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北京语言大学2021年12月英语语法期末考核试题库及答案参考1. _ religion used to have a strong hold on people .A.TheB.AC.AnD._ religion used to have a strong hold on people .A.TheB.AC.AnD.参考答案:D2. I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time. It couldn&39;t have been _ in fact.I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time. It couldnt have been _ in fact.Aany worseBso badCany betterDso goodA3. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -No problem.A.seatB.sittedC.seatedD.sat参考答案:C4. In the Great Fire of London in 1666, people managed to feel the heat miles away.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. I love boiled beef and potatoes; it&39;s my _ meal. Apopular Bfavourable CfondestI love boiled beef and potatoes; its my _ meal.ApopularBfavourableCfondestDfavouriteD6. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old AThe walk BWalking CTo walk DWalk_ is a good form of exercise for both young and oldAThe walkBWalkingCTo walk DWalkB动名词作主语表示习惯性,泛指经常性、不具体的动作。而不定式作主语则表示一次性、特指、未来具体的动作。由句意可知,主语表示泛指的、经常性的动作。7. operating system 英译中operating system 英译中参考答案操作系统8. This book is too hard for me to read it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A9. _ so many people in this country been out of work as today. A) More than ever before B)_ so many people in this country been out of work as today.A) More than ever beforeB) Never before haveC) There were neverD) There never beforeB当否定词never放在句首时,主谓进行倒装。10. Can you speak up a bit? I _ hear you very well.A.cantB.couldnt参考答案:A11. We were told to write in ink, that we should use but one side of the paper, and we should endorse out papers in the proper manner.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. The goods are found to be of excellent quality, while the packing is only middling, having a certainThe goods are found to be of excellent quality, while the packing is only middling, having a certain _ to make up.AleewayBany wayCrailwayDno wayA13. Relationship Between Teacher and Students 写作要点: 1良好的师生关系对于教和学都很重要。Relationship Between Teacher and Students 写作要点: 1良好的师生关系对于教和学都很重要。 2理想的师生关系要靠双方的共同努力。 3如果出现不愉快,双方应以友好的方式解决。正确答案:A good relationship between teacher and students is essential to teaching and learning. Only with a good relationship can they cooperate well that is the teachers teaching can achieve the desired effect and students can do well in their studies.rn This ideal relationship depends on the mutual efforts of both sides. First students should respect their teachers and what their teachers do for them. They must be polite to teachers and ready to follow their good advice. Second teachers should also be kind patient and impartial to all students. They should be responsible for their teaching and ready to help any students who is in trouble. They must also be kind and patient to each student no matter he does excellently or badly. Partiality and prejudice are not recommendable.rn Of course things sometimes are not so simple; unhappy misunderstandings may arise now and then. In this case both sides should make efforts to remove it. They can explain what they think to each other and learn to think more for other people. If both sides treat each other in a friendly way misunderstandings will be easily cleared up.Agoodrelationshipbetweenteacherandstudentsisessentialtoteachingandlearning.Onlywithagoodrelationshipcantheycooperatewell,thatis,theteachersteachingcanachievethedesiredeffect,andstudentscandowellintheirstudies.Thisidealrelationshipdependsonthemutualeffortsofbothsides.First,studentsshouldrespecttheirteachersandwhattheirteachersdoforthem.Theymustbepolitetoteachersandreadytofollowtheirgoodadvice.Second,teachersshouldalsobekind,patientandimpartialtoallstudents.Theyshouldberesponsiblefortheirteachingandreadytohelpanystudentswhoisintrouble.Theymustalsobekindandpatienttoeachstudentnomatterhedoesexcellentlyorbadly.Partialityandprejudicearenotrecommendable.Ofcourse,thingssometimesarenotsosimple;unhappymisunderstandingsmayarisenowandthen.Inthiscase,bothsidesshouldmakeeffortstoremoveit.Theycanexplainwhattheythinktoeachotherandlearntothinkmoreforotherpeople.Ifbothsidestreateachotherinafriendlyway,misunderstandingswillbeeasilyclearedup.14. _ you did it is not known to all.A.WhoB.WhatC.HowD.Which参考答案:C15. Adam was busy writing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. We&39;ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor&39;s Office of the ChineWeve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。17. Are you going to the basketball game? No, the tickets are _ expensive for me.AveryAre you going to the basketball game? No, the tickets are _ expensive for me.Avery muchBhighlyCso muchDfar too正确答案:D解析:very和so是副词,可以修饰原级,如:very expensive,so expensive,但very much与so much不用于修饰原级。highly意为“非常”,作为副词,它不与expensive搭配。far可以和too连用修饰原级,表示“得多”。