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北京语言大学22春高级写作综合作业二答案参考1. The old man said, “( ), they cannot grow any higher.”A.Highly as these mountains areB.High as are these mountainsC.High as these mountains areD.Though high are the mountains参考答案:C2. She is narrow minded and always _ what other people have.A.jealousB.owesC.missesD.envies参考答案:D3. Wise people _ forming fixed opinions.A.avoidB.escapeC.refuseD.reject参考答案:A4. offend 选择能代替的选项( )A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite参考答案:B5. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _.A.capacityB.strengthC.lengthD.possibility参考答案:A6. These networks are _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.A.in alertB.for the alertC.with the alertD.on the alert参考答案:D7. Without your timely help, we ( ).A.would not succeedB.would succeedC.would have succeedD.would not have succeed参考答案:D8. Many years ago, a lot of factories were _ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported参考答案:A9. economical 选择能代替的选项( )A.prudentB.extravagantC.economicD.sparing参考答案:B10. He has difficulty ( ) the word.A.to pronouceB.for pronoucingC.pronoucingD.of pronoucing参考答案:C11. She was so fat that she could only just _ through the door.A.assembleB.appearC.squeezeD.gather参考答案:C12. stress选择能代替的选项( )A.emphasizeB.criticizeC.recognizeD.realize参考答案:A13. -I dont mind telling you what I know. - You _. Im not asking you for it.A.mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt参考答案:D14. The reception was attended by _ members of the local community.A.excellentB.conspicuousC.prominentD.noticeable参考答案:C15. _ the houses were knocked down in the earthquake.A.The number ofB.A great many ofC.A great deal ofD.A great many参考答案:B16. The first is ( ) approach ( ) the two.A.the most helpful, inB.more helpful, ofC.more helpful, inD.the more helpful, of参考答案:D17. Which sport has the most expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A.in place ofB.in terms ofC.by means ofD.by way of参考答案:B18. City born and city bred, he always thinks city life is ( ) country life.A.superior thanB.inferior thanC.superior toD.inferior to参考答案:C19. ( ) there, he found a great deal to interest him.A.This being his first visitB.Never having visitedC.This being his first time to visitD.Having never been before参考答案:A20. This ( ) your first composition, Ill ask you to write a short one.A.isB.will beC.wasD.being参考答案:D21. You had better keep him at ( ) length; he is dishonest.A.handsB.fingersC.armsD.legs参考答案:C22. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some _ shops in the residential area.A.flowingB.mobileC.driftingD.unstable参考答案:B23. A headache is an ( ) pain.A.insideB.internalC.externalD.inherent参考答案:B24. Im sorry to trouble you. -_.A.The same to you.B.What a pity! Im sorry to hear that.C.It doesnt matter. What is it?D.Thanks a lot.参考答案:C25. Im sorry Im late. I got _ by a friend on the way here.A.put upB.hung upC.slowed downD.held on参考答案:B26. Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项A.skillB.abilityC.talentD.capacity参考答案:C27. The truth will sooner or later _.A.come aboutB.turn outC.come outD.give out参考答案:C28. Another subway has been ( ) operation since last December.A.underB.inC.onD.with参考答案:B29. John seems a nice person, _ I dont trust him.A.Even thoughB.Even soC.ThereforeD.Though参考答案:B30. There is a _ of impatience in the tone of his voice.A.dotB.hintC.notionD.phrase参考答案:B31. randomly选择能代替的选项( )A.aimlesslyB.carelesslyC.intentionallyD.speedily参考答案:C32. We didt know what had happened to her until we ( ) the accident in the newspaper.A.readB.read ofC.read overD.read from参考答案:B33. ( ) that happen, what ( ) we do?A.IfshallB.SupposeshallC.ShouldwouldD.Hadshould参考答案:C34. Which do you like _, football or ping pong?A.bestB.wellC.betterD.more参考答案:C35. My sister ( ) at home for the moment.A.is livingB.livesC.livedD.has lived参考答案:A36. You should try to _ your ambition and be more realistic.A.restrainB.retainC.reserveD.replace参考答案:A37. It&39;s no use ( ) with him. You might as well ( ) with a stone wall. He is incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view.A.arguing; argueB.to argue; arguingC.arguing; arguingD.to argue; argue参考答案:A38. Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests.A.stoppedB.had to stopC.shall stopD.stop参考答案:A39. His suggestion was approved by a(n) ( ) majority in the company.A.overwhelmingB.countlessC.manyD.unlimited参考答案:A40. People must be ( ) to the responsibility to their own nation.A.wokenB.realizedC.knownD.awkened参考答案:D41. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.参考答案北京跟纽约的天气一样。42. we tried our best to arrive 8 time.A.atB.inC.onD.bywe tried our best to arrive 8 time.A.atB.inC.onD.by正确答案:Contime准时到达。43. She might have been at the meeting, but nobody _ her there.A.lookedB.noticedC.remarkedD.commented参考答案:B44. I can hardly _ my eyes; the pet is so lovely.A.believeB.believe inC.trustD.trust in参考答案:A45. I should very much like to have gone to the party, but I _.A.am not invitedB.shall not be invitedC.am not being invitedD.was not invited参考答案:D46. I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class.A.soB.so thatC.ifD.unless参考答案:B47. Children live, ( ), in a different world from adults.A.to speak soB.so to speakC.to speak nothingD.to speak of参考答案:B48. She can stay in her workroom for 10 hours without eating or sleeping, all her attention ( ) her painting.A.focusing onB.focused onC.focusing inD.foused on参考答案:B49. One day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A.came acrossB.came aboutC.came afterD.came at参考答案:A50. We offer four courses, each ( ) two weekly programmes.A.consisted ofB.made upC.consisting ofD.was made up of参考答案:C51. I have decided to visit Beijing; ( ),my wife doesnt allow me to leave the family.A.moreoverB.howeverC.thereforeD.thus参考答案:B52. The secretary and headmaster of the school _ present at the meeting.A.wasB.wereC.areD.be参考答案:A53. He will agree to do what you require _ him.A.ofB.fromC.toD.for参考答案:A54. The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in.A.went not; untilB.didnt go; afterC.went; untilD.didnt go; until参考答案:D55. He made a request _ immediate help.A.atB.forC.onD.by参考答案:B56. The General Store sells clothing and many other things ( ) food.A.in additionB.except forC.apart fromD.beside参考答案:C57. The police _ searching for a tall dark man with a beard.A、isB、areC、hasD、haveThe police _ searching for a tall dark man with a beard.A、isB、areC、hasD、have答案:B58. Those who lost their husbands during World War were ( ) war wisdoms.A.called asB.namedC.refered toD.spoken of as参考答案:D59. Those people _ a general understanding of the present situation.A.lack ofB.are lacking ofC.lackD.are in lack参考答案:C60. ( ) their luggage, they hurried to the railway station.A.PackingB.Finished packingC.Having packedD.Finished packing参考答案:C


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