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沃特罗伦WRM7060 All-in-one Owners Manual Wood / WRM7060 多合一用户手册 实木EnglishTranslationS4 Owners ManualS4用户手册Contents Owners Manual Assembly Manual Monitor Manual Warranty Information Contact Information内容 用户手册 组装说明书 电子表说明书 保修说明 联系信息 Owners ManualCongratulations on becoming a WaterRower Owner.Rowing is universally recognized as the perfect aerobic exercise - smooth, low impact, rhythmic and full-body - unrivalled for its physiological benefits and aesthetic pleasures.Rowing, indoors or outdoors, at any exercise level of intensity, requires a greater exercise expenditure than any other aerobic activity. Calories are burned in relation to the number of muscles used and the intensity and duration of the exercise. Rowing with a sliding seat uses a very large muscle mass since the upper, lower and trunk muscles are used vigorously. Dr. C Everett Koop- Former US Surgeon GeneralWhile most rowing machines imitate the action of rowing, they do so mechanically, and therefore lack the natural dynamics experienced when a boat and crew glide down a river.At WaterRower, we have focused on replicating the physical dynamics of rowing, with the knowledge that this will achieve all of its physiological benefits, as well as much of the aesthetic pleasure. To maximize the enjoyment from using your WaterRower, we recommend that you follow our suggestions on rowing technique and exercise programs. We hope that some of the discussion points in this manual will improve your general exercise knowledge, so that you are better able to fulfill your specific exercise objectives.Your WaterRower has been carefully handcrafted to provide years of trouble-free use. We recommend that you closely follow the assembly details provided, particularly by assembling the machine in the correct sequence and adhering to the suggested maintenance schedule.We hope you enjoy using your WaterRower for many years to come.用户手册祝贺您成为沃特罗伦划船机的使用者。划船是一项世界公认的完美的有氧运动动作流畅、冲击力小、富有节奏且全身运动,是一种无与伦比的身心享受与锻炼。“任何强度的室内或室外划船,都比其他任何有氧运动需要更大的体能支出。卡路里的消耗,与运动中所使用的肌肉数量、运动强度及持续时间密切相关。在滑动座椅上划船需要高强度地使用大量的肌肉群,如上肢、下肢及身体躯干”。C埃弗雷特库普博士如是说 美国前公共卫生局局长虽然大多数划船机模拟了实际的划船运动,但只是机械的动作,因此缺乏船只及划船者在顺流时的自然动态感受。而沃特罗伦公司则十分注重将划船的物理动力再现于该品牌的划船机上,因此可实现所有生理上的益处,并尽可能达到审美愉悦。为了您能够最大限度地享用您的沃特罗伦划船机,建议您按照我们提议的划船技术和锻炼项目进行练习。我们也希望本手册中的部分观点能提高您对运动的一般性认知,从而使您能够更好地实现特定的运动目标。您的沃特罗伦划船机由手工精心打造,能够确保您无虞使用多年。但是,我们建议您严格按照所提供的组装细节进行划船机的组装,尤其需要注意正确的组装顺序,并坚持按建议进行阶段性的保养。我们希望您在后续多年中,能够尽享沃特罗伦划船机带来的运动快乐。OWNERS MANUALOperationThe WaterRower is unique in using the effect of drag to provide an exercise which is entirely self-paced. Because drag is linked to speed, a crew rowing down a river chooses its intensity of exercise simply by altering the pace at which they row. The faster the boat travels the greater the drag and the harder the crew must work; there is a similar effect in swimming.By replicating these dynamics, the WaterRower does not require mechanical adjustment to increase resistance; if a more intensive workout is required, simply row with greater intensity and the WaterRower will respond accordingly.Water LevelThe volume of water in the WaterRower tank is