七年级英语上册 Module 9《A trip to the zoo》教案2 外研版

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Module 9 A trip to the zoounit 1 Does the tiger eat meat? 一、教材分析本课是外研社七年级上册第九模块第一单元的听说课。本模块主要是一般现在时第三人称单数作主语的疑问句及其回答它以“动物”为话题,通过对动物的介绍展开听说读写的活,介绍了世界各地的动物以及其栖息地,习性等,同时也唤起学生热爱动物,保护动物的意识本单元要求学生能听懂有关动物介绍的简短对话,能利用第三人称单数作主语介绍自己的喜欢的动物并能写出你最喜欢的动物的小作文。二、教学目标:1、 知识目标重点词汇:tiger, camel, elephant, lion, giraffe, kangaroo, monkey, panda, snake, wolf, polar bear, zebra, Asia, Europe, Arctic, trip, zoo, guide, thousand, visit, animal, more, every重点短语:be from;thousand/ thousands of重点句式:a)Does the panda eat bamboo? Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.b)Does the tiger come from Europe? No, it doesnt. It comes from Asia.(Emphasis)重点语法:一般现在时第三人称单数的谓语动词要加s能力目标:在对话中找到主要的信息,学会运用a)Does the eat? Yes, it does. It eats.b)Does the come from? No, it doesnt. It comes from.德育目标:我们应该爱护和保护动物三、重点与难点.新单词.Does the eat ? Yes, it does. It eats. No, it doesnt. It eats. Does thecome from ? Yes, it does. It comes from.No, it doesnt. It comes from.一般现在时第三人称单数的谓语动词要加s四、教学方法1、根据学生的个性特点,从最贴近学生的实际切入教学,引起学生的注意力,激发他们的求知欲望。2、结合录音、幻灯片和多媒体等教学的辅助手段,采用不同的对话、交际方法,指导学生积极参与课堂语言交际的实践活动,以培养学生运用语言技能的实践能力并掌握、理解以及运用所学知识。3、采用小组竞争的方式,这样能激起学生的竞争意识,培养合作精神。五、课时分配:一节课:40分钟。六、教学步骤教学过程设计思路Step 1 Leading 1.T: Do you like animals?T: What animals do you know?2. Guessing games. T: It comes from Sichuan of China and it eats bamboo. What is it? S: Panda.通过猜测游戏,缓解课堂气氛,同时调动学生学习的积极性和能动性。复习了小学时学过的动物名词,唤起更多的词汇。Step 2 Presentation.(放出一幅南宁动物园大门的图片)T: Where is it?S: Nanning Zoo.T: Have you been to the Zoo? What animals do you see in Nanning Zoo?再放出南宁动物园的地图,在地图上放出这些动物:tiger, camel, elephant, lion, giraffe, kangaroo, monkey, panda, snake, wolf, polar bear, zebra,让学生说出他们的名称,在幻灯片上添加对应的单词2. Ask a and answerT:Where does the panda come from?S: It comes from China.T: Yes, it comes from China of Asia.让学生分组讨论后个别回答.板书:1. panda: China 2.elephant 3.monkey 4.tiger: Asia5. polar bear: Arctic 6. snake 7.camel 8. zebra: Africa9. wolf: Europe 10.giraffe: leaves 11.lion 12. kangaroo: Australia3. 口语与语法练习1). 幻灯片出示12种动物,第一张, name : Panda, food: bamboo, live: Asia. 句型 :Does the panda come from Asia? Yes, it does. Does the panda eat meat? No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo. 第一张,老师introduce the panda to the student. The animals name is panda, it comes from Asia, it likes eating bamboo. 2) 第二张幻灯片,在老师指导下,由同学和老师交叉的对动物进行介绍。The animals name is polar bear. It comes from Arctic. It likes eating meat. Does the polar bear come form Asia?(板书) No, it doesnt. It comes from Arctic. (板书)Does the polar bear eat meat? (板书)Yes, it does. It eats meat. (板书) 由两个学生一问一答进行示范,或者由教师介绍动物,找同学来模仿的介绍。 