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72. obedie nt ?ubi:di ?n t a.顺从的,服从的;孝顺的obey di enta.服从的,顺从的,孝顺的v.服从,听从,顺从的a.后缀a obedie nt child听话的孩子obedie nt a.服从的submissives?bmisiv a.屈服的,服从的a submissive husba nd妻管严sub miss iveT放在下面的动Ta.屈服的,服从的下方二二mit移动a.后缀tameteim a.老实的,驯服的tame animal温顺的动物73. object v.反对n.物体ob _ject _T反方向扔Tv.反对Tobject to sth反对某物/事表“反” 表“扔”n.物体TobjectiveJobjectiveT把事物本身表现出来Ta.基于客观事实的;客观的n.目标object iven.事物a.后缀subjective a.主观的objective a.客观的to attain ones objective达至U自己的目标object to反对be aga instoppose反对(物)sb oppose sth72. obedie nt ?ubi:di ?n t a.顺从的,服从的;孝顺的使反对(人)oppose sb to sthbe opposed toface vt.面对(物)使面对(人)、sb face sth face sb with sthsb be faced with sthconfront vt.面对(物)使面对(人)sb confront sth confront sb sthsb be confron ted sth74. oblige?blaid ? vt.迫使(客观):使感激ob lige_不让效忠宀vt.迫使;强制反效忠的,忠君的1迫使(客观)be abliged to do被迫做某事,不得不做某事2使感激Would you oblige me by doin g?/ Would you mi nd 表请求(你能否通过做某事让我感激下呢?)词义辨析:compel, constrain, force, oblige这一组动词都有”强迫”的意思。1) compel k?mpel v.强迫,迫使,常表示运用权利、力量迫使对方做某事;有时也表别无办法,不得不做Ocom pel _ _Tv.强迫一起 推eg. His ill ness compelled him to stay in bed.他的病迫使他卧床休息。2)con strain k? nstre in v.力劝, 强迫, 与compel意思相近,但更多强调内心情感(如道德、怜悯等)的强迫和限制作用,一般用于正式的场合。con strainTvt.力劝,强迫起拉,拽eg. As an artist he did nt con sider himself con stra ined by the same rulesof social con duct as other people.他认为自己是艺术家,不必象一般人那样要受到社会行为准则的约束。3)force v.强迫,迫使人为,主观的强迫,常用于被动语态。force n.力量;武力;军队;感染力,影响力vt.强迫,迫使;强行eg. The thief forced her to hand over the mon ey.强盗逼迫她把钱交出来。4) oblige v.(因法律、习俗等)强迫,迫使,一般是客观的强迫,常常用于被动。eg. We are obliged to stop the car at a red light.我们遇到红灯时必须停车。75. obligation , ?bli商?n n.义务;职责;债务(客观上必须做的事情)oblige ion _宀一种的迫使的事情宀n.义务;职责;债务迫使n.后缀obligatory ?bli c?t?ri a.义务的;必须的;义不容辞的a obligatory coursesrequired courses必修课 optional courses选修课compulsory courses词义辨析:duty, obligati on, resp on sibility者E有“职责” 的意思1)dutyn.指道义上的责任,强调自觉性,作可数名词时指本职工作的任务。His duty is to see that the bus in ess runs well.他的职责是保证生意良好运转。2) obligati onn.指合同或法律上规定的责任,义务,强调其约束力Parents have a legal obligationto ensure that their children are providedwith efficie nt educati on suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育。3) respo nsibilityri,sp ?n s?biliti n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思。His father is ill, and he has the resp on sibility of cari ng for him.他的父亲病了,他有责任照顾他。76. obscure ?bskju? a.无名的,默默无闻的;阴暗的,昏暗的;模 糊的obs cure_宀 不治愈 宀a.无名的=ob不,反治愈an obsure poet无名的诗人an obsure village无名的村庄an obsure cor ner昏暗的角落词义辨析:ambiguous, obscure, vague, unclear, dim这一组形容词都有模糊的意思。