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Module6 Ani mals in dan gerUn itl It allows people to get closer to them.1. ani mals in dan ger=endan gered ani mals 濒危动物en da nger vt.使处于危险之中en da ngered adj.处于危险之中的(过去分词变来的形容词)in dan ger 处于危险之中out of dan ger摆脱危险dan ger-safety n. dan gerous-safe adj.2. allow sb. to do sth.同意、允许某人做某事Some sn akes allow people to touch them.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事We are not allowed to eat junk food (垃圾食品)in the classroom.agree to do sth.dis agree vi. 不同意agree with sb.agreement n.3. get close(r) to4. sb. be in terested to do sth.=It be in terest ing for sb. to do sth. (it是形式主语,后面的动词不定式是真正的主语)Sb. be in terested in (do ing) sth.take/ have/ show in terest in (do ing) sth.对感兴趣He is read ing the latest novel by Mo Yan withgreat interest.(介词短语做状语修饰动词reading )他饶有兴趣地阅读莫言的最新小说。5. thi nk ofHe is sad to think of his dead pet.=It is sad (for him) to think of his dead pet.What do you thi nk of the n ature park?=How you do you like ?5. We need to protect animals.sb. n eed to do sth.sb. n eed sth./sb.sth. n eed doing= sth. n eed to be doneThe floor n eeds sweep ing.=The floor n eeds to be swept.7. wild animals adj.in the wild n. in (the) n ature在自然界It s n atur al for every one to make miskates.8. grow big /small/ tall/ oldeg: You are growing taller day by day while I mgrow ing older year by year.你们在一天天地长高而我在一年一年地变老。They grow vegetables in the backyard.9. take away 带走,拿走put away收拾起来放好run away 逃跑throw away 扔掉(be) far away from离很遥远send sb. away 把某人打发走;解雇某人blow away 吹走10. eno ugh ( adj. ) + n.adj./adv. + eno ugh (adv.)Pan das don t have eno ugh bamboo to eat.She does n t have eno ugh money to buy a flat.He is strong eno ugh to lift the heavy box.He can run fast eno ugh to catch a train.11. live in peace= live peaceful ly12. n otice n. 注意;布告;通知;预告v.通知;留心;关照;注意到The noticesays, ” We need your help. ” 布告上 写着.noticesb. do sth (强调整个过程或经常性的动作)n otice sb. doi ng sth.(强调动作正在进行)I ofte n no tice her help him with En glish after class.I noticed her smiling secret ly in the corner just now.我刚才注意到她在角落里偷偷地笑。13. look after sb. well = take good care of sb.14. We can give money in order to /to help protect the ani mals.15. raise money 筹钱(举手)If you know the an swer, please raise your hand.16. Let s find out what else we can do to save as many ani mals as possible.find out查明、搞清楚事情的真相,找到、算出问题的答案 The teacher found out it was Tony who broke the vase.find找到丢失的物品或失踪的人物(找的结果)look for 寻找(找的动作) I looked for my wallet everywhere, but I couldn t find it.17. share sth. with sb.Would you like to share your umbrella with me?18.It makes me mad!makeadj.make sb. doThe boss made him work 12 hours a day.19. It isn t right to killanimals to make money/for mo ney.为了挣钱而杀戮动物是不对的。20. help n. U v.Tha nks for your help.= Thanks for help ing me.help sb. do sth.= help sb. with sth.help (to) do sth.Un it2 The WWF is worki ng hard to save them all.1. WWis short for the World Wide Fund for Nature.是简称,缩略形式2. The nu mber of pan das is the smallest, so pan dasare one of the ani mals most in dan ger.熊猫的数量是最少的,因此他们是最濒危的动物之一。3. research n. 研究,调查do a lot of researchresearch centres研究中心4. The situation is getting difficult/serious.5. They mainly feed on /live on bamboo【U他们主要以竹子为食。Sheep feed on grass.绵羊以草为食。6. In order to protect pan das in the wild, thegovernment is setting up nature parks and develop ing other pla ns.同义句转换 He got up early this morningin orderto/ so as to/to catch the early bus.=He got up early this morningso that he couldcatch the early bus.7. You aren t allowed to feed the animals in thezoo. feed-fed-fedbe fed up with = be tired of对感到厌烦8. pan das born in zoos出生在动物园里的熊猫(过去分词短语做定语)9. have eno ugh food to eat and eno ugh places to live(动词不定式做定语)10. choose sb. to do sth.It chose the panda to be its symbol. =It chose the panda as its symbol. The panda is a/the symbol of China.The rose is the symbol of love.11. worry about 侧重动作be worried about 侧重状态12. make a better life for sb.13.lt s hard to believe that there are only about100 South Ch ina tigers left on earth.很难相信地球上大约只剩100只华南虎了。(left是过去分词短语做定语) 10. stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 She tried to stop them throwing litter about.at the bus stopcome to a stop 停下来Uni uckily, the bus hit the fence(栅栏)and cameto a stop sudde nly.15. help ani mals live safely16. wildlife club野生动物俱乐部17. 例如for example(后接句子);such as ( 后接名词、动名词短语,注意前面不能用句号断开)Eg : I have many hobbies such as listening to music and see ing films.I have many hobbies. For example, I enjoyliste ning to music.18. i n the wild 在野外19. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. tosb.=offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.提供某人某物20. There be sb. doi ng sth.有某人正在干什么There are lots of scientists working at the zoo.There are big crowds of people shopping in the mall. 购物中心有很多人群在购物。21. dis agree with sb.不同意某人的观点22. a lot more relaxi ng放松得多23. stay/keep healthy/fit/happy/cool/calm24. fly over the head从头顶飞过25. b e careful with对小心翼翼Please be careful with the glass because it seasy to break.26. at the top of the Empire State在帝国大厦顶部27. a warm curre nt股暖流28. in the cold water s在寒冷的水域29. The penguins were too sick to travel.这些企鹅病得太严重了不能旅行了。He is too young to care for himself.他太小了,并不能照顾自己。=He isn t old eno ugh to look after himself.=He is so young that he can t take care of himself.30. die- died- died v.dying adj. 垂死挣扎的,奄奄一息的dead adj.death n.He was so tired that he had to stop to have a rest. stop doi ng sth.停止做某事Stop talk in g. It s time for class.stop sb. (from)doing sth.=keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事


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