Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School中学词汇教学方法

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Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School中学词汇教学方法(英语教学法) 摘要:在21世纪, 随着社会与科学技术的发展, 特别是中国加入世贸组织以后,中国与其他国家的交流越来越多。英语也越来越多的深入到我们的生活当中。但是,在英语学习中,词汇困扰着许多人。能否有效地更多的记忆词汇将直接影响对英语学习的兴趣和实效性。词汇是语言的基础与核心。人们知道,如果没有词汇的话,就没有语言。没有语言,就没有语言学。但所有的词语在语言上的词汇。词汇是语言的基础。这将是不可能的,学习语言没有学习词汇。但是,词汇学习是外语学习中的一个大课题。以后作为一名英语教师,以帮助学生有效学习英语,我们有必要探讨词汇教学和学习方法可以改善小学和中学水平,探讨了一些可能的战略,提高学生的词汇中学英语词汇教学,过分强调学生死记硬背单词的读音、词行和字典意义,而忽略了词汇的搭配、用法和语法特征,以及语境在语法学习中的重要性,导致学生对许多单词只会记而不会用。本文提出一些相应的解决方法,采用适合学生的教授词汇的方法,要充分利用常规课堂教学时间,帮助学生掌握基本词汇。关键词:词汇教学;中学英语;教学方法ABSTRACTIn the 21st century, with the rapid development of our society, the science and technology, especially with Chinas entry into the WTO, China and other countries will have more and more co-operation. And English penetrates into our daily life more and more. But in English learning, word remembering confuses many English learners.Words are the foundation and core of language. People know that without words, there would be no language. While without language, there would be no linguistics. But all the words in a language make up its vocabulary. Vocabulary is basic to language learning. It would be impossible to learn a language without learning vocabulary. But vocabulary learning is considered a big task in foreign language learning. As an English language teacher in the future, in order to help students learn English efficiently, it is necessary for us to discuss how vocabulary teaching and learning method can be improved at primary and secondary school levels and explores some possible strategies for enhancing the students vocabulary During vocabulary teaching in junior school, teachers only emphasize pronunciation, spelling and meaning in dictionary, but ignore their match, use, inner meaning and grammatical characteristics. The importance of context is also ignored, which makes student just recite the word, but not know how to use the words, they just misuse them. This essay provides some methods of teaching English vocabulary. They should also make full use of class time to help student master the use of words they have learned.Keywords: Vocabulary teaching; Junior school English; Teaching methods.ContentsIntroduction1Part One The Content and Meaning about Vocabulary Teaching21.1Phonetics Teaching21.2Morphology Teaching21.3Semasiology Teaching3Part Two The problems in English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning42.1 Teachers Problem and solutions42.2 Students Problem and solutions6Part Three Teaching Methods73.1 Visual Teaching73.2 Contrast Teaching103.3 Using word formation113.4 Vocabulary associative123.5 Using dictionary and do more exercise12Conclusion14Notes16Bibliography17Acknowledgements18IntroductionD. Wilkins who was a famous scholar said that, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. The Lexicologist Mecca tin said more directly.” “a student who learns a second foreign language, language communication is difficult to achieve, if he only masters very few words, no matter how well he learns the grammar or how nice his pronunciation is.“Vocabulary is one of the three elements (speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar) of a language.” It is also a basic material of a language. Vocabulary is an important component in English teaching. “No matter what kind of target language, vocabularies in all language teaching are the important factors.”Therefore, ones mind and ability of communication is influenced directly by his vocabulary he has learned. As an important component in learning English, vocabulary is especially important to improve students English. To master a lot of words is the basic in learning English. However, in middle school, there are a lot of problems. Teachers just emphasize the spelling and the meaning in dictionary, but ignore the match, usage, inner meaning and grammatical characteristics. And the methods teachers use to teach vocabulary is not proper. Or teachers dont have enough theory or experience. This phenomenon worries us a lot.Both teachers and students are dissatisfied with the present mode of English teaching. As an English teacher, his responsibility is not just to criticize this phenomenon, but also to seek feasible new way and embrace new ideas. This is a challenging breakthrough to the traditional teaching principles. