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英语初二上冀教版 unit7 同步试题(Lessons 49 56)学习目标项目内容学 习 重点学习水平识记理解运用语音子母组合 ea, ee, oo, ou, ow旳发音VVenjoy, build,alone, join, member, grow,VVV词garde n, rose, smell, show, sidehobby, sell,frame, film, roll,collect,VVin terest ing,fact,proud, trade,glad,activity,model, rocket,launch, land, club,汇compete, prize, gardening, gardener, plant,water, enjoyable, fresh, popular, full, sign,stamp, collecti on, real, hugePeople enjoy buildi ng model railways.VVVLet me have five kilo, please.VVVHow much do you want?VVV句I m glad to be alone.VVVThe in struct ions are on the box.VVVI d like to buy a book, please.VVVMr. Jones will send for the book.VVVHe wants to take part in our game.VVV型I either lose them or they break.VVI saw you putt ing pictures of dino saur inVVframes.VVWhen is the best time to pla nt vegetables?VVYou have fun work ing in your garde n.简单句旳五种结构VV语一般现在时V法一般过去时V现在完成时V功能谈论爱好VV形成性检测听力部分I、听录音,选择你所听到旳单词或词组()1. A. you B. four C. great()2. A. cost B. rockets C. too( )3. A. vegetables B. bringing C. grow( )4. A. write B. noses C. choose( )5. A. enjoyable B. hard C. gardener II 、情景反应,选择能正确应答语 .( )1. A. I put it in the frames. B. My family come from America.C. My family is in China.( )2. It s very exciting. B. He likes to fish. C. He has lots ofcollections.( )3. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, thanks.C. No, I wouldn t.( )4. A. They are fruit. B. They are bad. C.He gave them to some kids.( )5. A. Where s it?B. Thanks for saying that. C. It s great.III 、短文理解,选择正确旳答案 .( )1. What did Mr Young want to do?A.He wanted to buy a house on the other side.B.He wanted to move the house to the other side.C.He wanted to build a house on the other side.( )2. When did it happen?A. In winter.B. In spring.C. In fall.( )3. What did he put on the truck?A. All his things.B. His furniture.C. His house.( )4. What did he drive the truck across?A. The ice on the lake.B. The bridge over the lake.C. The ship in the lake.( )5. What did Mr Young lose?A. He lost his house.B. He lost his truck. C. A and B.笔试部分I 、单词拼写A、根据首字母或汉语提示,补全单词.1. I _( 参加 ) you for breakfast this morning.2. My mother is making soup. It smells _ (香 ).3. They enjoyed _ ( 种 ) vegetables.4. He won, we are p_ of him.5. I built one of my rockets m_ at home.B 根据所给单词,在空格填入一个正确旳形式1. We want to know _(Canada) hobbies.2. They might organize a stamp _ (collect) club.3. She taught _(she) English since she was fourteen.4. He had fun _ (trade) stamps.5. Making model train will be an _(enjoy) hobby.II、单项选择 .( )1. He felt thirsty. He drank _ orange.A. little B. a little C. fewD. a few( )2. Few of the members are young like me, _ ?A. are they B. aren t they C. do they D. don t they ( )3. I m glad to besometimes, but I don_ t feel.A. alone, alone B.alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely,( )4. Do you know _ I will do with you?A. whyB. howC. whatD. when( )5. Can you guess _ ?A. what it is B. what is itC. it is what D. is it what( )6. He gave me a book to _ .A. take care B. look at C. look D. look after( )7. I don t eat food _.A. anymore B. anylonger C. no more D. no longer( )8. I didn t know _ about him.A. many B. lots of C. muchD. some( )9. Either you or he _ in the garden. Ask them.A. worksB. work C. are working D. is working( )10. Would you like to go with me, _ ?A. too B. alsoC. eitherD. yet( )11. I saw the girls _ under the tree when I passed by them.A. playB. playing C. to play D. played( )12. The instruction of“ This side up ” is _ .A. on the wall B. in the frame C. on the box D. in the tree( )13. -_ do you want?- Let me have five kilos.A. How muchB. How manyC. What D. Which( )14. I want a book from the library. I will _ the book.A. buy B. lend C. look for D. send for ( )15. You don t have the vegetables. They smell.A. wonderfullyB. fresh C. bad D. badlyIII 、判断下列句子旳种类 .A. S + V B. S + V +O C. S +V +P D. S +V+INO +DO E. S+V+O+OC( ) 1. Gardening is very wonderful.( ) 2. The students are working.( ) 3. She will show you the best way to grow plants.( ) 4. My mother bought me a dictionary.( ) 5. Jenny and I joined the club.IV 、完形填空 .aloneV 阅读理解.Do you like to draw and pain? What do you put in your pictures? Are there trees and flowers and peopleyou know? This is a book about a woma n who loved to paint these thi ngs.Anna Mary Roberts on Moses because a well-k nown pain ter. She loved to paint thingsshe remembered from her life on a farm in NewYork Sate. Anna Mary was a grandmother whe n shestartedpain ti ng. She pain ted whe n she was 100 years old. Everyone calledher Gran dma Moses.The paintings of Gran dma Moses show farmers all year long. In her pain ti ngs the farmers plant seedsin the spring, cut hay in the summer, pick corn in the fall, and get sugar from the trees at the end of win ter.Her pain ti ngs show childre n at work, too. Grandma Moses had to do many chores when she was a girl.She helped with the smaller childre n, took care of the ani mals, made can dles and soap, and hungclothes out to dry. When chores were done, it was time for the people to have fun.The pain ti ngs ofGran dma Moses show people havi ng pic nics inthe summer. They showchildre n ridi ng on big sleds and play ing in the snow in the win ter. Many families and friends would gettogether for holidays. They played games and waved flags onthe Fourth of July. They ate together on Than ksgiv ing. Gran dma Moses pain ti ngsshow these happy times.One of the most famous movie prizes in the world is the Oscar. 