教师提出问题:Does the kangaroo come from Australia? 引导学生回答:Yes, it does. .通过学生熟悉的动物引出要学习的动物的新单词,由浅入深,图象与单词结合,增加直观感,对单词的印象更深刻2、通过小组合作, 既锻炼了同学们的口语能力, 又能让学生丰富知识. 复习了It comes from .句型, 也学习有关五大洲词汇.3、让同学们仔细听对动物的介绍,为基础好的同学介绍动物作铺垫。同时在介绍中用到了第三人称单数的肯定句和疑问句,重点强调的重读。为基础弱的同学复习了以前的知识。同时也发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。Step 3 PracticePair work 两个人一组对接下来的幻灯片中不同的动物进行口语练习。句型:Does the come from ?Yes, it does. It comes from . Does the eat ?No, it doesnt. It eats . 学生模仿操练,进一步掌握所学知识点。既锻炼了同学们的口语能力,又锻炼两个同学的配合能力。把所学的知识运用到实践中.Step 4 listening and Vocabulary1. Listen to the tape, answer the question: “Which animals can you see?”2. Listen and check.热身活动,巩固学过的动物的新单词,为下个听力做准备。 Step 5 Listen and read1 Listen and answer these questions:1.) Where does the camel come from?2)How many people are there in Beijing Zoo?3)Does the tiger eat meat?4)What does the padan eat?2. Ask several students to answer the questions.3Play the recoding again and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4.Check the true sentences. 5.Pair work Ask the students to practise the conversation with their partners.本活动是是为展示听力文本。让学生带着问题去听录音,养成良好的倾听习惯。也是检验学生对新句型掌握程度,训练和提高学生的听力能力。让学生跟着磁带朗读课文,正确的语音语调的形成是学生学习英语的基础,有意识地培养学生的模仿能力。鼓励学生进行大胆的表演。学生模仿操练,进一步掌握所学内容。Step 6 WritingTry to describe an animal. Write it down on your paper, and let another classmate guess.本活动为细节获取题,要求学生听时能辨出细节,并能够以笔头的方式输出。 Step 7 PractiseGroup workMake a dialogue as guide and tourists, then have a show.本环节让学生体会语言知识的运用Step 8 SurveyCall back some information from the whole class by using “Whats your favourite animal?” “Where does it come from?” “What does it eat?” and fill in the table.让学生在活动中体会语言知识的运用,同时也增进同学的感情。Step 9 Homework1. 询问家里人所喜欢的动物。2. 课本workbook Page104 1-3题。学生学以致用,培养学生解决问题的能力。七、板书设计Module 9 A trip to the zoounit 1 Does the tiger eat meat?.panda: China 2.elephant 3.monkey 4.tiger: Asia5.polar bear: Arctic 6.snake 7.camel 8. zebra: Africa9. wolf: Europe 10.giraffe: leaves 11.lion 12. kangaroo: AustraliaDoeseat ? Yes, it does. It eats No, it doesnt. It eats Doescome from ? Yes, it does. It comes fromNo, it doesnt. It comes from. 八、教学反思本节课的重点是对动物的介绍,要求能听懂有关介绍动物的简短对话,能利用 “Doeseat ? Yes, it does. It eats No, it doesnt. It eats” “Doescome from ? Yes, it does. It comes fromNo, it doesnt. It comes from。”句型讨论自己喜欢的动物。本节课通过一系列的师生互动、生生互动、小组合作等活动,引导学生巩固知识,拓展知识,并实行知识的迁移,灵活运用知识,提高听、说、读、写的综合能力。 取得的实际效果:1学生能根据要求完成任务,过到教学设计的预期效果。2利用现有资源创设教学情景,让学生有话可说。3“猜测游戏”在课堂中运用,活跃了教学气氛,激发学生主动参与的兴趣。4 基本面向全体学生,注意照顾基础差的学生,使得各层次的学生都有所收获。 不足之处: 对于主语是第三人称单数,少数同学没能注意谓语的形式,经常漏了“s”。5用心 爱心 专心


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