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九年级第二学期第一次阶段测试英语试题总分值 150分 时间 90分钟( 第 卷 选 择 题 )一、单项选择220=40( ) 1.-Can you tell me your name? -Yes, its Rubby. There is r and u in the word.A. a, an, B. an, an, C. a, a, D. an, a,( ) 2.Where are Simon and Millie? - Oh, Simon is playing basketball and Millie is playing piano in the music room. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the( ) 3. -Jack, is maths difficult to learn in High school? -Sure. No subject can be learned well _hard work. A. without B. through C. by D. with( ) 4. -I didnt know you go to school by taxi. -Oh, I _ take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing. A. alwaysB. sometimesC. often D. seldom( ) 5. -Meng Fei had his arm broken while recording If You Are The One in Beijing. -Really? Then perhaps he _ host TV programs for some time. A. needntB. mustnt C. shouldntD. cant( ) 6. -Have you bought _ for Lindas birthday? - Not exactly. Just some flowers. A. something unusual B. anything unusualC. unusual somethingD. unusual anything( ) 7. -I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning. - Well, _ A. Have a good time! B. Im happy to hear that. C. Good luck! D. Congratulations!( ) 8.The First Huaguoshan International Golf Open was _ success that we enjoyed ourselves very much. A. such a great B. a such great C. so a great D. a so great( ) 9.-Would you like to watch the three-D film Titanic with me ? -Certainly . I dont mind seeing it again although I _ it twice. A. sawB. was seen C. have seen D. had seen( ) 10.Jeremy Lin _ an unknown basketball player in New York Knicks for quite a long time. A. used to beB. used to being C. is used to beD. was used to be( ) 11.-Why did you vote for Maggie? -Because she is very _. She always shares things with others. A. practicalB. activeC. generousD. energetic( ) 12. A lot of famous doctors gathered in Harbin _ save “ Chinas most beautiful teacher Ms Zhang Lili. A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. as a result( ) 13. I prefer _ some shopping to _ camping since the weather isnt lovely. A. do ; going B. doing ; goC. do ; go D. doing ; going( ) 14. -Excuse me , Sir . But smoking is not allowed here. -Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette at once. A. put out B. put awayC. put upD. put off( ) 15. The volunteers sent _ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day. A. two hundreds of B. two hundred ofC. two hundredsD. two hundred( ) 16. -Do you know_? -At the end of July? A. how soon is your sister coming back home B. how often Nancy hears from her pen friend C. when the London Olympic Games will be held D. when will the new computer game come out( ) 17. She put all her effort _ dancing training _ a very young age. A. into, in B. to, in C. to, at D. into, at ( ) 18. Im afraid of _ by plane. Id rather _ a train. A. traveling; takingB. traveling; take C. travel; takingD. travel; take( ) 19._ big success the film was! A. WhatB. What a C. How D. How a( ) 20. _Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room.A. WhileB. As C. Before D. Until二、完形填空110=10In many peoples eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree. But is it the truth? And what 21 students happy or unhappy?To find out the answers, Li Jiahui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months 22 students sense of happiness last year. The 23 girl made a survey with questions such as “ Are you feeling happy? and “What makes you unhappy?After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that 24 40 percent of the students feel unhappy, and the 25 _from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness.“More than 50 percent said they were under pressure and 70 percent 26 get enough sleep, Li said “It shows that middle school students are not as happy 27 people think. They worry a lot, and they can get angry easily.Li also said that over 90 percent say their happiness has 28 to do with how much money they have. Instead, they care about their relationships with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they get 29 well with each other, Li said.After her survey, Li listed 30 tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.( )21. A. helpsB. wants C. makes D. keeps( )22. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied( )23. A. 15 years oldB. 15-years-old C. 15-year-old D. 15-year-olds( )24. A. about B. than C. below D. inside( )25. A. pressure B. difficulties C. knowledge D. interest( )26. A. dont B. hadnt C. did D. didnt( )27. A. so B. and C. like D. as ( )28. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. nobody( )29. A. along B. up C. off D. down( )30.A. any B. a number of C. much D. a lot三、阅读理解310=30 A 1. Where are the rainforests? Rainforests cover six per cent of the Earths surface. There are rainforests in many parts of the world but the biggest forests are in South America, Africa and South East Asia. There arent any rainforests in Europe or North America. 2. Whats in the rainforests? About 75% of all the types of animals that we know come from rainforests. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. There are many very beautiful birds, insects and reptiles. Many of them live in the trees, more than 30 metres from the ground. There are also thousands of different plantsand lots of tall trees! It is always hot in a rainforest and the ground is always wet. It is also dark.3. Why are the rainforests important? The rainforests are very important for us. We need them! The trees and other plants in the forest help to make the air that we breathe. They give us wood, rubber, fruits and many of our medicines. 4. Unfortunately, in many places, the rainforests are in danger. For example, many years ago there was a large rainforest in Java. There were thousands of different plants and animals in the forest, but now there is nothing. People chopped down the trees because they wanted to grow rice. Many animals lived in the rainforest. Some of them went to other parts of Java but many of them disappeared forever. The same thing is happening now in many other parts of the world. The rainforests are in danger. ( ) 31. In which of the following places can we find rainforests according to Paragraph 1? A. In the UK. B. In Asia. C. In the USA. D. In France. ( ) 32. Which of the following belongs to a kind of “reptile? A. A sparrow. B. A swallow. C. A snake. D. A butterfly. ( ) 33. Which might be the best title for Paragraph 4? A. Whats happening to the rainforests? B. What can we find in the rainforests in Java? C. Why did people chop down the trees in the rainforests? D. Why did many plants and animals disappear in the rainforests? ( ) 34. What is the writers purpose of writing the article? A. To tell us how to survive in the rainforests. B. To help us know some living things in the rainforests. C. To tell us to care about the protection of the rainforests. D. To give us advice on how to make full use of the rainforests. B Starting a stamp collection is easy and not very expensive. Before you start, you need to decide what kind of stamps you want to collect. Most people collect stamps that they are interested in a certain country or an animal, a famous person or even a sport. Whatever you choose, you will find that there is a world of knowledge in stamps: you will learn about people, geography, building, history and culture.You can collect stamps from letters, ask your friends to let you have their old stamps, or you can buy used stamps. When you get a letter with a stamp on it, carefully cut out the stamp. Leave lots of space around the stamp so that you will not damage it. Put the stamp in water and wait until you can safely remove the stamp. Carefully remove the stamp off the letter. Place the wet stamp between two clean pieces of paper. A stamp can get wrinkled(褶皱的) when it dries, so put some books on top.( )35.What does the writer think of collecting stamps?A. Hard B. Expensive C. Useful D. Boring( )36.What does the underlined work “damage mean?A.损坏 B.保存 C.利用 D. 删除( ) 37.Whats the correct order when we try to get a stamp on a letter?Remove the stamp off the letter.Place the wet stamp between two pieces of paper.Cut out the stamp.Put the stamp in water.Put some books on top.A. B. C. D. CA Simple Scientific ExperimentBelow is a description of a single scientific experiment . It shows us how iron reacts ( 反响) with air and with water.Aim : To find out if iron rusts( 生锈) (a) in dry air ; (b) in water that has no air in it ( air- free water) ; (c) in ordinary water.Materials : 3 clean iron nails ( 铁钉) ; test tubes ; test tube holder ; cotton wool ; oil ; Bunsen burner.Iron in dry airMethod(1) Put some iron nails at the bottom of a test tube.