2014届高三英语一轮复习方案 课时作业 模块1 Unit 1 School life

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2014届高三英语一轮复习方案 课时作业 模块1 Unit 1 School life_第1页
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2014届高三英语一轮复习方案 课时作业 模块1 Unit 1 School life_第3页
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课时作业(一)模块1Unit 1 School life (限时:30分钟).单项填空1He is a man of _ and he had a lot of interesting _ in his life.Amuch experience; experiencesBmany experiences; experienceCmuch experience; experienceDmany experiences; experiences2_ the school, he saw his parents _ for him at the school gate.AAt reaching; waited BOn arriving; waitingCAt arriving; waited DOn reaching; waiting3Do you know that not until the winter of 2010 _to know each other?Yes, I know. It was not until the spring of 2012 that _married. Athey got; they got Bthey got; did they getCdid they get; did they get Ddid they get; they got4The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.Areally Bsuch Ctoo Dso5How do you like the book?Its quite different from _ I read last month.Athat BwhichCthe one which Done which6We meet on the last Friday of every month to talk about poems and poets _ we like.Awhich Bwho Cwhat Dthat7Is this the painting _ you offered 1,000 dollars for on the Internet?Yeah,I will give you 15% discount if you like it.Awhen BwhichCas Dwhat8Studies show the electronic devices people have made much use of _ music may be causing hearing losses.Ato enjoy BenjoyingCenjoy Denjoyed9We are informed that the Weifang International Kite Festival starts at 7:00.Oh, I didnt expect it was so early! I _ to go out for dinner with my friends first.Awas planning Bam planningChave been planning Dhave planned10Is _ possible for senior high school students to get a driving license in the UK?Awhat Bthis Cthat Dit11The teacher has a very good way _ making his classes lively and _Ato; interesting Bof; interestingCof; interested Dto; interested12Our class teacher required that all the students _at the school gate on Saturday morning.Agathered Bshould gatherCwould gather Dto gather13Mr. Smith was a serious headmaster, but _ all the teachers and students in our school showed respect for.Athat Bwhich Cone Dwho14A bird was caught in the net and was _ to get free.Astruggling BstruggledChaving struggled Dstruggle15New technology _ to make sure that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use _ the air.Ais used; no to polluteBhas used; is not pollutedCis being used; do not polluteDhas been used; to pollute.完形填空Two years ago we were at a turning point in our lives in New Zealand, so we decided to start an adventure. We quit our _16_, said goodbye to friends and family, and went to live in Switzerland. _17_ in the small town of Aadorf, we enrolled (注册) our daughters, who were 15 and 11 at the time, in the_18_school. They were the only English speakers in the school, and_19_they had no German or local Swiss dialect, we knew their path would be_20_. But after only a few months, the girls were doing really well, and making every_21_to suit the Swiss way of life. _22_, the local newspaper_23_a story about them. When the halfpage article, complete_24_photo, appeared in the newspaper, the girls were delighted. But_25_followed next still has us shaking our heads in_26_. A teacher from the school showed the article to a friend, who sent the article to friends of his, a Swiss family who_27_to be nearing the end of their 12month stay in New Zealand. When they read how we missed feijoasa fruit_28_in Switzerlandthey cast their eyes out the window_29_the huge feijoa tree loaded with fruit. So they picked two kilograms of feijoas and brought them back with them to Switzerland_30_for us. They gave the fruit to their friend, who then drove two hours to_31_deliver the precious load to us. When we opened the front door_32_that day, a big bag of feijoas were sitting there. We had no_33_how it got there. A note left inside the bag_34_us to start to solve the mystery. It was from the family, wishing us all the best and happy_35_. 16A.offices BschoolsCjobs Dprogrammes17A.Searching BWorkingCSettling DStopping18A.foreign BlocalCneighbouring D old19A.as Bwhen Cwhere Dthough20A.narrow Bnew Cwild Dhard21A.choice Beffort Cplan Dpromise22A.In turn BIn replyCIn response DIn short23A.read Bsold Cmade Dran24A.about Bwith Cby Dthrough25A.what Bthat Cwho Dit26A.excitement BamazementCagreement Dembarrassment27A.happened BexpectedCintended Ddecided28A.expensive BpopularCunknown Dstrange29A.against Bof Cdown Dat30A.especially BreallyCmostly Dcertainly31A.sincerely BcarefullyCpurposefully Dsecretly32A.soon BafterwardsCright Dlater33A.idea Bconcept Cfeeling Dsense34A.told Bwarned Chelped Dtaught35A.holiday Beating Cweekend Dtravelling.