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北师大英语词根记忆法英语单词中约90%的词都是由词根、前缀、后缀构成的,而且都是学生记忆比较困难的词。将来的考研词汇、托福词汇、专业外语词汇也是与词根密不可分的。我做过试验,让学生在10分钟内记忆三组同一家族(即同一词根的)词,约30个单词。 随后检验结果非常好, 即使是学习成绩还不算好的学生都差欢嗄芗亲?四级词汇所需词根约150个, 能扩展出近2000单词。加上高中所学1800单词, 基本能满足四级考试所需词汇。 这里将陆续推出在我们所学的当代大学英语每一册各单元的词汇表中构词力较强的词根。所以只要你每天抽出10分钟记忆一个单元的词,再花10分钟自测一下,50天坚持下来相信你的词汇量绝对是今昔非比!而且你学会了一种能力-猜词,这对你今后的自学、发展、深造都是一大笔本钱。更重要的是, 这样记忆的词不容易忘掉了!Unit 1 家族认亲-举一反十1.just=right 正just: a./adv. 正义的, 公平的;应得的;合理的; 刚好just price/punishment 公正的价钱/应得的惩罚 just now 刚才justice: n. 正义, 正直, 司法sense of justice 正义感/treat sb with justice 公正地对待某人justify: v. 证明为合理,正当;辩护 -fy 动词后缀Nothing can justify your cheating in the exam.justifiable: a.可证明为正当的;无可非议的 -able形容词后缀justifiable abortion 正当的流产justification: n. 正当理由 He was getting angry, and with justification.justified: a. 有正当理由的 As the goods was damaged, she felt justified in asking for her money back.injustice: n. 不公正 in 否定前缀 eg: Pride and Injustice 傲慢与偏见unjust: a. 不公正 un否定前缀adjust: v. 调整, 使适应 ad 朝向 + just 正 调整adjust the watch/the focus of camera/ adjust oneself to调表/调整焦距/ 使适应adjustment: n.adjustable: a. 可调整的2. sign=mark 记号, 符号sign: n. 记号, 符号; 招牌; 迹象; 手势 v. 签名, 示意 traffic sign 交通灯/deaf-and-dumb signs 聋哑语signal: n. 信号;预兆 -al名词前缀signature: n. 签名 -ture名词后缀signify: v. 意味着, 表明 Dark clouds signify rain.significant: a. 有意义的, 意味深长的,重要的signification: n. 含义design: n./v. 设计, 预定 de-加强意义designer: n. fashion designer 服装设计师designate: v. 表明, 指示; 指定 He was designated as the director.assign: v. 指定, 指派,分配 as-加强意义 eg: assign sb to do sth ; assignment: n. 分配的工作, 作业 heavy reading assignment assignation: n. 选定, 分配resign: v. 辞职, 放弃 re=off 离去 3center/centre: n. 中心central: a. central nervous system/air conditioning 中枢神经系统;中央空调centralize: v. 使中心化, 集中 ize-动词后缀concentrate: v. 集中,专心 con= together I cant concentrate my mind on the study.4.liter=letter 文字, 字母letter: n.信, 字母 ,文学(pl.)literature: n. 文学literal: a. 文字的, 字面上的 literal translation 字面翻译literary: a. 文学的 literary works/ critics 文学作品; 文学评论literate: a.能识字会写的 Only a few of those peasants(农民) are literate.Literacy: n. 有文化, 识字 the adult literacy campaign 成人扫盲运动illiterate: a. 文盲 il- 否定前缀 computer illiterate 计算机盲semi-literate: 半文盲 semi=halfanti-illiterate: 扫盲 anti=against Unit 2 家族认亲-举一反十1. vac, vacu=empty 空vacant: a. 空的, 未被占用的, 空缺的 比较 blank, empty, vacant, bare vacant: 未被占用的 vacant room/ post /time 空房间;空缺; 空闲时间 blank: 空白的, 未填写的 blank cheque 空白支票 empty: 空间内空无一物; 无人 empty box/house bare: 表面光秃秃, 空无一物 bare hill/head 光秃秃的山; 秃头 vacate: v. 使空出, 腾出 vacate the hotel roomvacation: n. 假期(空闲) be on vacation /go on vacation 度假/summer vacation vacancy: n. 空白, 空地, 空缺, 空虚 fill a vacancy in ones knowledge 填补知识空白vacuum: n./a./v. 