(2) Push some cotton wool down the tube.(3) Leave the tube for one week.ResultAfter one week, the nails have not rusted.ConclusionIron does not rust in dry air.Iron in air-free water Method(1) Half-fill a test tube with water.(2) Boil the water for three minutes.( This makes sure there is no air in the water.(3) Put two or three clean nails in the water.(4)Add some oil to the water. ( This will keep air out of the water.)(5) Leave the tube for one week.Result The nails do not rust in the tube with air-free water.ConclusionIron does not rust in air- free water.Iron in ordinary waterMethod (1) Half fill a test tube with water and add two or three clean nails.(2) Leave the tube for one week.ResultThe nails rust in the tube with ordinary water.ConclusionIron rusts in ordinary water. (238 words)38. In the first part of the experiment the cotton wool is most probably used to _. A. keep the air dry B. keep the tube wet C. make the nails rust D. keep the tube clean39. What are necessary steps to make sure the water in the tube is air free? Leave half a tube of water in it Boil the water for some timePut some clean iron nails in the tube Add some oil to the water A. B. C. D. 40. We can conclude from the experiment that only _ makes iron rusty. A. dry air B. cotton wool C. ordinary water D. air-free water( 第 卷 非 选 择 题 )四、单词拼写。根据汉语或所给英语提示写出单词的正确形式。115=1541.The little baby has two _ (tooth) now. She is very lovely.42.Chinese New Year is one of my favourite _ (festival).43.How _ _(beauty) Sandy is in her new clothes!44.There are two_(shoe) shops near my home.45.Look, the boy _ (lie) on the ground is our monitor.46. June 1st is _(child) Day. My daughter likes that day best.47. The white shirt _(与相配)your black trousers well.48.-What are the workers doing over there? - They are busy_( 建造 ) the BRT between Haizhou and Xugou.49. Daniel did the exercises too_( 粗心 ) , and it made his teacher very angry.50. Local people like to _ (放飞) kites and take a walk in the Olympic Sports Center.51. Peter is so imaginative that most students recommend _ (他) as the chairperson of the Science Club.52. We need your help to (筹集) money for those homeless children.53. The naughty boy ran into the garden and (吓唬) the little cat away.54. “Help (you) to some fish. Lucy said to Aunt Amy politely.55. John is so (honest) that no one believes him.五、选词填空 (共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空。oneself design take place feel lonely no longer millions of watch TV write an e-mail to have a bad effect on out of breathshe give me some advice in fact take off play computer games56. Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.Yes, great changes _since .57.After running two miles in ten minutes. Millie arrived at the cinema _.58.Youre _a child. You should learn to stand on your own feet.59.Miss Li, I cant finish the project by _.Why dont you ask your classmates for help?60.Are the children playing outside?No, they _in the sitting room.61.Who designed the National Grand Theater?It _by Paul Andreu from France.62.Many of the old mans friends have moved away, so he _from time to time.63.Whats the news about? _people in the southeast of China are suffering from drought(干旱).64.Dont have too much junk food(垃圾食品)! It may _your health.65.While Sandy was listening to music, Max _his friend online.66. He preferred listening to music to_ after school.67. An old friend of _ is coming to visit her from Canada.68. Thank you for_ on how to improve my spoken English。69. _, he can solve the problem on his own. We dont need to help him.70. When she got to the airport, the plane _.六、完成句子115=15在横线上填入所缺局部,使句子完整注意:每空不止一个单词。A. 同义句改写71.To plant trees every year is necessary for us. _ _for us to plant trees every year.72.Paul left Canada two days ago. Paul _ _Canada since two days ago.B. 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。73.Nancy closed the windows _(为了) keep the room warm.74.Simon and Mary _(乘公共汽车) to the Palace Museum, wont they?No, they will go there by bike.75.Kung Fu Panda 2 is one of _(最有趣的)films right now.76.This is a non-smoking area. Will you please _(熄灭) your cigarette?Sorry, I didnt notice it.77. 