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1(2009年四川卷)The teacher together with the students_discussing Reading Skills that_newly published in America.Aare;were Bis;wereCare;was Dis;was【解析】当(together)with连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致,故根据第一空排除选项A和C;第二空考查定语从句中的谓语动词,先行词Reading Skills是一本书,故谓语动词用单数形式,所以D项正确。【答案】D2(2009年湖南卷)Either you or one of your students_to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.Aare BisChave Dbe【解析】考查主谓一致中的“就近原则”。one of.表示其中之一,是单数主语,所以谓语动词必须使用单数形式。【答案】B3In this institution a medal,together with a prize of a certain sum of money,_does best in science and technology every two years.Ais given to whoever Bare given to anyoneCare given to who Dis given to whom【解析】句子的真正主语是a medal,因此谓语动词用单数;to后面跟了一个由whoever引导的宾语从句,whoever在从句中作主语,whom不能作主语,因此答案选A。【答案】A4_either he or you going with me when the play_here?AIs;is put on BIs;is put upCAre;is put on DAre;put up【解析】根据就近原则可知,either.or,neither.nor连接的并列名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与其最靠近的主语一致,此题中最靠近的代词为he,因此谓语动词用is;put on演出(戏剧),put up建起,张贴;根据句意可知此处应填put on。【答案】A5I,who_your best friend,will try my best to help you.Abe BareCis Dam【解析】非限制性定语从句的谓语应该与先行词保持一致。【答案】D6The writer and the teacher_to give us a talk on American history.Ais BareCwill Dbe【解析】主语译为“那位作家和那位老师”,因此谓语动词用复数,故答案选B。【答案】B7The role that China plays in world affairs_getting more and more important.Ahave been Bwill beCis Dare【解析】句子的主语为the role,后面跟的是that引导的定语从句,谓语应与the role一致,故排除A、D,will be doing表将来,不符合实际意义。【答案】C8The number of people hurt in the traffic accident_to 95,the news agency reports.Ahas increased Bhave increasedChas been increased Dhave been increased【解析】the number作主语,句子的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;数量的增加不用被动语态,因此答案选A。【答案】A9It is the only one of the most exciting movies_been shown this year.Athat has Bthat haveCwhich has Dwhich have【解析】由于先行词被形容词最高级修饰,关系代词应该用that而非which;同时先行词用the only one of.表示时,定语从句修饰one而不是of后的复数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数。【答案】A10The sick_in this hospital now than before.Ais better treated Bwas better treatedCare better treated Dwere better treated【解析】“the某些形容词或分词”作主语,如dying,young,old,blind,rich,sick,wounded,poor或dead等形容词或分词与定冠词搭配时,功能相当于复数名词,代表“一类”,此时句子的谓语动词用复数。【答案】C11The following_some newlypublished popular magazines.Ais BareCwas Dappears【解析】在“the following.”这一结构中,be动词的数与后面的(第一个)名词的数保持一致。【答案】B12John as well as the other children who_no parents_good care of in the village.Ahave;is being taken Bhave;has takenChas;is taken Dhas;have been taken【解析】定语从句中,谓语动词应与先行词保持数的一致;在主句中,如果主语是由“名词附属结构as well as”构成,谓语动词应与最前面的名词保持数的一致,故此处用单数形式。【答案】A13I love performing on stage,as most actors do,because the audience_right there and the response is so honest and immediate.Ais BwasCwere Dwill be【解析】主语是audience时谓语用单数或复数均可;由句意“像多数演员一样我喜欢在舞台上表演,因为观众就在那儿,他们的反应是最真实、最直接的”可知,此处用一般现在时。【答案】A14The steel works to the east of the city_destroyed in the war last year.Awas BhasCare Dhad【解析】works指“工厂”时单复数同形,根据句意可知答案为A。