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subjects a nationwide pilot exam Official version PS, the total of 894 sets of exam questions, please carefully study and careful examination, I wish you to learn and happiness. 1, in the road and railway crossing encounter a red light as soon as possible through the crossing. Answer: False 2, the driver of the following offenses which once recorded 6 points? A, permit the use of other vehicles B, driving a motor vehicle after drinking C, the vehicle speed exceeds a predetermined speed of more than 50% D, illegal occupation of the emergency lane Answer: D 3, which of the following violations of the motor vehicle driver will be a record 12 points? A, driving deliberately defaced number plate of the vehicle on the road B, driving license was suspended for driving a motor vehicle during the C, in order to conceal deception replacement driving license D, avoid driving a motor vehicle is not in accordance with the provisions of the school bus Answer: A 4, motor vehicle instrument panel (as shown) on means what? A, release the parking brake B, the brake pedal does not return C, brake failure D, the braking system is abnormal Answer: D 5, this flag is what does this mean? A, a sharp turn to the left B, a sharp turn to the right C, left detour D, continuous detour Answer: A 6, driving a motor vehicle encountered such lights lit, if you have crossed the stop line, you can continue to pass. Answer: 7, this flag is what does this mean? A, two-way traffic B, separate roads C, tidal lane D, reduce speed Answer: A 8, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) light, which means that the handbrake may not be loose in the end. Answer: False 9, turn right at the junction with the case before the car waiting for the release signal lane how traveling? A, turn left past car B, from the right lane and turn C, honking cars give way to ex D, followed by waiting Answer: D 10, motor vehicle frontal collision, the airbag plus seatbelt double protection to fully play its role. Answer: 11, the light switch is in this position, front fog lights. Answer: 12, this switch to control the vehicle which part? A, windshield defogger B, windshield wipers C, hazard lights D, lighting, signaling devices Answer: B 13, installing anti-lock brake system (ABS) of the vehicle when braking, the braking distance will be shortened, so do not keep a safe distance between vehicles. Answer: False 14, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) on means what? A, headlamp open B, hazard lights on C, front and rear position lamps on D, front and rear fog lights on Answer: C 15, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) is lit, anti-lock braking system is turned on. Answer: False 16, the public security traffic management department in addition to the drivers traffic violations shall be given administrative punishment, the implementation of which of the following systems? A, reward mileage system B, illegal registration system C, cumulative points system D, mandatory retirement system Answer: C 17, the drivers driving license after damage shall not drive a motor vehicle. Answer: 18, the driver of the motor vehicle drivers license is lawfully detained, the case withheld shall not drive a motor vehicle. Answer: 19, driving a motor vehicle in the driveway to reduce junction, in front of the vehicle encounters when traveling in order to stop or slow how to do? A, right shoulder into the front car crossing B, there is a gap from the side into the intersection C, an alternately into each lane intersection D, left lane change interspersed into the intersection Answer: C 20, in which case the road, you can enter the waiting area of the mesh lines. Answer: False 21, driving a motor vehicle encountered diffuse water bridge sure it is safe to look at the situation after the low pass. Answer: 22, the driver when overtaking, does not slow down the vehicle in front, not road, what should I do? A, acceleration continues beyond B, continuous honking accelerated beyond C, to stop overtaking D, followed by, waiting to be super- Answer: C 23, drunken driving motor vehicles on the road will be what punishment? A, at 2 years in prison B, at the detention and fined C, at least 2 years in prison D, at the controls, and a fine Answer: B 24, the vehicle in a crowded roads at low speeds, the case of other vehicles forced to jump the queue, what should I do? A, accelerated motion, keeping the vehicle in front, to prevent their entry into the B, honking warned not to enter the C, take the initiative to be courteous, to ensure road safety D, squeeze by Gasser vehicle, to compel him to leave Answer: C 25, in which case, you should how