1) ambiguous?mbi cju?s a.意义含糊的,有歧义的,指因字、词、句有歧义而 使人感到模糊不清、难以理解和把握。eg. His ambiguous directi onscon fused us; we did not know which of the tworoads to take.他的模棱两可的指导使我们很迷惑以至于我们不知道该走哪条路2) obligati onn.指合同或法律上规定的责任,义务,强调其约束力了。2) obscure a.用于表达因光线不足而使人看不清楚。该词的引申意义可以表示语法、文字、记忆等因复杂、深奥、模棱两可而使人看不懂和无法理解。eg. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand becauseit contains so many obscure references.艾兹拉?庞德的诗有时候难以理解,因为诗歌中含有许多令人费解的典故。3)vague veig a.含混的,不清楚的,多用于比喻意义,用来表示因逻辑关系不清、言辞笼统而导致的意义不清楚,该词也可表示轮廓形状的不清楚和模糊。eg. He has some vague ideas about what to do, but nothing specific.他大概知道他要做什么,但没有具体的计划。4) unclear a.指句意、字迹不清楚,使人难以看懂;不肯定的。eg. Unclear writing is difficult to understand.模糊的字迹使人难以辨认。It is unclear whether the economy will get better.经济是否好转仍不明朗。5) dim a.光线暗淡的,看不清的;记忆力模糊的;不大可能的。eg. Dont work in dim light.不要在昏暗的光线下工作。His changes of recovery from illness are dim.他康复的可能性十分渺茫。77. observe vt.看,观察;遵守ob serve宀vt.看,观察;宀observer n.观察员我不vt.(人)服务 (物)使用observatory?bz?:vit?ri n.观测台,天文台Jdeserve vt.值得得到,应该得到de serve得服务preserve f vt.保存,保护,保养(keep sth in a perfect)pre serve a well preserved old lady保养很好的老妇人to preserveeggs腌鸡蛋前 使用to preserved ones eyesight保护视力preserved eggs咸蛋con servefvt.保存,保持(强调不损失不浪费,keep sth from loss)con serve to con serve one起 月服务con serve the n aturalresoursescon servative k? ns?:v?tiv a.保守的Jreserve vt.保存(为未来保存);预订re serve to reserve a ticket预订一张票再一次(时间是未来)服务to reserve a table预订一张桌78. obsolete ?bs?li:t, , ?bs?li:t a.废弃的;老式的vt.淘汰;废弃ob _ sole te _ 放倒唯一的东西fvt.淘汰,废弃s en ergy保存精力保护自然资源表示“逆,倒”a.唯一的an obsolete railway废弃的铁道out-of-date过时的up-to-date时尚的obsolete过时的out of fashi on过时的79. obstacle ?bst?kl n.障碍,干扰;妨害物ob stand acle _宀反站着的东西宀阻碍物反、逆站着东西an obstacle to world peace世界和平的阻碍obstacle race障碍赛obstacle n.阻碍物obstructi on n.障碍物ob struction宀否定的结构n.障碍物否定structure结构hindran ce hi ndr?ns n.障碍物hinderhind? ance阻碍的东西n.障碍物vt.阻碍(拉后腿)n.后缀Jhind er f hinder vt.阻碍后面Tbehind在后面80. obstruct vt.阻碍,防碍ob_structf相反的结构,相反 的建立fvt.阻碍,防 碍obstructed my view.Trees反、逆n.结构=struction, buildobstruct vt.阻碍,防碍fobstructi on n.阻碍物on the present occasion目前这一次instruct vt.指导,指示;教育,教导Tin structi on n.指示,指导,教导instruct sbTin structor n.大学教师,教员,教练construct vt.建造,构造tconstruction n.建筑,建筑物destruct vt.自毁tdestruction n.毁灭,摧毁81. obtain vt.获得82. obvious a.明显的obviously ad.明显地近义词:obvious-appare nt-evidentman ifestclearplaindist inctpate nt83. occasion n.场合;机会occur caset场合发生 情况Joccasional a.