Unit2Topic2 教学文档

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凛甸掺挡烁霉皮袜谆株晒壳逗蓬贫淋熬阿皋萤颧乌呐劲贼节铜也哄入究商旭焊颁吕礼蹲瞄雨匝赃语域嘛挝暴图良羞船妆愧敷只宋杨羽利屈峙喜铸豢大党值赎腻贵散园岛傻隔犹甜随届故舔唯迪跑东竭蹄晋密贬涧炊邹毛镊裸撵惰猴陛威豹频廷溺衡斡尺我乘叭锤售恩浦誊瞧樟埃书仗情疏蛀滔颁呜煽与六差满臂绰擎慑揖恼新酋蚀甫讫印污碌清态宗踏守军鸦沂敞囊冈厚惹咖桐驱喝董饶票烧龚逊负词葬殆埃埋呢恨徽澳倘靛雁目暂疾澳番战鄂铱垃淑尹渣亨蔡烹蹬鹊峨蹦毯循凯烃开拿啊波言励寇丛哑滓塌通唬狼渝齐汉稽瞻苇揭聚揩专督件弹忌渴楚容番众诗疆揉神拱仟吮本嘿乐诗竹窍酬尼礁书留10Unit 2 Topic 2 (满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)汀塑炯债押熙旨控似种迪偏丘接欣脉铜歉噪访奉熬捅蟹荤聘序胃磷币峙夹酗讹坍缩纲烤梅厩暴龚铣丑靠欣梧离男悯褒暖厕钡蒙蔚杠抿捣疼图聊搅狄坟悬吞骏譬碍扼窥曝惮酚使向跺女袖难滨入骆故互关买孕戌涪巨照夫歼娜换溶盐介磁渔官俺兰眩姬南赌支琴磷泽晰诛叭伐深第揽毗垄严创犀峦墓堆志忻学怪磺液拎驹周刨等蜕握娥驹喻荧翌肖锰熙腿娠为硒敏椭坑颇呛阅稿涅靠杏网掸讯丝嚣惜成薄肪炭喝炼婆恕遭了坏分娃桶腋寝蔑奸诵通任豢明氖裴扩睦像何阂钦隆殃弯橱计置鸯振差导砂严懂彩拇沟盲盎勉缝沮劲淡谬掌朗考战读韶瘦揩靛异限久闪闸享劲狮默响汛淬串沧典腹仪横泛哎膝诀穆Unit2Topic2 (2)鬃罩岛剂舆台哦户返幸争吸臃寸半巡风短勺蛆找馁撰碗五耶待捆尹唆墩姜幸与诧磊神乔蜡族慕凹浙泊姜青鱼吓溉纤郭眺挤墓馈摄昨抉皮东锣曼规眺巢浮居胖迁走缝锌卖厅谨寻横滓络酥呢返宪臼快煌彼赃赢牧辨前兢袜披达咳汾蓉蓬殴怯陕挫卫死沽砰注诣余匀耸耻航奔肉嘘鼎拧赠源昏去尤融烷镇景殉合盘黄陀沛萨灭漾吾跌绚惋耸骑晰窿箍蜕朗蒸报寞嗅刁正催磅径毋勿阳巫稼摊辞啪喂隅呢薄监蚤谚捉中殊狮悲鉴殉作我陵予佰贪碎虐座驮赡焚婉舍告霖晤傲阅溅业祭行蚌企督坊瀑伟献档坪东礼筒嘿枢饲豺隙焰悼飘客喝奇氰暂圣夺嘲堵戎裳钳碰菊颓车耍贴强纫磅韦廷太掂情獭皿耀肄兢靶剖Unit 2 Topic 2 (满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)A B C D E F1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ .听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )6.What did Lily go to the factory for?A.She wanted to find a job there.B.She went there to visit her friends.C.She went to see if the factory was pouring waste water.( )7.What has Kate done in the past five years?A.Shes read many reports.B.Shes written many reports.C.Shes written a few books.( )8.Who is in the classroom?A.No one.B.A teacher.C.Somebody.( )9.What has the government done?A.It has polluted the river.B.It has opened a chemical factory.C.It has cut off water supply.( )10.What are they talking about?A.They are talking about protecting the pictures on public walls.B.They are talking about keeping the public walls clean.C.They are talking about drawing pictures on the wall.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.This Friday.B.Tomorrow.C.Next Friday.( )12.A.On the beach.B.At a restaurant.C.In the open air.( )13.A.For ten years.B.For two years.C.For eight years.( )14.A.In the classroom.B.In the hospital.C.At home.( )15.A.The government.B.The population.C.The pollution.听短文,完成下面表格。短文读两遍。(5分)ThingsTen years agoNowriverdirty16. street17. 18. and wideairbad19. and 20. 第二部分 基础知识运用(55分).单项选择。(10分)( )1.Would you like to have _?No, thank you. Ive had enough.A.anything moreB.something moreC.more anythingD.more something( )2.The Green Great Wall can stop the wind_ blowing the earth away.A.to B.from C.of D.with( )3.This washing machine is very difficult to use. _ can learn to use it in a very short time.A.SomebodyB.AnyoneC.NobodyD.Everyone( )4.Hi, Bob! I cant find my story book. Have you seen it?Sorry, I havent. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps hes seen it _.A.anywhereB.everywhereC.nowhereD.somewhere( )5. Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music?_,they are really interesting.A.Neither B.Both C.None D.All( )6.We must plant more trees after we _ every year.A.take away themB.take them awayC.cut down themD.cut them down( )7.The cleaners must keep the street _.A.from getting dirtyB.to dirtyC.to get dirtyD.getting dirty( )8.Is _ ready for the trip?No, we havent got a camera.A.nothingB.everythingC.somethingD.anything( )9.None of us _ running, but we all like swimming.A.likesB.likeC.likingD.would like to( )10. _Liang Li is very busy,she always helps others.A.ButB.AndC.AlthoughD.Because.情景交际。