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2022年考博英语-暨南大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 不定项选择题A few years ago a young mother watched her husband diaper(给换尿布)their firstborn son, “You do not have to be unhappy about it,” she protested. “You can talk to him and smile a little.” The father, who happened to be a psychologist, answered firmly, “He has nothing to say to me, and I have nothing to say to him.”Psychologist now know how wrong that father was. From the moment of birth, a baby has a great deal to say to his parents, and they to him. But a decade or so ago, these experts were describing the newborn as a primitive creature who reacted only by reflex, a helpless victim of its environment without capacity to influence it. And mothers accepted the truth. Most thought (and some still do) that a new infant could see only blurry(模糊的)shadows, that his other senses were undeveloped, and that all he required was nourishment, clean diapers, and a warm bassinet.Today university laboratories across the country are studying newborns in their first month of life. As a result, psychologists now describe the new baby as perceptive, with remarkable learning abilities and an even more remarkable capacity to shape his or her environment including the attitudes and actions of his parents. Some researchers believe that the neonatal period may even be the most significant four weeks in an entire lifetime.Far from being helpless, the newborn knows what he likes and rejects what he doesnt. He shut out unpleasant sensations by closing his eyes or averting his face. He is a glutton for novelty. He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything.When a more nine minutes out, an infant prefers a human face to a head-shaped outline. He makes the choice despite the fact that, with delivery room attendants masked and gowned, he has never seen a human face before. By the time hes twelve hours old, his entire body moves in precise synchronic(同时发生)to the sound of a human voice, as if he were dancing. A non-human sound, such as a tapping noise, brings no such response.1. The author points out that the father diapering his first-born son was wrong because( ).2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?3. What does the sentence “He is a glutton for novelty” probably mean?4. According to the passage, its groundless to think that newborns prefer( ).5. What is the passage mainly discussing about?问题1选项A.he believed the baby was not able to hear himB.he thought the baby didnt have the power of speechC.he was a psychologist unworthy of his professionD.he thought the baby was not capable of any response问题2选项A.A new infant can see only blurry shadows.B.A new infants senses are undeveloped.C.All a new infant requires is nourishment, clean diapers, and a warm bassinet.D.A new infant is actually able to influence his or her environment.问题3选项A.The newborn is greedy for new food.B.The newborn tends to overeat.C.The newborn always loves things that are new to him.D.The newborns appetite is a constant topic in novels.问题4选项A.a human face to a head-shaped outlineB.animate things to inanimate onesC.human voice to non-human soundsD.nourishment to a warm bassinet问题5选项A.What people know about newborns.B.How wrong parents are when they handle their babies.C.How much newborns have progressed in about a decades time.D.Why the first month of life is the most significant four weeks in a lifetime.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。联系上下文可知这位父亲是个心理学家,而大约十年前,心理学家认为新生儿只是a primitive creature who reacted only by reflex, a helpless victim of its environment without capacity to influence it(一种仅凭反射做出反应的原始生物,是无力影响其生存环境的无助受害者),而如今他们已经认识到了这种观点是错误的,结合这位父亲的话“他没什么对我说的”可知他当时也是坚持这种错误观点,因此D选项“他认为婴儿没有能力做出任何回应”符合题意。