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.市商务英语等级考试BET中级教材练习及答案Unit One International TradeIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 在国际贸易中,国家间常常出售同类产品,在汽车业、纺织业、鞋类和食品业是这样,而且从长期看,任何产品都可能是这样。Countries often sell each other the same products in international trade. This is true for automobiles, te*tiles, shoes, foodstuffs, and in the long-term, possibly for any products.2 外贸能促使两个贸易国增进了解,增加财富并建立平等互利的良好关系。Foreign trade enables two trading countries to promote understanding, increase prosperity and build up good relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.3 一旦商品出售后,公司就必须提供售后效劳来保证顾客的满意,从而促进将来的销售。Once goods are sold, the pany must provide after-sales service to ensure customer satisfaction and promote future sales.4 补偿贸易是当地公司或厂商取得外汇支付进口设备或技术的一种间接的融资方式。pensation trade is an indirect way for local panies or manufacturers to acquire foreign e*change to finance the import of equipment or technology.5 在国际贸易中业务成交与实际交货时间间隔较长,因此付款问题远比国贸易复杂。In international trade, the time between the conclusion of business and the actual delivery of the goods is rather long. Therefore, payment is far more plicated than that in domestic trade.V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: 1我们是一家在建的五星级饭店。 2对方产品目录中的NOBLE系列的整套卧室家具(bedroom suite)感兴趣。 3要求了解对方的贸易条件,及能否给予贸易及数量折扣。 4请对方速寄所用材料的样品及色卡(color chart)。 5盼尽快复函。June 8, 2008Dear SirWe have learned your name and address from the Internet, and we are interested in your Noble bedroom suite listed in your catalogue.We are a five-star restaurant under construction and would like to have details of your trade terms, trade and quantity discounts.We would appreciate it if you could send us promptly your samples for materials and the color charts.We look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yoursZhang Wen (Mr)Purchase ManagerVI. Interpret the following passage into English:本公司成立于1983年,是专营服装进出口业务的外贸公司。经营围包括各衬衫、T-恤衫、夹克衫和运动服等。在对外开放和深化改革的过程中,公司大力开拓国际市场,出口商品已远销欧洲美洲、日本及东南亚等国家和地区。除传统贸易方式以外,公司还积极拓展新的贸易途径,进出口额有了大幅度地长。去年公司的贸易总额到达了9000万美元,比去年增长了16%。公司一贯重视产品质量和商业信誉。今后,公司将以平等互利的原则为指导,一步开展与世界各国的经贸关系。Founded in 1983, this pany is a trading firm specializing in the import and e*portof garments. Its business scope covers various kinds of shirts, T-shirts, jackets,sportswear, etc.During the process of opening up and deepening of reform, the pany has beenvigorously e*ploring the international market and its goods have been sold to countries and regions such as Europe, the Americas, Japan and Southeast Asia.Besides the traditional methods of trade, the pany has been actively developing new business channels in recent years. Its import and e*port volume has gone up drastically. Last year the total trade amount reached US$90 million, an increase of 16% over the year before.The pany has always been attaching great importance to the quality of products and business reputation. Guided by the principle of equality and mutual benefit, it will further develop its economic and trade relations with other countries all over the world.Unit Two World Trade OrganizationIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 世界贸易组织不仅处理货物贸易,还涉及效劳贸易和知识产权贸易。The WTO not only attends to trade in goods, but also covers trade in services and intellectual property rights.2 乌拉圭回合贸易谈判的最大成果是达成了建立世界贸易组织的协议。The greatest achievement of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations is the conclusion of the agreement to found the World Trade Organization.3 为参加世界贸易组织,中国政府做出降低关税和扩大市场准入的承诺。In order to join the WTO, the Chinese government has mitted itself to tariff cuts and e*pansion of market access.4 世界贸易组织重要功能之一是与国际货币基金组织、世界银行及其他多边机构合作。One of the important functions of the WTO is to cooperate with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other multilateral organizations.5 世界贸易组织成员体须遵守游戏规则并承当签订的协议中规定的义务。