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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师必考试题库含答案1. 单选题 In which of the following situations will an offer be terminated?A When a letter of revocation is postedB When a third party, who is sufficiently reliable, verbally notifies the offeree of the offerors revocationC When an offeree enquires whether the offeror will accept payment by credit card rather than cashD When an offeror dies, the offeree is unaware of the death and the contract is not of a personal nature考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 A third party who is sufficiently reliable may revoke an offer on behalf of the offeror. Letters ofrevocation are only effective when they are received by the offeree, not when they are posted.Enquiring whether another method of payment would be acceptable is a request for information thatdoes not terminate the original offer. The death of the offeror does not terminate the offer is theofferee is unaware of the death and the contract is not of a personal nature.2. 材料题 材料全屏 A company makes a product in two processes. The following data is available for the latest period, for process 1. Opening work in progress of 200 units was valued as follows. Material $2,400 Labour $1,200 Overhead $400 No losses occur in the process. Units added and costs incurred during the period: Material $6,000(500 units) Labour $3,350 Overhead$1,490 Closing work in progress of 100 units had reached the followingdegrees of completion: Material 100% Labour 50% Overhead 30% The company uses the weighted average method of inventory valuation. 62 【单项选择题】 How many equivalent units are used when calculating the cost per unit in relation to overhead? A 500B 600C 630D 700考点 考点:Chapter11Processcosting解析 Work in progress: Materials 100 18 1,800Labour & overhead 80 24 1,920 3,720STATEMENT OF EQUIVALENT UNITS Equivalent units Total Units Materials Labour OverheadsOutput to process 2 600 600600 600Closing wIp 100 (100%) 100 (50%) 50 (30%) 30700 700 650 630*500 units input + opening WIP 200 units - closing WIP 100 units.3. 单选题 In an investment centre, a divisional manager has autonomy over negotiating all sellingprices, has local functions set up for payables, inventory and cash management, and usesa full debt factoring service. Which of the following should the divisional manager be held accountable for? (1) The generation of revenues. (2) Transfer prices. (3) Management of working capital. (4) Apportioned head office costs. A (1), (2) and (3)B (2), (3) and (4)C (1) and (3) onlyD (1), (2) and (4)考点 Chapter16私营机构的表现评估解析 The manager will be accountable for the generation of revenues, transfer prices andmanagement of working capital as they have control over these areas. The manager willnot be accountable for the apportioned head office costs as they have no control overthose.4. 材料题 State the extent of Earls liability on his share capital考点 考点:Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 Earls shares are fully paid. This means the company has received their full nominal value from Earl and hehas no further liability in respect of them.5. 单选题 A recruitment manager has prepared a statement of the key duties, involved in a particular job, as the basis for job interviewing. tasks and reporting responsibilitiesWhat name would be given to such a statement? A Job analysisB Job descriptionC Job advertisementD Personnel specification考点 Chapter12Recruitmentandselection解析 Rationale: This is job description rather than job analysis, because a job description is the statement produced from aprocess of job analysis. This is job description rather than personnel specification, because it addresses the requirements ofthe job, rather than the qualities of the ideal job holder or person. Job advertisement is just a distractor.Pitfalls: The difference between job description and personnel specification has cropped up frequently in exams over the years. There is potential for confusion: remember that one describes the job, the other the person6. 单选题 Which of the following types of director is not validly appointed but is held out by the company to be adirector?A De jure directorB De facto directorC Shadow directorD Alternate director考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 A de jure director is expressly appointed. A de facto director is held out by the company to be adirector. A shadow director is neither, they are a person whose instructions the actual directors areaccustomed to follow. An alternate director is appointed by a director of a company to attend andvote for them at board meetings they are unable to attend.7. 简答题 How would a clothes retailer classify the following costs? Cost Materials Labour Expenses Designer skirts Heating costs Depreciation of fixtures and fittings Cashier staff salaries 考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Cost Materials Labour ExpensesDesigner skirts 对Heating costs 对Depreciation of fixtures and fittings 对Cashier staff salaries 对8. 单选题 The following data relate to the overhead expenditure of contract cleaners at two activity levels:Square metres cleaned 12,750 15,100Overheads $73,950 $83,585Using the high-low method, what is the estimate of the overhead cost if 16,200 square metres are to be cleaned?A $88,095B $89,674C $93,960D $98,095考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 $Total cost of15,100 squaremetres 83,585Total cost of12,750 squaremetres 73,950Variable cost of 2,350 square metres 9,635Variable cost is $9,635/2,350 square metres = $4.10 per square metre. Fixed costs can be found by substitution: $Total cost of12,750 squaremetres 73,950Variable cost of 12,750 square metres (x $4.10) 52,275Fixed costs 21,675So for 16,200 square metres:Overheads = $21,675 + (16,200 x $4.10)=$88,0959. 