第2题:事实细节题。由第三段第二句中的psychologists now describe the new baby as perceptive, with remarkable learning abilities and an even more remarkable capacity to shape his or her environment including the attitudes and actions of his parents(心理学家现在把新生婴儿的形象描述为有洞察力,有非凡的学习能力,甚至有卓越的塑造其生活环境的能力,包括他父母的态度和行为)可知D选项“一个新生婴儿实际上能够影响其生活环境”符合题意。第3题:语义推测题。由下文He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything(他喜欢有生命的东西胜过无生命的东西,喜欢人胜过一切)可推测He is a glutton for novelty表达的并非仅仅与“吃”有关,而是新生儿对新鲜事物的浓厚兴趣,因此C选项“新生儿总是喜欢新鲜的事物”符合题意。第4题:事实细节题。需注意题干中的groundless(无理由的),因此要找出不符合文意的选项。由第四段最后一句He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything(他喜欢有生命的东西胜过无生命的东西,喜欢人胜过一切)可排除B选项;由第五段第一句中的an infant prefers a human face to a head-shaped outline(婴儿更喜欢人的脸,而不是头型的轮廓)可排除A选项;由第五段第三句中的his entire body moves in precise synchronic to the sound of a human voice, as if he were dancing(他的整个身体精确地随着人类的声音同步移动,就好像他在跳舞)和第四句A non-human sound, such as a tapping noise, brings no such response(而非人类的声音,比如敲打声,则不会产生这种反应)可推断出婴儿更喜欢人类的声音,因此C选项可以排除,所以D选项为正确答案。第5题:主旨大意题。本文介绍了过去心理学家对婴儿的错误认识,以及现在的正确认识,因此A选项“人们对新生儿的了解”符合题意。2. 单选题Walk through Times Squareyoure bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. “So these flowers are these billboards, theyre advertising a commodity, this delicious nectar (花蜜) reward, and bees are very picky shoppers”, says Anne Leonard, a pollination biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno.She describes a flower field as a sort of pollination marketplace. “Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar.” They also scope out flower shape and size, color and scent. And now Leonard and her colleagues have discovered that bumblebees are also sensitive to pollen.They found that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine. And to display the pollen to bees, “We got really into itwe started 3-D printing flowers in our lab.” And for the antherthe male flower part, which presents the pollen pipe cleaners. “So we bought out Michaels craft store supplies of these pipe cleaners and used them in our experiments.”It turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there. But when confronted with the bitter pollen, they sought a different colored flower for their very next stop. All of which suggests that, in addition to savoring nectar, bees taste pollen tooand judge flowers by it. The results are in the journal Biology Letters.The finding means that plants have to find a happy medium: “So can you make your pollen attractive enough that the bees will collect it, but distasteful enough that they wont collect too much of it?” And that balancing act, of carefully calibrated chemistry(校准化学)its just one of the many transactions that plays out in the buzzing pollination marketplace, where the object is to make a sweet profit.1. What does the author compare a flower field to?2. Why are bees described as nectar experts?3. What are used to present the pollen by Anne and her colleagues in their experiments?4. How do bees choose where to visit in a flower field according to the passage?5. What do Anne and her colleagues research findings suggest?问题1选项A.Times Square.B.A commodity.C.A billboard.D.A shopper.问题2选项A.Because they are able to detect differences in sugar levels of nectar.B.Because they are capable of discerning different types of flowers.C.Because they know instinctively where to collect more nectar.D.Because they could distinguish sweet pollen from bitter one.问题3选项A.3-D printers.B.Pipe cleaners.C.Sugar.D.Quinine.问题4选项A.By color and scent of flowers.B.By taste of nectar and pollen.C.By maleness or femaleness of flowers.D.By shape and size of flowers.问题5选项A.Calibrated chemistry is very useful in changing the structure of pollen.B.Attracting more bees to pollinate could make plants more productive.C.The more bees to be attracted, the better it will be for the pollen.D.The taste of pollen can be controlled for commercial purpose.