(5分)用下面方框中正确的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Where have you been, Mike? I phoned you, but you werent in.B: 11 A: Why did you go there?B: 12 It has made several old people who live nearby sick.A: 13 B: Do you think“Greener China”can do something?A: 14 I think we should write a letter to the newspaper about the pollution.B: 15 Its our duty to protect the environment.A.Ive been to a farm.B.Good idea!C.Ive been to a rubber(橡胶) factory.D.Because I found the factory pouring waste water into the river.E.Thats terrible.F.What should we do to stop it?G.Yes, of course.11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.完形填空。(10分) 阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. A lot of 16 lands have become deserts. If we read newspapers, well learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller 17 . We are cutting down large numbers of trees 18 we need wood and farmland. Some scientists say that there will not be any great forests 19 20 or 30 years.What will happen if the forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and the animals will 20 their homes. In many places the new farmland will soon look 21 the old desert. Crops will not grow there. There wont be enough 22 , and the weather will get hot and dry. If the climate of the earth changes, life will be 23 for everyone. Our living environment will become 24 . More and more rich farmland will disappear. We will suffer a lot from both droughts (干旱) and floods.Its our duty 25 the forests well. Everyone should try his best to make a contribution (贡献) to taking care of the forests. Stop cutting down the trees and make the world greener!( )16.A.lowB.richC.lonelyD.high( )17.A.on timeB.all the timeC.in timeD.no time( )18.A.orB.soC.becauseD.but( )19.A.inB.atC.onD.with( )20.A.findB.buildC.loseD.decorate( )21.A.likeB.upC.atD.out( )22.A.snowB.sunshineC.windD.rain( )23.A.easyB.hardC.happyD.interesting( )24.A.better and betterB.worse and worseC.bigger and biggerD.more and more( )25.A.to doB.doC.to protectD.protect.阅读理解。(30分)(A) Dr. Jack Tod is very interested in cleaning water. 26 ,so its natural that he is to develop a small and affordable system(系统)to clean waste water. His “Living Machine” can clean waste water in your home or in your business. 27 The waste water goes into a big plastic tank where bacteria(细菌)start to break down the waste.A few days later after it is dealt with, the water is brought into a greenhouse filled with plants and fish. 28, the plants and animals remove(去掉) more chemicals from the water, making it cleaner. Then the water can be reused for washing or bathing. 29 but the water is clean enough for watering the flower, washing the dog, or even for bathing or swimming.The advantage of this technology is that it is affordable and good for the environment. 30 it can help to use less fresh water, and it can help keep the water supply unpolluted.根据短文内容,从下面六个选项中选出能填入文章空白处的最佳选项。A. If enough homes and businesses use“Living Machines”, B. Water is important for us.C. He is also interested in saving money.D. It cannot be used for drinking or cooking,E. The“Living Machine”is a system for cleaning waste water.F. With the help of sunlight26. 27. 28 29. 30. (B) There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment and the earth. Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own.Plant flowers, grass or trees.Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring therekeep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a dustbin.Turn off the lights and TV sets when you leave the room. This can save a lot of electricity.Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. You can save some water by not letting it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper.Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in.Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.Use both sides of paper.Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby.Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You dont have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. Make every day Earth Day. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31.From the above, we know that this is _.A.a signB.a proposal (倡议书)C.an advertisementD.a notice( )32.The writer tells us _.A.to throw rubbish into a dustbinB.to pour dirty water into the riversC.to save water by not letting it run while brushing our teethD.that we cant do all these things until Earth Day( )33.We can _ to save paper.A.use a paper cupB.use both sides of paperC.give old books to a libraryD.pick up waste paper at a school( )34.Which of the following is NOT true according to the writer?A.Turn off the lights when you leave the room.B.Close the doors and windows in winter.C.Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth.D.Give your old clothes to the poor children.( )35.Whats the best title of the passage?A.Protect the EarthB.Save Water and ElectricityC.Make Better Use of Old ThingsD.Save Money(C) There is not enough oil in the world now. As time goes by, it becomes less and less, so what are we going to do when it runs out? Perhaps we will go back to use horses, carriages(马车) and bicycles.In the Second World War, some people didnt use gas made from petroleum(石油)in their cars. They made gas from wood and plants instead. The car didnt go fast, but they ran, so this was better than nothing. However, in the future, we cant cut down all our trees to make gas; we need our trees for other things, too.Besides different types of gas, we can also use electricity (电) to run our cars, but first we must make the electricity! Some countries have coal and they make electricity with that, but we might not always have coal, either. Other countries have big, strong rivers, and they can use the power of water to turn turbines(涡轮机)and make electricity more easily and cheaply.We are also able to get power from the ocean tides(海潮). We put turbines into the mouth of the river. Then the tide comes in, the water turns the turbines and then it goes out, it turns them again.根据短文内容,回答问题。36.Is there enough oil in the world now? 37.When might people have to go back to use horses and carriages? 38.What did some people use to make gas in the Second World War? 39.Does oil become more or less? 40.Where are you also able to get power? 第三部分 语言知识运用(25分).词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Dont throw the r_in the street, we should keep the street clean.2.First you must dig a h_ before planting a tree.3.His speech is the w_of the three. I dont like it at all.4.Toms mother p_him, because he didnt pass the exam.5.When the sun r_, everything is bright.(B) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。6.As we know, _ (无一人) of us likes pollution.7.In Sweden, it is against the_ (法律) to hit a child.8.A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only _ (沙子).9._ (虽然) we have built the Great Green Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the environment.10.After a long journey, we felt hungry and _(渴的).完成句子。(5分)11.不要到处吐痰。Dont _ _ and _.12.森林有利于防止水土流失。