to do? A, from the front of the pedestrian detour B, first stop for pedestrians C, from the rear pedestrian detour D, honking remind pedestrians Answer: B 26, the driver side of the car, while no effect of smoking on safe driving. Answer: False 27, driving the ongoing operations encountered in road maintenance vehicles, engineering jobs car to take necessary precautions. Answer: 28, before driving a vehicle changes lane at the intersection, what should be changed into the lane? A, solid line into the intersection region B, the solid line before the intersection area as needed C, according to the guide on the dotted line arrows indicate areas D, before the stop line at the intersection Answer: C 29, driving a vehicle at the line to turn the road, what should I do? A, by opposing lane B, sharp braking speed through C, rely on traveling outside of the curve D, full gear and on the right side Answer: D 30, this flag is what does this mean? A, left detour B, one-way traffic C, watch out for hazards D, right side of the bypass Answer: A 31, driving, the case of non-motorized grab row, what should I do? A, honking warning B, accelerating the adoption of C, reduce speed D, approaching a sudden acceleration Answer: C 32, divided road traffic marking marking instructions, warnings, markings, prohibit marking. Answer: 33, in which case the intersection of what passed? A, left turn accelerate the adoption of B, accelerated straight through C, right turn accelerate the adoption of D, confirm the safety through Answer: D 34, this flag is what does this mean? A, shunt at B, to the right lane change C, increasing the number of lanes D, the road widens Answer: C 35, driving a motor vehicle shall carry a kind of documents? A, work permits B, driving license C, ID D, vocational qualification certificate Answer: B 36, the road the yellow dividing line What is the role? A, separating the traffic flow in the same direction B, banned across the carriageway on C, allowing the left lane D, separating the traffic flow on the Answer: D 37, should be checked before driving a motor vehicle on the road vehicle safety and technical performance. Answer: 38, has reached the standards for motor vehicles scrapped after extensive repairs on the road. Answer: False 39, at the intersection encountered this situation how accessible? A, honking informed so OK B, direct acceleration cornering C, let the left to the car ahead D, decelerate slowly turning Answer: C 40, driving a motor vehicle in this case can not go straight and turn left Answer: 41, driving a motor vehicle at a railway crossing to see how this lights when traveling? A, while observing the slow side through B, does not shift accelerated through C, before the arrival of the train through D, not cross the stop line Answer: D 42, this flag is what does this mean? A, Dam Road B, on the steep slopes C, down a steep hill D, continuous uphill Answer: C 43, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) on means what? A, brake system failure B, the parking brake is braked C, anti-lock braking system fails D, the parking brake is released state Answer: B 44, this flag is what does this mean? A, should be honking B, prohibits honking C, ban Naruto tweeter D, ban Naruto subwoofer Answer: A 45, forged or altered motor vehicle drivers license constitutes a crime shall be held criminally responsible. Answer: 46, to avoid puncture of the wrong approach is it? A, lower tire pressure B, regularly check the tire C, Replace cracked or damaged tire has a deep D, promptly clean up any foreign objects inside the tire grooves Answer: A 47 When the driver realized that driving a puncture, should control the direction of the case, gently depress the brake pedal, the vehicle slowly decelerates gradually smooth stop at the roadside. Answer: 48, the vehicle after a puncture occurs, the driver can control the speed in front, do not risk using the parking brake to prevent the vehicle broaching more dangerous place. Answer: 49, this instrument is what does this mean? A, ammeter B, pressure gauge C, water temperature gauge D, fuel gauge Answer: D 50, the meter displays fuel tank has warned of memory within the line. Answer: 51, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) light indicates that the engine may be less than the amount of oil. Answer: 52, driving a motor vehicle in the intersection to see such a signal light, to accelerate the adoption. Answer: False 53, how this intersection to allow vehicles traveling? A, straight or turning left B, left and right turn C, turn left D, straight or right turn Answer: D 54, this group of traffic police gesture is what signals? A, left turn signal B, the stop signal C, pull over and