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Walk through Times Squareyoure bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. So these flowers are these billboards, theyre advertising a commodity, this delicious nectar (花蜜) reward, and bees are very picky shoppers(走过纽约时代广场,你会被广告不断侵扰。事实证明,熊蜂在嗡嗡地飞过花田时,可能会有类似的感觉。因为这些花朵就像是那些广告牌,它们在为这些美味可口的花蜜打广告,而蜜蜂就是那些非常挑剔的消费者)”。由此可知作者把花田比作时代广场,把花朵比作广告牌。A选项“时代广场”;B选项“一种商品”;C选项“广告牌”;D选项“购物者”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar.(蜜蜂是花蜜专家。它们很擅长评估花蜜,即使花蜜糖的浓度存在微小的区别它们也能感觉到。)”。A选项“因为它们能够检测出花蜜中糖分水平的差异”;B选项“因为它们能够辨别不同种类的花”;C选项“因为它们本能地知道去哪里采集更多的花蜜”;D选项“因为它们可以区分甜花粉和苦花粉”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“And to display the pollen to bees, We got really into itwe started 3-D printing flowers in our lab.(为了向蜜蜂展示花粉,我们进行了非常深入地研究,我们开始在实验室用3D技术打印花朵。)”。A选项“3D打印技术”正确;B选项“清管器”是为了呈现花药部分;C选项“甜蔗糖”和D选项“苦奎宁”是为了试验蜜蜂对花粉味道的评估。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段“It turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there.(实验证明,蜜蜂会在含有甜蔗糖花粉的相同颜色花朵间重复往返,并且花费更多的时间来采集。)”。A选项“根据花的颜色和气味”正确;B选项“通过花蜜和花粉的味道”;C选项“通过花的雄性或雌性”;D选项“根据花朵的形状和大小”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“And that balancing act, of carefully calibrated chemistry(校准化学)its just one of the many transactions that plays out in the buzzing pollination marketplace, where the object is to make a sweet profit.(这一精确校准化学的平衡做法,只是蜜蜂授粉市场上进行的众多交易中的其中一种。该市场的目标是获得甜蜜的利润。)”,由此可知市场上很多人为了商业利润会人为的控制花粉的味道。A选项“校准化学在改变花粉结构方面非常有用”看似正确,但是联系全文以及安妮和同事们的研究,她们试验的结果主要还是表明花粉味道的可控性;B选项“吸引更多的蜜蜂授粉可以使植物更多产”和C选项“吸引的蜜蜂越多,花粉就越好”都不符合题意;D选项“为了商业目的,花粉的味道可以被控制”说法正确,因此D选项正确。3. 单选题The boy seemed more( )to their poverty, after seeing how his grandparents lived.问题1选项A.reconciledB.consolidatedC.deterioratedD.attributed【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。reconciled“妥协的;将就的”;consolidated“巩固的;统一的”;deteriorated“恶化的;变坏的”;attributed“归于”,根据后半句“在得知他的祖母当时的生活后”,可知男孩在得知祖母当时更贫穷艰辛的生活后,会对自己的贫穷妥协,reconciled to表示“接受;甘心”。句意:在得知他的祖母当时的生活后,这个男孩似乎了自己家的贫穷。故正确答案为选项A。4. 不定项选择题The most valuable diamonds are large, individual crystals of pure crystal lint carbon. Less perfect forms, known as “boars” and “carbonado” are clusters of tiny crystals. Until diamonds are cut and polished, they do not sparkle like those you see on a ring they just look like small, blue-grey stones.In a rather crude form the cutting and polishing of precious stones was an art known to the Ancient Egyptians, and in the middle Ages it became widespread in north-west Europe. However, a revolutionary change in the methods of cutting and polishing was made in 1476 when Ludwig Van Berquen of Bruges in Belgium invented the use of a swiftly revolving wheel with its edge faced with fine diamond powder. The name “boast” is given to this fine powder as well as the natural crystalline material already mentioned. It is also gimp to badly flawed or broken diamond crystals, useless as jewels that are broken into powder for grinding purposes, the so-called “industrial” diamonds.Diamond itself is the only material hard enough to cut and polish diamonds though recently, high-intensity light beams called lasers have been developed which can bore holes in them. It may be necessary to split or cleave the large stones before they are cut and polished.Every diamond has a natural line of cleavage, along which it may be split by a sharp blow with a cutting edge. A fully cut “brilliant” diamond has 58 facets, or faces, regularly arranged. For cutting or faceting, the stones are fixed into copper holders and held against a wheel, edged with a mixture of Oil and fine diamond dust, which is revolved at about 2,500 revolutions a minute. Amsterdam