真空; 真空的; 使真空 vacuum cleaner/ packaging 真空吸尘器; 真空包装2. grad, gred=step, grade, gograde: n./v. 等级, 分数; 分等, 评分in the second grade 二年级 / got grade A in the exam 考试得了A 等gradation: n. 等级, 层次, 刻度 gradation on the thermometer 温度计上的刻度gradual: a. 逐渐的, 缓坡的 gradual increase/ recovery 逐步提高/恢复graduate: v./n. 获得学位,毕业/准予毕业, 提高, 升级; 大学毕业生, 毕业生, 研究生v. He graduated from/ was graduated from Oxford. 他从牛津大学毕业 The school graduates 2000 students each year. 这个学校每年有2000名毕业生n. a graduate in medicine 医科毕业生;graduate course/ school 研究生课程;研究生院graduated: a. 毕业的; 分阶段的; 累进的 graduated tax 累进税postgraduate: 研究生undergraduate: 本科生upgrade: 升级, 提拔; 上坡degradation: 降级 de=down3. press=press, force 压, 强迫press: v./n. 按, 压, 挤,紧贴, 强迫; 印刷, 出版; 报刊, 出版社, 新闻界press the button/ the juice 按按钮/榨汁; foreign press 外文刊物pressing: a. 紧迫的 pressing business/ need 急事; 急需pressure: n. 压力, 强制 blood pressure 血压/ international pressure 国际压力compress: v. 压缩 com=together depress: v. 压抑, 使沮丧, 压下 de=downdepressed: a. 压抑的, 沮丧的 feel / be depressed at sth depressing: a. 令人压抑的, 沮丧的 the depressing atmosphere令人压抑的气氛depression: n. 压抑express: v./a./n. 表达; 压; 特快的; 快运 ex=out 往外压, 挤 表达,加快(1) express oneself 表达自己(2) express telegram加急电报/company快递公司/train 特快列车(3) by express 特快/ express way 高速公路expression: n. 表达, 词句, 措辞; 表情common expression 普通用语/facial expression 面部表情impress: v. 印, 盖印; 留下印象 im=in 印到里面 留下印象be impressed by对留下印象/ impressed stamp 盖过戳的邮票impression: n. 印象, 盖印 He made an impression on her. 他给她留下深刻的印象impressive: a. 给人深刻印象的, 感人的suppress: v. 压制, 抑制 suppress the book 查禁这本书; suppress a yawn 忍住哈欠4. vit, viv, vig=life 生命vitamin: n. 维他命, 维生素 This vegetable contains vitamins. 这种蔬菜包含多种维他命vivid: a. 鲜艳的, 活泼的, 生动的 vivid color/ girl/ description(描述)survive: v. 幸存(于); 比长命 sur-超过survive (after) the earthquake(地震)/ survive sb three years同类名词变化形式 v. n. arrive -arrival survive-survival reviverevival approveapproval removeremoval survival: n. 幸存 -al 名词后缀survivor: n. 幸存者revive: v. 复活 re=againrevival: n. 复活vital: a. 生命的; 充满活力的; 生死攸关的; 至关重要的 It is vital to keep secret.5. auto=self 自己automobile: n. auto=(self); mobile=(移动) 汽车automatic: a. 自动的automatically: adv.automation: n. 自动化autobiography: n. auto=(self); bio=(life); graphy=(writing) 自我人生的描述自传autobiographer: n. 自传作家autonomy: n. nomy=(法) 自己的法 自治, 自治权, 自主权autonomous: a. 自治的, 自主的 Unit 3家族认亲-举一反十1. equ,equi=equalequal: a. 相等的, 胜任的 be equal to 能胜任的n. 对等的人或物 the equal of = the equivalent of; He has no equal in music. 在音乐方面无人能与他匹敌v. 比得上, 等于 None of us can equal him in English.equality: n. 平等, 同等 ty 名词后缀equate: v. 等同于 Wealth should not be equated with happiness.equator: n. 赤道equation: n. 方程式, 等式equivalent: a./n. 相等的, 等价的相应物, 等价物 val-价值(value) be equivalent to sth/doing That would be equivalent to teaching him not to meddle in my affairs. 