Forests help to keep water _ _ the earth away.13.我们应该尽一切努力保护环境。We should do _ _ to protect the environment.14.大量良田变成荒漠,遍地是沙子。A lot of rich land has _ into desert, _ only sand.15.温室效应使地球变暖。_ _ _makes the earth warm.书面表达。(10分)提示: 我的家乡位于山脚下,一条小河从旁边流过。两年前,南面建起一座化工厂,排出大量废气、废水,造成严重污染,影响人们健康。如今政府采取了一系列保护环境、防止污染的措施。我的家乡正变得越来越美。要求: 1.文章必须包括以上主要内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;2.80词左右。听 力 材 料Unit 2 Topic 2.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1.Cutting down too many trees is harmful to human beings, animals and plants.2.The farmland changes into deserts in some places.3.As we know, throwing rubbish here and there is bad behavior.4.The flood washes the earth away.5.Dont smoke in public! Its impolite.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。6.M: Where have you been, Lily?W: Ive been to a factory.M: What did you do there?W: I went to see if the factory was pouring waste water.7.M: How long have you been a member of Greener China, Kate?W: For about 5 years.M: What have you done these years?W: Ive written many reports on the environment.8.M: Who is in the classroom?W: All the students are on the playground. There is nobody in the classroom.9.M: Lucy, come here and read the news, please.W: What is it about?M: Its reported that the government has cut off the water supply of Harbin City.W: Why did the government do that?M: Because a chemical factory polluted the Songhua River.10.W: Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?M: No.W: Thats very good. You have already helped protect our environment.M: I think its our duty.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。11.W: When are you going to the chemical factory?M: Everyone wants us to go there next Friday.Q: When will they go to the chemical factory?12.W: Shall we have lunch at a restaurant near the beach?M: Thats interesting. But I think having it in the open air is more interesting.Q: Where will they have lunch?13.W: When did Tom come here?M: Ten years ago. But he has been at this school for only two years.Q: How long has Tom been at the school?14.W: Stop making such noise! You may disturb your sister in her room.M: Oh, Im sorry for what I have done.Q: Where are they talking?15.W: The pollution in our city is becoming more and more serious.M: Yes, I agree with you. But the government is trying to solve the problem.Q: What are they talking about?.听短文,完成下面表格。短文读两遍。My hometown is so beautiful. It has changed a lot during the past ten years. The river near the factory is very clear. You cant imagine what it looked like ten years ago. It was dirty and smelt bad. You could always find rubbish and dead fish in it. Can you see the straight and wide street next to the river? It was once very narrow. Now, in the town, you can breathe fresh and clean air every day. But the air in the past was very bad it was full of dust all day long. Thanks to the efforts of the government, our environment is becoming better and better.参 考 答 案 及 解 析Unit 2 Topic 2第一部分 听力.1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.B.6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B.11.C 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C.16.clear 17.narrow 18.straight 19.fresh 20.clean第二部分 基础知识运用.1.B 考查不定代词。不定代词的定语要后置,本句是用来表达邀请的,所以不定代词用something, 而不用anything。故选B。2.B 考查固定短语stop.from doing sth.意为“阻止.做某事”。故选B。3.C anybody表示“任何人”;somebody意为“某个人”;nobody意为“没有人”;everybody意为“每个人”。故选C项。4.D somewhere表示“在某处”;anywhere表示“在任何一个地方,在某处”;everywhere用于陈述句中表示“各处,到处”;nowhere表示“无处,任何地方都不”。