and Antwerp, in Holland and Belgium respectively, have been the centre of the diamond cutting and polishing industry for over seven centuries.The jewel value of brilliant diamonds depends greatly on their colors, or “water” as it is called. The usual coolers of diamonds are white, yellow, brown, green or blue. Surrounding rocks and take on their color, thus black, red and even bright pink diamonds have occasionally been found.The trade in diamonds is not only in the valuable gem stones but also in the industrial diamonds mentioned above. Zaire produces 70% of such stones. They are fixed into the rock drills used in mining and civil engineering, also for edging band saws for cutting stone. Diamond-faced tools are used for cutting and drilling glass and fine porcelain and for dentists drills. They are used as bearings in watches and other finely balanced instruments. Perhaps you own some diamonds without knowing it in your wristwatch!1. “Carbonado” is the name given to( ).2. The art of cutting and polishing precious stones remained crude until( ).3. During faceting, diamonds are held in copper holders( ).4. The value order of water in diamond( ).5. Industrial diamonds are used( ).问题1选项A.only the very best diamondsB.lumps of pure carbonC.Spanish diamondsD.diamonds made up of many small crystals问题2选项A.the fourteenth centuryB.the fifteenth centuryC.the sixteenth centuryD.the seventeenth century问题3选项A.to facilitate accurate cuttingB.to make them shine more brilliantlyC.so that they can revolve more easilyD.as a steel holder might damage the diamond问题4选项A.is more important than their colorB.ranges from blue-white upwardsC.ranges from blue white downwardsD.has never been reliably established问题5选项A.for a wide range of purposesB.mainly for dentists drillsC.for decoration in rings and watchesD.principally in mass-produced jewellery【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。“黑金刚石”是用来称呼什么的?选项A“仅仅是最好的钻石”;选项B“纯碳团”;选项C“西班牙钻石”;选项D“由小水晶组成的钻石”,根据第一段中 “Less perfect forms, known as boars and carbon ado are clusters of tiny crystals.”不那么完美的形式,被称为“野猪”或者“黑金刚钻”,是一簇小水晶组成的,所以“黑金刚钻”指的是小水晶组成的钻石,故正确答案为选项D。第2题:细节事实题。切割和打磨宝石的工艺保持着粗糙直到,选项A“十四世纪”;选项B“十五世纪”;选项C“十六世纪”;选项D“十七世纪”,第二段首先说了粗糙的切割和打磨钻石的工艺开始于古埃及,然后“However, a revolutionary change in the methods of cutting and polishing was made in 1476 when. 然而切割和打磨钻石的工艺在1476年发生了革命性的变化”,所以直到15世纪这种粗糙的工艺才被革新,故正确答案为选项B。第3题:推理判断题。在切磨刻面的时候,钻石用铜架固定,选项A“使切割更精确”;选项B“让它们发出更璀璨的光”;选项C“为了让它们更容易旋转”;选项D“因为铁架 会损坏钻石”,选项B和D表达的内容文章没有提到,且也没有任何表述暗示,故可以排除;根据文章第四段中“fixed into copper holders固定在铜架上”中fixed一词可知将钻石固定在铜架上是为了让其固定,选项C中revolve 一词明显与此目的不符,所以可以排除;故正确答案为选项A,为了让其更好的被打磨,从而提高打磨与切割的精确度。第4题:推理判断题。钻石的“水度”价值排序,选项A“比他们的颜色更重要”;选项B“由蓝到白递增”;选项C“由蓝到白递减”;选项D“没有被确定地建立”,文章倒数第二段中在讲述钻石的颜色的时候并没有对其价值做出比较与说明,所以可以排除选项B和C;根据“depends greatly on their color, or water as it is called 很大程度上取决于它们的颜色,或者所谓的水度”,可以知道颜色和水度其实是表示的同一种东西,所以它们之间不存在比较,所以选项A错误;故正确答案为选项D,并没有明确的标准来鉴定这种价值排序。第5题:推理判断题。工业钻石被用来,选项A“在很多用途上”;选项B“主要作为牙医的钻子”;选项C“作为戒指和手表的装饰物”;选项D“主要在大量生产的宝石上”, 根据最后一段中的内容“它们被镶在矿业和土木工程所用的凿石器上,也被用在用来切石头的锯子边缘上。钻石做成的工具被用来切割或者打孔玻璃,细瓷器,或者用作牙医的钻子。它们被用做手表或者精密仪器的轴承。”这些内容讲述的是钻石的工业用途,根据此段内容我们可以推断钻石的工业用途有很多,选项B、C和D表达的内容明显太过局限,故正确答案为选项A。5. 单选题The young man liked the graceful girl next to the door at the first sight; the feeling is( ),as the girl smiled slightly at him.问题1选项A.mutualB.visibleC.literalD.inevitable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项mutual“相互的,彼此的”;B选项visible“明显的,可见的”;C选项literal“文字的”;D选项inevitable“必然的,不可避免的”。句意:这个年轻人第一眼就喜欢门边那个优雅的姑娘,这种感觉是相互的,因为那女孩对他也微微一笑。根据空格前后两句的意思以及常识,可知男孩喜欢女孩,而女孩也微笑回应,他们互有好感,A选项mutual“相互的,彼此的”意思对应。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The farmer had to wear heavy boots in winter because the fields were so wet and( ).