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外研必修二词汇复习外研必修二词汇复习(fx)整理整理第一页,共67页。第1页/共67页第二页,共67页。基础梳理.单词荟萃单词荟萃1. 1. _ adj. _ adj. 罕见的;珍奇罕见的;珍奇(zhnq)(zhnq)的的 _ adv. _ adv. 很少地,很少地, 罕有地罕有地rareness n. rareness n. 稀奇;稀奇; 珍贵珍贵2 2unhealthy adj. unhealthy adj. 不健康的,不健康的, 不卫生的不卫生的 _ adj. _ adj. 健康的,健康的, 卫生的卫生的 _ _ n. n. 健康健康3. 3. _ adj. _ adj. 富裕的富裕的wealth n. wealth n. 财富财富4. 4. _ adj._ adj.忧虑的;焦虑的,忧虑的;焦虑的, 不安的;不安的;渴望的渴望的anxiety n. anxiety n. 焦虑,焦虑, 忧虑忧虑5. _ vt.5. _ vt.损害,损害, 伤害伤害injury n. injury n. 损伤,损伤, 毁坏毁坏 _ adj. _ adj. 受伤的受伤的rarerarelyhealthyhealthwealthyanxiousinjure injured第2页/共67页第三页,共67页。breath n. 呼吸, 气息, 一口气10. _ adj. 吓人的; 糟糕的,难受的 _ adv. 非常awfulness n. 糟糕, 恶劣, 难受painfulnormalweighweightbreatheawfulawfully第3页/共67页第四页,共67页。10发烧at least head towards/forget/fall ill four times a weekcatch/have/get a coldwould ratherhave a sweet toothtake exercisebe crazy abouthave a fever第4页/共67页第五页,共67页。8推迟9在获得成功10轮流be tired outaim to (do) be/get tired of be crazy about develop an interest intell by put off succeed in/be successful intake turns make of第5页/共67页第六页,共67页。第第8 8讲讲 Module 2 No DrugsModule 2 No Drugs 第6页/共67页第七页,共67页。基础梳理.单词荟萃单词荟萃1 1addict n. addict n. 入迷的人;瘾君子入迷的人;瘾君子 _ _ adj.adj.使人上瘾的,使人上瘾的, 使人入迷的使人入迷的 _ _ adj. adj. 上瘾的,上瘾的, 入迷的入迷的 addiction n. addiction n. 瘾,瘾, 入迷,入迷, 嗜好嗜好2 2danger ndanger n危险危险 _ adj. _ adj.危险的危险的 _ vt. _ vt. 危及危及(wij)(wij);使遭到危险;使遭到危险 3. 3. _ adj. _ adj. 有力的;有功效的有力的;有功效的 _ adj. _ adj. 没有力量的没有力量的power n. power n. 力量;力量;权利权利addictiveaddicteddangerousendanger powerful powerless 第7页/共67页第八页,共67页。9. _ v. 影响 _ n. 影响, 作用connectionconnectedreduceillegal disagreedisagreementtreatmentaffecteffectagreement第8页/共67页第九页,共67页。participaterecognize第9页/共67页第十页,共67页。10由于的结果be related to break into share with be in danger be addicted to be in pain take ones advice so as to/in order toput upas a result of 第10页/共67页第十一页,共67页。第第8 8讲讲 基础基础(jch)(jch)梳理梳理set a date make plansmake a list ofdevelop a new interesttake aclass/course 第11页/共67页第十二页,共67页。pick, make等等。等等。返回(fnhu)目录第12页/共67页第十三页,共67页。返回(fnhu)目录第13页/共67页第十四页,共67页。_ about 45, 000.(5)New personal computers are _ almost daily.brought upbring aboutbring downbrought inbrought outBring短语短语(duny)第14页/共67页第十五页,共67页。Bring短语短语(duny)(6)They want to _ a bill to limit arms exports.(7) the meeting has been _ from 10 May to 3 May.(8) She _ a son.(9) The photographs _ many pleasant memories.(10)He was out in the rain and this _ a bad cold.brought on bring in brought forward brought forth brought back第15页/共67页第十六页,共67页。第第9 9讲讲 Module 3 Music Module 3 Music 第16页/共67页第十七页,共67页。基础梳理.单词荟萃单词荟萃1 1composer ncomposer n作曲家作曲家 _ vt. _ vt.创创作,作, 作曲;作曲; 组成组成 _ _ n n作文作文(zu wn)(zu wn), 作曲作曲 composed composed adj. adj. 由由组成的组成的2. _ n. 2. _ n. 音乐家音乐家 music n music n音乐音乐 _ adj. _ adj.音乐的音乐的 3. _ n3. _ n指挥指挥 direct v. direct v. 指挥,指挥, 指指导导 _ n _ n方向方向 _ adj. _ adj. 直接的直接的composecompositionmusician musical director directiondirect第17页/共67页第十八页,共67页。influential adj. 有影响的8. _ vt. &n. 录音, 记录,唱片 recorder n录音机9mix vt. 使混合 _ n. 混合物 tourism lost tourist talented gift/geniusinfluencerecordmixture loss 第18页/共67页第十九页,共67页。be known for changeinto of all time by the time be impressed with go deaf have an influence on split up make a note of no way 第19页/共67页第二十页,共67页。第20页/共67页第二十一页,共67页。第第1010讲讲 Module 4 Fine ArtsModule 4 Fine Arts 第21页/共67页第二十二页,共67页。基础梳理.单词荟萃单词荟萃1 1like nlike n爱好;嗜好爱好;嗜好 _ n _ n憎恶;憎恶;不喜欢不喜欢2. _ adj.2. _ adj.令人愉快的令人愉快的delight ndelight n高兴,高兴, 愉快愉快 v v使人高兴使人高兴 _ adj. _ adj. 感到高感到高兴的兴的3 3scene n. scene n. 景色,景色, 风景风景(fngjng)(fngjng);场景;场景 _ n. (_ n. (自然自然) )风景风景(fngjng)(fngjng)4. _ adj. 4. _ adj. 传统的,传统的, 习俗的习俗的tradition ntradition n传统,传统, 惯例惯例5. _ v. 5. _ v. 