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a baseballa watchan ID card a computer gamea notebooka ringa keyWhat are they?a dictionarya pencil boxpencilserasers schoolbagsdictionariesbaseballsringsID cardswatchesnotebookscomputer gamespencil boxes rulesThis is a pencil.That is (Thats) an eraser.These are (Thesere) baseballs.Those are (Thosere) watches.A: Whats this/that?B: Its a/an A: What are (Whatre) these/those?B: They are (Theyre) .A: Is this/that a/an?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.A: Are these/those s?B: Yes, they are. /No, they arent.单数变复数单数变复数this - these that - thoseis - arehe/she/it - they名词后边加名词后边加s/es: boy-boys girl-girls物主代词物主代词my/your/his/her不与冠词不与冠词a/an并用。并用。1.This is my brother.These are my brothers.2. Is that your sister?Are those your sisters?3. She is my friend.They are my friends.将下列单数句子改成复数将下列单数句子改成复数4. The girl isnt my classmate.The girls arent my classmates.1. These are my rings. 肯定回答肯定回答Are these your rings? Yes, they are.将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并做相应回答。将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并做相应回答。2. Those are her friends. 否定回答否定回答Are those her friends? No, they arent.3. They are Mikes family photos. 肯定回答肯定回答Are they Mikes family photos? Yes, they are.Unit 2This is my sister.1. I am a girl.2. They are black and white.3. My phone number is 8688049.4. Bobs backpack is yellow.5. Cindy and Alan are in Class One.6. Its an orange dictionary.将下列句子改为否定句。将下列句子改为否定句。I am not a girl.They are not (arent) black and white.My phone number isnt 8688049.Bobs backpack isnt yellow.Cindy and Alan arent in Class One.It isnt an orange dictionary.1. I am a girl. 肯肯2. They are black and white. 否否3. My phone number is 8688049. 否否4. Bobs backpack is yellow. 肯肯5. Cindy and Alan are in Class One. 否否6. Its an orange dictionary. 肯肯7. These are my potatoes. 否否将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定或否定回答。将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定或否定回答。Are you a girl? Yes, I am.Are they black and white? No, they arent.Is your phone number 8688049? No, it isnt.Is Bobs backpack yellow? Yes, it is.Are Cindy and Alan in Class One? No, they arent.Is it an orange dictionary? Yes, it is.Are these your potatoes? No, they arent. a photo of Mikes (his) family./ Mikes (his) family photo. Here is MikegrandparentsparentsbrothersThese/Those are his _.Here is a photo of Mikes family/ Mikes family photo.This/That is his These/Those are his other family membersA: Who is (Whos) he/she?B: Hes Mikes brother. /Shes Mikes mother.A: Who are (Whore) they?B: Theyre Mikes parents.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. 看图完成下列对话。看图完成下列对话。PracticeJanes brotherJanes motherJanes fatherJanes friendsJanes sisterJaneIs this your father?Yes, it is. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.看图完成下列对话。看图完成下列对话。PracticeIs that your sister?No, it isnt. Its my mother.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.看图完成下列对话。看图完成下列对话。PracticeAre those your friends?Yes, they are.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.看图完成下列对话。看图完成下列对话。PracticeAre these your brother and sister?Yes, they are.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.看图完成下列对话。看图完成下列对话。PracticeA: Is this/that your sister?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.A: Are these/those your parents?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent.A: Is this boy/ he/ she/ Jack your friend/classmate?B: Yes, he/she is ./ No, he/she isnt. Mid-autumn Day + National DayA: How is your eight-day holiday? B: Its great! exciting interesting not bad boring tiring What is “family”?Father andmotherI loveyou.reviewThis is my dictionary.This/The dictionary is mine.These are your pens.These/The pens are yours.That is his .That/The is his.Those are her .Those/The are hers.Introduce your stationery (文具文具).Those are its sunglasses. Those/The are its. our ours their theirs1. I am Kelsey.2. They are in the lost and found case.3. Her telephone number is 563902.4. Cindy and Alan can swim.将下列句子改为将下列句子改为否定句否定句。I am not Kelsey.They are not (arent) in the lost and found case.Her telephone number isnt 563902.Cindy and Alan can not (cant) swim.1. I am Kelsey. 否否2. They are in the lost and found case. 肯肯3. This dictionary is black. 否否4. Cindy and Alan can swim. 肯肯/否否将下列句子改为将下列句子改为一般疑问句一般疑问句,并做,并做肯肯定或定或否否定回答。定回答。Are you Kelsey? No, Im not.Are they in the lost and found case? Yes, they are.Is this dictionary black? No, it isnt.Can Cindy and Alan swim? Yes, they can. /No, they cant.1. I am Kelsey. 2. They are in the lost and found case. 3. Her telephone number is 563902. 4. This dictionary is black. 5. My father is very well today. 6. Alan is in Row Five. 7. Thats a black and white cat.8. My cousin is twenty-four years old.划线提问划线提问.are you? are they? is her phone number?is this dictionary? is your father today? is Alan in? Who Where What What color HowWhat rowis that? Whatis your cousin? How old特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 = 疑问词疑问词+简短一般疑问句简短一般疑问句( ) 1. This is he brother. _ A B C D( ) 2. Those is my grandparent. _ A B C D选出错误的一项并改正。选出错误的一项并改正。CAhisThatExercise( ) 3. Tom and I am good friends. _ A B C D( ) 4. Is Alice your sister? No, it isnt._ A B C D( ) 5. Is this your uncle? Yes, he is. _ A B C DBDDaresheitRead the letter. These are my parents.Best wishes!Whats his name?His name is Xia Yu.Family This is his sister.This is his brother. These are brother . S That is his mother. That is his father.Those are his parent . sThat is his grandmother.That is his grandfather.Those are his grandparent . S This is his friend.(朋友)(朋友)These are his friends.(朋友们)(朋友们)Family This is a photo of my family .This is a photo of my family .This is my father. This is my father. This is my mother.This is my mother.These are my parents .These are my parents .This is my sister , Mona .This is my sister , Mona .This is my brother , Tony.This is my brother , Tony.I love my family . I love my family .


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