on the near horizon? A significant discovery or invention we can expect soon.W: The world is always conducting science and there are constantly new things being discovered. In fact, right now 4 we have too much data sitting in computers. For example, we have thousands of photos of planet Mars taken by telescopes that nobody has ever seen. We have them, yet nobody has had time to look at them with their own eyes, let alone analyze them.1. Why does the woman say she can be so energetic?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为什么这位女士说她能如此精力充沛?男士问女士那么多的精力从何而来,女士回答说她就是热爱自己所从事的事业,并且感到非常幸运能够拥有这样充实的生活,做自己喜欢的事情,A选项“她可以奉献一生去追求她所热爱的事情”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“她积累的专业知识帮助她实现了自己的目标”在录音中没有提及;C选项“她可以在每周的电视节目上传播她的学术思想”,利用录音中的weekly TV show设干扰,录音中并没有提及“传播她的学术思想”,因此不正确;D选项“她的研究成果在世界上广受赞誉”属于过度推断,录音内容并未涉及到这一点。2. What has the woman been engaged in?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问的是女士从事的工作。录音中女士明确说到她同时做着不同的事情,但这些事情总的可以分为两大类:科学教育和对科学的进一步理解。D选项“科学教育和科学研究”中的science education是录音中the education of science的同义表达,而scientific research则是录音原文the further understanding of science的抽象概括,要进一步理解科学必然离不开科学研究。因此D选项正确。A选项“为欧洲核实验室提供指导”,录音中提到女士是牛津大学的物理学教授和欧洲核研究组织的高级顾问,前者属于科学教育,后者属于科学研究,A选项只涉及其中一个是不全面的,因此不正确;B选项“到世界各地参加科学类的电视节目”,这里是将录音中提到的女士会去世界各地演讲和她每周都会上科学电视节目这两个信息杂糅在一起从而产生干扰,因此不正确;C选项“监督牛津大学的两个研究小组”在录音中没有信息提及,因此排除。3. What does the woman say about the benefit teaching brings to her?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于教学给她带来的好处,女士说了什么?录音中女士表示她热爱教学,教授一门课程能够帮助她更好地理解这门课程(comprehend it better)。因此A选项“更好地理解这门学科”正确。B选项“迎接挑战的意志增强”和D选项“与年轻人建立更密切的关系”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除;C选项“拓展相关领域的知识”,录音中女士只说到教学能够加深她对所教授学科的专业知识的理解,并没有说还能够拓展相关领域的知识,选项属于过度推断,因此不正确。4. How does the woman say new scientific breakthroughs can be made possible?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问的是女士关于如何实现新科学突破的看法。录音中男士问到女士关于科学的重大突破、发现或发明的问题,女士回答说全世界都在开展科学研究,不断有新事物被发现,目前他们科学家的电脑里就有大量的数据,只是没人有时间去看一看,更不用说分析了。言下之意,女士希望有人能将电脑里大量的科学数据充分利用起来,进行分析和研究,这样就可以实现新的科学突破。因此,B选项“通过充分利用现有的数据”与原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“通过运用最新的研究方法”;C选项“以先前的科学发现为基础”和D选项“通过利用更强大的计算机”均不正确,只是出现了录音中的个别单词来进行混淆,因此不选。3. 单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.Her house has not been repaired in time.B.She has failed to reach the manager again.C.Her claim has been completely disregarded.D.She has not received any letter from the man.问题2选项A.The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.B.Their caravan was washed away by the flood.C.Their entire house was destroyed by the flood.D.The roof of their cottage collapsed in the flood.问题3选项A.The womans misreading of the insurance companys letter.B.The womans ignorance of the insurance companys policy.C.The womans inaccurate description of the whole incident.D.The womans failure to pay her house insurance in time.问题4选项A.File a lawsuit against the insurance company.B.Talk to the manager of Safe House Insurance.C.Consult her lawyer about the insurance policy.D.Revise the terms and conditions of the contract.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】Conversation OneM: Good morning, Safe House Insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today?W: Morning. I wouldnt say that its good from where I am standing. This is Miss Wilson, and this is the third time Ive called this week since receiving your letter about our insurance claim. 1 Im getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.M: Miss Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details to help me look at your claim?W: Its Miss May Wilson of 15 South Sea Road in Cornwall, and the details are that our village was extensively flooded two months ago. 2 The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water, and five of us have been living in a caravan ever since. You people are still withholding the money we are entitled to over a bizarre technical detail, and its not acceptable, Paul!M: Miss Wilson, according to the notes on your account, 3 the bizarre technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadnt paid house insurance the month before the incident.W: That money left our account. And now that you should be paying out, you are suddenly saying that you didnt receive it on time. Im really skeptical about this claim.M: The contract does say that any missed payment in a year will affect the terms and conditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims. Of course, I can pass you on to my manager to talk to you more about this.W: Ive already spoken to him and you can tell him Im furious now and that 4 your company has a lawsuit on its hands. