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北京语言大学2022年3月汉语写作期末考核试题库及答案参考1. 概述交际法的理论基础及其当前交际语言教学课堂活动的特征。参考答案:理论基础:(1)语言学理论基础是20世纪60年代兴起70年代形成高潮的社会语言学。尤其是社会语言学家海姆斯的交际能力理论和功能主义语言学家韩礼德的功能语言理论和话语分析理论,以及威多森的语言交际观。(2)心理学基础是人本主义心理学和20世纪60年代后期兴起的心理语言学。交际法强调以学生为中心,首先要分析学习者对第二语言的需要,教学内容和教学方法的确定都必须从学习者的需要出发。交际法还认为,学习者在言语中出现一些错误是正常的也是不可避免的现象,学习者所追求的不可能是完美无缺的交际,而只能是有缺陷的但有效的交际,因此,对学习者的语言错误不应苛求。特征:(1)以培养交际功能为宗旨,明确提出第二语言教学目标是培养创造性地运用语言的交际能力,不仅要求语言运用的正确性,还要求得体性。(2)以功能意念为纲。根据学习者的实际需要,选取真实自然的语言材料,而不是经过加工后的“教科书语言”。(3)教学过程交际化,交际既是学习的目的也是学习的手段,在教学中创造接近真实交际的情景并多采用小组活动的形式,通过大量言语交际活动培养运用语言交际的能力,并把课堂交际活动与课外生活中的交际结合起来。(4)以话语为教学的基本单位。认为语言不是存在于孤立的词语或句子中,而是存在于连贯的语篇中。(5)单项技能训练与综合性技能训练相结合,以综合性训练为主,最后达到在交际中综合运用语言的目的。(6)对学习者在学习过程中出现的语言错误有一定的容忍度,不影响交际的错误能不纠就不纠,尽量鼓励学习者发挥言语交际活动的主动性和积极性。(7)交际法强调以学生为中心,强调教学要为学生的交际需要服务,以语言功能为纲根据学以致用的原则,针对不同专业的学习者安排“专用语言”的教学。(8)主张采用多种教学手段,不应是仅仅一本教科书,而应该是“教学包”,即教师用书、辅导读物、磁带、挂图、录像、电影、电视等。(9)让学生处于情景之中,身临其境地感受氛围,用汉语进行交际,是交际教学的精髓。2. 下列属于人物肖像描写的是( )A.容貌、身材B.表情、衣着C.姿态、气质D.感情、感受参考答案:ABC3. 下面哪些不是行政公文?( )A.公告B.戏剧语言C.通知D.通报参考答案:B4. 行款格式要注重哪几方面?( )A.标题的写法B.学慎始习,取法乎上的C.如何加附注D.落款的写法参考答案:ABCD5. 演讲既然带有一个“演”字,就说明它不是单纯的“讲”,而是带有某些“表演”的性质。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. 叙述的要求主要包括哪几个方面?( )A.分头叙述,统一总结B.显示式C.有主有次,详略得当D.生动引人,富于变化参考答案:BCD7. Enids wedding dress arrived at five oclock in the evening: just seventeen hours before herEnids wedding dress arrived at five oclock in the evening: just seventeen hours before her marriage! I must try it【C1】_, mother! She cried, as she ran up stairs. Three minutes later Enids cries【C2】_her mother to her. The dress was much【C3】_big for her. It was baggy(鼓鼓囊囊的)in the front, and the neckline looked all wrong. Enid was in【C4】_. Take it back to the dressmakers, Mrs. Bale said. She must【C5】_it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go. The dressmakers shop was closed. CLOSED FOR ONE WEEKS HOLI DAY, said a【C6】_on the door. Fresh tears【C7】_to Enids eyes. She ran home again to her mother. This is【C8】_, Mrs. Bale said. But what are we going to do? Shall I ask Mrs. Peters to help? She was a dressmaker【C9】_. Im sure she could help. Mrs. Peters was brought【C10】_and began work. She could see what was【C11】_. She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was a【C12】_job. Then she altered the necklinein fact she made it【C13】_. At ten oclock the work was finished, and Enid put on the dress and found it【C14】_her beautifully. The three women were having a cup of tea【C15】_the doorbell rang. Mrs. Bale answered it and looked【C16】_the worried eyes of a plump(丰满的)young woman. The woman was carrying a large box. Does Miss Enid Bale live here? she asked【C17】_. Yes, shes my daughter. Oh, Im glad Ive【C18】_you! There has been a【C19】_. Your daughter has my wedding dress, and Ive got hers. And Im getting married tomorrow! She【C20】_out the box to Mrs. Bale.【C1】AonBwithCoutDin正确答案:Atrysthon意为“试穿”,符合题意。tryout意为“试用,试验”,try不与介词in或with搭配。因此A选项on为正确答案。8. He is _ university student and he is _ honest person Aa/an Ban/a Can/an Da/aHe is _ university student and he is _ honest personAa/anBan/aCan/an Da/aA用a还是an主要看单词开头的音标,而不是字母。9. Terry would certainly have attended the meeting _. A) if he didn&39;t get a flat tire B) ifTerry would certainly have attended the meeting _.A) if he didnt get a flat tireB) if he had not had a flat tireC) if the flat tire didnt happenD) if the tire did not flattenB主句中谓语动词用了would+have+attended,由此可以推断出是表示过去情况的虚拟条件句,故从句中谓语动词形式为过去完成式。10. 关于积聚的说法不正确的是( )。A.积聚分为一般积聚、专门积聚和综合积聚三种B.立意C.学写作者必先学积聚D.