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2022年考博英语-西北大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题From this material we can ( )hundreds of what you may call direct products.问题1选项A.deriveB.discernC.diminishD.displace【答案】B【解析】derive 源自,获得;discern 辨别,识别;diminish减少,缩小;displace 取代,置换。句意:从这种材料中,我们可以辨别出数百种你所说的直接产品。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Well, youre a tall man and you can carry a good deal of weight without looking awkward.问题1选项A.inconvenientB.funnyC.untidyD.clumsy【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,awkward意为笨拙的。inconvenient 不便的;funny 有趣的;untidy凌乱的,懒散的;clumsy 笨拙的。选项D与之意思相近。3. 翻译题疲劳是人们向医生、朋友和亲人最常抱怨的问题之一。或许你认为在这个拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施的时代。很少有人会有理由感到如此疲劳。然而,今天与用手捆干草,用搓衣板洗衣服的昔日相比,抱怨疲劳的人也许更多了。据医生们说,疲倦更可能是由于过少的活动所致,而不是过多的活动所引起的。情绪问题和烦恼,特别是忧郁和焦虑,显然是长期疲劳最常见的原因。【答案】Fatigue is one of the most common problems complained by people to doctors, friends and folks. Perhaps you think that few would have reasons to feel tired in the era of full of all kinds of strength-saving device and convenient transport facilities. However, maybe more people complain about the fatigue nowadays than the old days when baling hay by hand and washing clothes with a washboard. As the doctor said, fatigue is more likely to result from too little activity, and not to be caused by too many activities. Emotional problems and trouble, especially depression and anxiety, are clearly the most common cause of chronic fatigue.4. 单选题With each successive visit our knowledge of those regions increased.问题1选项A.successfulB.consecutiveC.fruitfulD.occasional【答案】B【解析】句意:我们对这些地区的了解每一次都在不断增加。successive意为连续的,接替的。successful成功的,一帆风顺的;consecutive连贯的,连续不断的;fruitful 富有成效的,多产的;occasional 偶然的,临时的。选项B与之意思相近。5. 单选题The automobiles exhaust system ( )foul-smelling fumes.问题1选项A.AttractedB.condensedC.absorbedD.emitted【答案】D【解析】attract 吸引,引起;condense浓缩,凝结;absorb 吸收,使全神贯注;emit 发出,排放,放射。句意:汽车的排气系统排放出难闻的废气。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题In colonial America, people generally covered their beds with decorative quilts resembling those of the lands from which the quitters had come. Wealthy and socially prominent settlers made quilts of the English type, cut from large lengths of cloth of the same color and texture rather than stitched together from smaller pieces. They made these until the advent of the Revolutionary War in 1775, when everything English came to be frowned upon.Among the whole-cloth quilts made by these wealthy settlers during the early period are those now called linsey-woolseys. This term was usually applied to a fabric of wool and linen used in heavy clothing and quilted petticoats worn in the wintertime. Despite the name, linsey-woolsey bedcovers did not often contain linen. Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric, consisting of smooth, compact yarn from long wool fiber dyed dark blue, green, or brown with a bottom layer of a coarser woolen material, either natural or a shade of yellow. The filling was a soft layer of wool which had been cleaned and separated and the three layers were held together with decorative stitching done with homespun linen thread. Later, cotton thread was used for this purpose. The design of the stitching was often a simple one composed of interlocking circles or crossed diagonal lines giving a diamond pattern.This type of heavy, warm, quilted bedcover was so large that it hung to the floor. The comers are cut out at the foot of the cover so that the quilt fit snugly around the tall four-poster, beds of the 1700s, which differed from those of today in that they were shorter and wider; they were short because people slept in a semi-sitting position with many bolsters or pillows, and wide, because each bed often slept three or more. The linsey-woolsey covering was found in the colder regions of the country because of the warmth it afforded. There was no central heating and most bedrooms did not have fireplaces.1.What does this passage mainly discuss?2.The author mentions the Revolutionary War as a time period when ( ).3.The quilts described in the second and third paragraphs were made primarily of( ).4.