那就等于叫他别来干涉我的事the equivalent of A refrigerator that costs/is the equivalent of a whole years salary 一个相当于一年工资的冰箱equivalence: n. 等价, 等效; 等意equivocal: a. 含糊其辞的, 暧昧的 voc=voice eg: equivocal reply/ positionadequate: a. 足够的 ad=toward 朝向; equate 相等inadequate: a. 不足2. ag/ ac=do act: n. 行动(具体); (一)幕; 法令, 条例; v. 起作用(on), 表演an act of crulty/mercy 残忍的行为/ 慈善之举actor/ actress: 男/女演员女性/雌性表达法: princess公主, 王妃 waitress 女招待 stewardess空姐 authoress 女作家 lioness 母狮子tigress 母老虎 she-wolf 母狼 action: n. 行动(抽象) take action采取行动Action speaking is louder than word. 行动胜于雄辩.activity: 活动(各种社交活动等) campus activities 校园活动active: a. 活跃的, 在行动的 active girl/ volcano(火山)acting: a. 代理的 acting premier(代理总理)activate: v. 使动 activate the motor 启动马达activator: n. 活化剂, 催化剂actual: a. 实际的, 现实的 actual life/figure 现实生活; 实际数字actually: adv.transact: v. 办理, 处理 trans- 贯穿, 转移 transact business 处理业务transaction: n. cash transaction 现金交易interact: 相互影响, 相互作用 inter-在中间, 相互interaction: n. 相互作用react: v. 反应, 反作用 re-反 How does acid react on metals? 酸在金属上如何起反应?reactor: n. nuclear reactor 原子反应堆reaction: n. 反应 reaction to=response to He has no reaction to my answer.exact: 精确的, 确切的to be exact 准确地说/ exact time 准确的时间/ exact scholar严谨的学者exactness: n.exactly: adv.agent: n. 代理, 代理商 real estate agent 房地产代理/ universal agent全权代理agency: n. 代理处 agenda: n. 日程 put sth on the agenda 3. -wise 与相似likewise: adv. 同样地clockwise: 顺时针地anticlockwise: 逆时针地sleepwalkerwise: 象梦游般地4. inter=在中间, 相互interact: v. 相互作用interchange: v. 呼唤, 交流 interdepend: v. 互相依靠intercontinential: a. 洲际间的 intercontinential missil 洲际导弹interfere: v. 妨碍, 打扰 Dont interfere with his work.interject: v. 插入interlock: v. 连锁 interlock devices 连锁装置international: a. 国际的interpersonal: a. 人于人之间的 interpersonal relationships 人际关系interpret: v. 理解为, 看作; 翻译 I interpreted his silence as a refusal.interrupte: v. 打断 The remark interrupts his flow of thought.这话打断了他的思路intersect: v. 交叉; 相接interval: n. 间隔, 间距 at intervals 偶尔; 每隔一段距离 (1) Proper interval should be maintained between vehicles.(2) The train leaves the station at intervals of one hour.interview: v./n. 面试, 接见, 采访 Unit 4: 家族认亲-举一反十1. sphere: n. 球形spherical: a. 球形的 atmosphere: n. stmo=air 大气层, 气氛semi-sphere: n.半球 semi- 半 (eg: semiautomatic 半自动的; semicolony 半殖民地的semiconductor 半导体 semicircle 半圆形)2. fact, fect, fic= dofact: n. in fact 实际上 as a matter of fact/ in fact 实际上, 事实上factor: n.要素, 因素 or-名词后缀 “起作用的部分”factory: n.工厂artifact: n. 人工制品facture: n. 制作, 制作法manufacture: v. n. 加工, 制造, 产品(pl) manu=hand 古时手工操作-生产facility: n. (pl) 设备, 设施(便于做事的东西)affect: v. 影响, 感动;假装 (1) Pollution affects the health. 污染影响健康(2) He affected deafness to ignore his wifes nagging. 他装聋作哑, 不理睬他妻子的唠叨affection: n. 感情, 爱; 影响 affection for ones children对孩子的爱(比love 更持久深厚)effect: n./v. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响 have effect on sth 对产生影响take effect/come into effect 实施, 生效 side effect 副作用effective: a. 有效的 The law will become effective/ come into effect from July 1.defect: n. de-否定 “做得不够” 缺点, 缺陷 perfect: a./v. per-彻底 完美的, 完全的(同excellent无比较级和最高级); 使完善 infect: v. in-进入 影响到里面 传染, 感染 infection: n. infectious: a. 传染的, 有感染力的 infectious disease/ laugh 传染病; 有感染力的笑efficient: a. 有效率的; 有能力的 efficiency: n. 效率sufficient: a. 足够的 He has sufficient money but he still thinks it is not enough.他有足够的钱, 但他还是认为不够(enough 愿望上的满足)3. duc, duct=lead 引导educate: v. 教育 e/ex=out 把人从愚昧中引导出来 well-educated person education: n. produce: v. n. pro=forward 向前引出生产, 制造; 显示, 拿出I produced a ballon and gave it to the child. product: n. 产品, 产物production: n. 产量, 生产conduct: n. v. 引导, 带领; 传导 con-加强语气 conduct heat/ electricity 导热/ 导电conductor: 领队, 指挥; 导线, 导体 ; 售票员reduce: v. 还原, 缩小 re= backward 回reduction: n. deduce: v. 演绎,推断, de=down 往下导出 推断introduce: v. 介绍; 引入 intro=inter 进入 introduction: n. 介绍; 传入; 引言, 导论 introduction to (not OF) the book书的导言 Unit 5:1. ced, ceed, cess=goproceed: v. 前进, 进行; 开始; proceed to do/ with sth开始; 继续pro=forwardproceed 的四个名词 precession: 行列, 队伍, 游行 funeral procession 送葬队伍 procedure: 程序, 手续, 步骤 the procedure for opening an account 开账户的手续 proceeding: (会议等)进程, 记录(pl.) the whole proceeding of the meeting process: 过程, 步骤, 加工工序 in process of 在过程中 precedent : a. /n. 优先的, 先例 pre=before preceding: a. 在前的 preceding year 前几年exceed: v. 超出, 胜过 ex=out exceed the speed limit 超速excess: n. / a. 超越, 过量; 额外的 an excess of enthusiasm 过分热情 in excess of 超过excessive: a. 过分的; 过度的 an excessive demanding 过分的要求succeed: v. 继承, 接替(to) (sb as sth); 成功(in) He succeeded Clinton as the President.He succeeded in getting the job.successor: 继承人, 接班人 successor to the throne 王位继承人succession: n. 连续, 接连 ten years in succession 连续十年; a succession of 一连串 successive: a. 连续的 ten successive years连续十年access: n. ac/ad- 朝向; cess 走 进入, 接近; 入口gain / have access to the library/the President 进入图书馆; 接近总统a man of easy access 容易接近的人inaccessible: a. 不容易接近的 in 否定前缀ancestor: n. an=ante 先; ces走; -or 人 祖先intercede: v. inter 中间; ced 走 调停; 为说情 recede: v. re=back; ced 走 后退recession: n. 衰退 2. view 看, 观察view: n./v. 景象, 风景; 观点; 眼界; 观察, 考虑viewpoint: n. 观点interview: v. inter-相互; view 看 接见, 采访; 面试preview: pre=before + view 看 预习review: re=again; view 看 复习3. verse, vert=turn 翻转university: n. 大学(综合性的) uni=和为一体; verse 转; ty 名词后缀universe: n. uni=和为一体; verse 转 宇宙, 万物universal: a. 宇宙的, 世界的; 普遍的, 全体的; 通用的universal language / gravitation/agent通用的语言/ 万有引力/全权代理verse: n. 