2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B Unit3 My room(4-6)教案 沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B Unit3 My room(4-6)教案 沪教牛津版 一、主要新授内容(new contents)Lets enjoy- Rhyme二、学习目标(Objectives)1、在上一节课学习的基础上,进一步强化there be句型的表达。在情景中熟练运用there be 句型来描述。2、结合本课的主题My room,创设语言使用环境,学唱儿歌的过程中熟悉there be句型的表达方式。3、在儿歌表演的过程中,激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学习的积极性。4、在儿歌创编的过程中激发学生的想象,培养学生创新的思维。三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 (Quick Response)1、教学辅助(Aids)无2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurposeQuick responseEg: How old are you? . Whats in your room?教师与学生进行问答用快速回答问题的方式把学生的注意力引入到英语课堂上来。Activity 2 (Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑 2)屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Pair work2. Individual workThere is a bed in my room. It is big and blue.在屏幕上显示房间图片,让学生用所给的句子描述房间内的东西。巩固以前所学知识,为新课作准备。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1 (Chant)1、 教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑 2)屏幕3)节奏器4)录音机2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurposeChantIn my roomThere is a bedA bag on my bedBig and red在背景为房间的图片上显示新授儿歌第一段,让学生自己朗读。由复习的there be 句型引出新授儿歌的第一段。这一段没有新的单词,可以让学生自主学习。让他们增强学习英语的信心。2 Read the rhymeIn my roomThere is a bedA bag on my bedBig and red1 跟录音朗读2 集体朗读3 个别朗读4 配上节奏朗读用不同的朗读方式帮助学生记忆感受儿歌Activity 2 (Make a new rhyme)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑 2) 屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Make a new rhymeIn my roomThere is a bedA bag on my bedBig and red用刚才复习时的介绍结合新的儿歌学习,让学生自编儿歌运用多媒体创设生动的场景,激发学生好奇心,在场景中鼓励学生用刚学的的知识进行运用。Activity 3 ( New word “ zoo” )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑 2) 屏幕3)单词zoo的卡片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.ChantIn my roomThere is bed.A tiger on my bed. Big and brown.屏幕上显示房间里多了一只老虎,请同学们用刚学过的儿歌描述巩固刚才新学的儿歌并为下面的新授单词作准备。2. New word zoo把老虎从房间移到动物园,引出单词zoo引导学生仔细观察,通过比较了解单词的含义。2 Make some sentences with the worde.g: There is a tiger in the zoo.Look at the zoo.用所学单词进行造句 单词放句子中操练,帮助学生记忆及运用单词。3 Talk about the zoo Look at the zoo. It is big. There is a tiger in the zoo. I like the zoo.刚才的造句连接起来,用一段话来介绍zoo.在介绍动物园的过程中,巩固了新的单词的朗读,同时又强化了there be句型的运用。Activity 4 ( Rhyme )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑 2) 屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. RhymeIn my roomThere is a zoo.A tiger in my roomAnd a panda, too.使用媒体,把动物园搬入房间,然后显示儿歌运用多媒体展示,学生朗读儿歌,根据画面内容理解儿歌意思。2Read the rhymeIn my roomThere is a zoo.A tiger in my roomAnd a panda, too.1 学生自己朗读2 教师带读3 小组朗读根据屏幕上图片和儿歌,朗读,在朗读中巩固所学知识。Activity 6 (Rhyme )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 学生用书2) 录音机3) 节奏器2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Read the rhymeLets enjoy看书学生自己朗读完整的儿歌看图朗读儿歌,了解儿歌。2 Listen to the tapeLets enjoy1.听录音朗读。2.Chant.为儿歌配上节奏,增加趣味性,加深记忆。3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)Activity 1(chant )1、教学辅助(Aids)节奏器2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. DiscussionA new rhyme组内讨论,创编新的儿歌,并为儿歌配上节奏。发展学生的想像力,培养小组合作精神。2. ChantA new rhyme分小组进行表演,学生进行互评。在表演中让学生充分显示才能。在评价中,学会欣赏别人。第五课时(5th PERIOD) 一、 主要新授内容(new contents) New words: sun hotLets act-Close the window, please. -Open the door, please. -Clean your room, please.二、学习目标(Objectives)1. 