2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Again, Please教案1 冀教版

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2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Again, Please教案1 冀教版知识与技能:复习第三单元的知识,以便查漏补缺。过程与方法:通过小组学习,对手竞赛,巩固学过的知识。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生良好的复习学习习惯。重点难点重点: 四单元的单词,词组,句子难点:培养学生灵活运用的能力。 学法指导学生活动教具学具单词卡通案个案一、复习单词:Clothes,jacket,ticket,jump,run,walk,sit,stand,this,that,these,those.利用单词卡,开火车式拼读单词。二、复习词组:连连看:1. just right A、正合适2. get ready for B、准备做3. Good night C、晚安4. Me too D、我也是三、复习重点句子:1、包含this that these those的句子,注意它们的区别 .2、Do you want this jacket?3、How many pairs of socks do you have?4、What is the matter?5、I cant find my key. Can you find my key?6、Good night.7、My pyjamas are lost.8、Here it is.四、巩固练习:做活动手册32课五、作业:阶梯练32课课堂检测将答句的标号写在相应的问句后面1. What do you like to do?2. What is the capital city of China?3. North is up. Where is east?4. May I go on a trip to Shanghai?5.What do you need for the trip?A. East is right on the map.B. I need a hat,a jacket and a pair of glasses.C. I like to go to the gym to play basketball.D. The capital city of China is Beijing.E. Yes,you may.教学反思


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