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2021-2022年五年级下册期末考试试题2、把36分解质因数是( )。A、36=49 B、36=2233 C、36=122333、下面分数中,最小的是( )A、 B、 C、4、大于而小于 的真分数有( )个。A、2 B、3 C、无数个5、下面说法正确的是( )。题 号一二三四五总 分得 分得 分一、知识之窗:(共20分,每空1分)得 分二、快乐ABC(共7分,每小题1分)2、把36分解质因数是( )。A、36=49 B、36=2233 C、36=122333、下面分数中,最小的是( )A、 B、 C、4、大于而小于 的真分数有( )个。A、2 B、3 C、无数个5、下面说法正确的是( )。A、所有的偶数都是合数 B、所有的奇数都是质数 C、互质的两个数的公约数只有16、把5米的铁丝平均分成6段,每段占这根铁丝的( )。A、米 B、米 C、7、是最大的真分数,那么a的值是( )得 分三、小小评判家(对的画“”,错的画“”,(共5分)A、8 B、1 C、91、长方体的面中不可能有正方形。( )2、能化成有限小数。( )3、一个数的约数一定比它的倍数小。( )4、因为427=6,所以42是7的倍数,7是42的约数。( )5、整理原始数据的一般方法是制作统计表或统计图。( )得 分四、小小神算手(共38分)1、直接写出得数(每小题1分,共10分)+ 2 = 1 - = - = 0.8125-10 = + =+ - = + = + = 51.4 - 0.45 = - + =2、选择合理的方法进行计算(每题3分,共18分)(1) - + (2) 25 - - (3) + - (4) + -(- ) (5) 3(- ) (6) + -(+ )3、解方程(求未知数x,每小题2分,共6分)(1)+ x = (2) x - = (3) x +( + )=24、只列式,不计算(共4分,每小题2分)(1)从与的差里减去一个数,得。这个数是多少?_。得 分五、解决问题。(共30分+10分)(2)减去 与的和,差是多少?_。1、一条公路已修14千米,还剩18千米,已修的占未修的几分之几?未修的占全长的几分之几?(5分)2、一根铁丝,第一次截下 米,第二次截下米,还剩 米,这根铁丝原来有多少米?(3分)3、甲3分钟走213米,乙4分钟走325米,丙5分钟走505米,他们三人每分钟各走多少米?哪个走的速度快?(5分)4、一个长方体铁皮桶长5米,宽0.8米,高0.4米,它能装水多少升?做这个铁皮桶需要铁皮多少平方米?(铁皮厚度不计)(5分)5、为庆祝“六一”儿童节,六(1)班全体同学分成男、女两组做花,其中男同学20人,平均每人做花280朵,女同学10人,一共做花3400朵,请问你,全班同学平均每人做花多少朵?(3分)6、为了丰富学生的文化生活,学校开展了各种兴趣小组,下面是活动人数的原始数据,请你先整理这些数据填表,然后再完成统计图。(5分)语文组:正正正正 数学组:正正正正正 美术组:正正正正英语组:正正正正 体育组:正正正正正正 组别语文组数学组美术组英语组体育组合 计人数(人)7、明明家有一个长50厘米、宽30厘米的长方体鱼缸,里面装有高30厘米的水,明明在往缸内放入一条鱼时,发现水面上升了0.5厘米。你能提出数学问题并解答吗? 说明:此题至少提出一个数学问题并解答。再另提出两个问题并解答,可做加分处理。 (4分+10分)附送:2021-2022年五年级下册期末考试题一、Listen and choose (听音,选出你听到的单词)(5分)()、week B weekend C work()2、 A often B usually C sometimes ()3、 A eat breakfast B eat lunch C eat dinner ()4、 A at 7:00 B at 7:30 C at 3:30()5、 A go hiking B go shopping C go swimming 二、 listen and number (听音,标序号)(5分)三、Listen and writer “T” or “F”(听音,判断正“T”误“F”)(5分)四、Listen and match (听音,连线)(5分)1. Mike A catching butterflies 2. John B taking pictures3. Lily C watching insects4. ChingJie D doing an experiment5. Zhang peng E collecting leaves 五、Listen and write (5分)Good evening ! Wele to our show .Look at the magician carefully ! Oh ! A bird is .There is a fish in the bowl .Its .Look at the monkey ,Its .This elephant is heavy ,Oh ,its .Wonderful ! The dog is .六、Listen and choose (听音,根据你听到的问题选择正确的答语)(5分)()1.A He is taking pictures. B She is taking pictures C No, she isnt()2.A They are in the woods B He is in the woods C She is in the woods ()3.A Yes ,they are B No, she isnt C No, they are ()4.A No, she isnt B No, he isnt C No, they arent ()5.A Im picking up leaves B She is picking up leaves C I pick up leaves 七、Listen and number (听音,标序号)(5分)When is your birthday ?()Her birthday is in February ()No, my birthday is in January ()When is your mothers birthday ?()My birthday is in June . Is your birthday in June ,too ?()Oh , his birthday is in November ()What about your father ?