能听懂关窗、开门/打扫房间等的祈使句,并作出相应的动作反应。2. 能认读并理解Close the window,please. /Open the door,please./ Clean your room, please.句子。3. 能根据所给的情景发出关窗、开门、打扫房间等指令。三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Activity 1(Games)1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音机 磁带2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Morning exercisesT: Open openP: Open my book.T: Close closeP: Close my book.T: Eat eatP: Eat a cake.T: Draw drawP: Draw a room.教师给出学生已经学过的动词,让学生边造句,边用早操的形式做出相应的动作。做错的学生要马上坐下。用动词复习已经学过的语言知识,并让全体学生共同参与这一环节,可以让学生感到自己会许多本领,对新知识的学习充满自信,并营造出良好的英语学习氛围 。Activity 2 (Looking and saying )1、教学辅助(Aids) 电脑屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Look, read and spell the words.Look at a picture of a room: Whats in the room?Words: door, window, room, bed, sofa, table, lamp教师出示画好的一张房间的图片,问学生:Whats in the room? 让学生用已经学过的There be 句型作简单回答后拼写该单词;同时老师将学生拼出来的单词写在黑板上,让一些单词掌握还不够牢固的学生有再一次学习的机会。使学生在看看、拼拼、读读中复习巩固本单元的新单词2 Choose the wordsListen to the teacher and choose the words. 1) door doll 2) window wind3) table apple 4) room moon5) bed bag 6) lamp leg1、 屏幕显示一组组单词2、 教师读其中的一个单词,学生听音选单词;如听到左边的单词学生拍左边两下,如听到在右边的单词,则拍右边两下以拍手游戏的方式来复习巩固本单元的新单词,学生乐于参与3 ChantUp, up, stand up, down, down, sit down , here, here, e here, back, back, go back 集体诵读节奏歌用儿歌帮学生增强动作类单词的记忆;顺利结束前一阶段的学习,轻松转入下一阶段的学习Activity 3(Exercise)1、教学辅助(Aids) 练习纸铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Look、listen and chooseLook. This is my _(room, classroom). It is _.(bag, big) My room is not _(clean, dirty). I am sad.学生听音圈出正确的单词把学过的单词放在短的语段中让学生听音选择并整体感知,培养学生学以致用,活学活用。并为新授做好铺垫。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)Activity 1(Speaking)1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音机 磁带图片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Look and sayLook at your room. It is dirty. Clean your room, please.教师事先准备较凌乱的房间的图片,指着说:May! Look at your room. It is dirty. Clean your room, please.来引出新句型并边说边做动作有上述短文与图片作铺垫,使学生尽快进入较为真实的语境中学习新的语言2. Look and say-Look at the desk. It is dirty.Clean the desk, please.( chair, blackboard)学生根据教室内的东西操练句型通过真实的环境操练句型,让学生感到有话可说。3. Make a short dialogue-Look at the desk. It is dirty.Clean the desk, please.-O.K. Oh, its clean now.学生根据教室内东西编对话。在真实的语言环境中编小对话,既提供了小组合作交流的机会,又增强了学生运用语言的能力。Activity 2 (Guessing game)1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音机磁带2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Questions and answersWhat can I draw?老师在黑板上画一圆形后问生Oh, look, I can draw. Please guess What can I draw ?Ball? Cake? Taro-Maybe-让学生自由地猜测几次引起学生对新授学习内容的兴趣2. Read the new wordsNew words: sun hot教师添上几笔后直接导入sun, hot 的单词教学把语音和语义同时输入给学生3. Make sentencesLook at the sun. It is hot.I can draw the sun. It is orange.学生可用这两个新词造句通过造句加深学生的记忆以及运用新词的能力 Activity 3 (Listening and speaking)1、教学辅助(Aids)图片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Look, listen and read Look at the sun. It is hot.Open the door/window, please.在理解hot这个单词含义的基础上,新授句型:Open the,please. 并操练句型。初步理解句子的含义2 Make a short dialogue- Look at the sun. It is hot.Open the door/window, please.-OK/All right.结合天气,编成小对话学生在边说边做中理解句意并熟练运用Activity 4(Listening and speaking)1、教学辅助(Aids)图片2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Look, listen and read It is winter. It is cold. Close the door/ window, please.