根据题意选D。18. On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitOn Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitCpermittingDpermitted正确答案:C19. The new suitcase _you got yesterday is full already. A. where B. which CThe new suitcase _you got yesterday is full already.A. whereB. whichC. in which参考答案B20. 一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? T一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? That s terrible.参考答案:B21. A lot of people have ( ) on the similarity between them.A、saidB、toldC、remarkedD、remade参考答案:C22. It was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many neIt was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many new words in it.Aout of questionBwithout questionCno questionDout of the question正确答案:D23. You had better keep the medicine _ is inaccessible to children.A.whereB.where it参考答案:B24. For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 100 - 120 wordsFor this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 100 - 120 words ac- cording to the following topic:我的信用观(My Opinion on Keeping Ones Word)正确答案:My Opinion on Keeping Ones Wordrn Keeping ones word is a rare quality that man can possess. Because the basic character of the world is changing. When things have changed is it possible that a person can still keep his word? The answer is Yes but it demands a lot on the part of the person.rn Do you have the experience that you promised to do something for others but when the moment really came it turned out that if you did it you would have to sacrifice a lot yourself. For example parents may promise to go on a travel if their child could get a satisfactory mark in the examination. But when the child comes home with the satisfactory mark they are engaged in their work so that they cant leave within weeks. How to make the decision? If the parents give up the travel the child will feel hurt; but if the parents keep their word the work will be interrupted which is forbidden by the boss. Anyway they have to suffer in a sense.rn In a word I think we should try to avoid promising anything if it is possible. And if you have promised try to keep it at all expenses.My Opinion on Keeping Ones Wordrn Keeping ones word is a rare quality that man can possess. Because the basic character of the world is changing. When things have changed, is it possible that a person can still keep his word? The answer is Yes ,but it demands a lot on the part of the person.rn Do you have the experience that you promised to do something for others, but when the moment really came, it turned out that if you did it, you would have to sacrifice a lot yourself. For example, parents may promise to go on a travel if their child could get a satisfactory mark in the examination. But when the child comes home with the satisfactory mark, they are engaged in their work so that they cant leave within weeks. How to make the decision? If the parents give up the travel, the child will feel hurt; but if the parents keep their word, the work will be interrupted, which is forbidden by the boss. Anyway, they have to suffer in a sense.rn In a word, I think we should try to avoid promising anything if it is possible. And if you have promised, try to keep it at all expenses.25. Plan A_a failure, we need to start Plan B.A. having proved to beB. to proveC. havingPlan A_a failure, we need to start Plan B.A. having proved to beB. to proveC. having sounded to beD.sounded like答案:A26. Dr. Light, who is ( ) to be one of the best surgeons in London, performed the operatiDr. Light, who is ( ) to be one of the best surgeons in London, performed the operation and successfully removed the tumor in her lungs.A、confessedB、thrilledC、perceivedD、reputed正确答案:D27. 我们是一家国有公司,经营纺织品的进出口。为了让您对我们的业务范围有所了解,我们附函寄去一份目前主要可供我们是一家国有公司,经营纺织品的进出口。为了让您对我们的业务范围有所了解,我们附函寄去一份目前主要可供出口的货物清单。We are a state-owned corporation, handling both the import and export of textiles In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present28. So _ in the darkness that he didn&39;t dare to move an inch.A.he was frightenedB.was he frightenedC.frightened he wasD.frightened was he参考答案:D29. Must I finish writing the composition this afternoon? -No, you _. H16A.dont have toB.mustntC.cantD.may not参考答案:A30. The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _ in the language lab.A) furnitures and equipmentsB) furniture and equipmentC) furniture and equipmentsD) furnitures and equipmentBfurniture(家具)和equipment(设备)都为集体名词,不可数。31. Under his arm was two books which he had bought from the book store a few days previously.