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Goodbye.1. What is the woman complaining about?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问女士在抱怨什么?对话开头,女士提到,这是她本周第三次给这家保险公司打电话了,令她有些无法忍受的是,她的索赔诉求完全被忽视了,C选项“她的诉求完全被忽视了”是对录音原文的转述,因此正确。A选项“她的房子未能及时得到修缮”,根据录音可知,女士向保险公司索赔的是金钱,而不是要请人来帮她修缮房子,所以A选项不正确;B选项“她又没能联系到经理”,录音中女士明确说到,她已经和经理谈过了,因此B选项不正确;D选项“她没有收到过男士的来信”表述错误,在对话开头,女士就说她收到了男士寄给她的关于索赔的信件(receiving your letter about our insurance claim)。2. What is the problem the womans family encountered?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问女士一家遇到了什么问题?女士说,由于两个月前村里发洪水,她家房子的底层全部进水了。A选项“他们房屋的底层被水淹没了”中flooded是对录音原文submerged in water的同义复述,因此A选项正确。B选项“他们的大篷车被洪水冲走了”,录音说的是女士一家由于房子被淹,现在住在大篷车里,所以车并没有被洪水冲走,因此B选项不正确;C选项“他们的整栋房子都被洪水冲毁了”,主要错在entire以及destroy上面,录音表述的是房子的ground floor(底层)被淹没了,并不是整个房屋被冲毁了,所以C选项也不正确;D选项“他们房屋的屋顶在洪水中倒塌了”在录音中并未被提及,因此排除。3. What has caused the so-called “bizarre technical detail”, according to the man?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问根据男士所说的,是什么原因导致了所谓的“奇怪的技术细节”?录音中男士表示,女士所不理解的“奇怪的技术细节”事实上是因为她在事故发生前的一个月没有缴纳房屋保险费用,D选项“女士未能及时缴纳房屋保险费用”与录音原文意思一致,因此正确。A选项“女士对保险公司寄来的信件内容有所误解”;B选项“女士对保险公司的保单内容一无所知”和C选项“女士对整个事故的描述不准确”均不正确,因此排除。4. What does the woman say she would do at the end of the conversation?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问女士在对话结束时说她会采取什么行动?录音最后女士提及她非常生气,并表示保险公司将会面临一场官司(your company has a lawsuit on its hands)。由此可知,女士要起诉保险公司,因此A选项“对保险公司提起诉讼”正确。B选项“和保险公司的经理谈谈”是已经发生的事情,因此排除;C选项“向她的律师咨询关于保单的问题”和D选项“修改合同条款”在录音中均未提及,因此排除。4. 单选题His originality as a composer is( )by the following group of songs.问题1选项A.exemplifiedB.createdC.performedD.realized【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组固定搭配。Be exemplified by是固定搭配,意思是“这一点也证明”,选项A符合题意。句意:作为一名作曲家,以下的作曲集可以证明他(的实力)。5. 单选题Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Not benefiting from free-market capitalism.B.Not playing a role in a workplace revolution.C.Not spending enough time on family life and leisure.D.Not earning enough money to provide for the family.问题2选项A.People would be working only fifteen hours a week now.B.Most workers could afford to have a house of their own.C.The balance of power in the workplace would change.D.Technological advances would create many new jobs.问题3选项A.Loss of workers personal dignity.B.Deprivation of workers creativity.C.Unequal distribution of working hours.D.Deterioration of workers mental health.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D【解析】Recording TwoFree-market capitalism hasnt freed usit has trapped us. Its imperative for us to embrace a work-place revolution. We are unlikely to spend our last moments regretting that we didnt spend enough of our lives slaving away at work. 19 We may instead find ourselves feeling guilty about the time we didnt spend watching our children grow, or with our loved ones, or travelling, or on the cultural or leisure pursuits that bring us happiness. Unfortunately, the average full-time employee in the world works 42 hours a week, well over a third of the time we are awake. Some of our all too precious time is being stolen: office workers do around two billion hours of unpaid overtime each year. So it is extremely welcome that some government coalitions have started looking into potentially cutting the working week to four days.The champions of free market capitalism promised their way of life would bring us freedom. But it wasnt freedom at all: from the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped. 20 Nine decades ago, leading economists predicted that technological advances and rising productivity would mean that wed be working a 15-hour week by now: that target has been somewhat missed.Here is the most malignant threat to our personal freedom, particularly as the balance of power in the workplace has been shifted so dramatically from worker to boss. A huge portion of our lives involves the surrender of our freedom and personal autonomy. Its time in which we are directed by the needs and desires