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and examine the theoretical feasibility and significance of this paper to English vocabulary teaching in middle school. The author hopes that there will be more and better methods for vocabulary teaching, and teachers can choose some methods suitable for students.Vocabulary Teaching in Middle SchoolPart One The Content about Vocabulary Teaching1.1Phonetics TeachingEnglish phonetics is the science, which studies the characteristics of human sound making, especially those sounds used in speech. It also provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. Closely connected to the study of grammar and lexicology, it can help the English learner to better understand vocabulary Words pronunciation and spelling linked to a certain extent, and there are rules to follow. Pronunciation,morphology, semasiology is the three elements of vocabulary. The learning of pronounce can help students learn and consolidate the words. In the pronunciation and morphology teaching, we must pay attention to the words tone and shapes unification or combination. Then to make student know the pronounce may correspond to a certain spelling of linking, and also can put some words form may correspond to a pronounce connection, and thought more practice, to make a strong condition link in students brain of higher nervous activity system.This condition including various specific wordss pronounced and shapes contact and modal. Like this, student can know a spelling by the pronounce, on the contrary ,student also can know a pronounce by the spelling. Therefore, when teacher teaching the vocabulary should permeate speech knowledge of phonetics teaching. 1.2Morphology TeachingMorphological rules refer to those rules that govern how morphemes are combined to form permissible words. Some rules are quite productive, while some others are less productive. Teaching students prefixes and suffixes can help them to know the formation of words and understand the meaning better. For example, when teaching the word “retell” and “rewrite”, tell students what the prefix “re” means. They have already know the meaning of “tell” and “write”, so students can say out what these two new wor6ds mean. Teachers can say that “retell” comes from “tell” and “re” means “again”, so “retell” means “to tell again”. For example, Some morphemes may not occur alone, they must appear with at least another morpheme to form words. e.g. un-, dis-, -ish, etc. Affixes:Prefix(morphemes that occur only before other morphemes: un-, dis-, en-Suffixmorphemes that occur only after other morphemes: -ish, -ness, -erInfixmorphemes that occur between different morphemesThough this affixes, we can guess some words meaning that which words we never seeing before.New words may be added to the vocabulary / lexicon of a language by derivational process, inflectional process, and compounding process. These ways are most important and most widely used ones in English to produce new words. Such as some Coinage, borrowing words / loan words, blending, clipping, acronyms, back-formation and so on.If we know these methods, we will remember more and more vocabulary.1.3Semasiology Teaching“Semantics “is a word derived from Greek stem “seme” which meant sign, first coined by semantique M. Breal in 1893. And it was first cited by British scholar in an English report entitled “ Reflected Meaning : a point in semantics”.We all knows that, learn a word, not only to know its pronounce, but also its meaning. So we must learn semasiology.But there is no definite answer to the question “whats the meaning of meaning”. In order to get the meaning of word, we should depend on the concrete contexts we refer to. A word in different situation has different meaning. So we must to do specific problem with a specific analysis. For example, the word “water”, in this sentence “Im thirsty, I want to drank water.” Its the meaning of “水”. But in this sentence “Ill water the dry flowers.” It means “浇水”.In the structure of semantic theory, they proposed each lexical formative in the FDPM is a reading, that is to say, the reading is semantic interpretation. Semantic marker and distinguisher are the means by which we can decompose the meaning of one sense of the lexical formative into its itematic concepts. In this way, we can show semantic structures in the dictionary and semantic relation between dictionary entries. Roughly speaking, semantic marker represent a semantic property which occurs in at least 2 readings in the dictionary which distinguisher is the bit of meaning left over one particular sense of a lexical item has been expressed as far as it can be in terms of semantic markers.Part Two The problems in English vocabulary teaching and learning2.1 Teachers Problem and solutionsIn the teaching of middle school, there are a lot of problems in vocabulary teaching,Teachers usually teach new words in isolation. However, English vocabulary is not isolated. It is related to pronunciation, grammar, sentence pattern and text. It also shows in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Comprehensive teaching methods should be used in vocabulary teaching, too. But, some teachers insist one unchangeable method to teach vocabulary, that is, firstly teaching pronunciation; secondly explaining its formation and related grammar; then listing its meaning and usage; at last making sentences. This way takes too much time in teaching process and it seems that teachers just take the dictionaries