临摹,临摹, 仿造,仿造, 模仿模仿imitation nimitation n模仿,模仿, 仿制,仿制, 仿制品仿制品dislikedelightfuldelighted scenery traditional imitate 第22页/共67页第二十三页,共67页。10. _ n破坏, 毁坏 destruction n. 破坏, 毁坏reality realis(z)eadopt exhibitionexpressiondestroy第23页/共67页第二十四页,共67页。第第1010讲讲 基础基础(jch)(jch)梳理梳理aim to (do) follow the traditional Chinese style be/get tired of be crazy about be fond of develop an interest in tell by put off succeed in/be successful in take turns 第24页/共67页第二十五页,共67页。(使)向后转,转身(使)向后转,转身(zhunshn); 好转好转turn against(使)反对(使)反对(fndu)(某(某人);人);turn away拒绝;拒绝;(戏院等因座满戏院等因座满)不让不让进入进入turn back折回;掉转头折回;掉转头turn down调低,关小,拒绝;调低,关小,拒绝;turn in上交;上交;turn into(使)变成;(使)变成;turn out原来是结果是;原来是结果是; 生产生产turn over翻过来;翻过来;turn to求助于,转向;求助于,转向;turn up调高,到达,出调高,到达,出现现第25页/共67页第二十六页,共67页。返回(fnhu)目录第26页/共67页第二十七页,共67页。第第1111讲讲 Module 5 NewspapersModule 5 Newspapers第27页/共67页第二十八页,共67页。基础梳理.单词荟萃1. _ n. 经济 economic adj. 经济上的, 经济学的 _ adj. 节约的, 经济的, 节省的2sailor n船员(chunyun);水手 _v. 航行 n. 帆3. _ n. 祝贺congratulate v. 祝贺, 庆祝4. _ adv. 在船(飞机、火车)上 board n木板;甲板v. 登机, 上船等;住校5. _ n. 成就;功业;伟绩 achieve v. 实现, 完成; 赢得, 达到economyeconomicalsailcongratulationaboardachievement第28页/共67页第二十九页,共67页。9cultural adj.文化的 _n文化10. _v. 创作, 生产 produce n. (尤指)农产品 _ n. 生产;产量 product n. 产品, 产物delighteddelightfulactoractressbeliefdisbeliefbelievableunbelievable culture produceproduction第29页/共67页第三十页,共67页。in space take photographs of take off in total wish sb. success now that believe in come on concentrate on 第30页/共67页第三十一页,共67页。第第1212讲讲 Module 6 Films and TV Module 6 Films and TV 第31页/共67页第三十二页,共67页。基础梳理.单词(dnc)荟萃1thriller n惊险读物、电影、戏剧 _ v. 使感到兴奋或激动n. 兴奋, 激动 _ adj.令人兴奋或激动的2. _ n. 性格, 特性;人物, 角色 characteristic adj.特有的, 典型的 n(与众不同的)特征3. _ adj.女性的, 雌性的 male adj.男的, 雄的4. _ adj.优美的, 优雅的grace n优美, 雅致, 优雅thrillthrillingcharacterfemalegraceful第32页/共67页第三十三页,共67页。interesting interestedmoving movedoccasionally occasional argue dramaticdramatically entertainingentertain第33页/共67页第三十四页,共67页。come out fall in love with sb. to ones surprise in surprise care about tell of every now and then a short space of time good for you have no interest in 第34页/共67页第三十五页,共67页。第35页/共67页第三十六页,共67页。Catch ones breath 喘口气Stubborn self-centered Dig out some information fromPull oneself together =cheer up Still water often runs deep. 静水流深,大智若愚。Open-minded 思想开明的。a university degree accomdation houseflyA bunch of 一束,一群,一堆。Piece together 拼凑; 把拼合凑起来; 连贯; 七拼八凑;On ones own 独自地 off-board power source( 受动力驱动(q dn)的限制,目前只能短距离飞行) a build- in power source :一个内置电源第36页/共67页第三十七页,共67页。Punctuation marks standardize indicate come into existenceassign英san美sanvt.分派,选派,分配; 归于,归属; 法律 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人; 把编制; board英b:d美b:rdn.板; 董事会; 甲板; 膳食; vt.上(船、车或飞机(fij)); 供膳宿; 使搭伙,使寄宿; 强行登(船); vi.(火车、轮船、飞机(fij)等) 接受乘客; 搭伙,寄宿; Dont scold him too much; he is at best a child.不要太责骂他; 他只不过是个孩子。 exploit英 ksplt 美 ksplt vt. 开拓;剥削;开采;利用(为自己谋利) n. 功绩;功劳;勋绩 fragile英 frdal 美 frdl adj. 易碎的,脆的;虚弱的 第37页/共67页第三十八页,共67页。transform英英 trnsf:m vt. 变换变换;改变改变;改观改观 vi. 改变改变transfer英英 trnsf(r) 美美 trnsfr v.转移;调任;转乘转移;调任;转乘 n.迁移;移动;换车;汇兑迁移;移动;换车;汇兑 contract 英英 kntrkt 合同;婚约;合约;契约合同;婚约;合约;契约 v.缩小;订合同;缩短缩小;订合同;缩短(sudun);感染(疾病);招致;感染(疾病);招致 step out of 从从 . 走出去走出去 sense of belonging 归属感归属感a sense of duty责任感责任感A sense of belonging. 一种归宿感一种归宿感 A sense of humour 幽默感幽默感A joyous sense of freedom 令人快乐的无拘无束的感觉令人快乐的无拘无束的感觉 A keen Sense of justice 正义感正义感 A lingering sense of guilt 一股纠结的愧疚感一股纠结的愧疚感 第38页/共67页第三十九页,共67页。become/be known/famous asforto sbever sincein terms ofon the other handlittle by little/gradually/step by steplook like on the coast off the coastbe covered with/byin front ofin the middle ofbe located/situated in/on/towork onthe birthplace of western civilizationat the moment havein common withrefer to sign an agreementin/during the 1950s=in/during the 1950shave a population of必修必修(bxi)三三module1 复习复习because of=as a result of have some control overof all time第39页/共67页第四十页,共67页。