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cook 做饭菜,烹做饭菜,烹 hand 手手 dinner 晚餐晚餐 wet 湿的湿的 help 帮忙帮忙 You see, - 你你看,看,- rice 大米大米 open 开办开办, 打开打开 water 水水 restaurant 餐餐馆,饭店馆,饭店 pan 平底锅平底锅 Oh , yeah! 噢,噢,是的!是的! chop 切开切开 must 必须必须 onion 洋葱洋葱 jug 罐子罐子 spoon 勺子勺子 dry 干燥的干燥的 get 拿来,得到拿来,得到 food 食物食物 fork 叉子叉子 sugar 食糖食糖 drawer 抽屉抽屉 milk 牛奶牛奶第1页/共25页You must eat!Unit 19第2页/共25页What does she look like?Why?第3页/共25页junk food第4页/共25页healthy food第5页/共25页 eat 吃吃 fish 鱼鱼 finish 完成,结束完成,结束 salad 沙拉沙拉 Why? 为什么?为什么? dish 菜肴菜肴 Why not?为什么不?为什么不? drink 喝喝 tired 疲惫的疲惫的 mustnt 不能不能 problem 问题问题 peach 桃子桃子 lots of 很多很多 Help yourself! 请请自便吧!自便吧! 第6页/共25页 You must eat .must 情态动词 ,之后+动词原形You must stay at home.在疑问句中, Must放在主语之前。Must not =mustnt 表禁止You must study hard.Must I study hard?Yes,I must/have to. No, I neednt 第7页/共25页There is/are.表“某地有某物”There is +a/an.+其他There is a dog near the park.There is an apple on the table. There are some/lots of/ a lot of/many+名词复数+其他There are some books on the desk.第8页/共25页就近原则就近原则There are three books and a pen and an apple on the table. There is a pen ,an apple and three books on the table.小结: there be句型表某地有某物。Be动词的选用“就近原则” There_ a skirt,two dresses and some socks on the bed.There_some water in the bottle There is ,there is第9页/共25页 There is/are填空填空 1:an egg and some hot dogs in the basket. 2:_ some famous rivers in china. 3:_lots of fish and chips in the restaurant. 4:_an apple, a banana and a pear on the table. Is there a tree in front of building? ( ) A: Yes ,there are B: No ,there is第10页/共25页There be 句型的一般疑问句: 单数句型结构 Is there a/an- ? 肯定回答: Yes, there is 否定回答:No, there isnt There is a child in the park . Is there a child in the park? 第11页/共25页 复数句型结构 Are there any+可数名词复数- ? 肯定结构:Yes, there are. 否定结构:No, there arent.There are some children in the park.Are there any children in the park?第12页/共25页There be 句型的否定形式 单数句型结构There isnt (any)- There is not (any)-碗里没有鱼 There isnt any fish in the bowl第13页/共25页 复数句型结构 There arent any+可数名词复数 There are not any+可数名词复数 桌子上没有苹果。 There arent any apples on the table.第14页/共25页some any a lot ofsome 1、用在可数和不可数名词,复数名词前,意为“一些” 2、用在带句号的句子中any 1、用在可数和不可数名词,复数名词前,意为“一些” 2、用在带问号和not的句子中第15页/共25页 a lot of / lots of “许多” 1、可用在可数名词复数和不可数名词前,表示 “许多” 2、可用在带句号“。”的句子中、带问号“?”和not的句子中第16页/共25页 meat 肉 grape 葡萄 buy 买 bread 面包 cake 蛋糕 tin 金属盒 cheese 奶酪 butter 黄油第17页/共25页 hungry living-room interesting bring ding-dong things English发音要领:发音要领:辅音。双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,辅音。双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌根自然向上顶住,气流从鼻腔舌根自然向上顶住,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。送出,声带振动。第18页/共25页Crossword Puzzlep r o bl e meeua r eH e sch o tilles c h o olsdce第19页/共25页Homework1 1、抄写、抄写P28P30P28P30的生词的生词六六遍。遍。 2 2、背熟课文第、背熟课文第1 1段和第段和第4 4段对话。段对话。3 3、会默写红色体单词、会默写红色体单词4 4、做完作业后,请家长在作业本上签字。、做完作业后,请家长在作业本上签字。 第20页/共25页 2 A: Is there any butter or bread? B: There isnt any butter, but there is some bread. A: Is there a lot of bread? B: Yes, there is lots of bread. 3 A: Is there any fish or meat? B: There isnt any fish, but there is some meat. A: Is there a lot of meat? B: Yes, there is lots of meat.第21页/共25页 4 A: Are there any grapes or peaches? B: There arent any grapes, but there are some peaches. A: Are there a lot of peaches? B: Yes, there are lots of peaches. 5 A: Are there any cups or glasses? B: There arent any cups, but there is some glasses. A: Are there a lot of glasses? B: Yes, there are lots of glasses.第22页/共25页 6 A: Is there any milk or orange juice? B: There isnt any milk, but there is some orange juice. A: Is there a lot of orange juice? B: Yes, there is lots of orange juice. 第23页/共25页第24页/共25页感谢您的观看!第25页/共25页


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