诗,韵文 诗,韵文一般分行写version: n. vers 转; ion 名词后缀 翻转成另一版本版本;译文;说法 The book has been translated into many versions and sold all over the world.anniversary: n. ann = one year; verse 转 周年纪念日wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日advertise: vt./ vi.ad=toward 朝向; verse 转 使注意力转向 作广告 advertisement: n. 广告 neon-light advertisement 霓虹灯广告; (ad 为缩写)extrovert: v./n. extro 向外; verse 转 外翻; 外向; 外向的人introvert :v./n. intro 向内 ; verse 转 内翻; 内向; 内向的人diverse: a. di-分开; verse 转 不同的The wild life in Africa is diverse from that in Asia.非洲的野生动物与亚洲的有很大不同。diversity: n. 不同 a great diversity of interest 广泛的兴趣convert: v. con 加强语气 变换;转化 convert water power into electricity 把水利变成电力conversion: n. conversation: n. 谈话, 交谈adverse: a. ad = 向; verse 转 adverse wind/fortune/ conditions 逆风; 厄运; 逆境divorce: v./n. di-分开; vorce/verse 转 与离婚 (用法与 marry 一样)She divorced her husband; The court divorced them; He got divorced last month. 她与丈夫离婚了; 法院判他们离婚了; 他上个月离婚了。vertical: a. 垂直的 转到竖直的位置versatile: 多才多艺的; 通用的 a versatile material/man 万能材料; 多才多艺的人4. able: a. 有能力的; 出色的 an able manager; be able to doability: n. 能力 I have the ability to do the work.inability: n. 无能 in-否定前缀disable: v. dis-否定前缀 使丧失能力, 使伤残 (1) He was disabled in the accident.(2) An accident disabled him from playing football. disabled: a. 残废的 a disabled soldier; the disabled (the + a. 表示一类人)残疾人enable: v. en-动词前缀, 表示使 使能够; 使可能 The spectacles enable me to see clearly.以en 为动词前缀的词: enlarge扩大; enrich 丰富; ensure 确保, 保护; enlight启发; enjoy 享乐; enlist 招兵; enroll 登记, 入伍; enforce 推行, 执行, 强迫; endure 忍受 endear 使受喜爱; encounter 遭遇; encourage 鼓励 Unit 6:1. ject=throw, cast 投, 抛subject: n./ a./v. sub=under; ject=throw 投于之下” 主题, 题目; 学科,科目; 易遭受的; 使遭受(1) My favorite subject is maths. 我最喜欢的科目是数学。(2) Japan is subject to earthquake. 日本容易遭受地震。(3) Such an action would subject yourself to punishment. 这么做会使你受到惩罚。object: n./v. ob=toward 向; ject 投 目标, 对象, 宾语; 反对I object to drinking我反对喝酒; My object is achieved. 我的目的达到了。objection: n. 反对, 异议; 缺点; 障碍 have (no) objection to 反对/不反对The plan is open to objection. 该计划还有可商榷之处。objective: a./n. 客观的, 真实的; 目的 objective view 客观的看法project: v./n. pro=forward 向前+ ject 投 投射, 方应; 伸出; 设计, 工程projection: n. projector: a film projector 电影放映机inject : v. in 进入+ ject 投 注射 inject the drugs into my arm 把药/毒品注入我的胳膊injection: n. 注射deject: v. de=down 使泄气; 使沮丧dejected: a. 沮丧的 (depressed, sad )jet=jet plane 喷气式飞机2. cord= heartcore: n. 核心, 中心, 果核 He is English to the core. 他是地道的英国人。courage: n. cour=heart; age 名词后缀 勇气, 胆量encourage: v. en- 使 使有勇气 鼓励discourage: v. dis-否定前缀 使泄气record: n./v. re=again; core 心 再用心; 强化记忆; 记录 记录, 记载; 最高纪录; 履历, 唱片; 登记, 记录; 录音 keep a record of记录;break/equal the record 打破/平记录recorder: n. 录音机, 录像机 a tape recorder 磁带录音机accord: n. ac/ad=toward; cord 心 一致, 符合; 协议; What you said does not accord with your behavior. 你的言行不一致。