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that the sleeping habits of most Americans have changed since the 1700s in all the following ways EXCEPT( ).5.Which of the following was most likely to be found in a bedroom in the colder areas of the American colonies?问题1选项A.The processing of woolB.Linsey-woolsey bedcoversC.Sleeping habits of colonial AmericansD.Quilts made in England问题2选项A.quilts were supplied to the armyB.more immigrants arrived from EnglandC.quilts imported from England became harder to findD.peoples attitudes toward England changed问题3选项A.woolB.linenC.cottonD.a mixture of fabrics问题4选项A.the position in which people sleepB.the numbers of bolsters or pillows people sleep onC.the length of time people sleepD.the number of people who sleep in one bed问题5选项A.A linsey-woolseyB.A vent from a central healing systemC.A fireplaceD.A wood stove【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。结合全文内容可知,原文第一段首先介绍了什么是被褥,接下来的段落则是具体介绍其中的一种Linsey-woolsey。所以选项B正确。2.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“They made these until the advent of the Revolutionary War in 1775, when everything English came to be frowned upon.”直到1775年革命战争爆发,人们对来自英国的一切都不赞成。也就是说,人们对英国的态度改变了。选项D符合原文。3.推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“Despite the name, linsey-woolsey bedcovers did not often contain linen. Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric.”尽管有这个名字,linsey-woolsey床单通常并不包含亚麻。相反,它们是由一层羊毛或光滑的精纺毛织物制成的由此可知,其主要成分是羊毛,选项A正确。4.事实细节题。根据第三段第二句“they were short because people slept in a semi-sitting position with many bolsters or pillows, and wide, because each bed often slept three or more.”它们短是因为人们以半坐的姿势睡觉,有许多支撑物或枕头;宽是因为每张床通常睡三个人或更多。由此可知,选项A,B,D均有提及,只有选项C不正确。5.事实细节题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“ The linsey-woolsey covering was found in the colder regions of the country because of the warmth it afforded.”由于它所提供的温暖,人们在该国较冷的地区发现了这种类似羊毛的覆盖物。所以选项A符合题意。7. 单选题Life depends on the balance between the heat received from the sun and the heat lost to cooler surroundings.问题1选项A.equilibriumB.contrastC.exchangeD.relationship【答案】A【解析】equilibrium 均衡,平静;contrast 对比,差别;exchange 交换,兑换;relationship 关系,关联。balance意为平衡,选项A与之意思相近。8. 单选题I dont think it is impartial for the professor to flunk my Chemistry test.问题1选项A.unbiasedB.compatibleC.exonerativeD.effusive【答案】A【解析】句意:我不认为教授让我的化学考试不及格是公正的。impartial意为公平的,不偏不倚的。unbiased 公正的,无偏见的;compatible兼容的,可并立的;exonerative 免罪的,免除的;effusive 流出的,感情横溢的。选项A与之意思最为相近。9. 单选题Even though it is a ( )explanation, I am not completely convinced.问题1选项A.susceptibleB.plausibleC.plentifulD.reliable【答案】B【解析】susceptible易受影响的,易感动的;plausible貌似可信的,貌似有理的;plentiful许多的,丰富的;reliable可靠的,可信赖的。句意:尽管这是一个合理的解释,但我并不完全信服。选项B符合句意。10. 单选题She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would ( )her long effort.问题1选项A.justifyB.estifyC.rectifyD.verify【答案】A【解析】justify 证明是正当的/有理由的,替辩护;testify 作证,证明,证实;rectify 改正,精馏,整流;verify 核实,查证。句意:在确信结果会证明她的长期努力是值得的之前,她努力工作了。选项A 符合语境。11. 单选题The hotel was a four-storey building away from the university where most competitors were accommodated.问题1选项A.put upB.put downC.put inD.put over【答案】A【解析】accommodated在这里指容纳,安置。put up提供,建造,举起;put down 放下,镇压;put in 提交,放入;put over 推迟,驶过。选项A放在句中最为恰当,符合语境。12. 单选题The amount of open space has ( )as more and more land is developed.问题1选项A.dominatedB.dwindledC.dispersedD.disseminated【答案】B【解析】dominate控制,支配,占优势;dwindle减少,变小;disperse 分散,传播;disseminate散布,传播。句意:随着越来越多的土地被开发,开放空间的数量减少了。选项B符合句意。13. 单选题Culture like nonverbal behavior tends to elusive, and has a potent influence in intercultural communication.