【答案】A15The population of China_larger than that of America.Ahave BhasCare Dis【解析】population表示“人口”时,通常看做是一个整体,表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数,所以答案选D。【答案】D16She has set a new record,that is,the sales of her latest book_50 million.Ahave reached Bhas reachedCare reaching Dhad reached【解析】该题考查动词时态与主谓一致的用法。前半部分用了现在完成时表结果,后半部分说销售达到五千万,也是表结果,the sales是复数。句意为:她创造了一项新纪录,也就是说,她的新书的销售达到了五千万。【答案】A17Not the students but the teacher_by the headmaster.Ahave been praised Bhas been praisedChave praised Dhas praised【解析】not.but.连接并列主语时,谓语动词应与but后面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致,所以答案选B。【答案】B18When and where to build the new factory_yet.Ais not decided Bare not decidedChas not decided Dhave not decided【解析】该题考查主谓一致与动词的时态与被动语态的用法。不定式作主语用单数。句意为:什么时候,在哪建新工厂还未定下来。【答案】A19There_a pen,two pencils and three books on the desk.Aare BisChas Dhave【解析】在there be句型中,如有一系列并列主语时,根据就近原则,be常与它相邻的名词的数保持一致。【答案】B20Email,as well as telephones,_an important part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave playedCare playing Dplay【解析】该题考查主谓一致的用法。as well as telephones是Email的修饰语,主语还是Email故用单数。句意为:Email还有电话在日常交际中起着很重要的作用。【答案】A21He is the only one of the students who_a winner of scholarship for three years.Ais BareChave been Dhas been【解析】该题考查主谓一致的用法。one of名词复数作先行词,如果one前面有the only时,定语从句的谓语动词用单数。句意为:他是这三年以来唯一一个获得奖学金的学生。【答案】D22“News of victories_pouring in as our army advances,” the company commander said.Akeep BkeepsCkept Dhave kept【解析】该题考查主谓一致的用法。此句主语是news故用单数。句意为:队长说:“我们的部队一边向前开进,胜利的消息一个接一个的传来”。【答案】B23Zhangs family_rather big,with twelve people in all.Ais BareCbeing Dwas【解析】该题考查主谓一致的用法。使用意义一致原则。family强调的是整体,故用单数。句意为:张的家庭很大,共有十二口人。【答案】A24_exercise early in the morning has become part of his retired life.ATake BTakesCTaking DTaken【解析】考查非谓语动词。在该句中主语的表达明显不全,对比四个答案能作主语的只有动名词,所以正确的答案是C。【答案】C25How did your students express their thanks to you on TeachersDay?A gift together with many flowers_sent to me.Ais BareCwas Dwere【解析】考查主谓一致和时态。若句子的主语是由together with,along with,with,as well as名词或代词来修饰时,谓语动词与together with,along with,with,as well as前面的名词或代词保持数的一致。根据问句,此处用一般过去时。【答案】C26She is the only one of the girls who_in the company.Ais well paid Bare well paidCis paying well Dare paying well【解析】在定语从句中,当先行词前有the (only) one of修饰时,从句中的谓语动词用单数形式。【答案】A27I,who_your close friend,will try my best to help you out of trouble.Aam BisCare Dbe【解析】who为引导定语从句的关系代词,其先行词为I,所以谓语动词须使用am。【答案】A28To play football and to go swimming_useful for charactertraining.Aas BisCare Dwere【解析】踢足球和游泳是“两件”事。【答案】C29Most of what has been said about the Smiths_also true of the Johnsons.Aare BisCbeing Dto be【解析】句意为:所说的与史密斯一家有关的事情大部分也适用于约翰逊一家。由句子结构判断most of what.作主语,句子缺少谓语动词,排除C、D项。most“大多数,大部分”代指what has been said作主语,句子谓语动词用单数,故选B。【答案】B30With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth_each year.Ais washing away Bis being washed awayCare washing away Dare being washed away【解析】该题考查主谓一致与动词的语态。根据quantity的用法,quantities of复数名词,a quantity of单数名词,故排除A、B项;土壤是被冲走的,用被动语态,故选择D。句意为:因为更多的森林在被破坏,每年都有大量的沃土被冲走。【答案】D


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