教师将事先准备好的表示冬季的一些图片展示给学生看,让学生自己用已经学过的句子说出:It is winter. It is cold. 教师紧跟其后教授新的句型:Close the door/window, please.用图片复习旧知并及时教授新句型,让学生有掂掂脚即可摘到果实的成功体验2 Make a short dialogue-It is winter. It is cold. Close the door/ window, please.-OK.结合图片编对话有原先的对话作基础,让一些学习有困难的学生尝试编小对话,使他们也能有成功的喜悦Activity 5(Speaking)1、教学辅助(Aids)2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Pair workA: Look at the sun. It is hot. Open the door, please. B: All right.A:It is winter. It is cold. Close the window, please.B:OK.A:Look at your room. It is dirty. Clean your room, please.B:OK. Oh, its clean now.用一定的时间让学生两个一组试着说说自己刚刚编过的小对话,再选个别学生说一说给予学生一定时间准备,体验取得学习成功的快乐2 chantOpen, open, open the door.Close, close, close the door.Open, open, open the window.Close, close, close the window.Clean, clean, clean the desk.Clean, clean, clean the table.Clean, clean, clean your room.把刚才学生说的句子chant用的形式编在一起朗读让基础较差的同学也能说一说,并活跃一下课堂气氛3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)Activity 1(Reading and choosing)1、教学辅助(Aids)练习纸铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Read and choose1. The sun is _.( cold, hot)2. _( Open , Close) the door, please. Im cold.读句子,选出正确的答案以书面形式检查学生对本课时知识的理解、认读情况,培养学生的阅读能力。Activity 2 (Looking and reading)1、教学辅助(Aids)录音机2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Look, listen and read after the tapeLets act看图想想:他们会说什么,干什么,然后跟录音读课文培养学生正确的语音语调Activity 3 (Thinking and practice)1、教学辅助(Aids)录音机2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. DiscussionNew dialogues根据课文图片,要求学生两人一组或小组讨论,想像两位小朋友的对话,创编对话。激发学生的想像,让学生在情景中运用所学的知识。 2. Act out the dialogueNew dialogues部分学生根据创编的对话进行表演,向全班学生展示。在表演中充分调动学习的积极性,鼓励学生大胆开口,培养学生的创新能力。3. Homework1.Listen and read “Lets act”2.Make a new dialogue with their parents1、跟录音读课文2、与父母一起编新对话1、培养学生正确的语音语调2、在课外的延伸中增进孩子与父母的感情,让父母跟关心孩子的学习第六课时(6th PERIOD) 一、主要复习内容( Revision)Words: close open window door bed room sofa table lamp floorSentences: 1. Close/ Open/ Clean the , please. 2. There is / are in/ on/ under the . 二、学习目标(Objectives)1、学生能熟练背诵字母Aa-Ss,及其在单词中的发音,并能正确书写。2、学生能结合本单元及前几个单元的句型熟练表达和运用单词,并能熟练拼读。3、学生能熟练运用祈使句Close/ Open/ Clean the , please.并在不同情景中简单会话。4、学生能够运用句型There is / are in/ on/ under the 来对事物简单地进行表达,并结合所学内容对自己的房间、教室等进行描述。5、学生能够朗读、背诵儿歌并新编儿歌。三、教学建议(Teaching suggestion)1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 (Sounds of the letters)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑2)屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Alphabet trainingDrive the alphabet train and recite the sounds and the words from Aa to Ss. Aa Aa, / / / / apple appleBb Bb, /b/ /b/, bag bag RrRr /r/ /r/ rubber rubberSsSs /s/ /s/ sweet sweet出示字母卡片,学生齐背发音规则。 Aa-Ss的发音规则节奏朗读,排除上节课的干扰,营造英语氛围,同时为后面语音训练作铺垫。2 Listen and fill in the missing letters.1. Show the letters and read the sounds. n b m s g f l t d h2. Show the words . Listen and fill in.sofa desk table fan light classroom blackboard clean 电脑出示字母和单词,让学生根据发音规则填入所缺字母。要求学生见字母说发音,同时引导学生根据发音规则拼读、记忆单词。3 Choose the words.Listen to the teacher and choose the words. Raise your left hands or right hands.1) desk duck 2) sofa sweet3) table tiger 4) clean close5) classroom blackboard 6) light little1. 电脑出示单词。2. 学生听音选择单词。以举左右手这种游戏化的形式来加强对本单元单词的辨读和巩固,学生乐于参与。