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2016年尔雅西方文化概论考试(In 2016, the introduction to western culture)The final exam of western culture introduction (20)(21,40 is wrong)Item number: 100.0 due date: 2016-07-01 12:00Submit the paper1. Topic selectionRome is concerned with the law and the Romans, and the following is not true about this claim ().A,Rome was a forced productB,Rome inherited its legal consciousness from GreeceC,Rome was a utilitarian nationD,Rome was to keep the society under severe punishmentMy answer: BThe birth of ancient Greek drama is related to ().A,ZeusB,Goddess of wisdomC,sunD,The wine of godMy answer: DAlthough Europe is highly divided, the church is unified and the head of the church is ().A,ConstantinopleB,The GreekC,The RomanD,JerusalemMy answer: CIn the following statements about the Renaissance humanists in Europe, it is not true that ().A,They are interested in philosophy and scienceB,Many of them are professional scholarsC,They studied and imitated ancient grammar, style, art and literatureD,They are full of worship of ancient Greek and Roman authoritiesMy answer: AThe following is not what Christianity inherits from Judaism ().A,St to teach historyB,Suffering consciousness and sense of guiltC,Universal religionD,Voters consciousnessMy answer: CThe master of ancient Greek philosophy is ().A,PlatoB,AristotleC,SocratesD,thalesMy answer: BThe battle between ancient Rome and ancient Carthage was fought for domination.A,1 timeB,2 timesC,3 timesD,4 timesMy answer: COf the following statements about stoicism, the correct one is ().A,It has asceticismB,Its also called moralismC,It is particularly high in virtue and is considered to be more important than happiness.D,Above all toMy answer: DOne obvious feature of the Greek tragedy compared to the recent tragedy is the Greek tragedy ().A,Myths and legendsB,fateC,The warD,loveMy answer: BGreek mythology is characterized by consanguinity.A,People and godB,Rulers and godC,Heroes and godD,Soldiers and godMy answer: CThe Romans believed that the legend of Roman origin was related to ().A,The leopardB,The dogC,The WolfD,The lionMy answer: CThe famous book exodus in jewish history is about () leading the jews out of Egypt.A,JesusB,MosesC,MohammedD,AbrahamMy answer: BIn the middle ages, a civilian college student would become () after graduation.A,artisansB,nobleC,Members of the clergyD,A soldierMy answer: CThe declaration of independence says that we have some inalienable rights that are inalienable.A,Gods rightB,Moral rightsC,Turn rightD,Natural rightsMy answer: DThe following is not Martin Luthers famous vita view.A,Only faithB,The bible aloneC,But JesusD,The dimension of graceMy answer: CThe following is not true about Martin Luther.A,He is GermanB,The walms-religious meeting executed himC,He translated the bible into GermanD,He thought it justified by faithMy answer: BThe supreme law enforces () the supreme leader of the church of England.A,AnglicanB,King of EnglandC,Archbishop atterburyD,The PopeMy answer: B18 () religious reform is characterized by the emphasis on the idea of the vocation and the ideas of the two countries.A,AnglicanB,LutheranC,calvinismD,The churchMy answer: CThe augsburg peace agreement marks the legitimacy of ().A,AnglicanB,LutheranC,calvinismD,The churchMy answer: BBetween the 4th and 5th centuries, the most important thinker of the godfathers philosophy was ().A,augustusB,augustineC,PlatoD,SocratesMy answer: BThe first military dictatorship in ancient Rome was () general.A,trailsB,Graz,C,CaesarD,Thats not trueMy answer: not BFor the first time, the Anglican church of England was clearly defined by the Anglican church of England.A,King Henry viiiB,Bloody MaryC,Queen ElizabethD,Charles v.My answer: CThaless philosophy is ().A,Everything comes from water, and everything comes back to waterB,Any qualification is negationC,Qi is the root of all thingsD,Everything originates from fireMy answer: A24 () march into Egypt, extinguishing the ptolemaic dynasty.A,AlexanderB,octavianC,AnthonyD,CaesarMy answer: BAristotle believed that the tragedy of ancient Greece could mobilize our () emotions.A,Pity and hopeB,Hope and fearC,Hope and solitudeD,Pity and aweMy answer: DThe first to enter the capitalist west European countries was the first to complete ().A,A centralizedB,RenaissanceC,Land reformD,Tax reformMy answer: AOf the three protestant denominations produced by the reformation in the 1600s, the most international was ().A,AnglicanB,LutheranC,calvinismD,The churchMy answer: COf the following statements about the characteristics of Roman culture, incorrect is ().A,The first half of Roman history was heroismB,The second half of Roman history is tragicC,Utilitarianism is the spiritual characteristic of the whole nation of RomeD,The Romans focused on the real interestMy answer: B29 () was the first to lead