according: prep. According to our record, youve been in prison twice. 根据我们的记录, 你已经入狱两次。accordance: n. You should play in accordance with the new rule.你应根据新的规则来玩。accordingly: adv. 相应地, 因此discord: n. dis-否定前缀 不和谐The discord of the music is hard on the ear 不和谐的音乐真难听。concord: n. con=together 和谐, 一致 live in concord with 与和睦相处cordial: a. 衷心的, 真诚的 cordial welcome 热诚的欢迎3. point=刺, 扎. 点point: n./v. 尖, 点, 小数点; 条款, 细目; 分数, 得分; 要点, 论点; 指向(at, to);表明(out)(1) Its rude to point at others.用手指(2) 别人不(3) 礼貌(4) I like to come to the point straightly.我喜欢直截了当(5) He pointed out my mistake for me to correct.他指(6) 出我的错误让我改正(7) Your answer is short and to the point. 你的回答简明扼要(8) In my point of view, you should carry on with the plan.以我的观点来看, 你应该继续你的计划appoint: v. ap=ad 朝向; point 指 任命. 指派, 指定(1) Members of Parliament are elected, but Ministers are appointed.议员是选举产生的, 但部长是被指定的(2) Lets appoint a time for the meeting.appointed: a. 指定的, 约定的appointment: n. 任命; 职位; 约定(1) I have an appointment with the dentist.(2) The State Secretary acclaimed to design the appointment.国务卿宣布要辞职disappoint: v. dis-不; appoint-指 不能指望使失望disappointed: a. 失望的disappointment: n. 失望To my disaapointment, he didnt show up. 使我失望的是, 他没来 Unit 7:1. graph, gram=write, draw 写,画photograph: n. photo 光 把光写下来 照片paragraph: n. 段落telegraph: n. tele- 从远处发来的文字 电报telegram: n. 电报gramophone: n. phone 声音 把声音写下来的机器 留声机grammar: n. 语法关于写的一些规则diagram: n. dia=through 图表, 图解gram: n. 克 原为重量计上的一个符号kilogram: n. 千克 kilo-千 如kilometer 千米program: n. pro=forward 先, 前; gram 写 计划, 大纲; 节目单; 程序programmer: n. 编程员2. vance=front 在先advance: v. /n. ad=toward 朝向+vance 前 前进, 推进; 提前; 提升; 预付Pay the rent in advance 预付房租。He was advanced to the position of manager. 他被晋升为经理。advanced: a. 先进的, 领先的; 高等的, 高级的; 晚期的, 上年纪的advanced in technology技术领先 advanced mathematics 高等数学advanced stomach cancer 晚期胃癌 advanced age of 90. 90岁高龄;advantage: n. 优点, 长处; 利益 (1) You should take advantage of your superiority. 你要利用你的优势。(2) The college education give her advantage over others. 大学教育使她比别人有优势。disadvantage: n. dis 否定前缀 不利, 不利条件advantageous: a. 有利的 3. leg=lawlegal: 法定的, 合法的 legal heir 法定继承人illegal: a. il- 否定前缀 非法的legacy: n. 遗产依法继承的东西legalize: v. ize- 动词后缀 使合法化legalization: n. 合法化, 批准legislate: v. 立法legislation: n. 立法, 法规privilege: n. priv-私人的; leg 法律 法律赋予私人的权利 特权She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过着养尊处优的生活。privileged: a. 有特权的 privileged class 特权阶级4. loc=place 地方local: a./n. 当地的; 地方性的; 局部的local court/dialect/pain/infection 地方法庭;当地方言;局部疼痛; 局部感染locale: n. (事故或故事)发生的地点, 场所locate: v. 找出; 把设置在; 位于(用被动语态)(1) He located a peak in the pipe.(2) The company wants to locate the new factory near the road.(3) The school is located at downtown.location: n.