WTO members shall abide by the Game Rules and undertake the obligations specified in agreements they have signed.V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: 1对对方来函询购NOBLE系列卧室家具表示感。 2要求即期信用证付款,证到后30天交货。 3能给10%贸易折扣,订单金额达10万美元,可享有5%数量折扣。 4如订货,请提供客房平面图及所需尺寸。June 15, 2008Dear Mr ZhangThank you for your letter of June 8, inquiring for our Noble bedroom suite.Our terms of payment are by sight L/C and delivery can be made within 30 days after the receipt of your L/C.We can offer you a 10% trade discount and also a 5% quantity discount on orders of no less than US$100,000.Please send us floor plans for your guest rooms and dimensions for the furniture if you would like to place an order with us.We are looking forward to your initial order.Sincerely yoursJohn SmithSales ManagerVI. Interpret the following passage into English:世界贸易组织秘书处设在日瓦,约有500名工作人员,其首长是总干事。秘书处在日瓦以外不设分支机构。秘书处不是决策机构,因为决议都是成员自己定断的。秘书处的主要责任是为各个理事会、委员会、部长级会议提供技术上的支持,为开展中国家提供技术援助,分析国际贸易的情况,向公众和媒体解释世贸组织的事务。秘书处在争端处理的过程中还提供一些不同形式的法律援助,向那些希望成为世贸组织成员的政府提供建议。The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has about 500 staff members and is headed by a director general. It has no branch offices outside Geneva. The Secretariat is not a decision-making body because decisions are made by the members themselves.Its main duties are to supply technical support to the various councils, mittees and ministerial conferences, to provide technical assistance for developing countries, to analyze world trade and to e*plain WTO affairs the public and media.The Secretariat also provides some forms of legal assistance in the dispute settlement process and advises governments wishing to bee members of the WTO.Unit ThreeE*port ContractsIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 双方同意,该合同在未经双方书面签署和会签之前是无效的。Both parties agree that this contract will not bee effective until it is signed and countersigned in written form by both parties.2 兹附上第175号售货确认书一式两份,请签署并退回一份供我方存档。We are enclosing our Sales Confirmation No 175 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.3 所有发票及函电上必须标明第322号订单的字样,我方最后装船指示马上就到,并请回函确认这一订单。The wording “Order No 322” must be stated on all invoices and correspondence; our final shipping instructions will follow soon. Please confirm this order by return.4 按照你方上次来信的要求,我们已将第501号售货确认书缮制成一式三份,请会签后退回两份,。As requested in your previous letter, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No 501 in triplicate and shall thank you if you send back two copies with your countersignature.5 合同的要旨就是两个各持相对立场的双方达成的相互理解。The essence of a contract is the mutual understanding reached by two parties who hold adverse positions against each other.V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: 1感对方6月15日函及所提供的有关信息。 2随函附上W6164号订单及客房平面图与家具的尺寸,希望对方立即确认订货。 3我方收到销售确认书后即开立即期信用证。 4如果所用的材料、颜色、尺寸等有变动,须立即通知我方。June 22, 2008Dear Mr SmithThank you for your letter of June 15 and the information provided to us.We are now enclosing our order No W6164 and floor plans for our guest rooms and dimensions for the furniture.We would open a sight L/C immediately after we have received your Sales Confirmation.If there are any alterations to materials used and to colors and dimensions of the furniture, please let us know immediately.We look forward to your immediate confirmation of our order.Sincerely yoursZhang Wen (Mr)Purchase ManagerVI. Interpret the following passage into English:首先请允许我代表我团所有成员感古德曼先生出席今天的签字仪式,您的光临使我们深感荣幸。我们之间经过几轮的商谈,终于达成了协议,我们为此深受鼓舞。在到达这里后很短的时间里我所见到的情况,以及我所参加的会谈,使我清楚地看到我们两个公司之间有着良好的合作前景。我们将探索进一步扩大和加深我们之间贸易合作的途径,使贸易额得到显著增长。明天我们就要离开伦敦回了,我想借此时机再一次感你们给予我们的支持与合作。