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Lesson 2 Did you play basketball yesterday?I Teachi ng contents and dema nds:1. To listen, speak, read, and write the words: visit, photo, angry, high;2. To listen, speak, and read the words and phrases: once, trip, build, play basketball, takephotos, yesterday eve ning, work late ;3. To understand the usage of the simple past tense.4. To understand and master the sentence structures: Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes,I played basketball yesterday afternoon. To understand, speak and use the sentence structures to make conversations.5. To comprehend the text, answer some questions about it, then retell it.n Teachi ng aims:1. Knowledge aims:A. To listen, speak, read, and write the words: visit, photo, angry, high;B. To listen, speak, and read the words: once, trip, build, play basketball, take photos, yesterday evening, work late ;C. To understand and master the sentence structures: Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I played basketball yesterday afternoon.2. Ability aims:A. To understand, speak and use the sentence structures to make conversations.B. To comprehend the text, answer some questions about it, then retell it.C. To understand the usage of the simple past tense.3. Emotion aims:The text is a good way to give students moral and human values.川 Difficult and importa nt poin ts:1. Difficult points:To retell the text.To master the rules of the verbs forms of the simple past tense.2. important points:To master the general questions of the simple past tense.IV Teaching preparation:sound recording ( To train the students ability of listening and speaking)TTP(To express the knowledge tools that can image and offer help to solve the difficult points.)V Teaching arrangement:1st: Lets talks chant & Match and say2nd: Lets learn, Let3rd: Listen and number & a part of the Read4th: Read, Listen and sayVI Teaching procedures:1st1. Teaching contents:Lets talk2. Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:A. To listen, speak, read, and write the words: visit, photo(photos, take photos);B. To understand and master the sentence structures: Did you play basketball yesterday?Yes, I played basketball yesterday afternoon.C. To listen and read the dialogue.Ability aims:A. To master the rules of the verbs forms of the simple past tense.(did, went, showed, liked).B. To speak and recite the dialogue and use the scene to make conversations.Emotion aims:Developing the students integrated skills in using the language and promoting the students learning interest.3. Difficult and important points:A. Difficult points: Using the general conversation in this dialogue.B. Important points: Understanding and mastering the dialogue.3. Preparation:CAI, sound recording4. Teaching procedures:Step1: Revision:Free talk:- Did you do your homework yesterday?- Yes, I did. Mo. I didn t.-Was it difficult?Step2: Presentation:1. Learn the new words and phrases./ vizit/- visit- visit a friend -to find the meaning in the dialogue;/ f?ut ?u /- photo(try to spell phone)- photos, potatoes, tomatoes- find out the phrase in the dialogue.2. Learn the dialogue ;A. Q: 1. Who s talking with Lulu?2. Does Tom often play basketball on Sunday afternoons?3. Did Tom play basketball yesterday?4. Did he have a good time?5. Did Tom like photos?B. listen to the sound recording and answer the questions.C. Read the dialogue after the recording.Pay attention the v-ed: did, went, showed, liked(underlining and remembering them). Step3: Practice:1. Read the dialougue;2. (CAI/Flip charts)To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording, let the students to read.3. According to the informations, let the students to retell the text.Step4: Consolidation and extension:1. Act the dialogue.2. Tell your partner what did you do at 7 o clock yesterday evening?.Step5: Homework:Act the dialouge in pairs or recite it.Step6: Blackboard-writing:Lesson 2Do you play basketball yesterday?did went showed likedStep 7 :Refection:2nd1. Teaching contents:Lets learn, Let s chant & Match an d say2. Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:A. To understand and master the sentence structures: Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I played basketball yesterday afternoon.Ability aims:A. To master the rules of the verbs forms of the simple past tense.B. To use the scene to make conversations.C. To say the chant and do the“ match and say ”Emotion aims:Developing the students integrated skills in using the language and promoting the students learning interests.3. Difficult and important points:Difficult points: To master the rules of the verbs forms of the simple past tense.Important points: using the sentence structures to make conversations.4. Preparation:CAI, sound recording5. Teaching procedures:Step1: Revision:A. Choose some students to recite or act the dialogue ;B. To review the simple past tense1、一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如: work -workedplay-played wantedwanted actacted2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d ,如: live-lived movemoved taste-tastedhope-hoped3、以辅音字母 + y 结尾的动词,把 -y 变为 -i 再加 -ed ,如: study-studied copy-copied cry-cried carry-carried4 、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed ,如: stop -stopped5、不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。