阅读理解Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied. But for long I have been accustomed to such responses, and become convinced that the_seeing_see_littleHow was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? Iwho cannot see, find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry(对称) of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch(银桦树), or the rough bark of a pine. In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening nature after her winters sleep. I feel the delightful, smooth texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable swirl(旋动); and something of the miracle of nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently in a small tree and feel the happiness of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have cool waters of a stream rush through my open fingers. To me a rich carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug(波斯毛毯). To me the circle of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips. At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. The whole picture of color and action filling the world is taken for granted. It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light, the gift of sight is used only as mere convenience rather than as a means of adding fullness to life.36What does the author imply by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?AIf one is always using his eyes, he would have poor eyesight.BThe sighted people sometimes fail to discover beautiful things.CThe blind people see no less than the sighted ones.DWhen one tries to see, he always sees nothing.37Which of the following is NOT an example given to show how the nature interests the author?AThe delicate symmetry (对称) of a leaf.BThe delightful, smooth texture of a flower.CThe happiness of a bird in full song.DThe most luxurious Persian rug.38What does the author think is the reason why sighted people fail to discover the beauty of nature?AThat they long for that which they have not.BThat what they have is usually taken for granted.CThat the gift of sight is a means of adding fullness to life.DThat mere touch is the best way to discover and feel.39What is the passage mainly about?AIt tries to prove that the seeing see little.BIt describes how wonderful the nature is.CIt tells people to protect their eyesight.DIt expresses some thoughts on feeling beauty and sight.课时作业(一).1.Aof much experience“有很多经验的”,a lot of interesting experiences意为“很多有趣的经历”。experience作“经验”讲时是不可数名词,作“经历”讲时是可数名词。 2Don/upon(doing) sth.固定搭配,“一做某事就”;see sb. doing看见某人正在做。arrive后应接介词,故不入选。3D考查倒装句和强调句型。第一空为宾语从句,否定副词置于句首引起部分倒装;第二空属强调句型,不倒装。4D考查状语从句。sothat如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。5Cthe one指代上个月我读的那本书,作先行词;which引导定语从句,修饰the one,which可省略。6D当先行词有人和物时,关系代词用that。7B可将问话人说的还原成:This is the painting _ you,可见the painting是先行词,关系代词应指代它作从句里for的宾语。故选B。8A本题考查非谓语动词中不定式的用法。“people have made much use of to enjoy music”是the electronic devices的定语从句,其中to enjoy music在从句中作目的状语。9A用过去进行时表示过去本打算做某事而实际并没做。10Dit作形式主语,代替后面的不定式短语。11Bway后面可用to do sth.或of doing sth.两种形式作定语;第二空用interesting作宾补,意为“令人感兴趣的”。12Brequire后面的宾语从句中用 “(should)do”形式表虚拟。13Cone指代“a serious headmaster”,空后部分均为定语从句修饰one。14A句意:一只鸟被网罩住了,挣扎着想要逃脱。15C根据new technology与动词use是被动关系,排除B;根据第二空作谓语而不用非谓语形式排除A、D。其句子结构是:在that引导的宾语从句中,we use是定语从句修饰前面的名词,其主干成分是:the cars, taxis, buses and trains do not pollute the air.背井离乡,何人能解乡愁苦。作者一家在瑞士开始了新的生活。如何融入当地的生活?文章中我们发现,虽在他乡,但人们之间的乡邻情让我们无比感激。16C从上下文知,我们开始在瑞士的生活,我们离开了朋友和家人,所以应该是放弃了工作,所以选jobs。17C从上下文知,我们定居在了一个叫做Aadorf的小镇上,所以选C项。18B我们把女儿们安置在了当地的(local)学校中。19A从句意知,由于(as)“我”女儿她们不懂德语和瑞士方言,所以她们的道路相对会比较艰难(hard)。20D参考上题解析。21B根据语意知,这是make an effort的固定词组,表示“努力做某事”,选B项。22C这里是固定词组,in response表示“作为对的回应,反映”,选C项。23C当地的报纸对她们做了报道,所以用make a story。24B当附有照片、占半页报纸版面的文章刊登的时候,孩子们很高兴。所以用with介词,表示“伴随,附有”。25A这里是what引导的主语从句,表示“的东西”,选A项。26B我们感到非常吃惊,用in amazement搭配,选B项。27A根据上下文知,一个瑞士家庭碰巧(happen)住在新西兰,即将住满一年,选A项。28C根据语意知,这种水果在瑞士并不非常有名,所以用unknown。29D这里表示“朝方向看”,所以用介词at。 30A根据上下文知,他们摘了两公斤的费约果,专门(especially)给我们送过来。31D从下文When we opened the front door知,他们是偷偷地送来的,所以用secretly。32D语意表示“第二天晚些时候,我们打开门发现了这些水果”,所以用later that day。33A我们不知道这些水果是怎么来的,所以用have no idea表示“不知道”,选A项。34C但里面附加的一张字条帮助(help)我们知道了真相,所以用help。35B从上下文知,他们希望我们能好好地享受这些水果,所以用eating。.36.B推理判断题。从上下文可以判断:看见的人看不见,指的是虽然健康的人拥有视力,但有时候却不懂得发现生活中的美。37D细节理解题。从文中“To me a rich carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug(波斯毛毯)”可知,作者更爱大自然的松针软草胜于哪怕是最奢华的波斯毛毯。38B推理判断题。从文章最后两句可以找到答案。A项只是说人们追求自己没有的东西,不等同说人们不懂得珍惜自己所拥有的;C、D项明显与文意不符。39D主旨大意题。作者从自己看不见的经历描述通过触摸感受到的美丽和对人们看得见却发现不了美丽表达了一些个人的情感和想法。A项为了证明“看见的人看不见”,B项只是为了描述大自然的美妙,C项告诉人们要保护视力,均不符合题意。8


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