First of all, on behalf of all the members of my mission, I wish to e*press my appreciation to Mr. Goodman for attending todays signing ceremony. We feel very much honored by your presence.We are deeply encouraged by the fact that we have finally reached the agreement after several rounds of negotiations. From what I have seen during my short stay here, and from the discussion I have held with you, Im glad to see that the prospects for cooperation between our two panies are very promising.We will e*plore ways in which we can e*pand and deepen our trade cooperation still further so as to realize a tremendous increase in trade volume between us.As we are leaving London for Shanghai tomorrow, Id like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your support and cooperation.Unit Four InsuranceIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 请贵公司开具价值35000加元的预约保单为该货物按仓至仓条款保险。Please issue an open policy for 35,000 Canadian dollars to cover the shipment from warehouse to warehouse.2 我们已收到关于贵方CR64313号索赔申请书的我方估损员报告,贵方在申请书中称4月18日在装上“泰山号轮运往贵方客户曼谷高科(Hitek)实业公司的两台涡轮发电机遭损毁,为此贵方提出索赔。We have received our assessors report regarding your claim No CR in which you asked for pensation for damage to two turbo generators which were shipped e*-Dalian on the MV Taishan on April 18, for delivery to your customers Hitek Industries Bankok.3 如果客户要求更高的投保百分比或要求扩大保险围,则额外的保险费由买方负担。If a higher percentage or broader coverage is required, the e*tra premium will be for buyers account.4 兹附有关货物的包装情况及货价的详细凭证,请报港至港一切险费率。Enclosed are details of packing and values. Please quote us a rate covering All Risks from port to port.5 凡属质量异议,买方须于货物抵达目的港之日起30天提出索赔;凡属数量异议,索赔须于货物抵达目的港之日起15天提出。In case of quality discrepancy, claims should be filed by the buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claims should be filed within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destinationV. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below:April 8, 2008Dear Mr JohnsWe are pleased to inform you that we have covered the 1,500 sweaters under your order No.KK9736 for the invoice value plus 10% against All risks and War Risk.We have drawn on you at sight for the amount of the premium.Please honor our draft on demand.Sincerely yoursGao JunSales ManagersVI. Interpret the following passage into English:值希望保险公司成立之际,我很快乐代表本公司董事会和全体员工欢送各位光临今天的开业典礼。首先,我要感各位在过去几年中所给予的合作与支持。中国经济的飞速开展使我们对中国的保险业充满信心。据世界银行预测,到2005年,中国保险业的营业额有望到达5200亿元人民币,成为世界第二大保险市场。本公司将抓住这一有利时机,及时为中国人民提供优质、完善的保险效劳。我期待各位今后继续支持本公司的开展和进步。祝愿大家万事如意!干杯!On behalf of the Board of Directors and the whole staff, I am delighted to e*press my wele to you for ing here today for the official opening of Hope Insurance pany. First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your cooperation and support over the past years.With the rapid economic development in China, we are very confident of the Chinese insurance market. As estimated by the World Bank, Chinas insurance premium is e*pected to reach RMBY520 billion in 2005, being the second largest insurance market in the world.Our pany will capitalize on the golden opportunity and provide the Chinese people with timely and prehensive quality insurance service. I look forward to your continuous support for our development and progress in the future.I wish you all the best! Cheers!Unit Five PackingIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 他们一直在改良包装方法以适应市场的开展。They keep improving their methods of packing to suit the market development.2 纸板箱轻便、易于搬运,而且较廉价;而木箱笨重,价格也较贵。Cartons are light, easy to handle and less e*pensive while wooden cases are clumsy and more costly.3 现在很多消费品是通过邮购商店出售的,因此,包装有小型化的趋势。Now many consumer products are being sold through mail order houses. Therefore, packages tend to be smaller.4 包装及唛头的详细情况见附页,这些必须严格遵守。Details of packing and shipping mark can be found on the attached sheet, which must be strictly observed.5 至于浴巾,我们既能提供一般的包装,即独花混色,也能提供混花混色的特殊包装。As for bath towels, we can offer you either normal packing, the simple design in assorted colors or special packing in assorted designs and colors.V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below:1告诉客户其HW0603订单项下的1200匹piece花呢tweed lengths已备妥。 