Activity 2 (Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑2)屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1.Look and say.Close/ Open/ Clean the ,please学生根据教室内的情景操练句型。以教室内的实物,边做动作边操练句型,通过真实的复习环境,既增强语言活动的趣味性,又提供給学生语言活动内化的机会。2 Make a dialogue-Hello, xx.-Hello, xx.-Look! The blackboard is dirty.Clean the blackboard, please.-O.K. Oh, its clean now.根据教室内东西编对话。通过自编对话,既提供了小组合作交流的机会,又增强了学生运用语言的能力。Activity 3 (Exercises)1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)练习纸2)铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Look and choose1. A. Open the window, please. B. Close the window, please.4. A. Clean your room, please.B. Clean your classroom, please. 看图选择正确的句子。听说领先,读写跟上,加强了句子的认读,又检查了学生对上面复习内容的掌握情况。2. Look and read.All the students read the sentences with their deskmates.朗读句子。通过练习中句子的朗读来巩固句型,同时加强对句子的认读。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1 (Rhyme)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑: 2)屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Say a rhyme Show two pictures of p16.Look and say the rhyme.电脑出示图片,根据图片说儿歌。儿歌调节气氛,舒缓学生紧张、疲劳的情绪,同时又为下面复习作了铺垫。 Activity 2 (Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids) 电脑 屏幕2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Talk about the picturesGroup 1 and 2-Picture 1.There is in my room.Its .Group 3 and4-Picture 2.There is in the zoo.Its分组看图片操练句子。围绕儿歌中的图片进行句型的意义操练,给学生提供把书本知识转化为自己知识的机会,给学生累积语言的空间。Activity 3 (Exercises)1、 教学辅助(Aids)1)练习纸 2)铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Look at the pictures and choose the words.1. There is a_(rubber/ ruler) in my pencil-box. Its _(long/ short ).5. There are two balls _(on/under) the desk. Theyre _(new/old)看图选择正确的图片。从听说到读写,以书面形式检测学生的理解、掌握情况。增加阅读量。2. Make a new rhyme.Look at your classroom, bag, pencil-box, desk(.).Make a new rhyme according to the rhyme of 2B-U3-16用实物根据儿歌编新的儿歌。创造机会,让学生自己内化知识,通过个体实践提高语言的能力。3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section)Activity 1(Reading and choosing.)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)练习纸2)铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Read and choose the best answer1. Its hot. _the window, please.A. Open B. Close C. Clean2. Its_. Clean the door, please.A. hot B. cold C. dirty3. There are _ bags on the desk.A. a B. an C. two4. A tiger in the zoo. And a panda, _.A. to B. too C. two选择正确的答案。以书面形式检查学生对本单元单词、句型这些知识的理解、认读情况,培养学生的阅读能力。Activity 21、教学辅助(Aids)1)练习纸2)铅笔2、活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1. Listen and chooseLook! This is my _(room/ classroom). Its _(big/ small). But its _(clean/ close). There is a _ (bed/ bag) in it. Its _(blue/ black). Its _(old/ new). I like my room.听音选择正确的答案。将新旧知识融会贯通,增加与课文相关知识的信息输入,拓展学生的知识面,丰富学生的知识量。2. Read and describe the room.Read and describe your room or your classroom.根据上面的内容介绍自己的教室或房间。引导学生综合运用各种语言知识进行语言实践活动,发展学生实际语言运用的能力,给学生创造机会展示知识和技能。附送:2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B Unit3 What can you see1教案 苏教牛津版一、 教学目标:1 Words: plane, boat, jeep, train2 Sentences: What can you see? I can see 二、 教学重难点:1 Words and sentences.2 能用所学句型What can you see? 提问别人看到了什么,并能用I can see 描述自己所看到的东西。三、 教学准备:1 课件。2 学生作业纸。四、 教学过程:Step 1 Warm upT: We will begin our class now. Children, if you do a good job in class, Ill give you a price. So lets e on. OK?通过给出要求和奖励,提高学生在课上的积极性。