单选题 Which of the following statements about the valuation of inventory are correct, according to IAS 2 Inventories? 1 Inventory items are normally to be valued at the higher of cost and net realisable value. 2 The cost of goods manufactured by an entity will include materials and labour only. Overhead costs cannot be included. 3 LIFO (last in, first out) cannot be used to value inventory. 4 Selling price less estimated profit margin may be used to arrive at cost if this gives a reasonable approximation to actual cost. A 1, 3 and 4 onlyB 1 and 2 onlyC 3 and 4 onlyD None of the statements are correct考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 Statement 1) inventory should be valued at the lower of cost and NRV not the higherStatement 2) production overheads based on a normal level of production should be included 10. 单选题 What is an error of commission?A An error where a transaction has not been recordedB An error where one side of a transaction has been recorded in the wrong account, and thataccount is of a different class to the correct account C An error where one side of a transaction has been recorded in the wrong account, and that account is of the same class as the correct account D An error where the numbers in the posting have been transposed考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 A transaction has been posted to the wrong account, but not the wrong clas11. 单选题 In what circumstances does slack arise?A At the optimal solution, when the resource used equals the resource availableB At the optimal solution, when a minimum quantity of a resource must be used, and more thanthat quantity is usedC At the optimal solution, when the resource used is less than the resource availableD At the optimal solution, when a minimum quantity of resource is used考点 Chapter4Limitingfactoranalysis解析 If a resource has a maximum availability and its not binding at the optimal solution, there will beslack.12. 单选题 A business has compiled the following information for the year ended Opening inventory Purchases Closing inventory The gross profit as a percentage of sales is always 40% Based on these figures, what is the sales revenue for the year? A $1,333,500B $1,587,500C $2,381,250D The sales revenue figure cannot be calculated from this information考点 Chapter17Incompleterecords解析 $Opening inventory 386,200 Purchases 989,000 Closing inventory (422,700) Cost of sales 952,500 952,500 x 100/60 = 1,587,50013. 单选题 The following question is taken from the June 2012 exam paper.An investor has the choice between two investments. Investment Exe offers interest of 4% per year compounded semi-annually for a period of three years. Investment Wye offers one interest payment of 20% at the end of its four-year life.What is the annual effective interest rate offered by the two investments?A Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.00% 4.66% B Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.00% 5.00% C Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.04% 4.66% D Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.04% 5.00% 考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 The question relates to study guide reference C5d The correct answer is C. The answer can be arrived at by calculation (Investment Exe annual effective return = 1.022 - 1 = 0.0404 or 4.04% and investment Wye annual effective return = 1.20025 - 1 = 0.0466 or 4.66%). Alternatively the answer can be reasoned out: investment Exes semi annual compounding must result in a higher effective annual rate than 4% (2 x 2%) and a 20% return over a 4 year period must have an effective annual rate of less than 5% (20% + 4 years) when the compounding effect is allowed for. Just over 32% of candidates incorrectly selected option D. This suggests that although most candidates can convert a sub annual interest rate into an effective annual rate, many find it difficult to convert a multi year rate into an effective annual rate.14. 单选题 An extract from a statement of cash flows prepared by a trainee accountant is shown below.Cash flows from operating activitiesNet profit before taxationAdjustments for: DepreciationOperating profit before working capital changesDecrease in inventoriesIncrease in receivablesIncrease in payablesCash generated from operationsWhichof the following criticisms of this extract are correct? 1Depreciation charges should have been added, not deducted. 2Decrease in inventories should have been deducted, not added. 3Increase in receivables should have been added, not deducted. 4Increase in payables should have been added, not deducted. A 2 and 4B 2 and 3C 1 and 3D 1 and 4考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 The depreciation charge and the increase in payables should both have been added.15. 