积聚为精选内容、表达意图提供了有力的保证参考答案:A11. The art exhibition _ this Saturday. Ahold Bis to be held Cwill hold Dis goingThe art exhibition _ this Saturday.AholdBis to be heldCwill holdDis going to holdB12. 组成电影剧作的基本单位称作蒙太奇句子。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A13. It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.for,with14. Poor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her characPoor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her character.Ato; forBfor; onCto; onDwith ; at正确答案:C15. The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)答案:当警察发现谋杀凶器时,谜团被解开了。16. The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。17. 林纾说“为人重晚节,行文看结穴”,这说是写文章要注意哪个方面?( )A.思想高度B.教育C.整体结构D.语言风格参考答案:B18. We confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and wWe confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and will allow a 5% special discount _ your order worth 5000 or above.at, in, on19. 鲁迅的一件小事采用的叙述方式是( )。A.顺叙B.材料C.插叙D.平叙参考答案:A20. I am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . toI am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . to goD. to stay. . . to go参考答案:A21. I think it is important to think 12 we use mobile phones.A.reasonB.thatC.whenD.whyI think it is important to think 12 we use mobile phones.A.reasonB.thatC.whenD.why正确答案:D此处应用表示原因的连词,后面引导从句,作think的宾语。想想为什么要用手机是很重要的。22. Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _正确答案:FF 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你要求我什么时间把办公室的卫生做完?”23. Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.whichever24. When sugar _ enough, a black substance appears. Aheats Bis heated Cwill heat DWhen sugar _ enough, a black substance appears.AheatsBis heatedCwill heatDwill be heatedB25. There _ a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk. A) are B) is C) has D)There _ a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk.A) areB) isC) hasD) haveBThere be句型中,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”处理。26. In the _ of damage, to be surveyed by Johnson Survey Coand claims payable at Shanghai. AevenIn the _ of damage, to be surveyed by Johnson Survey Coand claims payable at Shanghai.AevenBevidentCevidenceDeventD27. 外物积聚中的笔写不包括哪种形式?( )A.生活速记B.世界C.读书札记D.录音录像参考答案:D28. 可从两门学科的交界处即边缘学科寻找毕业论文的选题突破口。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A29. As you are aware that there has been lately a large demand _ the above commodities, such growinAs you are aware that there has been lately a large demand _ the above commodities, such growing demand has doubtlessly resulted _ increased prices.for,in30. 从写作的实质出发,写作具有以下几个特点:( )A.综合性B.艰苦性表明只有辛苦思考才能写出好文章C.创造性D.规范性参考答案:ABCD31. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A32. This book is for the students ( ) native language is notEnglish to study in an AmericanThis book is for the students ( ) native language is notEnglish to study in an American college or university.A. thatB. B. of whomC. whoseD. their参考答案:C33. 调查报告的写作目的非常明确。它通常是为了解决某一类问题,指导某一项工作,总结某一类经验,对某一单位、某一部门的某些具体问题进行调查研究之后写出的。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B34. The Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wideThe Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wide正确答案:C35. 敬启者: 我们已经收到贵公司6月1日的来函,对此表示谢意。我们很高兴贵公司有足够的现货供货立即交货,但是我敬启者:我们已经收到贵公司6月1日的来函,对此表示谢意。我们很高兴贵公司有足够的现货供货立即交货,但是我们对贵方仍要求即期信用证付款有所不解。双方彼此满意的多年交易,我们有权放宽交易的条件。而且我们大多数的客户都采用承兑交单的付款方式,所以贵方若能接受此付款方式,我们将非常感激。Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your offer dated June 1We are pleased that you have sufficient stock to make immediate delivery but we are surprised that you still demand that payment by draft at sight under irrevocable L/C. After several years of satisfactory trading with you, we feel that we are entitled to easier termsMost of our suppliers are drawing on us at 30 days after sight, documents against acceptance (D/A), and we shall be grateful if you can grant us the same terms. Yours faithfully, 36. 不是构思主要特征的是( )。A.唯一性B.断要断得有理续要续得自然C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:A37. _ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACouldBMayCWouldDMust_ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACouldBMayCWouldDMust正确答案:B38. 文体,是指独立成篇的文章体裁(或样式、体制),文章构成的规格和模式,某种历史内容长期积淀的产物。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B39. At the height of the British Empire , there were British colonies on every continentAt the height of the British Empire , there were British colonies on every continent. ( )参考答案:T40. Black hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast toBlack hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast to正确答案:D41. 下列不属于文章社会作用的是( )。A.认识B.世界C.审美D.娱乐参考答案:D42. 文体从语言风格的角度来分,有( )。A.政论文体B.行动描写C.科学文体D.公文事务文体参考答案:ABCD43. When you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night. A) down B) up C) in D) oWhen you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night.A) downB) upC) inD) outBput up“提供食宿”;put down“记下,放下”;put in“驶进”;put out“熄灭”。44. He_questions like that.Awill always askBhas always askedCwill always be askingDisHe_questions like that.Awill always askBhas always askedCwill always be askingDis always asking正确答案:D45. 分类抽样调查是把总体按性质不同分为几类,每类中再选几个样本进行调查。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46. Always_ when you _!A、answered, speak toB、answer, are spoken toC、answering, areAlways_ when you _!A、answered, speak toB、answer, are spoken toC、answering, are spoken toD、answer , speak to正确答案:B47. “两个黄蝴蝶,双双飞上天,不知为什么,一个忽飞还。剩下那一个,孤单怪可怜;也无心上天,天上太孤单。”这是胡适的蝴蝶,它属于( )。A.抒情诗B.主情说C.诗剧D.民歌参考答案:B48. 补叙应用的情况是( )A.文章最后,对影响事件发展的关键伏线予以披露B.围绕主题拓展作者的思路C.对叙述中提到的主要事件和人物作补充交代D.揭示文章思想参考答案:AC49. 电视广告文案是以画面为中心、以画面作为叙述语言的一种形式。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A50. AineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficientAineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficient正确答案:C解析:上下文理解题。incompetent不可选,下文说到如有必要大脑可以启动(trigger)新的接收器,所以并非“不胜任”,而是“inefficient效率低”;incompetent all the time“所有时间工作都不能胜任”,所以不能选;inefficient all the time正确。51. 解说词的特点有哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD52. 下列属于巴金的散文作品的是( )。A.日出B.小说C.小狗包弟D.拣麦穗参考答案:C53. 文章选取新的切入角度,常常会带来新的视野,开掘出新的主题内涵。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B54. China is influencing other countries through trade and investment, but also through knowleChina is influencing other countries through trade and investment, but also through knowledge and ideas, Hofman said, _that people often ignore Chinas progress in education and research.Ahaving addedBaddingCto addDadded正确答案:B55. 通告适用于公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A56. 下列关于文学的说法较为正确的是( )。A.为文造情B.舞蹈C.为文造哲D.为哲造文参考答案:B57. The core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GrThe core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GreekC. derived from CelticD. of Germanic origin参考答案:D58. He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.would undertake59. Astyle. ,BwayCmethodDmannerAstyle. ,BwayCmethodDmanner正确答案:B解析:thewaywelive中theway是先行词,welive是个定语从句,中间省了inwhichthat,意为我们生活的方式。注意容易误选style,此处需要的是担当从句的句子而不是名词性短语。60. 请示的特点不包括( )。A.呈请性B.体式和语言是文章的形式C.隶属性D.权威性参考答案:D


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