1. Greetings.2. Free talk: Hello, whats your name? How are you? What can you do?通过日常对话营造英语课氛围,并复习已学句型What can you do?为新授句型What can you see?做铺垫。3. Sing a song: At the market.通过歌曲激发学生兴趣,歌曲中的We can see句型也为下面的新授句型I can see做了准备。Step 2 Presentation1. Teach the sentences.a. T: What can you see in the market? 让学生回答歌曲中出现的东西,自然引出新授句型What can you see?也易于学生理解。b. T: Children, its ten oclock at night. Its dark. We can hear some voice in the market. Lets go and have a look. OK? 同学们,现在天黑了,超市里有声音,我们去看看超市里有什么好吗?Please listen to my question carefully. What can you see in the market? You can say I can see 通过透视镜功能吸引了学生的注意,让学生能集中注意力去看东西,进行新授句型的学习。2. Teach planeT: Lets play a guessing game. Whats this? Guess. Oh, its a plane. Children, if you are happy, how do you read this word? (sad/ angry/ surprise/ ) We also can call it airplane. Where can we see the planes? (airport)用让学生猜谜的游戏能调动学生积极性,并通过擦除功能一点点展现图片,使学生能完全跟着老师走。在读新单词时采用让学生使用不同的情绪来读单词,使单词学习人性化。3. Teach boatShow a pictureT: Look, heres a picture. What can you see in the sky? (plane, kite) What can you see in the river? (duck, boat)把单词和句型结合在一起操练学习,并为新单词的引出做了铺垫。T: Oh, how to read this word? Can you read this word? (coatboat)T: 现在让我们模仿小动物的声音来读这些单词T: Read the word as a cat.T: Herere some boats. Lets learn how to read them. (duck boat, sail boat, dragon boat)让学生通过已学单词自己说出新授单词的发音,并通过模仿不同小动物的声音来操练新单词,增加他们的兴趣。再进行单词的拓展训练。4. Teach train jeepT: Now, lets play a game listen and guess Can you make sentences with the word? For example: I can see a long train.通过听声音猜单词的方式来学习新单词,学生比较感兴趣。而且让学生再进行造句的练习,把单词和句型结合在了一起。Step 3 Practice1. Exercise Look and matchT: What can you see? How to read this word? Now lets do the exercise Look and match. Who can e here and do the exercise? Now lets check the answers.用拉幕一个个展示所学单词,并通过看图片和单词分别来复习,达到对单词音形义的掌握。最后通过一个练习来检查学生对单词的掌握情况,并当场进行检测。2. Game Find and moveT: I have some pictures. Please put them in the correct places. Then say the sentence: boat, boat, I can see a boat.用游戏的方式把单词和句型的练习结合在一起。3. Game Memory KingT: Now lets play a game Memory King. Herere six numbers. Lets read them first. Behind the numbers therere some pictures. Please try to remember where they are. Ill give you 5 seconds. Now times up. What can you see in Picture 1?T: Who wants to be the teacher? e here and ask.用游戏来巩固学生对本课单词句型的掌握。并通过让学生做小老师增加了游戏的互动。4. Exercise Listen and choose给学生做适当的听力练习是低年级的一个重要环节。5. Sing a song Walking, walking通过歌曲演唱让学生放松一下,做适当的休息。Step 4 Presentation1. T: Look, who are they? (Su Yang and her dad.) They are at the airport. What are they talking about? Try to discuss in pairs.Ss: .T: Lets watch and listen.课文的学习。通过给出场景,让学生在已学过本课句型的基础上自己去发挥,能起到让学生综合运用本课句型的目的。2. Open their books and read.指读练习在低年级也是比较重要的一个环节。3. T: Now Ill show you a picture. Please make dialogues in pairs. Use the sentences What can you see? I can see在完全掌握本课句型以后,让学生做适当的拓展练习能培养他们的发散思维。Step 5 ConsolidationT: Children, its happy time. Please draw a picture. You can draw anything you have learned. Then ask and answer in groups.T: Who wants to e in front and draw here? When you finish drawing, you can ask your classmates What can you see?通过让学生上台做画,并操练句型。互动性的环节既提高了学生的兴趣,又在不知不觉中操练了本课句型。Step 6 Homework Visit a zoo and a park with parents, then talk about what you can see.开放性的作业让学生能综合运用本课所学。


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