designed to simulate the weight of the boat and crew gliding down the river.We recommend a level of 17, which we feel closely simulates the feel of a double scull and is suitable for all users.It is unnecessary to vary the water level to change resistance; increasing/ decreasing the water level simply simulates a heavier/ lighter type of boat.Like a boat gliding down a river, WaterRowers unique self-regulating resistance alters resistance proportional to the speed of the moving water.Indeed, by the relationship we call “the rule of cubes”, doubling the speed of the water produces an 8-fold increase in drag and necessitates an equal increase in work to maintain that speed.NOTE - Fill the Tank with ordinary municipal water. Municipal water contains additives which will deter the growth of algae. Distilled or purified water has these additives removed, promoting algae growth; and should therefore be avoided. (Refer to the section on Preventative Maintenance for advice on Water Treatment). 用户手册运作原理沃特罗伦划船机是唯一的可完全由操作者通过拖拽来实现自我调速的运动设备。因为拉力与速度相关,现实中划船者的运动强度仅由划桨频率的变化而决定:若要使船速加快,就要加大划桨力度,划船者就要更加使劲。这优点类似于游泳。通过将这些动力学原理再现,沃特罗伦划船机无须手动调节即可增加水流阻力:若需要产生更大的水阻力,只需更快及更用力地划桨,而后沃特罗伦划船机就会做出应有的反应。水位水箱中的水量是对船身及划船者实际入水重量的模拟。我们建议您采用17升的水位,这一水位在极高程度上模拟了双人双桨的运动体验,并且适合所有使用者。无须通过水位来改变水阻力。增加或减少水位只是模拟更重或更轻的船身。类似于船在水中滑行,沃特罗伦划船机独一无二的自调阻力可通过水流速度来改变水阻力。水位完全根据用户个人喜好或使用者级别而定;运动强度则完全随既定水量的划动快慢而改变。计数器下方的水箱上设有一个水位计。事实上,水流速度与水阻力被称“立方关系”,即水流速度翻倍时,水阻力变为原来的8倍,而且需要相应地增加做功来维持这一速度。注意: 水箱应注入日常的市政用水。市政用水所含的添加剂可阻止藻类的生长。蒸馏水或纯净水已去除这些添加剂,反而能促进藻类生长,因此应避免注入水箱。(水箱中的水处理,请参看设备定期维护的部分)。Heel Rest PositionThe Heel Rest has been designed to be adjusted for maximum comfort. The Foot Strap is designed to cross the foot at the pivot point of the toes (the ball of the foot). This should enable the heel to be raised off the Footboard as the user comes forward with each stroke. The Heel Rests can be easily adjusted to accommodate different foot positions. The Standard Footboard Model requires pressing the Button between the Foot Straps to move the Heel Rests up or down.Start Up MaintenanceDuring the first weeks of use, the wood in your WaterRower will adjust to the temperature and humidity of the environment. During this period, it is strongly advised that you GENTLY tighten all of the Connecting Bolts with the Allen Key stored under the Rear Spacer. Please be careful not to over tighten any of these bolts. Additionally, as the Drive and Recoil Belts loosen up with use, it may be necessary to tighten the Bungee Cord. To do this, leave the Handle in the full forward position and adjust the Bungee/Recoil Belt Buckle to provide a little more tension. It may be necessary to perform these two simple start up procedures once or twice over the first month of use.Preventative MaintenancePeriodic maintenance is required to maintain the condition of the water in the tank. We strongly advise using municipal tap water which contains chlorine and other chemicals to keep it free from bacteria, algae, etc. The chlorine must be refreshed periodically by adding the provided Water Purification Tablet. Chlorine degrades by exposure to light; this may vary from four months in direct sunlight to two years in an artificially lit environment. Generally we suggest adding one purification tablet every six months.If water discoloration occurs, add a purification tablet immediately. If the water does not clear, we recommend emptying the tank, flushing it out with clean water, refilling and adding a purification tablet.Never use chlorine bleach in the tank as this will irreparably damage the Polycarbonate Tank.