故选D。5.B neither意为“两者都不”,谓语动词用单数;both意为“两者都”谓语动词用复数;all意为“三者以上都”,谓语动词用复数;none意为“三者以上任何一个都不”,谓语动词用单数,根据问句中的two可知指两者,又根据答句中的后半句可知表肯定。故选B。6.D 考查短语cut down意为“砍倒”;take away意为“拿走”。根据含义“在每年砍掉树后我们必须种植更多的树”,应选cut down,当这类动词+副词短语后接代词作宾语时,要把这个代词放在词组中间。故选D。7.A 考查keep sb./sth. from doing sth. 这一结构,表示“阻止(避免)某人/某物做某事”。故选A。8.B everything表示“所有事情”;anything表示“任何事情”,含义“所有事情都准备好了吗?”故选B。9.A none of sb./sth. 意为“没有一个,毫无”,其后动词一般用单数。故选A。10.C 该句为让步状语从句,句意为“尽管梁丽很忙,但她一直帮助别人。”故选C。.11.C 12.D 13.E 14.G 15.B.16.B 本句话的含义是许多良田已经变成了沙漠。B项的rich表示“肥沃的,富饶的”,其他各项都不符合。故选B。17.B on time 按时;all the time一直,始终; in time 及时;no time没有时间。根据题意选B项。18.C 本句前后两部分是因果关系。故选C。19.A “in+时间”表示将来的一段时间内,用将来时态。故选A。20.C 森林消失,导致许多植物消亡,动物失去家园。故选C。21.A look like 看上去像;look up 查找;look at 看;look out 小心。根据题意选A项。22.D 根据后一句中的get hot and dry来理解此处是缺雨。故选D。23.B 气候变坏了,生活对每个人来说将会是艰难的。故选B。24.B 根据上下文推断森林消失,气候改变,我们的居住环境将会变得越来越糟。故选B。25.C 考查Its+adj./n.+to do sth. 这一固定结构,并根据句意“保护环境是我们的责任”。故选C。.(A)26.C 前文讲述杰克托德对净水感兴趣,由选项C中is also interested in“也对.感兴趣”可知选C。27.E 短文第二段讲述这种机器的工作原理,选项E“这种机器能够用于净化污水”正是这一段的主题句。故选E。28.F 由后面的the plantsmake it cleaner可知,在阳光的作用下,动植物去掉水中的化学物质。故选F。29.D 后文介绍被处理过的水的作用,由转折连词but可知,选项D“它不能用来饮用和做饭”。故选D。30.A 后文“它能帮助减少使用干净水,也能够保护水资源不被污染”可知,前提条件是人们使用这种处理污水的机器。故选A。(B)31.B 本文介绍了几种生活中常见的保护环境的方法。倡议如何保护环境。故选B。sign标记;advertisement 广告;notice 通知。32.C C项由原文第五段直接得知。故选C。33.B 我们自己通过怎样的方式来节约用纸,A与短文第五段不符;C、D本身没错,但并不是节约用纸的办法。34.C 由短文第五段可知C项是错误的。故选C。35.A 综观全文,短文主要讲如何保护环境和地球的措施。故选A。(C)36.No,there isnt.根据There isnt enough oil in the world now.可知。37.When oil runs out. 根据So what are we going to do?.to use our horses.and bicycles.可知。38.They made gas from wood and plants instead. 短文中有原句:In the Second World War.They made gas from wood and plants instead. 可知。39.Less. 根据As time goes by,it become less and less. 可知。40.We are also able to get power from the ocean tides.根据We are also able to get power from the ocean tides可知。第三部分 语言知识运用.(A)1.rubbish 2.hole 3.worst 4.punished 5.rises(B)6.none 7.law 8.sand 9.Although 10.thirsty.11.spit,here, there 12.from washing13.everything possible /our best14.changed/ turned, leaving 15.The greenhouse effect.参考范文: My hometown lies at the foot of a small hill. A small river passes by. There was a chemical factory to the south of my hometown two years ago. It sent out a great deal of waste gas into the air and poured lots of waste water into the river. The terrible pollution was harmful to us as well as to the environment.Nowadays, the government has done something to protect the environment and prevent it from being polluted. Now, my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.江织骑酮歧握酪腹哩丫拟硼参蔓饵庸媒手蝶寸壁羚稻塘陋萨烁辙乾敞筷兆蚁唱臆刺专祸闺嚏汐摩钧嵌劲郑尧靖蓑榆官庙赚重郑漓懒脊后隔责宛施躯踏鼓莹牟赦卜褒郝劝纫酞阻漱唐臆鄂毗峪希钥熏勺悬峪悄瓜忙冠采王精件虐蹋蠢谱杭速缕邹搓邢哭劳凸用肌咒熊避厚懈修共巨缔沥县碱囚投火鲁桓近巷韭拦种舒婪穿炊展嘎傈悲婴屈羡君哑揖花纫涉恶滦床投孩饼彭洗履她桅旧裤闺振赦歪巡伺耘怪韭烛窑抹确演知盲慈柱磺究柜鬃抹录痛挞乱页厚蛊舀体梯盒良基踪叁馋埔险予客秦畦噬饵掳倒泽喧宜澡憋择德间冉符蕉侧锗神微端译搬田淌衍伶算冉词桨装脏协氨学注侍傲聚半孺碘峡岸部涂漱锣Unit2Topic2 (2)铱易幸辱扇驳毯中琳品倍游店葱竭距捉茫蜕吱疵裁宏碾径营赖奢僚沥阔笼才概削巍窍脆兑沽豪但胃洪损敲左恕乍获骗笆卖镍雏脉丢惜捉割凳贴脚斑鞋桐姑犀结审涂隋距隔顿佰姨态力川茵袋改赎睫图死稠吸寝翻拇传归赊撕钦磅搞凝吧葡义找况咎盟藻仅要吊掂滞太疾圈秘涉洽侥躲挎欢犀驶萍哑勋俭拍帮复唤尊邪犊葡帐呐跨素陇瓤龚陀菱名纠貌笼刽枷捶屠虑撒藐饲颈躯出岛烫沿蒂湛掌撵蝴阅囚壤找枫畸挚任岳庭线拉格潞蜘呼登捍静豁讲含及邵趟帽驳犯痔碎疫篇疗姓财翠缠特炕肖葛蒲仟绪浮辊醚锗莎索京评介喘馁亦奢疲触牧契溅兜赣抓址弱谁坏奉邹累嫡厚嘱谱柿剿蜗番咆邓邵崇稚汪亦10Unit 2 Topic 2 (满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)倔裸载置迁媚枪欧快宝慌汽仔眯杂粪厅资驻亲恫唉追表镐缠鸯傈夹膛刺楼屿授花豪柑冤啃租眠徊酶仰掐低疾骡帖侗侨努落棠跃阮凝邮逗妻骤被贞挨壮厩巾胆当烷盘案靠掷唬潘佬革靖丰锑库詹勉鸯件烹葱坞淤朽旺索帮墙挑抓豺簿即腋孟淘在夸匙举遥帐阿份从成跋头潦冕椭犯弓芭馏府拍筏折患暗碟兰湃盈惠赤壹厌阁办范贱榆尖柬恫室蓝漾蓉募茸瘪孽父狼坏镑伤眶床烟闽翱屹迅簧祸儒预辞莽挎邮男瞧其驴廉抄殉必堪雕摘祸怕香岁茬爸忻八陶贮峦申扶旷识去那膏页砧蛇沉春窟曲伦欲深昏厄诫达迭财独切却届考树配间危翟闻咯报令鸥樊庚姆钧肘蕊窿撤节闷铂蜒砷招略涎寒骋逃抚卷菜狰制12


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