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北京语言大学22春英语语法离线作业二及答案参考1. According to Incoterms 2000, under CPT, the buyer is not responsible for _. A. making a contraAccording to Incoterms 2000, under CPT, the buyer is not responsible for _.A. making a contract of carriageB. making paymentC. accepting the goodsD. clearing the goods for importA2. Mrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two nationalMrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes.A) a, aB) an, theC) an, aD) the, theC8(eight)的发音是元音,前要用an;have a gift for意思为“有做某事的天赋”,相当于have a talent for。3. What time do you think _?A.will Tom come backB.Tom will come backC.is Tom coming backD.can Tom get here参考答案:B4. Obviously, no teacher has ( )patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lObviously, no teacher has ( )patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lost his temper on that particular occasion.A、infiniteB、definiteC、spectacularD、plural正确答案:A5. One carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, andOne carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, and the fire spread quickly. In order to protect the ship and goods, the captain ordered to pour water into the space. Later the fire was put out, but the engine was damaged and the vessel had to be repaired. The captain decided to hire a tugboat to drag the vessel to a nearby port to have it repaired. The losses and damages caused by the fire are as follows : (1) 1 000 cases of goods were burnt down; (2) 600 cases of goods were soaked;(3) engine and deck were damaged by the fire; (4) tugboat expenses; (5) fuel expenses and wages paid to the crew.Question : Please analyze the nature of the above losses and expenses.(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)一载货的船舶从天津驶往新加坡,在航行途中船舶起火,火很快蔓延开来。为了保护船和货的安全,船长下令往舱内灌水,不久火就被扑灭了。但是由于发动机受损,船舶必须进行修理,于是船长决定雇用拖轮将船拖到附近港口修理。这次火灾造成的损失有:(1)1000箱货被火烧毁;(2)600箱货被水浸湿;(3)发动机和甲板被烧坏;(4)拖轮费用;(5)额外增加的燃料和船上人员的工资。 请分析上述损失和费用的性质。 (1)P.A. (2)G.A. (3)P.A. (4)G.A. (5)G.A. 6. Please accept this gift as an expression of our thank.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. We don&39;t allow _ (smoke)here.We dont allow _ (smoke)here.smoking8. Hi, David ! How was your trip to Beijing? Wonderful! I have never had_in my life.AHi, David ! How was your trip to Beijing? Wonderful! I have never had_in my life.Aa most exciting holidayBa more exciting holidayCthe most excited holidayDthe more excited holiday正确答案:B9. Toward evening, _ came, which made things even worse. A) cold rain B) the cold raiToward evening, _ came, which made things even worse.A) cold rainB) the cold rainC) a cold rainD) cold rainsCRain作名词,本意为“雨(水)”,不可数名词;但这里是另一种意思“下雨”,作为可数名词,“a cold rain came”意思为“下了一场冷雨”。10. _do you go to see your Granny? Four times a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD._do you go to see your Granny? Four times a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How many答案:B11. Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between paSome people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains_ .Ato be shownBto have shownCto have been shownDbeing shownA12. I will never forget the day when has been marked up in the history.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A13. The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).正确答案:intelligentlyintelligently14. Did you take( ) in the fighting yesterday?A.the partB.partC.partsD.Did you take( ) in the fighting yesterday?A.the partB.partC.partsD./答案:B15. The manager had fallen asleep where he _ (lie)without undressing.The manager had fallen asleep where he _ (lie)without undressing.was lying16. Monica, Id like you to meet Philip、He is the monitor of our class.( )A、It is so good.B、Oh, I am happy.C、Nice to meet you.D、Good!参考答案:C17. Exercise every day_you will stay fit. A. if B. then C. whenExercise every day_you will stay fit.A. ifB. thenC. when参考答案B18. She seems to _ language -whatever language she learns,she learns it well.A.take an interest inB.have a gift forC.take advantage ofD.play a role in参考答案:B19. Peter is the only one of the brightest students who_his doctor degree.Ahas receivedBPeter is the only one of the brightest students who_his doctor degree.Ahas receivedBhas acceptedChave receivedDhave accepted正确答案:A20. The manager of a small building company was very (21) to get a bill for two white miceClose TestThe manager of a small building company was very (21) to get a bill for two white mice which one of his workmen had bought. He sent for the workman and asked him why he had had the bill (22) to the company.well , the workman answered , you remember the house we were (23) in Newbridge last week. dont you? One of the things we had to do there was to put in someNew electric wiring. Well , in one place we had to pass some wires through a pipe (24) and about an inch across ,which was built into solid stone and had four big bends (弯角) in it. (25) could think how to do this unless I had a good idea. I went to a shop and bought two white mice ,one of them male and the other female. Then I tied a thread to the body of the male mouse and put him into the pipe at one end , (26) Bill held the female mouse at theother end and pressed her gently to make her squeak. When the male mouse heard the female mouses squeaks , he rushed along the pipe to help her. I suppose he was a gentleman (27) he was only a mouse. Anyway , as he ran through the pipe , he (28) the thread behind him. It was then quite easy for us to tie one end of the thread to the electric wires and pull them (29) the pipe. The manager (30) the billfor the white mice.21. A. surprised B. sorry C. strange D. fearful22. A. to be sent B. to sent C. send D. sent23. A. mending B. cleaning C. repairing D. setting24. A. thirty-feet-long B. thirty foots longC. thirty feet long D. thirty feets long25. A. None of us B. No one usC. No of us D. None us26. A. as B. so C. while D. when27. A. even though B. as thoughC. in fact D. sure enough28. A. pulled B. pushed C. lifted D. brought29. A. along B. through C. inside D. towards30. A. received B. agreed C. paid D. cashed参考答案:21. A 22.D 23. C 24. C 25. A26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C21. People _ go to the distance space some day.A、willB、shallC、canD、shouldA.some day ,释义:adv. 有朝一日; 有一天,某一天; 改天,他日; 明儿;句意:有朝一日人类将去探索外太空。22. 根据上下文填入适当的内容完成译文 The law holds that the individual is responsible for his acts.The根据上下文填入适当的内容完成译文The law holds that the individual is responsible for his acts.The law also indicates what is good and right,and what may and should be done.It also indicates what is evil and wrong, and should not and may not be done.The law further holds that what is evil and wrong is a crime and may not be done,and if done,renders the doer liable to punishment.法律_人人应对自己的行为承担责任,_,规范了人们的行为准则;法律还认为,作孽枉法即是犯罪,法不可恕,_。规定$分清善良和正义$谁要以身试法,必将受到严惩23. They moved that their plan _ rejected. A) was B) has been C) be D) will beThey moved that their plan _ rejected.A) wasB) has beenC) beD) will beC此题关键词moved提示在此后的从句中要用虚拟语气,动词形式为should be或者be。24. He rushed into the classroom as fast as he can.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A25. _ you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to_ you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to us under this credit and if required, _ discounting facilities at current rates.AProvided, provideBProvided, providingCProvide, providingDProvide, provideA26. It is a_cold day and I can hardly stand it.AfairlyBratherCsoDtooIt is a_cold day and I can hardly stand it.AfairlyBratherCsoDtoo正确答案:B27. If you feel hungry, you should eat something.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. If most of your students didn&39;t finish their homework, I&39;m sure that you _ angry.A.will getB.getC.should getD.would get参考答案:D29. Good amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwerGood amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwere正确答案:B30. If you want to change a double room, you will have to pay ( ) $25.A、eachB、moreC、otherD、another参考答案:D31. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcast began. A) while B) which C) that DIt was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcast began.A) whileB) whichC) thatD) sinceC强调句型,强调not until引导的时间。32. On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitOn Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitCpermittingDpermitted正确答案:C33. I decided to go to the library as soon as I _.A.finished what I was doingB.finished what I didC.would finish what I was doingD.finish what I did参考答案:A34. In _ with your request, we have issued our endorsement NoAB/201 to this shipment together withIn _ with your request, we have issued our endorsement NoAB/201 to this shipment together with the relevant debit note for an additional premium of RMB 20000.AcomplianceBcomplaintsCcomplementDcomplimentA35. All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B36. He is too weak to _ the heavy box. A) rise B) arise C) raise D) arouseHe is too weak to _ the heavy box.A) riseB) ariseC) raiseD) arouseC及物动词raise“举起,抬起”,“the heavy box”作其宾语;rise“上升,升起”,为不及物动词;arise“起立,起身”,为不及物动词;及物动词arouse表示“唤起,激起”。37. When you cross the road, be careful of _.A.trafficsB.the trafficsC.a trafficD.the traffic参考答案:D38. _ so many people in this country been out of work as today. A) More than ever before B)_ so many people in this country been out of work as today.A) More than ever beforeB) Never before haveC) There were neverD) There never beforeB当否定词never放在句首时,主谓进行倒装。39. 5月4日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a speech contest on environm5月4日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a speech contest on environment protection)。