塑料踏板定位塑料踏板设计为可调节式,力求舒适度的最大化。脚部固定带跨过所有脚趾的支点(脚拇趾根部的球形部分)。这样的设计使得练习者在每一次向前划行时,能够将脚跟从踏板总成上抬起。塑料踏板可根据不同的双脚位置而随意调整。在“标准踏板总成模式”下,按压脚部固定带之间的按键,可将塑料踏板抬高或降低。磨合期保养在使用的前几个星期,您的沃特罗伦划船机的木质部件会根据环境的温湿度进行自我调整。此时,强烈建议您用内六角扳手(存放于后隔板下方)轻轻的将所有连接螺栓加固。请千万注意:切勿过度旋紧任何一枚螺栓。此外,当前后驱动带因使用而变得松弛时,有必要收紧弹力绳。要收紧弹力绳,请将把手完全置于前进方向,而后调整弹力绳或驱动带扣,使之更具张力。使用的第一个月中,仅需进行1至2次此项保养程序。预防性的保养水箱中的水质,需要阶段性的维护。我们强烈建使用常规的市政自来水,因为自来水中含有使水箱不受细菌、藻类等物质腐蚀的氯元素和其他化学物质。水箱中的氯必须通过随机配备的净化片(附于用户手册后)进行更新。氯随光照而分解:在直接的阳光照射下,氯的分解时间为6个月左右;在人工照明条件下,氯的分解时间为2年左右。一般情况下,平均每6个月为水箱加一个净化片。若发现水开始变质,请立即向水箱加一个净化片。若水变得混浊,我们建议排空水箱,用清水冲洗后,再次注入干净的自来水,并加入一个净化片。请勿向水箱加入氯漂白剂,因为这们会无法挽回的破坏由聚碳酸脂材料制成的水箱。Maintaining and CleaningTo maintain the appearance and integrity of your WaterRower, it is necessary to keep the machine clean. It is particularly important to ensure that there is no dust build up in the Clutch and Belt Mechanism between the Top and Bottom Decks. Dust can be removed by using a cloth or vacuum cleaner.The surface of the Rails must be kept clean to prevent dust and dirt from deteriorating the Seat Wheels; the rails can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth.The surface of the Tank can be cleaned, however, please ensure you read the instructions for any cleaning products prior to use; do not use methylated chlorates or ammonia based fluids.Maintaining the WoodThe natural wood WaterRowers are finished with Danish oil which gives a deep penetrating finish to the hardwood frame. Other than occasional dusting or polishing, the wood requires no maintenance. If you are the owner of an Oxbridge WaterRower, you will notice that Cherry wood is photosensitive and will develop a wonderful dark patina color over time.Storage of Your WaterRowerYour WaterRower can be stored upright as shown in Step Eight of the Assembly Manual. Lift the Rear Spacer end, pull the WaterRower towards you and use the momentum to stand it in an upright position. When storing the WaterRower, please ensure the seat is in the forward position (close to the footboard). When stored upright, the WaterRower is stable while taking up the space of a chair.保养与清洁 为了维护您的沃特罗伦划船机的美观与完整,坚持清洁设备非常必要。顶板和底板之间的离合器与驱动结构,尤其不能堆积灰尘。可用真空吸尘器进行除尘。 轨道表面必须保持干净,避免灰尘阻塞座椅滚轮。轨道表面可用湿布进行清洁。水箱表面也可清洁,但事先请务必阅读清洁剂说明。切勿使用含有氯酸盐或氨的清洁剂。木质结构的保养沃特罗伦划船机采用天然实木,并以能够深入渗透木质结构的丹麦油进行表面涂层处理。除了的除尘及擦拭,划船机的实木结构无须其他保养。若您是沃特罗伦Oxbridge机型的用户,您将发现其所用的樱桃实木具有感光性,并随着时间的推移逐渐显现出一种美妙的深锈色光泽。划船机的存放您的沃特罗伦划船机可如组装说明书步骤8所示般,直立存放。抬起后隔板一端,将划船机拉向你,并顺势使其直立。存放划船机前,请务必使座垫位于前方(靠近踏板总成)。当直立存放时,沃特罗伦划船机很稳固,而且只占用一张靠背椅大小的空间。