Book 3 Module 1because of=as a result of become/be known/famous asforto sbever sincein terms ofon the other handlittle by little/gradually/step by steplook like on the coast off the coastbe covered with/byin front ofin the middle ofbe located/situated in/on/towork onthe birthplace of western civilizationat the moment havein common withrefer to sign an agreementin/during the 1950s=in/during the 1950s第40页/共67页第四十一页,共67页。have a population ofhave some control overof all timein different waysrange fromtoParis is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.Italy is/lies in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Spain is/lies to the south of France. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. About two-thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.Their work has influenced other writers ever since (then).France and England face each other across the English Channel.第41页/共67页第四十二页,共67页。In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China.Each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, twice as big as the population of the United States. We are faced with a difficult situation.Faced with a difficult situation, we should take measures.All the house were built facing south.Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. Japan is to the northeast of China. Shanghai is to the southeast of Jinan. Nanjing lies on the Yangtze Rparing the newly-built buildings with the old ones, we can find the differences. Compared with the old buildings, the new ones are much stronger. The price of the shoes range from $25 to $100.第42页/共67页第四十三页,共67页。at the top ofat the bottom ofin the middle ofmake efforts to dobe connected withclose todie of hungergo hungrywith the development oftake measures to dodeveloping countriesdeveloped countriesBook 3 Module 2for a long period of timehave/receive an educationup toimprove the environment drinking waterencourage.to dogive more help togive examplesin the past ten yearsmove out of povertygo to primary school第43页/共67页第四十四页,共67页。get medical carein particularcollect moneyfor oneselfbe willing to doin recent yearsbe useful forrun through the townincrease bymake some progress第44页/共67页第四十五页,共67页。cities of similar size and ageHow do you find it?=What do you think of it?=What is your opinion about it?It is totally fascinating! I didnt get that.From the agreement came the Human Development Report.The index measures a countrysachievements in three ways: life expectancy,education and income.第45页/共67页第四十六页,共67页。The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while China is in the middle of the list.The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone(in West Africa) at the bottom of the list.Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11.For example, in nine years(1953-1962), China increased life expectancy by 13 years.Water is now mostly safe to drink.Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more第46页/共67页第四十七页,共67页。These are among the five richest countries in the world, so it is right that they should do so.Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney.Tourism is important to both of them, and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each other.Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practise speaking another language.This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their languages, and as a result you improve fast.第47页/共67页第四十八页,共67页。