to class. It has been proven that teaching vocabulary in isolation makes students feel bored and they cant master the new words Teachers just focus on mechanical memory. Class begins, and the teachers just tell students to turn to the word list, then in the same method he uses every day to explain the meaning, the phrases about this word and simple use of it which just appears in the text. And in one class, teacher will teach so many words and then tell students to recite them. The students just do it.The homework about vocabulary is also boring. Most of time, the homework is just to let students recite the new words repeatedly totally ignoring students needs and interest, and the next day they will be checked. Its so boring and simple that teachers ignore the importance of homework, which disobeys the rules of English study. And it makes students feel unpleasant. Certainly it will be also effective at the very beginning, but after a long time, students will lose the interest, let alone the effect.Interest can motivate students to study. It is the internal stimulus for students to overcome the difficulty they meet in study and improve their study. Therefore, students interest can not only be transformed to studying stimulus, but also develop their intelligence. On the contrary, if students lost interest, study would be a heavy burden instead of a happy thing. If teachers want to motivate students interest, teachers should not only just tell students how important English is, but also create conditions and atmosphere to let students practice English more and make them feel happy.Teachers should sincerely care for students; especially concern the slow and problem students. Teachers need to have the same attitude to different students and dig potentiality of each student. In English teaching, chances that show students intellect should be given to each student. As long as teachers treat students kindly, they can go into students innermost being, understand students demands, inspire students thirst for knowledge and develop students intellectual resources. Teachers duty is not only teaching but also protecting students self-respect and creating a relaxed learning atmosphere. Scateky is an expert in modern teaching and learning whose “positive affective background principles” stress the affective state of teaching atmosphere and students learning attitude. Teachers regulating their feelings in the teaching process naturally affects the mood of each student. Teachers behaviors have a certain effect on students classroom learning.According to their answers, teachers should give an encouraging evaluation like “OK!”, “Very good!”, “You are very clever!” Although it is easy for teachers to do so, for the students that are praised, it surpasses a big meal. This kind of relaxing, pleasant atmosphere not only motivates inner power of students learning but also lays a foundation of successful English teaching. In the teachers trustful eyes, students learn pleasurably and in the students trustful eyes, teachers teach happily.Helping learners to help themselves is a role for the teachers, as a English teachers, we must arouse students interest in learning words and a certain excitement in personal development in this area. We can help our students by giving them ideas on how to learn vocabulary and some guidance on what to learn.2.2 Students problem and solutionsThere are some main reasons that lead to the difficulty in word learning. The first reason is related to the words. Some words are too long and too complicated to remember, and other words that are seldom used are difficult to remember, and so on. The second reason is related to the learners. For example, whether English learners have the right attitude and faith, and whether the students apply the newly learned words constantly. To solve those problems, firstly, a right attitude and determination should be built; secondly, it is important to choose a suitable vocabulary book; thirdly, the learners should arrange time reasonably and adopt methods scientifically; fourthly, the learners should read more, besides remembering; finally, the learners should review the newly learned words constantly.In daily life, many students consider remembering words as a painful task. They just enforce themselves to do it mechanically, and have no confidence and patient. Before they begin, they desire anxiously some day when they can speak out any word. And it is impossible to master the words if the learners just aspire to remember them but not to apply them in various environments. As a matter of fact, the applying of the language is a skill, which depends on practice. And practice makes perfect. What is more, the process of mastering a skill needs lots of time, during which, it is no doubt that the learners will meet many difficulties. But if the learners want to climb up the peak, they should be patient and keep on learning. Virtually, remembering words is not