go - went make - made get - got buy-bought come- came fly-flewStep2: presentation:A. Try to express the scenes in Lets learn.(time actions) eg: I worked late last night.B. Using the sentence structures to make conversations.Eg: Did you wash your clothes yesterday?Yes, I washed my clothes yesterday morning.Step3: Practice:A. Ask and answer in pairs;B. Do the “Match and say ”;C. To read the chant after the sound recording.Step 4: Homework:To finish the Exercise Book.To write a short conversation.Step 5: Blackboard-writing:Lesson 2Do you play basketball yesterday?Yes, I played basketball yesterday afternoon.Step 6: Reflection:3rd1. Teaching contents:Read (1.2)2. Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:To listen, speak, read, and write the words: angry, high , once, trip, built(build); come back, a long trip, from then onTo listen and read the text.To understand: There be(be, live, lie, have); see sb doing sth; There were no= There weren t any Ability aims:To comprehend the text, answer some questions about it, then retell it. Emotion aims:The text is a good way to give students moral and human values.3. Difficult and important points:Difficult points:To retell the text.Important points:To understand the text and the learning tips.4. Preparation:CAI, sound recording5. Teaching procedures:Step1: Revision:1. Chant;2. Ask and answer in pairs.(CAI)Step2: Presentation:1. Learn the words and phrases:(To remember the words in different ways, and the students can give their advice) angry, high(-igh /ai/ ), once, trip, built(build);come back, a long trip, from then on2. Learn the text:A. Listen to the sound recording andperceive the text;B. Listen to the sound recording and understand the pictures;C. Listen, read and translate;D. To underline some difficult sentences and v-ed:(There be(be, live, lie, have); see sb doing sth; There were no = There weren t any) - Once there lived a giant.- He saw the children playing in his garden.-There were no birds or flowers, and the trees were not green.Live-lived,have-had,are-were,like-liked,come-came, is-was,build-built.Step 3: Practice:1. Read the text fluently and answer the questions:A. Did the giant have a big garden?B. What was there in the garden?C. What was the gaint see when he came back after a long trip?D. Why was the giant sad?2. (PPT/flip charts) To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording, let the students to read.3. According to the informations, let the students to retell the text.Step 4 :Summary:To write the v-ed in these paragraphs.Step 5: Homework:1. Read the text five times or retell it;2. Choose some sentences to recite.Step 6 :Blackboard-writing:Lesson 2 (Read)see sb doing sth;There were no = There weren t any )Step 7: Reflection:4th1. Teaching contents:Read, Listen and say2. Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:A. To listen, speak and read the phrases: look out, comeout, pull down, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Hyde ParkB. To listen and read the text.C. To read and understand the; listen and sayAbility aims:To comprehend the text, answer some questions about it, then retell it. Emotion aims:The text is a good way to give students moral and human values.4. Difficult and important points:Difficult points:To retell the text.Important points:To understand the text and the learning tips.4. Preparation:CAI, sound recording5. Teaching procedures:Step1: Revision:1. Review the words and phrases: read and translate;2. Read the text in last class.Step2: Presentation:A. 1. Learn the phrases: look out, come out, pull down(read and find their meanings in the text)2. Learn the text:A. Listen to the sound recording andperceive the text;B. Listen to the sound recording and understand the pictures;C. Listen, read and translate;D. To underline some difficult sentences and v-ed: look-looked, find-found, are-were, sing-sang, come-came, pull-pullledStep 3: Practice:1. Read the text fluently and answer the questions:A. Did the children play in the garden again?B. What happened when the giant looked out one morning?C. Did the giant allow the children to play in the garden?D. What did he do with the wall at last?2.(PPT/flip charts) To offer key words, pictures, and sound recording, let thestudents to read.3. According to the informations, let the students to retell the text. Step 4 :Listen and say1. Learn the phrases:(read and find their meanings in the text) Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park2. Listen to the recording;3. Read after the recording and translate. Step 5: Homework:1.Read the text five times or retell it;2.Choose some sentences to recite.Step 6 :Blackboard-writing:Lesson 2 (Read)find- found sing-sang come-cameStep 7: Reflection:8


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