问题1选项A.nastyB.messyC.dustyD.muddy【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项nasty“肮脏的”;B选项messy“凌乱的”;C选项dusty“积满灰尘的”;D选项muddy“泥泞的”。句意:冬天的时候,农民不得不穿很重的靴子,因为地里潮湿又泥泞。本句表示field田地里的环境,根据生活常识以及wet潮湿,可知环境是泥泞的比较符合句意。因此D选项正确。7. 不定项选择题Great emotional and intellectual resources are demanded in quarrels; stamina helps, as does a capacity for obsession. But no one is born a good quarreler; the craft must be learned.There are two generally recognized apprenticeships. First, and universally preferred, is a long childhood spent in the company of fractious siblings. After several years of rainy afternoons, brothers and sisters develop a sure feel for the tactics of attrition and the niceties of strategy so necessary in first-rate quarrelling.The only child, or the child of peaceful or repressed households, is likely to grow up failing to understand that quarrels, unlike arguments, are not about anything least of all the pursuit of truth. The apparent subject of a quarrel is a mere pretext; the real business is the quarrel itself.Essentially, adversaries in a quarrel are out to establish or rescue their dignity. I fence the elementary principle: anything may be said. The unschooled, probably no less quarrelsome by inclination than anyone else, may spend an hour with knocking heart, sifting the consequences of roiling this old acquaintance a lying fraud. Too late! With a cheerful wave the old acquaintance has left the room.Those who miss their first apprenticeship may care to enroll in the second, the bad marriage. This can be perilous for the neophyte; the mutual intimacy of spouses makes them at once more vulnerable and more dangerous in attack. Once sex is involved, the stakes are higher all round.And there is an unspoken rule that those who love, or have loved, one another are granted a license for unlimited beastliness such as is denied to mere sworn enemies. For all that, some of our most tenacious black belt quarrelers have come to it late in fife and mastered every throw, from the Crushing Silence to the Gloating Apology, in less than ten years of marriage.A quarrel may last years. Among brooding types Kith time on their hands, like writers, half a lifetime is not uncommon. In its most refined form, a quarrel may consist of the participants not talking to each other. They will need to scheme laboriously to appear in public together to register their silence.Brief, violent quarrels are also known as rows. In all cases the essential ingredient remains the same; the original cause must be forgotten as soon as possible. From here on, dignity, pride, self-esteem, honor ate the crucial issues, which is why quarrelling like jealousy, is an all-consuming business, virtually a profession. For the quarrelers very self-hood is on the fine. To lose an argument is a brief disappointment, much like losing a game of tennis; but to be crushed in a quarrel. rather bite off your tongue and spread it at your opponents feet.1. Unschooled quarrelers are said to be at a disadvantage because( ).2. According to the writer, quarrels between married couples may be( ).3. When quarrelling both children and married couples may, according to the writer( ).4. The difference between a quarrel and an argument is said to be that( ).5. In the passage as a whole, the writer treats quarrelling as if it were( ).问题1选项A.their insults fail to offend their opponentB.they reveal their nervousness to their opponentC.they suffer from remorse for what theyve saidD.they are apprehensive about speaking their minds问题2选项A.physically violentB.extremely bitterC.essentially trivialD.sincerely regretted问题3选项A.be particularly brutalB.use politeness as a weaponC.employ skillful maneuversD.exaggerate their feelings问题4选项A.the former involves individual egosB.the for


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