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A32. -I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. -I&39;m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _ my guests in my office.A.is being metB.will meetC.will be meetingD.will have met参考答案:C33. Tom speaks Chinese fluently hence can&39;t write in it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A34. I could lead you to the shop which I bought it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35. We should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2008 International Fair which will be held fWe should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2008 International Fair which will be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above addressFull details on the Fair will be sent in a week.在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于8月29日到9月4日举办的2008年国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。36. We don&39;t allow _ (smoke)here.We dont allow _ (smoke)here.smoking37. He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B38. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly important business. Aresult from BrOur mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly important business.Aresult fromBresult inCas a resultDas a result ofB39. Toward evening, _ came, which made things even worse. A) cold rain B) the cold raiToward evening, _ came, which made things even worse.A) cold rainB) the cold rainC) a cold rainD) cold rainsCRain作名词,本意为“雨(水)”,不可数名词;但这里是另一种意思“下雨”,作为可数名词,“a cold rain came”意思为“下了一场冷雨”。40. The structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is _.A.visThe structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is _.A.visualB. auditoryC. writtenD. oral正确答案:D41. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through .A.Its the reasonB.Thats whyC.Theres whyD.Its how参考答案:B42. Early yesterday, an accident was occurred on Xuezhe Road.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A43. In the spin shop the floor was over a hectare in size.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A44. We are late. I expect the film _ by the time we get to the cinem.A.will already have startedB.would already have startedC.shall have already startedD.has already been started参考答案:B45. Please make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so thatPlease make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so that there is no need for amendment, which is costly and time consuming.in,in46. The manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive insThe manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods _ regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity, weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection.over, with47. Don&39;t bother to look for my dictionary. -it _ some day.A.turns upB.has turned upC.will turn upD.is going to turn up参考答案:C48. Could you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere caCould you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere can IDwhere I can正确答案:A49. We went camping in the mountains last week._.We had a great time. But while wWe went camping in the mountains last week._.We had a great time. But while we were on our way there, we had a flat tire.A. Oh, really? Did you have fun?B. Thats good news.C. Floridas pretty near.参考答案:A50. Do you like the book the color of which is yellow.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B51. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _ here for two days. A) will have stayed B) shaBy the time he arrives in Beijing, we _ here for two days.A) will have stayedB) shall stayC) have been stayingD) have stayedA词组by the time意为“在之前”,它引导的句子用现在时表示将来时间,故主句需用将来时。再由stay这个动作一直持续着,故用完成时。52. She was the only girl in the class who knew where he was.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A53. After _ in, they went to have some coffee. A. checking B. check c. toAfter _ in, they went to have some coffee.A. checkingB. checkc. to check参考答案A54. As I had worked more than half hour, I was a little tired.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A55. I must apologize for _ ahead of time That&39;s all right Aletting you not know Bnot lI must apologize for _ ahead of timeThats all rightAletting you not knowBnot letting you knowCletting you know notDletting not you knowB动名词的否定式是在动名词前加not。56. quiet A. jkwaiat B. jkwait C. jkaiatquiet A. jkwaiat/ B. jkwait/ C. jkaiat/参考答案:A( )57. Brian _ about opening a restaurant after he retires from skating, but he hasn&39;t mentioned those plans lately.A.because the will disappointB.that she will be disappointedC.because she will have been disappointedD.for she will be disappointed参考答案:B58. If you want to change a double room, you will have to pay ( ) $25.A、eachB、moreC、otherD、another参考答案:D59. To know what is good and doing what is right are two different things.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A60. It is what a student is interested in_matters.AisBwasCthatDreallyIt is what a student is interested in_matters.AisBwasCthatDreally正确答案:C


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