单选题 BCD Co is a large trading company. Steve is the administration manager and is also responsible for legal andcompliancefunctions. Sheila is responsible for after sales service and has responsibility for ensuring that customers who have purchased goods from BCD Co are fully satisfied. Sunny deals with suppliers and negotiates on the price and quality of inventory. He is also responsible for identifying the most appropriate suppliers of plant and machinery for the factory. Sam is the information technology manager and is responsible for all information systems within the company. According to Porters value chain, which of the managers is involved in a primary activity as opposed to a support activity? A SteveB SheilaC SunnyD Sam考点 Chapter2Thebusinessenvironment解析 Examiners comments: The examiners commented that only 31% of students chose the correct option. Steve, Sam, andSunny all have support roles and the words administration and information technology should have immediately indicateda support role for Steve and Sam. Sunnys procurement role was not so clear cut but the responsibilities for dealing with thesuppliers are sufficient to conclude that Sunny also has a support role.16. 单选题 A machine owned by a company has been idle for some months but could now be used on a one year contract which is under consideration. The net book value of the machine is $1,000. If not used on this contract, the machine could be sold now for a net amount of $1,200. After use on the contract, the machine would have no saleable value and the cost of disposing of it in one years time would be $800. What is the total relevant cost of the machine to the contract?A $400B $800C $1,200D $2,000考点 Chapter18Capitalexpenditurebudgeting解析 $Opportunity cost (net realisable value) 1,200Cost of disposal in one years time 800Total relevant cost of machine 2,00017. 单选题 Which stage of the product life cycle do the following characteristics refer to?New competitors Customer feedback received New distribution outlets being found Product quality improvements madeA GrowthB DeclineC MaturityD Introduction考点 Chapter13Alternativecostingprinciples解析 Growth. The product life cycle stages can be summarised as follows: Introduction: Basic quality, few competitors, high promotion costs Growth: As stated in question Maturity: Most competitive stage, product extension strategies, for example, new markets Decline: Exit strategy needs to be identified.18. 论述题 A company has developed a new product and has estimated the costs as follows. Direct materials: 50kg required at a cost of $2.50 per kg Direct labour: 25% chance that each unit will take 1.5 hours, 30% chance that each unit willtake 2 hours and 45% chance that each unit will take 2.5 hours Labour is paid at a rate of $15 per hour. Variable overheads will be incurred at a rate of $8 per labour hour The company believes it will be able to sell the product at $200 per unit and it requires aprofit margin of 25%. What is the value of the cost gap for this product? 考点 Chapter2bTargetcosting解析 The correct answer is: $23.30Direct materials = 50 $2.50 = $125Labour time = (0.25 1.5) + (0.3 2) + (0.45 2.5) = 2.1 hoursLabour cost = 2.1 $15 = $31.50Variable overhead = 2.1 $8 = $16.80Total expected cost = $173.30Target cost = 200 (200 0.25) = $150Cost gap = 173.3 150 = $23.3019. 材料题 材料全屏 Vic, a full ACCA member, is the sole director of Envy Ltd, a wholesaler of books. Last year he employed Div,his solicitor, to act as Envy Ltds company secretary. Vic believed that Div had all the necessary knowledgeand experience needed to do the job. Whilst Vic was away on business, Div entered Envy Ltd into a contractwith Green Ltd to buy a consignment of tablet computers that would be resold as electronic books. Vic wasnot happy about this and intends to avoid the contract with Green Ltd, remove Div as company secretary andappoint himself to the role.24 【论述题】 State whether Envy Ltd is required to have a company secretary 考点 考点:Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 Private limited companies are not required by law to have a company secretary. Therefore Envy Ltd does not need to have one.20. 论述题 The selling price of Product X is set at $550 for each unit and sales for the coming year are expected to be800 units. A return of 30% on the investment of $500,000 in Product X will be required in the coming year. What is the target cost for each unit of Product X? 考点 Chapter2bTargetcosting解析 The correct answer is: $362.50Required return: $500,000 30% = $150,000Total sales revenue: $550 800 units = $440,000Therefore total cost = $440,000 $150,000 = $290,000Unit cost = $290,000/800 = $362.5021. 单选题 Misty Cos budgetary control report for last month is as follows:Fixed budget Flexed budget $ $ Direct costs 61,100 64,155 Production overhead 55,000 56,700 Other overhead10,000 10,000 126,100 130,855 What was the expenditure variance for last month? A $7,480 (F)B $2,725 (F)C $7,480 (A)D $2,725 (A)考点 Chapter15Budgeting解析 The expenditure variance for last month was $2,725 AdverseThe expenditure variance is the difference between the flexed budget and the actual results. Expenditure variance= $130,855 - $133,580=$2,725 (A)22. 材料题 State which of the parties is a de facto director考点 考点:Chapter18Companydirectors解析 Beni was not officially appointed as a director but is held out to be the companys managing director on its paperwork. He runs the business on Boos instructions and is therefore a de facto director.23. 单选题 Which of the following control actions could be taken to help eliminate an adverse direct labour efficiency variance? (i) Employ more highly skilled labour (ii) Ensure stricter supervision of labou


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