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Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.What are Hi and Lo talking about?What does Hi think of his uncle? Why?They are talking about His uncles problem.He thinks that his uncles big body is a good thing because when he leaves his seat, two people can sit down.Do you have any problems in your Do you have any problems in your daily life?daily life?What are they? Share with your What are they? Share with your classmates.classmates. Have you met problems like these? What would you do in the following situations? Discuss the pictures with your classmates. Write the correct piece of advice under each picture.Call the police.Take him to the hospital.Give it to the police.Offer to help carry her bags. Where can you find the passage? Who is Aunt Linda? What are the names of the four teenagers?Look at the introduction, the title and the names of the four teenagers on page 51. Then answer the questions.On the Internet.She writes for the advice page of an online newspaper./ She is an editor of an online newspaper.Anna, Peter, Simon and Julie.Look at the first sentence of each Internet post on page 51. Then circle the correct answers. 1. Anna is worried about _. a. her cousin b. her sisterc. her friend 2. Peter was with _. a. classmatesb. friends c. relatives 3. Simon has probably got some problems with his _. a. teethb. feetc. heart 4. Julie probably feels _. a. nervousb. excited c. unhappySkim the four posts and say what problem each student has.AnnaPeterSimonJulieHer friend Jolin is getting too thin but she is still on a diet.A woman was sick lying in the street. He wanted to help her but was stopped by his friends. He has started wearing braces and is laughed at by his friends.She has to share a room with her younger sister, but she has difficulty getting along with her .D1 Read the Internet posts on page 51. Which person does each sentence describe? Write in the blanks. 1. She often plays the piano when her elder sister is studying. 2. She made Simon wear braces. 3. She has many photos of thin models. _ _ _Julies sisterSimons mumJolinC1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 51. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary. 1. Jill likes wearing new clothes. She wants to be a _ when she grows up. (a person with a job to wear and show new clothes) (line 1) 2. Cindy had a fight with her mum, and she _it soon after. (feel sorry about doing something) (line 9) 3. Bob _ coffee. He never drinks it. (really do not like) (line 11)modelfelt ashamed ofhates 4. We talked about the problem and Tim _ doing some research first. (put forward an idea or a plan) (line 16) 5. Peters neighbour is making a lot of noise at night. He is driving Peters family _.(very angry) (line 18)suggestedmadC2 Complete the conversation below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. Paul: Hey Joe, why do people write to Aunt Linda? Joe: Because many people have (1) _ problems. However, sometimes they (2)_ talking to friends or parents, so they write to Aunt Linda. She (3)_ ways to help them. People are usually happy to get her advice.awful mess suggestfeel ashamed of on a dietawfulfeel ashamed ofsuggests Paul: Well, I have a problem too. Maybe I should write to Aunt Linda. Joe: Whats your problem? Maybe I can help you. Paul: Its about my elder sister. She wants to lose weight. Now shes (4)_. She doesnt eat much all day. She used to be full of energy, but now shes always tired, and her room is a (5)_. Im worried about