of others, and denied the right to make our own choices. Thats bad for us: it is hardly surprising that 21 over half a million workers suffer from work-related mental health conditions each year, or that 15.4 million working days were lost to work-related stress last year, a jump of nearly a quarter.Yes, there are those who, far from being overworked, actually seek more hours. But a shorter working week would enable us to redistribute hours from the overworked to the underworked. We need to look at ways of cutting the working week without slashing living standards: after all, the worlds workers have already suffered the worst deduction in wages since the early 1800s. And cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit.19. What do people often feel guilty about according to the speaker?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问的是根据说话者的说法,人们通常对什么感到内疚?录音开头提到,我们可能会觉得内疚,因为我们没有花时间看着我们的孩子成长或去追求那些带给我们快乐的休闲活动。因此C选项“没有花足够的时间在家庭生活和休闲上”正确。A选项“没有从自由市场资本主义中受益”,虽然录音处处透露出自由市场资本主义带给人的 不好影响,但是说话者没有指出人们对此感到内疚,因此A选项可排除。B选项“没有在职场革命中发挥作用”和D选项“挣的钱不够养家”在录音中均未提及。20. What did leading economists predict 90 years ago?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问90年前一流的经济学家预测了什么?录音提到,90年前一流的经济学家曾预测现在的我们每周只需工作15个小时,因此A选项“现在人们一周只工作15个小时”与录音原文表述一致。B选项“大多数工作者都有钱买房子”,录音中提及的是从缺乏安全的、负担得起的住房,到工作越来越得不到保障,再到个人债务不断增加,个人被困住了,并没有提及大多数人都有钱买房子,因此B选项不正确;C选项“工作场所的权力平衡将会改变”,录音中虽然提到相关信息,但这并不是经济学家的预测,因此C选项可排除;D选项“技术进步将创造许多新的工作岗位”在录音中并没有提及。21. What is the result of denying workers right to make their own choices?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问剥夺劳动者自主选择权的后果是什么?录音提到,我们被剥夺了选择的权利。这对我们是不利的:每年有超过50万的劳动者受累于与工作相关的精神健康问题。由此可知,D选项“劳动者心理健康状况恶化”与之意思符合,所以正确。A选项“丧失劳动者的人格尊严”和B选项“剥夺劳动者的创造力”在录音中没有提及;C选项“工作时间分配不均”,利用redistribute hours设置干扰,录音只是说更短的工作周将使我们能够重新分配工作时间,并没有提到分配不均的问题,因此C选项错误。6. 单选题Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.It ignored the fact that emotions are personal and subjective.B.It overlooked the possibility that emotions may be controlled.C.It measured positive and negative emotions independently.D.It classified emotions simply as either positive or negative.问题2选项A.Sitting alone without doing anything seemed really distressing.B.Solitude had a reductive effect on high-arousal emotions.C.Sitting alone for 15 minutes made the participants restless.D.Solitude adversely affected the participants mental well-being.问题3选项A.It tended to intensify negative emotions.B.It proved hard to depict objectively.C.It went hand in hand with sadness.D.It helped increase low-arousal emotions.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D【解析】Recording OnePsychology research has tended to portray solitude as a negative experience. Studies conducted in the 1970s and 1990s suggested that people felt less happy when alone, as compared to being with others. However, a new paper shows an alternative view of solitude, one in which solitude can be positive.Lets start by looking at the earlier research. It had a couple of shortcomings. First, it measured emotion on a scale from positive to negative, overlooking the possibility that the positive and negative emotions can fluctuate independently. 16 Also, it categorized emotions as simply positive or negative. It didnt consider that emotions aroused us to different degrees, and that both positive and negative emotions can arouse us a lot or a little. That is, whether positive or negative, emotions can be either high arousal or low arousal. High arousal emotions include excitement on the positive side or anger on the negative side, while low arousal ones include feeling calm on the positive side or lonely on the negative.This new research attempted to overcome these shortcomings. Researchers began with a simple study. They asked participants to spend 15 minutes sitting alone without engaging in any activity and measured how this solitude influenced their emotional state. 17 This experiment specifically aimed to determine the effect of solitude on high arousal emotions. It looked at positive emotions such as being excited or interested, and negative emotions, including being scared or distressed. The results were clear. 17 After 15 minutes of solitude,the participants showed reductions in both types of emotion. A second study measured the effects of solitude on low arousal emotions. These included both positive and negative emotions such as feeling calm, relaxed, sad or lonely. 