Using Your WaterRowerThe Rowing Action uses 84% of your muscle mass; from the tips of the fingers holding the handle/oars, to the balls of the feet connected to the footboard/boat, all the muscles between these 2 points contribute to the Rowing Action. The Rowing Action is comprised of both fast (drive phase) and slow (recovery phase) movements. It is important to combine these 2 movements into a rhythm in order to create a smooth, flowing, unhurried Rowing Action. The diagrams below show 3 basic movements of the Rowing Action.Catch PositionSitting tall, arms straight reaching forward, shoulders relaxed, head up, eyes looking forward, legs compressed and shins vertical.Drive PhaseDrive back with the legs, arms hang off the handle and only begin to pull once handle is above the knees, torso is strong with good posture and body angle opens up slowly as you drive the legs.Release PositionLegs straight, handle drawn to chest, sitting back just past the vertical, torso firm, shoulders relaxed, head up and eyes looking forward.Allow yourself the first few rowing sessions to practice the correct positions and phases as well as the correct ratio and rhythm of the Rowing Action. With regular rowing, the technique will become easier and you will soon experience the physiological benefits of rowing.Please visit www.HowToR to learn more about the phases and positions of the rowing technique. 划船机的使用 划船动作将用到您84%的肌肉群:从握着把手/双桨的双手指尖,到与踏板总成/船身接触的双脚拇趾根部的球形部分。这二个与划船机接触的部位之间的所有肌肉群,都参与了划船动作。 划船动作由一快(推进)一慢(复位)二个阶段构成。划船技巧还要求将这二个动作融合为一种节奏,从而实现平滑、流畅且从容不迫的划船动作。 下图展示了3种基本的划船动作。握把姿势背部挺直坐稳,双臂向前伸直,肩膀放松,抬头直视前方,大腿收紧且小脚垂直于地面。入水阶段双腿与双臂配合,向后拉动把手,只有当把手越过膝盖、身体躯干完全受力且躯体与双腿呈一定角度打开时,才准备躬身复位。出水阶段双腿绷直,把手拉至胸前,向后坐立超过90度角,躯干绷紧,肩膀放松,抬头直视前方。前几次的划船练习中,请安排先练习正确的动作及划船的频率与节奏。以规范的划船动作为基础,划船技术更容易提高,也更快感受到划船运动带来的生理裨益。您可访问网站,学习更多关于划船技术的不同训练阶段及动作。WaterCoachWaterCoach is a rowing education program designed to broaden the knowledge of rowing as a fitness pursuit. WaterCoach consists of three programs for the WaterRower owner, fitness professional/instructor and the general rowing machine user in the gym:WaterCoach Home- a rowing education program and personal training advice for the WaterRower owner.WaterCoach Professional- a rowing education program for the fitness professional/ instructor. ACE certified course.HowToRow- a rowing education program for the rowing machine user, at a gym.We hope that this expanded knowledge enables you to realize the unrivalled physical benefits of rowing and get the best from your WaterRower.For further information, please visit www.HowToRYour Exercise ProgramMost of us recognize the benefit of exercise and the potential improvements to our general health and well-being. However, few of us fully understand the physiology of exercise and the best means of achieving our specific exercise objectives.To get the most out of any exercise program, it is essential to have an understanding of what your exercise objectives are. These may include reducing or maintaining weight, improving general strength, developing bulging muscles, improving sporting competitiveness or simply avoiding the health consequences of a modern, sedentary lifestyle.It is important to set a few different types of objectives. These are divided into: Immediate Objectives- weekly Short Term Objectives- monthly Long Term Objectives- yearly 沃特教练“沃特教练”是一项划船培训方案,旨在传播以划船为健身目标的相关知识。