八、Listen and write (3分) -Which season do you like best ,ZhangPeng ?-I like Snow is very beautiful ,I can .-Which season do you like beat ,Sarah ?- .-Why ?- -Which season do you like best. Mr. Black-I like best . I can in the sea .笔试部分(60分)一、Read and match (读一读,把图片与相应的词组连起来)(5分)二、读一读,选择合适的动词写在相应的横线上,组成动词词组。(5分)make plant fly swim go 1. trees 2. a kite 3. in a lake 4. skating 5. a snowman 三、Look and write (看图片,写单词)(5分)1. The lions are .2. Look ! The monkeys are .3.The giraffes are .4. The two bears are now.5. Look at the bears ,They are .四、Choose the right answer (8分)()1.-When do you go to bed at night ?-I go to bed 9:30 A at B in C on ()2.-Which do you like best ?A season B seasons C a season ()3. -What are you doing ?-I am a birthday card ()4. -Why do you like winter?-Because I can a long time A swim B sleeping C sleep ()5.-What is John doing ?- A He is take pictures B She is taking pictures C He is taking pictures ()6.-What is it doing ?A Its running B Its running C Its run ()7.-When do you morning exercises ?A go B play C do ()8. - -They are in woods A Where is he ? B What are they doing ? C Where are they ?五、Put the words in right order (连词成句)(5分)1. summer I like best (.) 2. date is what the (?) 3. he doing what is (?) 4. is she butterflies catching (.) 5. do when you do exercises morning (?) 六、Read and match (4分)Summer Its always windy and cool Spring Its always sunny and hot Winter Its always rainy and warmFall Its always snowy and cold 七、Read and write (写出下列动词的ing形式)(6分)1. count 2. play 3. have 4. write 5. collect 6. swim 八、Read and find (选择合适的答语)(5分)()1.Do you like spring ? A Im an English teacher ()2.When do you go to school ? B I like fall best ()3. Which season do you like best ? C No. I dont ()4. Whats the weather like in winter ? D I go to school at 7:00()5. What do you do ? E Its cold 九、Read and write (写出下列单词的缩写形式)(8分)1. December 2. March 3. September 4. January 5. November 6. August 7. February 8. April 十、Judge (判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同“T”,不同“F”)(4分)()1. weather season ()2. fall ball()3. best she ()4. hot cold十一、Read and write “T” or “F”(阅读短文,判断正“T” 、误“F”)(5分)Its Sunday today。 Its warm . The sky is blue.! What a lovely day ! So my classmates and I have a picnic . We are having a good time ! Look ! Wu Li and Liu Ping are catching butterflies . The butterflies are very beautiful .Wang Lei is collecting leaves .Oh, where is Wang Ying ? She is in the woods .She is picking up leaves .She likes collecting leaves , too . What am I doing ? HaHa ! I am taking pictures for my classmates . The pictures are very beautiful . We are very happy! I like having a picnic .()1. It s very cold today .()2.Wang Ying is in the classroom ()3. Wang Tao and Liu Hua are playing chess ()4. Wu Lei is counting insects ()5. Wu Lei and Wang Ying like collecting leaves


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