18 That experiment found that all of these emotions were increased by time alone. Thus, it seems past depictions of solitude were wrong. It doesnt have a simple emotional effect that can be characterized as good or bad. Rather, it changes the intensity of our inner experience. It amplifies quieter emotions. But it diminishes the intensity of stronger feelings.Its worth clarifying that these findings relate to relatively brief periods of solitude. This is distinct from prolonged loneliness. Research has demonstrated that the latter is correlated with an assortment of negative physical and psychological effects. How can people benefit from being alone? The findings here suggest that people can use solitude to regulate their emotions. Solitude can help us become quiet after excitement, calm after an angry episode, or simply feel at peace.16. What is one of the criticisms directed at the early research on solitude?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于“独处”的早期研究受到何种批评?录音说,早期的研究存在几个缺点,其中包括把情绪简单地分为积极的和消极的(categorized emotions as simply positive or negative),D选项中的classified是对录音原文中categorized的同义替换,因此D选项正确。A选项“它忽略了情绪是个人的和主观的事实”和B项“它忽略了情绪可以被控制的可能性”在录音中均没有信息提及;C选项“它独立测量积极情绪和消极情绪”主要利用measured和independently设置干扰,录音说的是,早期调查在从积极到消极的范围内衡量情绪,忽略了积极和消极情绪可以独立波动的可能性。选项与之表述不相符,因此排除。17. What do we learn about the results of the new research?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问我们可以知道哪些关于新研究的结果?录音提到,新研究是为了确定独处对高唤起度情绪的影响,而参与实验的人经过15分钟的独处后,他们的积极与消极两方面的高唤起度情绪都有所减缓(reductions in both types of emotion),B选项中的reductive与录音原文中的reductions是同根词,都表示“减少,减缓”的意思,因此B选项“独处对高唤起度情绪有减缓作用”正确。A选项“一个人无所事事地坐着似乎很苦恼”和C选项“独自坐15分钟使参与者焦躁不安”在录音中均没有信息提及;D选项“独处会对参与者的心理健康产生不利影响”,主要错在缺乏对独处的修饰词,录音中说的是长期的孤独与负面的生理和心理影响相关,而短暂的独处不会,因此D选项属于以偏概全,表述不正确。18. What did the second experiment in the new research find about solitude?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问新研究的第二个实验有何发现?第二个实验测量了独处对低唤起度情绪的影响,并且发现所有这些情绪都会随着时间的推移而增加。D选项“它有助于增强低唤起度情绪”与原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“它往往会使负面情绪加剧”,这些情绪包括积极和消极的情绪,如平静、放松、悲伤或孤独。因此A选项不正确;B选项“事实证明很难客观描述它”,录音提到,独处改变内在感受的强度,对强烈感觉有安抚作用,这正是描述了独处产生的影响,因此B选项也不正确;C选项“它与悲伤密切相关”在录音中没有信息提及,因此排除。7. 单选题Ringing church bells sets up _ in the Alpine valleys.问题1选项A.resonanceB.forestsC.church buildingD.priests【答案】A【解析】resonance共鸣, 反响; priests牧师, 神父。句意:教堂的钟声在阿尔卑斯山谷中回荡。选项A正确。8. 单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.Restrain themselves from high-risk investments.B.Save one-fifth of their net monthly income.C.Invest shrewdly in lucrative businesses.D.Try to earn as much money as possible.问题2选项A.Start by doing something small.B.Ask a close friend for advice.C.Try to stick to their initial plan.D.Cut 20% of their daily spending.问题3选项A.An optimistic attitude.B.An ambitious plan.C.A proper mindset.D.A keen interest.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C【解析】Passage OneTo achieve financial security, how much you save is always more important than the amount you earn or how shrewdly you invest. 9 If youre under 30 years old, your goal should be to save 20% of your monthly income after tax deductions. This is irrespective of how much you earn. Approximately 50% should be reserved for essentials like food and accommodation. The remaining 30% is for recreation and entertainment. But for many young people, itll be difficult to designate such a large proportion of their income for savings. 10 If you find it hard to save any money at all, start by cutting all unnecessary spending. Allocate a tiny amount of one or two percent for savings and gradually increase that amount. Always keep that 20% goal in mind to prevent yourself from becoming complacent. It can be challenging to stick to such a strict plan. 11 But if you adopt the right mindset, you should be able to make it work for you. So what should you be doing with the money that youre saving? Some must be kept easily accessible in case you need some cash in an emergency. The largest proportion should be invested in retirement plans either through your employer or privately. And you can keep some money for high risk but potentially lucrative investments. Dividends can be reinvested or used to


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