偶然的,偶尔的;临时的to pay sb occasional visit偶尔看望某人take this occasion to do sth利用这个场合做某事on this occasion这一次(翻译成“次)on that occasion那一次on a later occasion后来一次on several occasion好几次,若干次84. occupy ?kjupai vt.占领,占据(空间/时间/ebc)oc_ cupyT占领再一次抓住occur vi.发生Joccupation , ?kjupei ?n n.职业(占据你的事)This pia no occupys too much space.这架钢琴太占地方了。He was occupied by the meeti ng the whole mor occupied with sthbe busy doi ng忙于做某事employ on eself in/be employed inbe buried in doing埋头做某事be immersedim?:sin doing沉浸于做某事be absorbed in doing投入做某事occupy vt.占据Toccupation n.职业vacatev?keit vt.腾空Tvacation v?kei?n n.假期Jvocationv?ukei?n n.职业85. occur ?k?: v.发生happen / occur发生(偶然)二者都是指偶然发生或未经筹划的事件,但occur比happen更正式。take place按计划发生(预料中)整个早上他都在幵会加强语气二二fence n.篱笆recur vi再次发生con cur vi共同发生It occurred to sb that s+vsb突然想到86. odd ?d a.奇怪的,怪异的,古怪的;奇数的;临时的,非持久的an odd man奇怪的人to do some odd jobs打零工odd behavior怪异的行为odd a.临时的temporarytemp?r?ri a.暂时的,临时的perma nen t p?:m ?n?nt a.永久的,永恒的;不变的eternalit?: n?l a.永久的,永恒的;不朽的eter nal life永生an eter nal tria ngle三角恋形近词:add87.odds n.几率,概率,可能性(成败)形势The odds are in your favor.形势对你有利。The odds are in your aga in st.形势对你不利。The odds are that s+v很可能某人会The cha nces are that s+v 很可能某人会88.offend vi.违规/章/纪/法vt.冒犯of fendJoffence n.违规/章/纪/法(行为) an offence against the lawoffspri ng n.后代,子孙违法行为冒犯(人与人之间的行为)give offence to sb冒犯某人Joffend vi.违规/章/纪/法to offend against the law违法vt.冒犯to offend sbs feelings冒犯某人的情感Joffender n. 违法者first offender初犯old offender惯犯冒犯者Joffen sive a.攻击性的,挑衅性的,冒犯性的offen sive weap ons攻击性武器offen sive smells朿9激性气味,臭味deffe nee n.防御JToffence n.违规/章/纪/法;冒犯defe nd vt.防御JToffend vt.违规/章/纪/法;冒犯defe ncer n.保卫者JToffen cer n.违法者;冒犯者defe nsive a.防御性的JToffen sive a.攻击性的89. offspr ing n.子孙,后代off spring春天播种,春天结束就收获n.子孙,后代n.弹簧,春天an operatio n talbe手术台descendant disend?ntn.后代descend ant向遗传的人n.后代下降,传下n.后缀posterity p ?steritin.后代post向后T向后发展的人Tn.后代an cestor ?n sest? n.祖先an cestorT走在前面的人Tn.祖先先/前/早forefather n.祖先forebear n.祖先90. omit vt.省略(故意);忽略,遗漏(不经意)omission n.省略,忽略,遗漏to omit a paragraph省略一个段落to omit a spelli ng error忽略一个拼写错误91. operati on n.手术;操作Joperate vi.做手术to operate on sb给某人做手术vt.操作to operate a machineoperate vt.操作ma nipulate vt.(熟练)操作;操纵in the opposite directi on按反方向an operatio n theatre手术室put sth into operati onJ将某事付诸实施(宽泛)进入into强调由外及内的过程(动态),而in不强调in(静态)put sth into effect将某事付诸实施(宽泛)put sth into force将某事付诸实施(狭窄, 般指强势的东西,如法律)put sth into practice将某事付诸实施(宽泛)92. oppose ?p?uzvt.反对(物)使反对(人)sb oppse sthoppse sb to sthsb be oppsed to sth93. opponent ?p?un?nt n.反对者,对手a political opp onent政治对手opp onent n.对手rival n.对手a rival in love情敌adversary ?dv?s?ri n.1对手;敌手Jadverse ?dv?:s a.