2每匹都用塑料袋包装,然后打成300个布包bale,每个布包的尺寸为5英尺4英寸*2英尺*2英尺。 3请客户回函确认。 4通过快递寄送最新的目录本及一些新产品的样品,望客户有新的订单。June 28, 2008Dear Mr WongWe are pleased to inform you that the 1,200 pieces of tweed lengths under your orderNo.HW0603 are now ready for shipment.Each piece is packed in a polythene bag and then the whole consignment is placedinto 300 bales of 5.422ft.Please confirm the above packing by return.We are sending you by courier our latest catalogue and some samples for our newproducts and look forward to your fresh orders.Sincerely yoursDavid GatesMarketing ManagerVI. Interpret the following passage into English:我公司成立于1980年,是一家全球性的跨国公司,主要为汽车和国防工业市场提供技术含量高的产品和效劳。公司在系统工程、工程管理和人力资源管理方面处于世界领先地位。我们已经在三十个国家和地区开展业务,在全球拥有约八万名员工。目前,公司正在积极拓展新兴市场的业务。几年前,我们在墨西哥和印度设立了代表处,在国和土耳其成立了合资企业。去年,本公司的净销售额到达了110亿美元,其中40亿美元为国际上的销售,占总额的36%。Founded in 1980, our pany is a multinational business focusing on providing technology-intensive products and services for automotive and defense markets.It has world-class petences in systems engineering, project management and human resources management. The pany, which operates in 30 countries, employs about 80,000 people worldwide.At present, it is e*panding aggressively into emerging markets. A few years ago, we opened representative offices in Me*ico and India, and set up joint ventures in South Korea and Turkey.Last year, the panys net sales reached USD11 billion, with international sales accounting for 4 billion, or 36% of that total.Unit Si* TransportationIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 我们正在等待轮船公司的提单,且会依照本公司一贯的作业程序,连同发票和保险单航邮给贵公司。We are waiting for the relevant B/L from the shipping pany, and it will be airmailed to you with the invoice and insurance policy according to our usual practice.2 提单中的被通知方可以是买方本人,也可以是买方指定的代理人。The Notify Party in the B/L can be either the Buyers themselves or the agent named by the Buyers.3 我们会按时交货,但你们的信用证必须在装船前30天开到。We will ship the goods as scheduled, but your L/C must reach us 30 days before shipment.4 贵方8012号定单的货物已装上中国远洋货运公司的“总统号货轮,9月1日开航,由驶往新加坡。Your order No 8012 has now been shipped on board the SS “President of China Ocean Shipping pany, which will sail on September 1 from Shanghai to Singapore.5 我们将按照合同规定分三批交货,自八月开场,每月400吨。As stipulated in the contract, we will ship the goods in three monthly lots of 400 tons each, mencing in August.V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: 1通知对方4185号订单项下的的货物已装上“浦东号轮,该轮于5月17日驶往你港。 2随函附上该批货的装运单据一套,包括不可转让的提单一份、商业发票一式两份、检验证书一份、保险单一份。 3装运单据的正本正通过我方银行寄送对方。 4相信货物能及时运抵对方以满足其急需,产品能使对方满意。 5向对方保证我方会迅速、认真地办理其今后的所有订货。May 15, 2008Dear Mr SmithWe are pleased to inform you that the goods under your order No.4185 have been shipped on board the SS “Pu Dong, which will sail for your port on May 17.We are now enclosing a set of shipping documents for this consignment, including a nontransferable Bill of Lading, our mercial invoice in duplicate, a Certificate of Inspection and an Insurance Policy.The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through our bank.We trust that the goods will reach you as scheduled to meet your urgent demand and you will be satisfied with the consignment.We can assure you of our prompt and careful attendance to all your future orders.Sincerely yoursWang HaiSales ManagerVI. Interpret the following passage into English:是太平洋西岸最大的城市之一,人口为1600多万,面积达6340平方千米。上面濒临东海,南面正对湾,西面与和两个省份接壤,滔滔的长江在北面奔腾而过,汇入大海。黄浦江长达113公里,蜿蜒曲折地贯穿全境,将的全境根本上分为东西两个局部。一般说来,的气候宜人,年平均温度在摄氏16度左右,充足,降雨量也相当充分,的地理位置及自然特征对这座城市的迅速开展起着很大的作用。