北京语言大学2022年3月《英汉 汉英翻译》期末考核试题库及答案参考57

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北京语言大学2022年3月《英汉 汉英翻译》期末考核试题库及答案参考57_第1页
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北京语言大学2022年3月《英汉 汉英翻译》期末考核试题库及答案参考57_第3页
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北京语言大学2022年3月英汉 汉英翻译期末考核试题库及答案参考1. We wont allow any foreign country to _ in our internal affairs.A.devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander参考答案:C2. The widespread practice of “burning the candle at both ends”has created so much sleep deprivation that what is really abnormal sleepiness is now almost the norm.(英译中)参考答案:“燃烧蜡烛两头”的广泛实践已经导致了大量的睡眠剥夺,真正失常的睡眠如今却都已经被视为正常。3. His eyes _ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.A.flashedB.wickedC.votedD.protested参考答案:A4. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to the stated in ourWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid subsequent amendments of the L/C.AconfirmBconformCinformDperformB5. This company provides a very good _ service for its products.A.maintenanceB.meritC.philosophyD.pigeon参考答案:A6. John _ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A.pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts参考答案:A7. Ships are _ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure. Amuch more slowerShips are _ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.Amuch more slowerBvery much slowerCso much slowerDtoo much slowerC8. Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.comes for参考答案:C9. They were imprisoned, refused anything to read. 他们受到拘禁,拒绝阅读任何书刊。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A10. I _ youve decided against taking my advice.A.expressB.declareC.assumeD.exclude参考答案:C11. 我们必须适当地使用国家的森林资源。 We must make proper use of the forest resources of the country.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B12. The delegation didnt go to New York by Flight 212. 代表团不是乘212航班去纽约的。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B13. We can infer from the passage that_.Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars areWe can infer from the passage that_.Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars are much farther away from us than the sunCtelescopes enable us to see stars as they actually areDlike human beings, stars are born and die正确答案:B此题又是一个推理引申题,要求根据全文内容作推断。选项A和选项C的推断是错误的。选项D没有作任何推断,是文章最后明说的。选项B从第四段和第五段中论述太阳和星星与我们之间的距离中推断出:星星比太阳离我们要远得多。14. The basic insurance under the PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is classified into three conditions :The basic insurance under the PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is classified into three conditions : _, _ and _.F.P.A.$W.P.A.$All risks15. AsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliabilityAsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliability正确答案:A解析:本篇的内容是关于交淡和社交的,只有A项sociability“社交”才符合题意。B项honesty“诚实”,C项stability“稳定”和D项reliability“信赖”在语义上不符合句子意思的要求。16. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A17. Neither of us _ the experience of studying abroad. Ahas Bhave Chaving DarNeither of us _ the experience of studying abroad.AhasBhaveChavingDare havingA18. Id like to take my picture _ stands a high tower.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.there参考答案:A19. The effect of the shock will soon ( ).A. wear downB. wear awayC. wear offD. wear outThe effect of the shock will soon ( ).A. wear downB. wear awayC. wear offD. wear out参考答案:B20. The _ TOEFL score for entering this program is 600.A.lessB.sandyC.stainD.minimum参考答案:D21. During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted参考答案:A22. 他们去年离婚了。 They were divorced last year.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A23. You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city.A.advertiseB.to be advertisedC.advertisedD.advertising参考答案:C24. A telephone call _ him hurrying to his home town.A.madeB.forceC.sentD.let参考答案:C25. There are _ tasks to finishThis means we have other things to do in to _ what we are doinThere are _ tasks to finishThis means we have other things to do in to _ what we are doing.(addition)additionaladdition26. Oh my gosh! The rice cake almost _ me.A.blockedB.chokedC.checkedD.chatted参考答案:B27. On the floor _ the box I had been looking for. A) was lying B) lay C) laid D) lyingOn the floor _ the box I had been looking for.A) was lyingB) layC) laidD) lyingB表示地点的介词词组On the floor位于句首,句子主谓完全倒装。28. Both sides agree to establish a _ zone between the south and north.A.midstB.mildC.mentionD.neutral参考答案:D29. He works very ( ).He ( ) has a rest on Sundays.A、hard, hardlyB、hardly, hardC、hard, hardD、hardly, hardly参考答案:A30. He went to the dance last night but couldnt find a _ because of his strange clothes.A.pondB.saddleC.partnerD.salad参考答案:C31. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world is a group of pyramids still (stand)_ in Egypt.One of the seven wonders of the ancient world is a group of pyramids still (stand)_ in Egypt.standing32. Unless they are programmed by humans, computers are nothing more than big pieces of meUnless they are programmed by humans, computers are nothing more than big pieces of metal. But once _ what to do, they show extraordinary power in carrying it out.A. taughtB. teachesC. teachingD. to teach答案:A33. There are some kinds of rays from the sun which would burn us to death if we were not protected from them. 太阳中有些光线射到我们身上会把我们烧死,如果我们不防备的话。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A34. Ten years later, that man was _ from prison.A.shutB.releasedC.penetratedD.elected参考答案:B35. _ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hours_ (miss)the train means _ (wait)for another two hoursMissing$waiting36. Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone _ one.A.gettingB.to getC.gottenD.get参考答案:C37. Live and learn. 真是无奇不有!( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B38. 现在有许多人在提倡民族化、科学化、大众化。 Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a national , scientific and mass style.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B39. AportraitBwornCforbidDstormAportraitBwornCforbidDstorm正确答案:C40. _ they would not have achieved so much.A.Had they not been working so hardB.They had not been working so hardC.Had not they been working so hardD.They havent worked so hard参考答案:A41. It was Johnson broke the window of the classroomA. thatB. whoC. whichD.whomIt was Johnson broke the window of the classroomA. thatB. whoC. whichD.whom参考答案:A42. The objects inhabiting our universe range from the very familiar area of the earth anThe objects inhabiting our universe range from the very familiar area of the earth and its moon to the strange pulsars, neutron stars, and black holes on the fringes of our perception. 银河系的星体繁多,包括人们非常熟悉的地球及其卫星,以及陌生的脉冲星、中子星,直至我们理解为边缘上的黑洞。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A43. Why was Clive puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions? _ABecauseWhy was Clive puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions? _ABecause the weather conditions didnt look like changing.BBecause the driver couldnt possibly race that day.CBecause the driver thought conditions would be the same in Argentina.DBecause the distance to Buenos Aires had surprised the man.正确答案:C参照短文第四段第二句:“Clivesmiled,thoughhewasabitpuzzled”,在此之前,赛车者表示了对天气的担忧,因为他认为7000公里外阿根廷的BuenosAires和Marseilles的天气是一样的。选项C与此相符,故C为正确答案。44. It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old. 那是1887年3月3日,我差三个月不满七岁。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A45. Freshman _ provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.A.orientationB.acquaintanceC.directoryD.dictation参考答案:A46. She is already 16years old. But she _ as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves参考答案:D47. Alexander smells vodka. 亚历山大闻了闻伏特加酒。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A48. A UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relA UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.A、multipliedB、spannedC、arrestedD、suspended正确答案:D49. 这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。 These principles have been our spiritual pillar.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A50. 中国有12亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。( )A、China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the worlds average.B、Chinas population is 1.2 billion and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the worlds average level.C、The 1.2 billion people in China have lower land natural resources than in the world each.D、The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has.参考答案:C51. Shell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. canShell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. can参考答案:A52. Our _ talks promise a good future for our cooperation.A.interiorB.insuranceC.initialD.invisible参考答案:C53. The city of London, _ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches. A) bombedThe city of London, _ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches.A) bombedB) to bombC) bombingD) having bombedA此题含义为:伦敦在1949年及1941年连续发生爆炸事件,失去了许多著名的教堂。此句中London和bomb之间的关系为被动,用过去分词作状语。54. I regret _ (not take)his adviceI regret _ (not take)his advicenot taking55. A.selectionsB.collectionsC.sourcesD.originsA.selectionsB.collectionsC.sourcesD.origins正确答案:C56. 革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。 Revolution means the emancipation of the productive force, and so does reform.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B57. The Indian summer of village industry faded. Trade grew more competitive. 乡村手工业的印度之夏褪色了,贸易变得更加竞争激烈。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A58. We shall be very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them toWe shall be very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.AobligatedBobligeCobligationDobligedD59. A new English -Chinese dictionary will soon _ out.A.workB.comeC.giveD.hand参考答案:B60. This problem is beyond his ability and he can not _ it.A.slipB.packC.gainD.solve参考答案:D


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