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人教版初中英语七年级下册 Unit6SectionA巩固练习Unit 6 I m watching TV .Unit 6 Section A 巩固练习EXERCISES:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Do you know how to u the machine机器)?Yes,l do.2. Where is your gran dfather?He is (看报)in the room.3. What is Lucy doi ng?She is (洗碗)in the kitchen.4. Is Barry (看电视)now?No,he isn t.He is (在电话中交谈).5. The TV show is boring.Do you want to (看电影)?That sounds good.6. Today is Monday.What day is it t ?It is Tuesday.7. My mother (做晚餐)for us every day.8. Bob helps his mom (打扫房子)on weeke nds.9. Look!Mike is (喝茶)with his father.10. Ca n you mak (汤)?11. My mother w clothes every day.12. Hes j doing his homework.13. Jenny is (喝)milk.14. We clean our (房子)before New Year.15. Look!They are (做运动).二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What are they doi ng?They (talk)on the phone.2. Mike (use the computer now.3. Look!The student (run) on the playground.4. Jane often (do)her homework after dinner.5.She (not listen) to music.She is reading a newspaper.三、选择方框中的词或词组并用其适当形式填空。wash, listen to, use, do, newspaper1. WhatsMike ?Heswatchi ng TV.2.Sally a CD now.3. My parents often read in the evening.4.Is your mother the dishes?5. Can Jim the computer?Yes,he can.四、单项选择。()I.Listen,the girl an English song.A.si ngs B.si ng C.is si ng D.is si nging()2.Is your brother TV?No,hes a newspaper.A.watchi ng;looki ng B.watchi ng;readi ngC.lo oki ng;watchi ng D.watchi ng;read()3.My pen pal a nd I ofte n talk .A.on phone B.by the phone C.on the phone D.in phone()4.Where is Tom?He todays newspaper at home.A.read B.is reading C.to read D.reads()5.What is Mary doing?A.She is washing the dishes B.She often washes the dishesC.She exercises D.She goes to the movies.( )6.His parent tea at a tea house now.A.are drinking B.dri nki ngC.are drink D.dri nks()7.?She is read ing a story book.A.What does she do B.What is sheC.What is Nacy doi ng D.What are you doi ng?()8.Sam to the movies every Saturday.A.going B.goes C.is going D.go()9. you watching TV?Yes,I .A.Do;do B.Can;can C.Are;do D.Are;am( )10.Lets go and watch the football match.A.YesLetsgo B.Thatright C.OK D.Thank you4.I. Whatsthe woma n doing now?2.1s Mike watchi ng TV?3. Whatthe boy doing?4. What are they doing?5. Whatyour brother doing?6. Are they wash the dishes?六、根据情境,在横线上填入适当的单词完成对话。A: Hello!ls that Gina?This is Cindy.B: Hello,Cindy!What are you 1 ?A: Im 2 a book .I tbori ng.B: Do you want to go to the 3 this after noon? There is a new movie ofJackie Chan.A: That sounds great.Jackie Chan is my fovirite actor.Can I ask my sister to go with us?B: 4 .Wheresyour sister?A: Shes 5 the guitar in her room.When do you want to go?B: Let go at two o clock.1 2 3 4 5七、根据问句和提示词完成句子。1. What is she doi ng?She ( dance .2. What are they doi ng?They ( swim).3. What is the girl doi ng?She ( cook).4. What are they doi ng?They ( play volleyball).5. What is the girl doi ng?She( write).八、 连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)。1.TV,is,An war,watch ing2. go,he,does,shopp in g,wa nt,to 3.Susa n, whe n,wan t,go,to,does4. do in g,your,what,frie nd,is5. movies,wa nt,does,to,to,the,go,she6. your,pals,pen,doing,are ,what7. father, reading ,newspaper, the,his,is8. dinner,she,eating,is ,now9. at,pool,swimmi ng,am,the,l九、句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. They do their homework every day.(改为否定句)2. Jenny is running.(改为否定句)3. Tom is looking at a picture.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)4. We read English in the morning.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)5. The girls are playing over there.(对画线部分提问)6. Jim stands under the tree.(改为现在进行时)7. Hecarrying water for the old woman.(改为一般疑问句)8. They are cleaning their classroom对戈U线部分提问)十Marie: Hello!May I (speak) to Karen?Karen: Hello!This is Karen (speak) .How are you,Marie?Marie: Im fine.What you (do)?Karen: Nothi ng much .I (study) math.What about you?Marie: I (clean) my room.Karen: Hey,do you want (go) to the movies?Marie: That (sound) boring.Karen: I just call Lucy.She (swim).Do you like (swim)?Marie: Sure.We can (swim) in the schools (swim) pool.When do you want (go)?Karen: Let (go) to the (swim) pool now.Marie: Great!卜一、书面表达。假如你叫李雷,现在提供四幅你自己的生活照,请就照片内容给新结识的笔友David写一封信,介绍自己的情况。(60词左右)(Dear David,Thanks for your letter and the photos.Here are some of my photos .In the first photo,l m gett ing up,l usually get up at 6 o clock in the morning.ln the second photo,I m eating breakfast.In the next photo,you can see I am at home .Im readi ng a book .In the last photo,I m play ing computer.I like it very much.Yours, Li Lei )-6 -


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