我打算给 Peter 买一些礼物。I am going to .78. 我长大了想当一名社会工作者。I want to be a social worker .79. 颜色能够改变我们的心情,使我们感觉快乐或悲伤。Colors can change our moods and .80. 我难以想象未来的生活会是什么样。I cant imagine 81. 汤姆通常吃水果蔬菜,因为他很想保持健康。Tom _ has fruit and _ because he wants to be _.82. 健康的饮食对于运发动来说很重要。A _ _ is very important _ a sportsman.83. 俱乐部是一个结交朋友的好地方。The club is a good place _ _ friends.84. 那么我就能在图书馆再呆十分钟了。I can spend _ _ minutes in the library then.85. 我可以试穿一下这条牛仔裤吗?Can I_ _ _ these jeans?七、任务型阅读(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)CCTV cameras watch action In UK, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras are everywhere. They help the police solve crimes and keep the streets safe. But thats not all they do. They also catch people doing very stupid or smart things. One of the videos is of a British woman Mary Bale. She clearly doesnt like cats. In she was caught on CCTV throwing one into a dustbin. The video shows Mary walking down a quiet street. All of sudden, she notices Lola the cat jump onto a fence. Mary stops to pickup Lola and drops her into a large dustbin. Lola was saved fifteen hours later. And Mary was arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. She was fined ( 罚款)250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.Another video shows “Britains drunkest man. Hes been at a party at Londons Savoy Hotel. And hed obviously had a few too many glasses of beer. At about 2 a. m., he was kicked out for being too drunk. So, he decided to walk home. On the way, CCTV cameras filmed him falling down stairs and crossing the roads madly A Savoy Hotel waiter said, “Its amazing he didnt hurt himself badly.Sometimes they also record smart events. Once a British band The Get Out Clause didnt have any money to make a music video. So, they came up with an unbelievable idea. They set up their instruments ( 乐器) and played a song in front of eight CCTV cameras. And then, according to the English Freedom of Information Act , they asked for a copy of all the footages ( 视频) , which they edited. The result is that a totally new musicvideo was made, and it didnt cost them a penny. Title: CCTV cameras catch actionPassage outlineSupporting detailsUsage of CCTV camerasThey are almost (86)_ and are used in many ways.To help the police solve crimesA woman saw a lonely cat and (87) _ it into a big dustbin.She was fined 250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.To catch people doing stupid thingsA man got very drunk and was thrown out of Londons Savoy Hotel.He went back home through a lot of troubles and dangers but was not (88) _hurt.To (89)_ people doingSmart eventsA band had no money but still wanted to make a music record.They played in front of eight CCTV cameras and asked for the footageCopy for (90) _.They edited the footages and make a totally new music video.八、书面表达总分值20分作业多,学生嫌负担重;作业少,家长又担忧的不得了。参考表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇7090词的短文,谈谈你对这一现象的看法或态度,并明确阐述你的观点。家长学生多做习题,稳固所学知识作业多,没时间运动,身体弱多做练习,提高成绩作业太多,厌学如果作业少,学生贪玩(电脑游戏,电视等)特别是周末作业多没时问培养兴趣爱好_cameras. And then, according to the English Freedom of Information Act , they asked for a copy of all the footages ( 视频) , which they edited. The result is that a totally new musicvideo was made, and it didnt cost them a penny. Title: CCTV cameras catch actionPassage outlineSupporting detailsUsage of CCTV camerasThey are almost (86)_ and are used in many ways.To help the police solve crimesA woman saw a lonely cat and (87) _ it into a big dustbin.She was fined 250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.To catch people doing stupid thingsA man got very drunk and was thrown out of Londons Savoy Hotel.He went back home through a lot of troubles and dangers but was not (88) _hurt.To (89)_ people doingSmart eventsA band had no money but still wanted to make a music record.They played in front of eight CCTV cameras and asked for the footageCopy for (90) _.They edited the footages and make a totally new music video.八、书面表达总分值20分作业多,学生嫌负担重;作业少,家长又担忧的不得了。参考表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇7090词的短文,谈谈你对这一现象的看法或态度,并明确阐述你的观点。家长学生多做习题,稳固所学知识作业多,没时间运动,身体弱多做练习,提高成绩作业太多,厌学如果作业少,学生贪玩(电脑游戏,电视等)特别是周末作业多没时问培养兴趣爱好_


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