the people to the bastille.A,marlaB,Roland Mrs.C,dandongD,roblesMy answer: COf the following statements about the Christian bible, incorrect is ().A,Its made up of the old testament, the new testamentB,The first part of it is the old testament.C,The new testament is a jewish classicD,Judaism is the source of many stories in the bibleMy answer: CThe gothic architecture is full of Christian ideas.A,idealismB,Of the mainC,Only love,D,Only the spirit of socialismMy answer: DJesus believed that the two laws were the greatest, the first was when he loved god, and the second was ().A,When love their parentsB,When love yourselfC,When love familyD,When you love your neighborMy answer: DWhich of the following is the most basic tenet of Christianity established by the nicene creed? (a)A,The trinityB,Christ Jesus died and was resurrectedC,theismD,The above areMy answer: DAfter the constance religious meeting, the Roman Catholic church was reunified.A,Archbishop of bordeauxB,Martin v.C,Boniface viiiD,Urban viMy answer: BThe scales are not to be determined, not by the defeated, but by the victorious men.A,Rome and GreeceB,Rome and CarthageC,Rome and PersiaD,Rome and GaulMy answer: D36 () once following Pompey, he chose to commit bloody suicide after being defeated.A,brutusB,AnthonyC,Small ng figureD,CaesarMy answer: CIn the age of Greek city-states, the way the greeks were exposed to education was mainly ().A,Hear the bard singB,Watch the fight against the beastC,Watch the dramaD,Reading and literatureMy answer: CIn the 5th century AD, the western empire was invaded and the western empire was destroyed.A,National GaulB,GermanicC,turkianD,Thats not trueMy answer: BHomer and herzeod lived in ().A,The period of the Crete civilizationB,The dark ages will be exhaustedC,Age of civilizationD,Thats not trueMy answer: BThe first metaphysical inclination of western philosophers is ().A,thalesB,AristotleC,PythagorasD,empedoclesMy answer: not BThe first point of view is ().A,PlatoB,AristotleC,SocratesD,thalesMy answer: BThe Greek polis was marked by ().A,The passage of the Phoenician textB,The first Olympia gamesC,The first dionysian festivalD,The political system of separation of powersMy answer: BIt is incorrect to say that the encyclopaedia faction of the enlightenment period was ().A,An intellectual who is a group of encyclopediasB,Their leader was diderotC,Voltaire is the representative of encyclopediasD,They declared themselves materialist and atheistMy answer: CIn the middle ages,The religious umpire constituted by () carries out a sentence and death penalty for heresy.A,Pope Benedict and I willB,Francis and I willC,The jesuits and the franciscansD,Catholic benedictine and jesuitsMy answer: BIn the middle ages, the common people had no national concept, only the concept of the Lord.A,The warB,Tax systemC,The feudal systemD,conscriptionMy answer: CIn 585 AD, the marcone religious conference clearly defined () the rule of religion.A,titheB,Eleven taxC,The church taxD,The priest taxMy answer: AOf the following statements about the differences between Catholicism and protestantism, it is not true that ().A,Catholic organization is always unifiedB,The Vatican is the Catholic churchC,Protestant organizations are closely knit and hierarchicalD,The Anglican church in England largely retained the Catholic churchMy answer: CThe famous funeral speech of Pericles was the death of the mourners.A,He warB,The peloponnesian warC,And warD,Jas warsMy answer: B49 () is the general philosophical basis and jurisprudential basis of Roman law.A,Civil lawB,Foreign lawC,Civil lawD,Natural lawMy answer: DAfter Caesars death, the latter three Allies refer to ().A,Anthony, repida and octavianB,Anthony, brutus and octavianC,Brutus, repida and octavianD,Anthony, repida and brutusMy answer: AIi. JudgmentIn Roman history, emperor Nero brutally persecuted christians. (a)My answer: the square rootThe calvinism emphasizes the virtues of diligence and thrift. (a)My answer: the square rootEarly Christianity spread in Greece and Rome because Christianity accepted Greek philosophy. (a)My answer: the square rootIn the 414th century, the European university, the church and the secular kingship had a three-way situation. (a)My answer: the square rootThe profound nature of the Greek tragedy is the focus on the story and the fate behind the hero. (a)My answer: the square rootBefore the six hippo war, Greece was a secessionist, and after the hippo war, Greece began to become imperialist. (a)My answer: the square rootIn 71054, Christianity officially divided into the eastern Catholic and western orthodox churches. (a)My answer: *The secularization of education has greatly contributed to the original accumulation of British capitalism. (a)My answer: the square rootThe last emperor of the Roman empire in the eastern Roman empire was abolished as a sign. (a)My