pick up put down take offleavewhere it is affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Mainefive-meter high waves hit/strike the cityend up inend up withmove to come out ofset fire tocatch fire manage to do=succeed in doing区分(qfn) try to do put out according toBook 3 Module 3第48页/共67页第四十九页,共67页。fall downturn overpour downa plane crashcover (an area of) 800 square kilometers in alllose ones lifedo damage to=do damagemake homelesscause deaths / injuriescause problemsCollect all the words that you find out that refer to the same thing.The most violent (tornadoes) have winds of more than 400 kilometers per hour.They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.On average, there are 800 tornados in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1500 injuries. The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three US states. 第49页/共67页第五十页,共67页。By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured. There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east of the Us from Texas to MaineBy the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck. The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea. The Gulf Stream had carried it 3000 kilometers up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island. There had been several problems with the volcano over the previous hundred years. There was the possibility of a huge tidal wave第50页/共67页第五十一页,共67页。Ash and lava poured down the mountain, setting fire to hundreds of houses. China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world. In some communities, 60 percent of the population were killed. However, it caused the worst natural disaster in the nations history. Fires caused by the California earthquake did the most damage. The fires burned for three days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings. When did the accident occur. An idea occurred to me. It suddenly occurred to me that I should leave. 第51页/共67页第五十二页,共67页。Book 3 Module 4cut down dig up look throughthe inland/coastal regiontry many ways to solve this problemstart a mass campaignas a childbe caught / stuck inwake up toadvise sb. to doput down a maskwear a masktake off a maskprevent/stop(from) doingcontinue doing/ to doone after anotherin a weeks time/in a week第52页/共67页第五十三页,共67页。 sweepaway (sweep, swept, swept) take in=absorb give out feel frightened/terrified/scared do nothing but do/cant (help) but do/have nothing to do but do/have no choice but to do in a nutshell/in a word do/try ones best take away第53页/共67页第五十四页,共67页。 if possible allow sb. to do allow doing spread all over Europe think seriously about have difficulty (in) doing protect/damage the environment I couldnt agree (with you) more.It couldnt be worse.I have never heard a more interesting story.第54页/共67页第五十五页,共67页。I think you are absolutely right.I have no idea.There is a problem withThere has been a sandstorm. It has lasted for ten hours and is very frightening. Sandstorms from Asia have blown across the Pacific Ocean to America.They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.Ren jianbo, from Inner Mongolia, described a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert.To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation (that)Ive ever been in.第55页/共67页第五十六页,共67页。Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of desertification.This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate change and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.To be cycling in a sandstorm is frighteningTrees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.Are there any organizations in China whose aim is to protect the environment?Some countries are better than others at looking after the environment.第56页/共67页第五十七页,共67页。