as difficult as most students think. There is a story which happened to a university student. On the honor roll, it is written that the student never wins any scholarship and even does not passes the CET-4(English test for collage student), but he passes the test for the postgraduate. All of his friends think that he is joking when he makes the decision. But he just works hard. And what he wants to tell other students most is that it is never too late to have a try and there is nothing that people can not do. Through the example, it can be found that study is not difficult, and the really difficult thing is the learners fear of the difficulties. Therefore, as long as the English learners can overcome the fear of difficulties and build a right attitude, they should succeed some day. A right attitude is the precondition before people do everything. In psychology, it is said that things will get on as peoples will. If you think you can do the matter, you can. If you pretend to be active, and energetic before you launch something, and soon your body and faith will reach that state, and vice versa.Part Three Teaching Methods3.1 Visual TeachingVisual approach is the procedure that by using the demonstrations, teaching aids, demo model, VCR etc., make the students set up an active image of the content of course. The visual teaching can stimulate various sensory memories like the sense of sight, hearing, touching etc., and improve the exercisers physical memory in multiple functions and all directions. And now Ill give some methods fellows:3.1.1 Using teaching aidsTaking the concrete objects to the classroom is audio-visual and easing-taking. When showing the objects, teachers try to explain in English. Students can easily conjoin the object to the word and may have a deep impression in their mind. Students in Grade One are relatively younger, so they may be easy to divert their attention. They are active and studious. And they are also eager to imitate. Concrete and vivid content can be easily accepted by them. Audio-visual lesson strengthen their memory. For example, when teaching the word “book”, teachers can hold a book to attract students attention. Speak out “book” as showing it. Then ask students to read after you until they can speak out “book” correctly. In fact there is no need to say Chinese meaning and students just can understand it. Using this method can can improbe classroom atmosphere, students are fully trained, not only learn the knowledge, but also training the voice, tone, and expression ability has been improved. Make it with half effort. When students see real apple, pear, orange and banana, they can recite the words “apple, pear, orange and banana” immediately. When teaching words “car, bus and train”, teachers can use some pictures.In the English books of middle school, there are a lot of words, which express the concrete things and they are suitable for this method. Moreover, this method can conjoin the word and the concrete object, which is good for developing students ability of thinking with English and help them remember vocabulary.3.1.2 Using picturesThe picture, as one of audio-visual aids, is novel, vivid and direct-viewing. It may turn abstract and complex things visualized. It makes the teaching content abundant and elegant, sound and shape both present, the classroom atmosphere spirited. The pictures contain lots of information and knowledge density. Moreover its easy to collect pictures. It is not limited by time and concrete conditions. Therefore using this method to teach has incomparable superiority.This is complement to object teaching. Some objects are not convenient for teacher to carry, such as some special or abstract things of English speaking countries. Teachers can use pictures to show. And drawing simple pictures is a quick way. It can also deepen the affect.These pictures can be used to explain the nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns and so on. According to the different characteristics of vocabulary, objects, pictures, facial expressions, movements and different methods of translation can be used to teach new words. But sometimes cars, mountains and other monsters can not be brought into the classroom, and the words cannot be interpreted clearly using speech or action. At that time stick figures can be used as a solution. For example: when the new word “quarter” is taught, it is not easy for teachers just to give oral presentations to students. Students may not master it. Well, stick figures can show them the meaning at a glance.Stick figures may also be applied in the prepositions explanation, making their meaning image direct-viewing expression. And it may also be used to explain the usage differences between the prepositions.So long as pictures can be made good, wondrous, skillfully use of, it may enable the picture to display its biggest function and achieve twice the


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