1 inStates, the Academy of Moti on Picture Arts and Scie nces gives Oscarshave done 2 the movies. There is an Oscar for the best movies of thethe Unitedto people whoyear, ano therfor the best actor, and Oscars for doing many other things well in the movies.Oscars are very importa nt 3 people want to see movies that won them. Theywant to see actors who have won Oscars, 4 . This means that movies that havewon Oscars make a lot of 5 . The Academyfirst gave prizes to movies6 1927,but they were not called Oscars. thatOscar was some one famous inHe was some one that a woma ncalledand one day she saw the 9 onFrom that time on the prizes were called the Oscars.)1. A. Every year B. Every four years C. Every day)2. A. good at)3. A. but)4. A. too)5. A. prizes)6. A. at)7. A. before)8. A. is n)9. A. prize)10. A. looks atThat happened 7 four years. Most people think the movies,but he 8 . He was no one important.Margaret Herrick a table. She said,knew. She worked for the Academy“ He 10 my小- ”friend, Oscar.(B. well inB. whe nB. alsoB. actorsB. inB. afterC. either D. yetC. money D. moviesC. on D. forB.doesnC. latertD. duri ngC. wasnD. didnB. womanC. actorD. manB. isC. likesD. looks likeGrandma Moses gift to us is her memory of the joy of living life every day. By using paint and color, sheshows us how much fun it can be families and friends live and work together.( )1. Grandma Moses was best remembered as _ .A. a grandmotherB. a farmerC. a painterD. the oldest woman ever lived( )2. Why did Anna start painting when she was already a grandmother?A. Because she was old and could no longer do labor work.B. Because she loved to paint people and things that she knew.C. Because painting could make her live longer.D. Because people liked her paintings and asked her to paint.( )3. The paintings of Grandma Moses show _A. the sad lives of American farmers who had to do heavy work all day.B. people playing in the snow and having picnics in the winter.C. the happy times when families and friends would get together.D. the daily life of Americans in the countryside as well as in the cities.( )4. On Thanksgiving, Americans usually _A. play various games.B. wave national flags.C. have a big dinner with their family members and friends.D. go to the streets to have fun.( )5. Grandma Moses was famous mainly because_A. she painted when she was 100 years old.B. her paintings show the joy of family life.C. she had to do all kinds of chores when she was a girl.D. she taught herself to become a good painter.BMrs Brown had a small garden behind her house and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it.She looked after them very carefully, and when the summer came, they looked very nice.One evening Mrs Brown looked at her vegetables and said,“ Tomorrow I am going topick them and we can eat them.”But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, “ Mother, Mother! Come quickly!Our neighbour s ducks are in the garden and they are eating ourvegetables! ”Mrs Brown ran out, but it was too late. All the vegetables were finished! Mrs Brown cried, and herneighbour was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables.Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbour brought Mrs Brown a parcel. In itwas a beautiful fat duck. And on it was a piece of paper with the words,“ ENJOYYOUR VEGETABLE”S!( )6. Mrs Brown had a _ behind her house.A. shed B. small garden C. an apple orchard D. small house ( )7. Inshe planted some vegetables inthe garden.A. the summer B. the winter C. the autumn D. the spring ( )8. Whencame, the vegetables lookedvery nice.A. the summer B. the winter C. the autumn D. the spring ( )9. Early the nexther son ran into thekitchen and shouted.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night ( )10. One morningwere eating vegetables in thegarden.A. donkeys B. ducks C. pigs D. chickens VI 、书面表达 .请你以“ My Hobby”为题写一篇约 70 词左右旳短文,要求写出其理由录音稿及答案Unit 7I、听录音,选择你所听到旳单词或词组 .1. I like your name for great grandpa Rex.2. I lost one of my rockets two weeks ago.3. I m going to bring some vegetables I have grown to school.4. You just have to choose the right kinds of roses for your garden.5. Our teacher said that gardening is enjoyable and easy to learn.1-5 CBACAII 、情景反应,选择能正确应答语 .1. Where is a photo of your family?2. What s Paul s hobby?3. Would you like some flowers?4. What does he do with apples?5. How beautiful your garden is!1-5 ABACBIII 、短文理解,选择正确旳答案 .Mr Young lived by a lake. He wanted to move his house to the other side. It was winter and there was iceon the lake. Mr Young thought, “Ill put my house on a big truck. Then I can drive it across the ice to theother side.”The house was put on a big truck, and Mr Young began driving the truck across the lake. When he wasin the middle, he heard a crack. Then the ice broke! The truck and Mr Young s house sank to thebottom. Mr Young was saved, but he had lost his house.1-5 BACAC 笔试I. A. 1. joined 2. delicious 3. growing/planting 4. proud 5. myself B. 1. Canadian 2. collecting 3. herself 4.trading 5. enjoyableII. 1-5 BABCB 6-10 DACDA 11-15 BCADC III. 1-5 CAEDBIV. 1-5 ABDAC 6-10 BBCAD V. 1-5 CBCCB 6-10 BDAAB VI. 略


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