Book 3 Module 5be at war (with)bring upbecome/get/be interested inbe proud of=take pride inin conclusion=in a word=in a nutshellfor the first timefromto believe inbe similar tocause troublegive advicebe related tofollow ones adviceas a resultbe different from=differ from第57页/共67页第五十八页,共67页。stress the importance oforder in societybe given a positiontravel from state to statespend time (in) doingtreat badly in some way(s) look after=take care of=care for a sense of responsibilityput in order of importanceat the beginning/end of up to five peopleto give an example=for exampleif sotell the time第58页/共67页第五十九页,共67页。mass productionenergy sourcein poor and crowded conditionsspread tospread through Europe=spread all over EuropeIn ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to state, explaining their philosophy. Mencius ideas were similar to those of Confucius. Treat others in the way that/in which/不填you want to be treated. Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other.It was also a time/period when there were many great philosophers.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.第59页/共67页第六十页,共67页。Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.Born in 476 BC, he came from a family which was very poor.He considered the government was most important. As a result, he spent many years (in) trying to find a state where people would follow his teachings.Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century, and were no faster than a horse.You could just get in your car and go wherever you want.第60页/共67页第六十一页,共67页。Up to five people can travel in a car, so it is cheaper to go by car than to take a train.Sometimes you cannot get into a city because there are so many cars on the road.You need to be a bit mad to be an inventor.With the industrial Revolution, factories appeared and mass production became possible for the first time. The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. It is the first time (that) I have seen her.It was the first time that I had seen her. 第61页/共67页第六十二页,共67页。Book 3 Module 6date from=date back tohold back (hold, held, held)come true = be realizedmake sensemake sense ofbring an end to= endbe under construction = be being constructedfreezing point, freezing weather how faraccommodate/holdpassengerswork out=figure outof all time a place of importance = an important place dream of n/doing construction project 第62页/共67页第六十三页,共67页。provide sth for sb, provide sb with sth,supply sth to/for sb, supply sb with sth,offer sth to sb = offer sb sth(hydro-electric) power station suggest/com up with/put forward an idea usefor + n/doing generate/make/produce electricity increase global warming be equal tocause serious pollution lead/live/ have a happy life historical sites/relics at the time = then第63页/共67页第六十四页,共67页。at the topon a foggy day, on a clear daycrash into, run into, knock intoa (large) amount ofin the construction ofHow far isfromtoThe Great War of China is the longest man-made structure ever built. The original wall was 6300 kilometers long/in length. Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty.It took six years to build and cost US$20 billion.The valley is now part of the reservoir (which was) created by the Three Gorges Dam.The people (who were) living in the village have moved to other places.第64页/共67页第六十五页,共67页。They were on a visit organized by the government.Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain until a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.”The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China. It cost more than any other construction project in


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