“沃特教练”培训方案由三个子方案构成,适用于以下三种人群:购买沃特罗伦划船机的用户、健身专业人士/教练及健身房中的划船机的一般使用者。 具体方案如下。“沃特教练”居家版:针对购买沃特罗伦划船机用户的划船培训方案及个人训练建议。 “沃特教练”专业版:针对专业健身人员/教练的划船培训方案。ACE认证课程。“沃特教练”健身版:针对健身房中划船机使用者的划船培训方案。我们希望通过对运动知识的拓宽了解,使您认识到划船运动能带来的无与伦比的身体裨益,并充分利用您购买的沃特罗伦划船机。若欲了解其他信息,欢迎访问网站:您的锻炼方案人们大多认同锻炼的好处及其对我们健康状况的潜在改善作用,但是极少人真正理解运动生理学及达到具体锻炼目标的最佳办法。为了使锻炼方案的益处最大化,您首先需要明确锻炼目标,比如,减重或保持体重、改善体能、塑造肌肉群、提高运动竞争性或仅仅为了避免现代案前久坐生活可能引发的健康问题。设定不同类型的锻炼目标很重要。锻炼目标可按时间长短设置:即时目标 周目标短期目标 月目标长期目标 年目标Your long term objectives are your final objectives; to achieve these, you need stepping stones which are the short term and immediate objectives.Objectives need to be: Specific - set goals that you would like to achieve by certain dates. Realistic - do not set a standard too high or motivation may subside. Flexible - be prepared for setbacks, such as injuries and illness.Weight MaintenanceAt lower intensities, our body uses a mixture of fat and carbohydrate as its source of fuel. As the maximum aerobic output is approached, the percentage of fat consumed as fuel reduces to zero. Also, as the duration of exercise is increased, the percentage of fat consumed tends to increase.If your objective is weight maintenance, then the energy (food) you consume must equal energy used (exercise, metabolism etc.). Exercising for weight maintenance is best achieved at lower intensities and over longer durations. A low intensity (60 - 70% of the maximum heart rate) is typically that at which you can hold a conversation; it is by no means strenuous and is about that achieved by a brisk walk.Aerobic TrainingA sustained exercise program will improve the efficiency with which the respiratory and cardiovascular system can supply oxygen. This improves lung function, heart function, vascular efficiency and capillary growth, leading to improved well-being and endurance. At about 70 - 80% of the maximum heart rate, lactic acid begins to accumulate in the blood supply at a greater rate than it can be extracted by the liver, kidneys and other organs. Exercising above this intensity will cause progressive accumulation of lactic acid in the blood, increased heart and breathing rates and cause muscle fatigue.Prolonged exercise at or below this intensity will maintain lactic acid at non-fatiguing levels and exercise duration will be limited solely to the depletion of available fuel stores.If your exercise objective is aerobic training (cardiovascular/ endurance), then it is necessary to exercise at an intensity which will avoid fatigue due to lactic acid build up. This is best achieved at moderate levels of intensity over medium/long durations. A moderate exercise intensity (70-80% of the maximum heart rate) is about that achieved by a steady jog, avoiding the onset of muscle soreness. 长期目标是您的最终目标。要实现长期目标,您需要短期目标及即时目标作为铺垫,循序渐进。锻炼目标必须:l 具体,即目标是一定能达到的、具体的l 现实,即目标不能设置得过高、难以实现,以免失去实现目标的动力l 灵活,做好运动效果反弹的准备,比如因为运动受伤或其他疾病保持体重运动强度较低时,身体只需利用脂肪和碳水化合物的混合物作为能量来源。当有氧输出接近最大化时,脂肪的消耗量的占比率减少为零。但是,随着锻炼持续时间的增加,脂肪消耗量的占比率又开始增加。如果你的锻炼目标是保持体重,那么你摄入的热量(食物)必须等于身体所使用的热量(运动、新陈代谢等)。通过锻炼保持体重的最佳途径是低强度和较长的持续时间。低强度锻炼(60-70%的最大心率)最典型的是你在锻炼时能交谈:毫无疑问这不是剧烈的运动,而大约只是轻快的散步。 有氧训练一个持久的训练方案能改进呼吸系统和心血管系统的供氧效率,比如改善肺部功能、心脏功能、血管效率及毛细血管的生长,从而改善身体的健康状况和耐力。