stop signals D, right turn signal Answer: B 55, fog main impact on safe driving what? A, easily spin B, easy to turn off the engine C, driving resistance increases D, low visibility, blurred Answer: D 56 night, the driver of the object observed significantly worse than during the day, what happens to line of sight? A, variable length B, shorter C, without law D, unchanged Answer: B 57, a vehicle driving in the opposite direction suddenly forced to overtake, occupy themselves driveway, what is the correct approach? A, accelerated motion B, as far as possible avoid deceleration until Parking C, maintaining the original speed limits D, blocking its path Answer: B 58, motor vehicle in a minor traffic accident on the road and blocking traffic, the need to move. Answer: False 59 In such a situation how do waiting? A, followed queue B, from the right route through Beyond C, above and beyond from both sides D, spanning from the left beyond the solid line Answer: A 60, the road center double yellow solid lines belong to which category marking? A, auxiliary marking B, indicative marking C, warning signs D, prohibit marking Answer: D 61, driving in the instrument panel (as shown) on means what? A, the engine temperature is too low B, engine temperature C, engine lubrication system failure D, engine cooling system failure Answer: B 62, the night passed without street lights or street lighting is poor, should be converted to nearly light beam, but after the car traveling the same direction shall not use the high beam. Answer: 63, driving a small passenger cars traveling on the highway minimum speed of 90 km / h. Answer: False 64, the night passed without an intersection controlled by traffic lights not transform low beam lights. Answer: False 65, in case of low visibility fog fog or king, driving difficulties, what should I do? A, open revelation marker lights, fog lights, driving on the right B, open the headlamp, continue driving C, turn on the hazard lights and fog lights, choose safe place to stop D, turn on the hazard warning flashers, continue driving Answer: C 66, the continuous rains, mountain road shoulder may appear loose and Dipo collapse phenomenon, driving should choose a solid middle of the road pavement, avoid traveling near the roadside. Answer: 67, driving on ice and snow, it must reduce speed and increase safety distance. Answer: 68, vehicle line to a muddy stretch of road or boiling should stop and look, choose a smooth, hard road slow adoption. Answer: 69, the vehicle traveling on the main road, the main branch roads approaching the intersection, in order to prevent vehicles from entering the branch suddenly collided, what should I do? A, slow down in advance, observation, careful driving B, to maintain normal speed C, accelerating the adoption of advance D, honking, rapid adoption Answer: A 70, the night before the start, it should first open beam light. Answer: 71, the use of forged or altered driving license once remember a bit? A, 12 points B, 6 points C, 3 points D, 2 points Answer: A 72, fled after causing a traffic accident, not constitute a crime once recorded 12 points. Answer: 73, driving a motor vehicle on a highway parking, retrograde, crossing the median U-turn at a record six points. Answer: False 74, the vehicle speed exceeds a predetermined speed of up to 50% of the first three points. Answer: False 75, the vehicle line to the intersection, turn left at any time the vehicle can be transferred into the left bend area. Answer: False 76, the vehicle can park on the highway ramp. Answer: False 77, the vehicle on the highway speed of 100 kilometers per hour when traveling from the same lane as the vehicle in front of 100 meters above a safe distance. Answer: 78, the driver driving a motor vehicle documents do not carry the kind of road, traffic police can legally detain the vehicle? A, vehicle passes B, resident identity card C, qualification certificate D, motor vehicle license Answer: D 79, motor vehicle on a highway failure or accident can not be normal driving cars towing or hauling by what? A, vehicle crossings B, buses C, peer car D, wrecker Answer: D 80, not in accordance with state regulations on insurance to pay compulsory insurance of vehicles, the traffic police can legally be detained. Answer: 81, driving a motor vehicle in a road accident should immediately move the car side of the road. Answer: False 82, this car is not parked on the roadside motor vehicle violations. Answer: False 83, so that temporary parking of motor vehicles in the street what offense? A, in the non-motor vehicle road parking B, occupied motor vehicle road parking C, more than 30 cm from the side of the road D, in line with paragraph