answer: *The natural law school emphasizes that the sovereign right comes from god, and the sovereign right is the natural right of Kings. (a)My answer: *The 11 Mycenaean civilization has both the reference to the Crete civilization and the characteristics of the northern rougher. (a)My answer: the square rootIn the 1213th century, Britain formed the tradition of under the law through the constitutional monarchy.My answer: *13 Pythagoras is a great mathematician and founder of a mystical religion. (a)My answer: the square rootThe jewish conservatives sent the governor of Syria to the then Roman governor to inform him that Jesus was crucified on the cross. (a)My answer: the square rootThe drama of ancient Greek comedy is not great, the plot is not complicated, the whole is short and fierce. (a)My answer: the square rootThe commune established in munster, Germany, was the first practice of communism in modern times. (a)My answer: the square rootThe typical Roman religion is a parody of Greek religion. (a)My answer: the square rootThe society of Sparta was divided into three classes, the top of which were spartans, and the men were warriors. (a)My answer: the square rootIn the development of the drama of ancient Greece, comedy prevailed earlier than tragedy. (a)My answer: *The Greek civilization is called the cradle of western civilization. (a)My answer: the square rootAccording to Hegel, Rousseaus insistence on sovereignty can easily become a kind of totalitarianism. (a)My answer: the square rootThe nicene creed, formed at the first meeting of the Christian church, became the most important Christian document. (a)My answer: the square rootThe edict of nantes, issued by king Henry iv of France, established calvinism as the church of France. (a)My answer: *24 now it is widely believed and accepted that the Greek fugitives were the decisive cause of the European Renaissance. (a)My answer: *Although boccaccio was a humanist, his the decameron created a kind of folk literature. (a)My answer: the square rootChristianity preserved the flame of classical civilization during the barbarian invasion of western Rome. (a)My answer: the square rootDuring the medieval feudal society, the people only claimed that the Lord didnt know which country he belonged to. (a)My answer: the square rootThe French finally defeated the untouchable Romans with a crushing defeat. (a)My answer: *The great third of Macao is built by one of the new sects, the jesuits. (a)My answer: *In the Roman calendar, July is for augustus, and in August it is for Caesar. (a)My answer: *After the 3118th century, Western Europe became prosperous politically and economically, and most southern European countries lagged behind. (a)My answer: the square rootThe first Greek civilization was called the Aegean civilization. (a)My answer: the square rootThe political center of eastern Rome is Rome, and the official language is Latin. (a)My answer: *In the 15th and 16th centuries, British forces adopted a balanced policy to limit the development of other great powers. (a)My answer: the square rootThe trigger for the prisoner of avion was the hundred years war. (a)My answer: the square rootThe calvinistic people were called puritans in England. (a)My answer: the square rootThe last emperor of the Roman empire was the little Romulus augustus. (a)My answer: the square rootThe 38mycenaean civilization was first established by the Greek settlements. (a)My answer: *Romanesque architecture, heavy and thick, has a sinking power that gives a strong, solid feeling. (a)My answer: the square rootIn the 4013th century,The European church issued a coupon for the redemption of property. (a)My answer: the square rootDescartes thought that the external empirical fact cannot be doubted, Francis? Bacon thinks that self-consciousness cannot be doubted. (a)My answer: *The term protestantism originally came from the meaning of protest. (a)My answer: the square rootDuring the Periclean period, the democratic system of Athens was completed, forming the original model of separation of powers. (a)My answer: the square rootAfter the Turkish invasion of the Roman empire, Constantinople was renamed to Istanbul today. (a)My answer: the square rootThe basic idea of epicureanism is to conform to nature and obey fate. (a)My answer: *The comedy of Greece is characterized by its sarcasm, which reflects ridicule, deconstruction and parody. (a)My answer: the square rootPhilosophy first originated in Greece. (a)My answer: the square rootThe yom kippur of the medieval church in Europe represents the theory of righteousness by faith. (a)My answer: *The motive for the discovery was to spread Christianity and the opium trade. (a)My answer: *50 democritus is materialism, Plato is idealist. (a)My answer: the square rootReturn to the top


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