Shanghai is one of the largest cities on the western Pacific coast. It has a population of over 16 million and covers an area of 6,340 square kilometers.Shanghai has the East China Sea on the east, Hangzhou Bay on the south and Jiangsu and Zhejiang on the west. On the north, Changjiang River flows past and then rushes into the sea.The 113-kilomete-long Huangpu River winds its way through Shanghai, roughly dividing the whole city into two parts.Generally, Shanghais climate is quite agreeable, with an annual average temperature around 16 degrees centigrade, sufficient sunshine and rainfall. Shanghais geographical location and its physical characteristics have greatly contributed to the rapid development of the city.Unit Seven IncotermsIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1“工厂交货是指当卖方在其所在地将货物交给买方时,即完成其交货的责任。“E* Works (E*W) means that the seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when had has made the goods available at his premises to the buyer.2卖方必须自付费用取得合同中约定的货物保险,并向买方提供保险单或其他保险证据。 The seller must obtain at his own e*pense cargo insurance as agreed in the contract and provide the buyer with the insurance policy or other evidence of insurance cover.3买方必须承当货物在装运港越过船舷之后灭失或损坏的一切风险。 The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.4只有当货物将由海运或河运输或多式联运在目的港船上交货时,才能使用该术语。 This term can be used only when the goods are to be delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal transport on a vessel at the port of destination.5卖方必须在约定的日期或在约定的期限,在目的港指定的码头将货物交给买方处置。 The seller must place the goods at the disposal of the buyer on the designated guay at the port of destination on the agreed date or within the agreed period.VI. Interpret the following passage into English:首先,我以在座的中国同事们的名义,感安德森先生设宴款待我们。中国同拉丁美洲国家有广泛的经济贸易往来。近年来,中国和拉美国家的经贸关系开展迅速。2001年,中拉贸易额到达149亿美元。墨西哥是中国在拉美的重要合作伙伴,已成为中国企业在拉美投资的主要国家之一。去年,中国从墨西哥进口比上年增长56%。这说明贵国的产品正越来越多地进入中国市场。此次访问加深了我们对贵国的了解,我们热诚欢送更多的墨西哥朋友来中国访问。First of all, in the name of my Chinese colleagues present here, I wish to thank Mr. Anderson for giving this banquet tonight.China has e*tensive economic and trade links with countries in Latin America. In recent years, economic and trade relations between the two sides have developed rapidly. In 2001, the bilateral trade volume stood at US$14.9 billion.Me*ico is one of Chinas important partners in Latin America. It is now a major recipient of Chinese corporate investment in Latin America. Last year, Chinas imports from Me*ico rose by 56 percent over the previous year, indicating an increasing inflow of your goods into the Chinese market.Through this visit we have gained a better understanding of your country. We are eagerly e*pecting more Me*ican friends to visit China.Unit Eight International PaymentsIV. Translate the following sentences into English:1 当进口国的政治经济形式使付款情况不确定或当买方的信誉状况令人疑虑时,出口商偏向采用预付现金或局部预付现金的方法。When the political and economic situation in the importing country makes payment uncertain or when the buyers credit standing is dubious, the e*porter may prefer cash in advance or partial cash in advance.2 不少银行决定在国外开设分行,由海外分行承当以前由往来行履行的各种职能。Many banks have decided to establish foreign branches, which then assume various functions previously carried out by correspondent banks.3 如果买卖双方相当熟悉,可做记账交易,不需要运输单据。If the buyer and the seller know each other well, they may decide to trade on open account, which means that no documents are involved.4 在国际贸易中,货物与效劳的购置和销售都是跨越国境进展的,所以,交易中的有关方面必须了解对方的财务状况和诚信度方面的信息。In international trade, purchase and sale of goods and services are conducted beyond national boundaries, so it is necessary for the parties involved in the transaction to get information about each others financial standing and credit worthiness.5 如果出口商希望保存其对货物的所有权,他可以做寄售交易。在这种安排下,出口商必须将货物运到国外,等货物卖出后才能收回货款。If the e*porter wishes to retain title or ownership to the goods, he may enter into consignment transactions. Under such an arrangement, the e*porter has to send his goods abroad and will not get payment until the goods are sold.V. Write an


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