相反的,不利的,敌对的94. opposite ?p?zit a.相反的,对面的,对立的,相对的oppositeT站在反对立场上的Ta.相反的,相对的,对立的=oppose反对 场址,地址website网址the house opposite to mine我家房子对过的那幢房子ones opposite number/counterpart对等的角色/对应的人物counter partf counterpart宀对应的一部分n位职务相当的人(物)相对的角色95.oppress ?pres vt.压迫the oppressed被压迫者f?pres? n.压迫者压抑be oppressedwithanxiety ?zai?ti(因焦虑而压抑)表原因press vt.压,按pressure n.压力impress vt留下印痕,留下印迹(sth)给某人印象(sb)express vt.表达;快递con press vt.压缩,挤压depress+sb vt.使情绪低落,使沮丧suppress vt.镇压;取缔oppress vt.压迫; 压抑96. opt ?pt vi.选择Joption ?p? n n.选择optio nal ?p? n?l a.选择性的两方面地oppressor抑郁to opt for sth选择某物to opt for En glish as ones major选择英文作为自己的专业source n.源头(河、水)97. optimistic, ?ptimistik a.乐观的optimistic a.乐观的pessimistic,pesimistik a.悲观的optimism ?ptimiz?m n.乐观主义pessimismpesimiz?m n.悲观主义98. origin ?rid ?in n.起源,出处(物);出身(人)a word of Latin origin一个源自拉丁语的词a man of humble orig in一个出身卑微的人a man of n oble orig in一个出身贵族的人original ?rid?n?l a.起源的,最初的; 有创意的,新颖的an orig inal pla n原计戈U an orig inal idea有仓U意的想法Jan orig inal desig n新颖的设计origi nality?,rid? n?l?ti n.新颖性,创造性Jorig in ate ?rid?n eit vi.源自origi nate from源自于,起源于orig in n.出处,来源to opt for En glish as ones major选择英文作为自己的专业source n.源头(河、水)resource n.资源outl ine n.骨架re source很多的源头n.资源 又一个源头99. outcome n.结果come out vt.出来result n.结果(广泛)consequencek ?nsi,kw?nsn.结果,不良后果(贬)con seque nee si:kw ?nsT连续发生的事情共同作用Tn.结果,不良后果共同连续发生的事情outcome n.结果(正)the outcome of the electi on选举结果100. outlet n.出口(水、气体),出路;q销路,销售店let out vi.让 出去the outlet of the water水的出口the outlet of the lake湖的出口an outlet for this product产品的销路outlets奥特莱斯101. outl ine n.骨架,轮廓,提纲line out vi.勾勒出an outl ine for this compositi on这篇作文的提纲an outl ine map略图overalls n.连体工作服frame n.框架skeleton skelit?n n.框架,骨架,轮廓Jsketch sket ? vt.粗细的画102. outlook n.景观/景象 前景,前途 观点look out vi向外看 当心a pleas nt outlook宜人的景色a bleak outlook of employme nt暗淡的就业前景a bright outlook of employme nt光明的就业前景ones outlook on life人生观103. output n.输出;产量put out (往外拿)输出;生产output输出,产量in put输入,输入量104. outset n.幵始set out for sp出发去某地outsetat the start of onescareerk?ri?begi nningat the end of在的结束105. outskirts n.城市的边缘,郊区on the outskirts of Beijing在自己事业的幵始outskirtsedgemarginsta nd out站出来eminen t em in?nt a.突出的promi nen tpr ?min?nt a.突出的outsta nding a.脱颖而出的,鹤立鸡群的disti nguished disti?gwi ?t a.卓越的107. overall a.全面的,总体的over all覆盖全部to skate over on the lake在湖上滑冰all over the world全世界an overall goal总体目标be in overall charge of the compa ny全面管理公司overall a.全面的on the boder of在的边缘brimrimfringe frind106. outsta nding a.?