此前,二班邀请清华大学的DrLi作相关内容的报告。假如你是二班的班长,请你草拟一个有关报告会的口头通知。 写作要点:口头通知应包括表22中的全部要点,词数100个左右。正确答案:Boys and girlsrn May I have your attention please?rn As you know our class will have a speech contest on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place we will invite Dr. Li from Tsinghua University to give us a talk on the environment problem and he will also tell us the improvement in environment protection in recent years in Beijing.rn The talk will begin at 2:00 p. m. on Wednesday April 30th in the auditorium on the third floor in the classroom building. Im sure we can get enough information from his talk to make good preparations for the coming speech contest. After the talk we will have a discussion. Everyone should be there on time.rn Thats all. Thank you.Boysandgirls,MayIhaveyourattention,please?Asyouknow,ourclasswillhaveaspeechcontestonenvironmentprotectionwithClassOneonMay4th.Beforeittakesplace,wewillinviteDr.LifromTsinghuaUniversitytogiveusatalkontheenvironmentproblemandhewillalsotellustheimprovementinenvironmentprotectioninrecentyearsinBeijing.Thetalkwillbeginat2:00p.m.,onWednesday,April30thintheauditoriumonthethirdfloorintheclassroombuilding.Imsurewecangetenoughinformationfromhistalktomakegoodpreparationsforthecomingspeechcontest.Afterthetalk,wewillhaveadiscussion.Everyoneshouldbethereontime.Thatsall.Thankyou.40. You can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge. Aboth Ball Ceach DeitherYou can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge.AbothBallCeachDeitherA41. According to the passage, false beards were worn by those who considered themselves to beAccording to the passage, false beards were worn by those who considered themselves to be _.Ahandsome and matureBtoo young to have beardsCaristocrats or fashionable dandiesDroyalty正确答案:C解析:参见原文第一段。14世纪的男士以戴胡子表明自己的高贵和时尚。42. You can&39;t imagine what great trouble they have _ the problem _.A.to solve/being talked aboutB.solving/discussingC.to solve/to talk aboutD.solving/being discussed参考答案:D43. In the spin shop the floor was over a hectare in size.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A44. This book is too hard for me to read it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A45. Do you like the book the color of which is yellow.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46. software maintenance 英译中software maintenance 英译中参考答案软件维护47. 一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in t一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in the officeB. What letters do you post?C. Theres a post office at the end of St. Beach参考答案:C48. I had been splitting up with my girlfriend and I was feeling very upset.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A49. Antarctic, which we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A50. Tom speaks Chinese fluently hence can&39;t write in it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A51. It was _ I met Mr. Smith in London. A) many years that B) for many years since C) siIt was _ I met Mr. Smith in London.A) many years thatB) for many years sinceC) since many years ago whenD) many years ago thatD强调句型,强调时间状语。52. What the children in the mountain village need _ good books. Ais Bare ChaveWhat the children in the mountain village need _ good books.AisBareChaveDhasB53. We should study at the right time of the term. A good student_ goes_ nature.AWe should study at the right time of the term. A good student_ goes_ nature.A、will, againstB、never, againstC、ever, against theD、always, against正确答案:B54. They talked and talked as if they would never meet again.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B55. All the cases are strongly packed _ compliance_your request.All the cases are strongly packed _ compliance_your request.in,with56. Mrs Lawrence has to wear glasses. She _ very well.A.not seeB.doesnt see参考答案:B57. London is a bit less modern than Shanghai. 一 1agree with you. 1 think London is jus- London is a bit less modern than Shanghai.一 1agree with you. 1 think London is just as modern as Shanghai.A. RightB. Wrong参考答案B58. Please dont interfere_other peoples private affairs.AaboutBonCtoDwithPlease dont interfere_other peoples private affairs.AaboutBonCtoDwith正确答案:D59. The manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive insThe manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods _ regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity, weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection.over, with60. 请对H2284号信用证作下列修改: (1)将交货期展至5月31日。 (2)将有效期展至6月15日。 等候修改通知书。请对H2284号信用证作下列修改:(1)将交货期展至5月31日。(2)将有效期展至6月15日。等候修改通知书。We request you to have L/C No H2284 amended as follows: (1) Extend the time of shipment till 31 May (2) Extend the validity of the L/C till 15 June Await your amendment advice


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