在70-80%最大心率的情况下,乳酸开始在血液中以极大的、来不及通过肝、肾等脏器排出的速率堆积。因此,当运动强度高于70-80%的最大心率时,可能导致越来越多的乳酸在血液中堆积,心率和呼吸加快,并引发肌肉疲劳。在70-80%的最大心率或低于此强度的情况下延长锻炼时间,可将乳酸保持在肌肉非疲劳的水平,且锻炼的持续时间仅限于消耗可获得的身体能量。如果您的锻炼目标是有氧训练(心血管/耐力),那么你的运动强度应该避免乳酸堆积引起的疲劳。最好通过中等运动强度加上中等或较长运动时间来实现。稳步慢跑即是一种中等强度(70-80%的最大心率)的运动,可避免肌肉酸痛的发生。 Anaerobic TrainingAnaerobic training causes the build-up of lactic acid (as rapidly as one minute after exercise is commenced). Lactic acid saturation will necessitate either a rapid reduction in exercise intensity or complete cessation.The accumulation of lactic acid limits the contribution of the anaerobic process to total energy production. Though energy may be generated rapidly, total work capacity and total output is limited.The level of intensity at which lactic acid begins to accumulate can be altered by training. This is best done by improving the efficiency of the aerobic process and is achieved by training at moderate levels of intensity.Exercising at anaerobic intensities may condition an athletes tolerance to fatigue, but the benefit can be more psychological than physiological. Prolonged exercise at high intensity not only impairs the weight reduction and aerobic training effect, but the rapid onset of fatigue can cause poor technique and increase risk of injury.Training anaerobically is done at high intensities (80-100% of the maximum heart rate) over a short period of time (10 seconds to a few minutes). Interval training is a form of anaerobic training.无氧训练无氧训练会导致乳酸堆积(快到从锻炼开始后的一分钟)。乳酸饱和会迫使锻炼强度不得不骤降或锻炼完全停止。乳酸堆积限制了无氧过程对能量产出的作用。尽管能量能够迅速产生,但是总产能与总产量是有限的。乳酸开始堆积的运动强度水平,可通过训练来改变。最佳办法是改善有氧过程的效率,并通过中等强度的运动训练来实现。无氧强度下的锻炼可以使运动员具有耐疲劳性,但是这种益处只是心理的而非生理的。在高强度下延长锻炼时间,不仅不会减轻体重,还会损害有氧训练的效果。同时,迅速出现的疲劳还导致运动技术无法提高,更增加了受伤的风险。无氧训练(80-100%的最大心率)通常在高强下及短时间(10秒或几分钟)内进行。间歇训练即是一种无氧训练。Training GuidelinesTo ensure you get the maximum benefit from training on your WaterRower and to avoid unnecessary problems or injuries, here are a few guidelines: A health check before starting an exercise program. Use heart rate to monitor your intensity. Always warm up and cool down. Always stretch, especially at the end of your workout. Keep a record of your workouts. Keep well hydrated. Gradually increase the intensity, duration and frequency of your workouts. Ensure you include recovery time in your training program. Add variety to your workouts.For further information on rowing training, please visit www.HowToR. 训练准则为了确保您能从您的沃特罗伦划船机上得到最大的运动收益且避免不必要的问题或伤害,此处提供一些训练准则:l 在开始任何训练项目前,请进行体检l 通过心率来监测您的运动强度l 总是进行热身和放松运动l 坚持拉伸身体,尤其在锻炼结束时l 坚持对锻炼作记录l 保持良好的水分补充l 逐步增加运动强度、时间及频率l 确保在训练方案中包含运动恢复的时间l 使训练多样化若您需要其他与划船训练相关的信息,欢迎访问网站:www.HowToRASSEMBLYWe have done our best to keep the assembly instructions as clear and concise as possible. Assembling your WaterRower takes about 30-45 minutes and the only tool you need is a 5mm Allen Key that is included on the Rear Spacer or in the Assembly Bag.The WaterRower comes partially assembled in two boxes. Step OneLay the Rails on the floor and connect the Rear Spacer using the female JCN Nuts and the Allen Key provided. The black extrusions are po


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