her.on a dietmessD2 Read the Internet posts again and complete the table below.WhoWhatWhyAnnaWorried about her friend JolinJolin is 1._.Peter Ashamed of 2._His friends laughed at 3._. He 4._, but his friends told him not to.Simon Embarrassed about 5._His friends 6._.JulieAnnoyed with her sisterHer sister is noisy. She takes her things without 7._, and she always 8. _. on a diet and getting too thintelling hera sick ladywanted to help herwearing braces all laugh at him and say bad things about himhimselfmakes a messD3 Work in groups. Discuss and answer the questions below with your classmates. 1. Why is Jolin always on a diet? What do you think of her behaviour? 2. Why did Peter not stop his friends? Have you had a similar experience? 3. Do you think Simon needs braces? Why or why not? 4. Do you like sharing a room with others? Why or why not? 1. Shes always on a diet. 她总是在节食。她总是在节食。 diet n. 日常饮食;规定饮食日常饮食;规定饮食 你应该保持健康的饮食。 You should keep a healthy diet. on a diet 节食节食 你最近在节食吗?你瘦了好多。 Have you been on a diet? Youve lost a lot of weight. 2. Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to. 尽管我想去帮助她,但是我的朋友告诉我尽管我想去帮助她,但是我的朋友告诉我不要去。不要去。 though conj. 虽然,尽管虽然,尽管 虽然皮特才5岁,但是他可以照顾自己。 Though Peter is five, he can look after himself. 尽管他很累,但是他仍然继续工作。 He went on working though he was tired. 有though/although就不用but 3. It was awful of them to laugh at her, and I regret not saying anything. 他们嘲笑她,他们很坏。而且我很后悔我什么也他们嘲笑她,他们很坏。而且我很后悔我什么也没说。没说。 regret v. 懊悔懊悔 (regretted-regretted; regretting) regret doing sth. 遗憾遗憾/后悔做过的事后悔做过的事 我很后悔对我妈妈撒了谎。 I regret lying to my mum. = I regret not telling the truth to my mum. regret to do sth. 遗憾要做的事遗憾要做的事 我很遗憾地告诉你你没通过这次考试。 I regret to tell you that you cant pass this exam. 4. I feel embarrassed when I smile or open my mouth. 当我笑或者张开嘴的时候,我觉得很尴尬。当我笑或者张开嘴的时候,我觉得很尴尬。 embarrassed adj. 窘迫的,尴尬的窘迫的,尴尬的 be embarrassed about 对对感到尴尬感到尴尬 他对刚刚发生的事感到尴尬。 He is embarrassed about what happened. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的令人尴尬的 在如此令人尴尬的情况下,他感到十分紧张。 In such an embarrassing situation, he was very nervous. 5. What do you suggest? 你建议我该怎么做?你建议我该怎么做? suggest v. 建议建议 suggest doing sth. 建议做某事建议做某事 他建议乘坐飞机去北京。 He suggested going to Beijing by plane. suggest sb. doing sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 我建议他放弃这个愚蠢的想法。 I suggested him giving up this foolish idea. 6. I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister, and shes driving me mad! 我不得不和我我不得不和我7岁的妹妹一起住,她真的让我受岁的妹妹一起住,她真的让我受不了了!不了了! share sth. with sb. 与某人分享与某人分享 这个小男孩和别的孩子一起分享他的玩具。 The little boy shared his toys with other kids. seven-year-old 7岁的岁的 数词数词-名词名词(单数单数)-形容词形容词 复合形容词复合形容词 6米高的 six-metre-tall 100米长的 100-metre-long mad adj. 很生气,气愤;疯狂的很生气,气愤;疯狂的 因为我对妈妈撒谎了所以她对我很生气。 My mum is mad at me because I told a lie to her. 我对这件事情非常生气。 I am very mad about it. drive sb. mad 让某人受不了让某人受不了 噪音让汤姆抓狂了。 The noise drove Tom mad.Useful phrases 主动提出 对感到担心 节食 拿某人开玩笑 嘲笑,讥笑 后悔做了某事 对感到惭愧 让某人受不了 有的习惯 搞得一塌糊涂 对感到尴尬 对某人感到生气 offer to do be worried about be on a diet make jokes about sb. laugh at regret doing sth. feel ashamed of drive sb. mad have a habit of make a mess be embarrassed about be annoyed with sb.完成句子完成句子 1. 这个胖女士正在节食。 The fat lady _ _ _ _. 2. 不要嘲笑残疾人。我们应该帮助他们。 Dont _ _ the disabled. We should help them. 3. 尽管他犯了一个错误,但是他不为此感到羞愧。 _ he made a mistake, he didnt _ _ _ it. 4. 这寒冷的天气真让我受不了。 The cold weather is _ _ _. 5. 这个小偷很后悔偷了别人的钱。 The thief _ _ other peoples money.is on a dietlaugh atThoughfeelashamed ofdriving me madregretted stealing


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