marked parking Jinting Answer: D 84, the vehicle approaching buses stopped at the station when the bus suddenly start to prevent pedestrians from the car in front or piercing, what should I do? A, slow down, keep enough distance, ready to stop B, to maintain normal speed C, honking reminder, accelerating the adoption of D, ready to emergency braking Answer: A 85, when the vehicle turns right along the road traveling, do not usurp the other lane, so that big bend turn left, turn right, turn a small bend. Answer: 86 In what circumstances may not travel? A, the windows did not shut B, the door did not shut C, roof windows did not shut D, occupants wear seatbelts Answer: B 87, not in the cab suspension and front and rear windows placed within the drivers line of sight hinder items. Answer: 88, motor vehicle traveling within the roundabout, in case of other vehicles forced into, as long as you can not avoid a priority Answer: False 89, after the vehicle enters the mountain roads, paying particular attention to continuous turn sign, and actively avoid vehicles and pedestrians, timely deceleration and honk. Answer: 90, the use of other motor vehicle license plate, driving permit a record three points. Answer: False 91, drivers who violate traffic regulations major accident causing death and escape, at many years in prison? A, 3 years B, 7 years C, 3 years 7 years D, 10 years Answer: C 92, in this corner when driving on the maximum speed can not exceed the number? A, 30 km / h B, 40 km / h C, 50 km / h D, 70 km / h Answer: A 93, mountainous road vehicles into the corner before the car did not come in the opposite case, what should I do? A, should be slow, honking, right line. B, reliable traveling outside of the curve C, can be short-term borrow each others lane D, can accelerate through the tangential direction along the curve Answer: A 94, driving in a vehicle parked beyond the right side, in order to prevent its sudden start or open the door, what should I do? A, set aside a safe horizontal distance, slow down B, to maintain normal speed C, long honking D, accelerating the adoption of Answer: A 95, the road center filled with yellow slash what does this mean? A, bilateral lane dividing line can span the same direction B, can span the opposite lane dividing line C, prohibition on the roadway across the dividing line D, one-way traffic lane dividing line Answer: C 96, the figure circle white horizontal solid line is what does this mean? A, stop line B, yield line C, to be transferred line D, slow line Answer: A 97, the vehicle instrument panel (as shown) is lit when what? A, front fog lights turned on B, is on the low beam headlamps C, high beam headlights turned on D, rear fog lamp is turned on Answer: C 98, hazard lights can be used in the following what occasion? A, road congestion is encountered B, with the car on the road when driving C, vehicle malfunction when parking D, leading after the car when traveling Answer: C 99, during the road, they do not affect the passage of other vehicles under the premise can turn around. Answer: 100, driving a motor vehicle on the road before the driver according to the provisions seatbelts. Answer: 101, motor vehicle on the road, the front occupant may seatbelt. Answer: False 102, driving in front of a traffic accident, need help, what should I do? A, try to avoid the detour B, call the police, stop watching C, to help protect the site and call the police D, accelerating the adoption, ignore Answer: C 103, traffic is encountered on a vehicle in lane and driving, what should I do? A, close to the center of the road driving B, take the initiative to the other side OK C, each with a headlight warning D, to force the other right-hand drive Answer: B 104, the car will be encountered in the other car must route through difficulties when traveling, what should I do? A, stop to indicate the other B, not to encroach upon the other road, normal driving C, by the right side and speed D, try to be courteous to each other in advance Answer: D 105, driving the rear of the vehicle requirements encountered when overtaking, what should I do? A, deceleration time, after observing driving on the right so that the line B, maintaining the original speed limits C, by the right side and speed D, do not let the line Answer: A 106, found in front of road congestion, the correct approach is to what? A, select empty when exceeded by car B, interspersed with detours to continue C, honk to indicate the fast-moving vehicle in front D, in order waiting Answer: D 107, Which of the following driver may not drive a motor vehicle? A, driving license is lost, damaged B, close to va


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