位置,场所, 景地(1) She was followed by the radio location.她被无线电定位系统跟踪(2) Its expensive to film in foreign location.在国外景地拍电影太贵了allocate: v. al=ad 向; loc-地方分配; 拨给The local government allocated a sum of money for the education.当地政府拨出一笔教育经费 Unit8:1. flu, flux=flow 流flow: v. 流动, 飘扬(旗), 飘垂(头发) Her hair flows down over her shoulder.overflow: v./n. 溢出, 洋溢; 泛滥flu: n. influenza 的缩写 流感 fluency: n. -ency 名词后缀 流利, 流畅 speak with great fluency fluent: a. 流畅的, 流利的 fluent speech/ curves 流畅的演讲/曲线 fluid: n./a. 流体, 流质的; 流动的, 易变的; 流畅的cleaning fluid 去污液; fluid population 流动人口; fluid capital流动的资本influence: v./n. in-进入; flu 流; -ence名词后缀 影响 (on )My father had great influence on me (指潜移默化的影响)influential: a. 有影响力的 influential person/ speechfluctuate: v. 波动, 涨伏the price fluctuates with season. 价格随季节变动flush: v./n. 冲洗(厕所等); (突然)脸红 flush the toilet(厕所) after using it; flush with embarrassment 因为尴尬而脸红; affluence: n. 丰富, 富裕; 涌入, 流入2. fend, fence=strike 击打fence: n./v. 篱笆, 栅栏 /击剑术 /用栅栏围上/ 击剑sit on the fence 骑墙; 抱观望态度; She is good at fencing(剑术)defend: 包围, 防守(from, against); 为辩护(1) We defend ourselves against the enemy. 防御敌人。(against不能省)(2) The lawyer defended the accused. 律师为被告辩护。(不需for)defensive: a. defendant: n. 被告offend: v. 得罪, 冒犯 I offend her. 我冒犯了她。offence/ offense : n. 冒犯, 触怒; 过错 She takes offence easily. 她易动怒。offensive:a. 讨厌的, 无礼的 Unit 9:1. volve, volut=roll 翻转involve: v. in-进入; volve 翻转 使卷入, 陷入; 牵扯 be involved in the war 被卷入战争;the person involved(定语) 受牵连的人revolve: v. 旋转 re= again the revolving door 旋转门; The moon revolves around the earth.revolution: n. 旋转;革命 翻天覆地的变化evolve: v. e/ex=out; volve 翻转 进化, 发展evolution: n. 进化, 演化, 发展volume: n. 古时的书是”卷”起来收藏的 卷, 册; 体积, 容积; 音量 Vol. 2 第二卷; play the stereo in full volume 把音响放到最大音量revolt: n./v. 反叛, 起义2. proach, prox=接近approach: v./n. 向靠近; 接近; 途径, 方法 at the approach of the Spring Festival 随着春节的来临;an easy approach to English 学英语的窍门approximate: a./v. 近似的, 大约的; 接近approximately: adv. 大约地proximate: a. 最近的3. gen, gin, germ=bear, produce, race 产生, gene: n. 遗传因子, 基因 gene pool 基因库genetic: a. 遗传的 genetic code/ engineering 遗传密码; 遗传工程 genetics: n. 遗传学generate: v. 产生, 生殖, 引起 generate heat/ electricity 产生热/电generation: n. 生殖, 代, 产生 generation gap代沟/my generation 我这一代degenerate: v./n./a. de=down 衰退, 退化; 堕落的; 堕落者regenerate: v. re=again 再生generator: n. 发电机, 发生器genius: n. 天才, 天赋 a man of genius 天才genuine: a. 真正的, 非人造的 a genuine picture of Picasso 毕加索的真迹画gentle: a. 出身高贵的 和蔼的, 文雅的gentleman: n. 绅士, 先生generous: a. 慷慨的, 宽厚的, 宽宏大量的hydrogen: n. hydro=water 能产生水的物质 氢oxygen: oxy 酸 能产生气味(酸味)的物质 氧oxygenated: a. 充满氧气的4. tect= cover 盖protect: v. 保护; 装保险的 (1) protected rifle 有保险装置的步枪 (2) protect the crops against frost 保护庄稼免受


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