问题1选项A.hiddenB.visibleC.difficult to understandD.tangible【答案】C【解析】句意:像非语言行为这样的文化往往是晦涩难懂的,并且在跨文化交际中有着强大的影响。elusive意为“难懂的”。hidden隐藏的;visible看得见的,现有的;difficult to understand难以理解;tangible有形的,可触摸的。选项C最符合原句所表达的意思。14. 单选题In describing the grandeur and sublimity of this country, the Haitian (海地人)may well enough to adopt the poetic description of their own proud country.问题1选项A.serenityB.splendorC.elegantD.sight【答案】B【解析】句意:在描述这个国家的伟大和庄严时,海地人很乐意接受对他们引以为豪的祖国这样诗意的描述。sublimity意为“庄严,崇高”。serenity 平静,宁静;splendor 壮丽,显赫 ;elegant优美的,讲究的;sight 视力,见解。选项B与之意思相近。15. 单选题“Better late than never” is a ( )that is very familiar to most English speakers.问题1选项A.plauditB.plenaryC.plentyD.platitude【答案】D【解析】plaudit 喝彩,赞美;plenary全体会议;plenty大量,充足;platitude 陈词滥调。句意:“迟做总比不做好”是大多数说英语的人都很熟悉的陈词滥调。选项D符合句意。16. 单选题The lawyer browbeat the witness into confessing he had seen the crime committed.问题1选项A.talkedB.forcedC.caressedD.intimidated【答案】D【解析】句意:律师恫吓证人承认他目睹了犯罪。browbeat意为恫吓,吓唬。只有选项D与之意思相近。17. 单选题1.Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.2.In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only 3 percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as is our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops.3.Humor has been well defined as: “Thinking in fun while feeling in earnest”.4.法律真正的意义,是要把一个自由而有理性的人导向正当的意义上去,而不是对此加以限制的。5.然而,研究人员在报告中提醒说,相对于患更严重的疾病的危险来说,这些益处简直微不足道。问题1选项A.科学家们已经研制出了一种减肥药,它能有效地抑制食欲,导致体重显著下降而无任何明显的不良反应。B.科学家们已经开发出了一种减肥药,它能成功地控制食欲,使体重显著下降,同时有明显的不良反应。C.科学家们已经研制出了一种减食疗法的药,它能有效地抑制食欲,导致体重显著 下降而无任何明显的不良反应。问题2选项A.在美国农村,时间是根据生长季节来安排的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的校历安排似乎是我们的孩子们早早回家只是去挤牛奶或是几个月不上学去地里种庄稼。B.在美国农村,一年是根据农时来安排的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的时间安排似乎是我们的孩子们早早回家去挤牛奶或是花上几个月时间去地里种庄稼。C.在美国农村,上学时间是根据农时来决定的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的校历安排似乎是让孩子们早早回家去挤牛奶或是花上几个月时间去地里种庄稼。问题3选项A.幽默被人很好地解释为:“带着认真的情绪滑稽地思考”。B.幽默被人很恰当地解释为:“认真地感觉,不认真地思考”。C.幽默被人很巧妙地诠释为:“一面认真地感觉一面滑稽地思考”。问题4选项A.The real meaning of law is not the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interestB.The true notion of law is not so much limited to the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interestC.Law, in its true motion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interest问题5选项A.Researchers in the study, however, cautioned that such benefits dont outweigh the risk of more serious ailmentsB.However, researchers reminded in the report that such benefits are nothing compared with the risk of more serious ailmentsC.However, researchers cautioned in their report that such benefits dont indolence a lot comparing to the risk of more serious ailments【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.首先,“slimming drug”应翻译为减肥药,没有提及减食疗法,所以首先排除选项C;根据“without any apparent ill effects.”可知,应该是没有明显的不良反应,所以选项B错误。选项A翻译最为准确。2.根据句意可知“growing season”不是直译为生长季节,而是指“农时”,所以首先排除选项A;这里的the year指的是“上学时间”,所以选项C最为恰当。3.本题的关键在于对引语的翻译,相比较之下,选项A翻译最为准确。4.本句强调的是“意义”,而不是“法律”,所以首先排除选项C;“真正的”这里用true比较好,real常用来指比较抽象的事物,所以选项B更准确。5.“提醒”在本句中用remind比较口语化,caution更为正式,因为是在报告中进行提醒,因此caution更为恰当;后面包含一个比较,用outweigh言简意赅,最为恰当。所以选项A翻译最精确。18. 单选题Johns evenings out are usually followed by a quick dash back to his own flat to finish his reading for the following days tutorial.问题1选项A.lectureB.reportC.quizD.discussion【答案】A【解析】根据句意可知,tutorial指辅导课,辅导材料。lecture 演讲,讲稿,教训;report 报告,成绩单;quiz恶作剧,随堂测验;discussion 讨论。选项A最符合原文语境,所以正确。19. 单选题The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a sharp response from the North, which led to the American Civil War.问题1选项A.demandedB.elicitedC.expeditedD.defied【答案】D【解析】句意:查尔斯顿附近的萨姆特堡遭袭激起了北方的强烈反应,导致了美国内战。provoked意为“激起,挑衅”。demanded强烈要求,需要;elicited抽出,引出;expedited加快,促进,发出;defied藐视,反抗,挑衅。选项D与之意思相近。20. 单选题The medicine made me drowsy.问题1选项A.sleepyB.dizzyC.sadD.lazy【答案】A【解析】drowsy意为昏昏欲睡的。选项A与之意思相近。


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