2022年小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空4

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2022年小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空4During summer holidays, my good friend Sylvia 1 I went to join a swimming class. Before 2 only knew how to dog paddle, I like a dog falling into the water and trying to swim. At the swimming class, my teacher told 3 how to do the crawl. For the crawl we had to breathe on 4 the left and the right sides. After that, my teacher taught us how to do backstroke. For swimming backstroke, our 5 needed to go back in a circular motion. My teacher always demonstrated the backstroke first before teaching, then we followed 6 . Sometimes, our teacher let us play a game called “catch the ring”. This was how we played it: Someone took a rubber ring and threw it into the water, then 7 dived down in the water and brought it back up to the surface. We 8 played happily. Now I know how to swim!(B) 1.A. or B. and C. both D. all 我的朋友和我。(A)2. A. I B. me C. us D. My 做主语,用主格。(C)3.A. we B. our C. us D. I 动词后用宾格。(A)4. A. both B. all C. either D. neither bothand二者都(A)5. A. arms B. arm C. eyes D. ears 手臂(C)6. A. she B. he C. her D. his 动词后用宾格。(D)7. A. us B. our C. me D. we 动词前用主格。(A)8. A. all B. either C. both D. neither all 二者以上都This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He 1 $20 from his landlady. Today he is 2 , for last Saturday he won $120,000 on the football pools(赌注). Last night he was interviewed(采访) on TV by reporter Edwards.Edwards: Well, Mr. Woods, 3 are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your 4 on the buses?Woods: Yes, Im going to 5 at the end of the week.Edwards: And what other plans have you 6 ?Woods: Well, Im going to buy a house.Edwards: Have you got a house of your own now?Woods: No, we 7 in a flat.Edwards: Have you got a 8 ?Woods: Yes, Ive got an old Ford, 9 Im going to buy a new car and my wife says shes going to have 10 lessons!(D)1.A. received B. paid C. sent D. borrowed borrowfrom 从借(B)2. A. poor B. rich C. old D. ill 今天他富裕了,因为他赢了赌注。(C)3. A. how B. when C. what D. where 现在你将做什么呢?(A)4. A. job B. idea C. football D. money 你将辞去你的公车上的工作吗?(C)5. A. start B. work C. finish D. return 我将在这个周末结束我的工作。(D)6. A. found B. thought C. seen D. got 你有其他的计划吗?(B)7. A. work B. live C. play D. meet 我们住在公寓里。(A)8. A. car B. friend C. class D. television 你有车吗?我有一辆旧的福特。(B)9. A. so B. but C. and D. for 但是我准备买新的。(D)10. A. teaching B. music C. TV D. driving 我妻子将去学开车。附送:2022年小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空40In the USA, Mothers Day is a holiday on the 1 Sunday in May. On that day 2 give their mother cards, presents and flowers. One of the best 3 to celebrate Mothers Day is 4 your mother a day off(休息一天). Let her have a good rest 5 other members of the family do the housework.Many families begin Mothers Day 6 breakfast in bed. Usually dad and the children will let Mom 7 more as they go into 8 and get ready for her favorite meal. 9 the food is cooked, they keep everything nice on a plate. They dont forget 10 the bottle with only one flower 11 the plate. Then Dad and children carefully carry the plate to Moms bedroom.Many families 12 Mom to her favorite restaurant for 13 . It is a good day 14 your Mom have a rest and let her 15 what a wonderful family she has.(B )1. A. first B. second C. third D. two 母亲节在五月的第二个星期日(C )2. A. fatherB. studentC. childrenD. boys 礼物是孩子们送给母亲的(A )3. A. waysB. cardsC. childrenD. mothers 其中一种庆祝母亲节最好的方法(B )4. A. giveB. to giveC. givingD. gives 不定式作表语(C )5. A. afterB. beforeC. whileD. on while 当的时候(A )6. A. withB. toC. ofD. for beginwith 以为起点( D )7. A. to sleepB. sleepingC. sleptD. sleep letdo(C )8. A. the bedroom B. the dining roomC. the kitchenD. the classroom the kitchen厨房( B )9. A. BeforeB. AfterC. OnD. Ago 饭煮好了以后( B )10. A. putB. to putC. puttingD. puts forget to do sth. 忘记了要干什么( A )11. A. onB. inC. to10.with on the plate( C )12. A. bringB. putC. takeD. give take sb. to 带某人去( C)13. A. a flowerB. a good restC. a mealD. a breakfast(A )14. A. to letB. to takeC. letD. keep Its to do sth. 固定用法( B )15. A. to seeB. seeC. lookD. look at let sb. do sth.There is a very big playground in our school. So many students in our school like to play ball games _1_. Some like to play _2_ and some like to play volleyball. _3_ all the boys like to play football. They often play football after school. They also e to play football _4_. But most _5_ students like to play table tennis in the room. They dont like to run in the sun.We all like sports. Its good to play ball games.(B ) 1. A. in the sun B. on the playground C. with the teachers D. in the room在操场上(A ) 2. A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. volleyball由后文可推出选A(C ) 3. A. So B. And C. But D. For 但是所有人都喜欢篮球。(A ) 4. A. on Sundays B. after school C. on Friday D. on weekdays在星期天( D) 5. A. woman B. man C. boy D. girl 女学生


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