脱颖而出的,鹤立鸡群的overalls n.连体工作服108. overcome vt.克服come over去 跨跃to overcome nu merous difficulties克服众多困难overcome vt.克服come over vt.克服get over vt.克服conq uer k?k? vt.征服(人);克服(物)subdue vt.征服(人) ;克服(物)sub dueT放在下方适当的地方Tvt.征服在下方适当的surmount vt.征服(人);克服(物)sur mount vt.征服跨跃山109. overestimate ,?uv?restimeit vt.高估over estimateestimeit过于 估计to overestimate ones opponents strength高估对手的力量over-过于Toverestimate高估overemphasize,?uv?remf?saiz vt.过分强调under-低于Tunderestimate低估underemphasize,?nd?emf?,saiz vt.强调不够overtake vt.追上,赶上to overlook a pleasa nt valleyabroad ad.海外地113. overseas a./ad.海外的(地)overseas Chin ese海外华侨overseas stude nts留学生to study overseas留学to live overseas生活在海外overlook a spelli ng erroroverseas ad.海外地110. overflow vt.溢出,淹没泛滥over flow跨跃流动The river overflowed its banks.河水淹没了两岸。a heart overflow ing with gratitude满怀感恩之心111. overhear vt.偷听over hear在上方听to overhear sbs con versation偷听某人的谈话112. overlook vt.俯瞰忽视,忽略俯瞰这个宜人的山谷忽略一个拼写错误in debtT处于亏欠某人的状态T表感激114. overtake vt.赶上,追上to overtake the car ahear追上前面那辆车in debtT处于亏欠某人的状态T表感激be overwhelmed by gratitudebe overwhelmed by grief悲不至胜whelm = overwhelm vt.淹没(抽象、引伸的概念)flood vt.淹没二二overflow vt.溢出,淹没(指水的淹没)116. owe vt.欠;感激;归属于,归因于I owe you.我欠你的I owe you a lot. / I owe a lot to you.我欠你很多。/我非常感激你。He owes his success to good luck.他把自己的成功归功于好运。owe sth to sb/sth把某事归因于某人/某事Ioweyou a lot.我非常感激你。 (后面接人)catch up with vt.追上,赶上overtake vt.追上,赶上un dertake vt.从事,做to un dertake a bus in ess做一个企业115. overwhelm ,?uv?hwelm = whelm hwelm vt.淹没be overwhelmed by the en emy被敌人所围困an overwhel ming majority压倒性的多数an overwhel ming victory绝对性的胜利不胜感激in debtT处于亏欠某人的状态T表感激Iappreciateyour help a lot.(只能接物)I amgratefulto you.表示感激I am ingratitudeto you.I amindebtedto you。ascribe ?skraib vt.归因于,归属于加强语气n.礼物,贡品;敬意sb在一群人中分发dis向下+tribute贡品T贡品向下传递Tvt.分配,分发distribute among five winners?处于n.欠债owe sth to sb/sth把某事归因于某人/某物attribute sth to sb把某事归功于某人at tributeT向某人表示敬意Tvt.把归功于,把归因于tributetribju:t n.礼物,贡品;敬意con tributek ?ntribju:tvt.贡献con tributeto sth/sb为做贡献con共同、一起+tribute贡品T贡品向共同的对象聚集Tvt.贡献distributedistribju:tvt.分配,分发distribute sth among在5位优胜者中分发credit sth to sb把某事归功于某人(相信某物属于某人)creditkredit n.信用,信誉;vt.相信credit card信用卡credit success to the Partys leadershipascribe sth to sb把某事归功于某人He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise.于适当的饮食及运动。引伸:owe vt.欠;感激;归因于,归属于owi ng to由于,因为because of因为,由于due to由于,因为on account of由于,因为I was absent from school on account of illness.我因病缺课。tha nks to由于,幸亏把成就归功于党的领导他把身体好归功


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