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Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional innovation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of scientific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions science and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology projects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, supporting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and technical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development唐津高速软土路基施工方法根据标段内构造物的分布情况分为三种软土地基:一是一般软土地基段;二是箱涵软土地基地段;三是桥头软土地基地段。区别不同情况采取三种处理方案。1、软土地基处理(1)一般软土地基处理方案采用塑料排水板处理软土地带。插板完成后铺土工布及砂垫层,并用石灰土封盖砂垫层,然后填筑粉煤灰路堤,再实施预压土方。详见“塑料排水板加固软土地基施工方法及工艺”。(2)箱涵软土地基处理方案在箱涵基础下设有6m粉喷桩加密区,两侧为15m粉喷桩处理区,然后为50m塑料排水板的软土处理段,包括预压土方,待沉降趋于稳定后,再进行粉喷桩施工,然后进行箱涵主体施工及填筑涵后路基。(3)桥头软土地基处理方案在桥头两侧设15m粉喷桩加固区,然后为50m塑料排水板处理区。施工时,首先实施50m塑料排水板处理区,包括路基填料及预压,待路基沉降趋于稳定后再进行粉喷桩施工。粉喷桩施工详见“粉喷桩加固软土地基施工方法及工艺”。2、粉煤灰路基施工本标段路基为全填方形式,边坡坡度为1:2,路基填料为粉煤灰,两侧边坡为1m厚粘土封层。(一)粉煤灰路基施工方法及程序(1)运输及储存经选定合格的粉煤灰采用自卸汽车从灰场运至施工现场,装车前先向灰堆洒水,装车后再行洒水拍实,以保证运输过程中不扬灰。但还要保证粉煤灰含水量不超过最佳含水量。为保护环境,运输车可加蓬盖。(2)摊铺和摊铺厚度在经过碾压完的石灰土封层上要先培好护肩土,并予以压实。其宽度需要达到规定要求,以防止削坡露灰。填筑、压实每层粉煤灰与护肩土要同步进行,以增强整体结构,减轻雨水冲刷。路基护肩土取自线路两侧取土坑。粉煤灰从自卸汽车卸下后,即用推土机摊铺,并及时用平地机进行整平,松铺厚度控制在30cm一层。(3)含水量控制摊铺好的粉煤灰含水量要经洒水至最佳含水量,即可进行碾压,碾压时采用25t振动式压路机进行。含水量控制可分两步:由试验人员进行碾压前的目测控制洒水量和碾压成型后用环刀取样测定含水量。(4)碾压摊铺好的粉煤灰必须及时碾压,并要求当天摊铺,当天压完,以防止水分蒸发或受降雨的影响,雨天不易上料,摊铺时遇雨,应及时抢压数遍,以减少雨水侵入。 路基压实度控制标准填 控 类 别槽底面以下深度压实度%粉煤灰路堤0-30封顶层9330-809380-150921509020底封层90零 填0-3095(二)填筑石灰土顶封层粉煤灰填至设计标高后,在其顶面用30cm后石灰土封层,并要求压实。石灰土封层顶面标高与路槽底面标高相同。3、预压土方施工当路基填料及石灰土封层按要求完成后,才能填筑预压土方。填筑时应分层进行,每层不能超过40cm,在填筑过程中要观测路堤的垂直沉降及侧移,直至达到设计要求。预压土方总厚度由设计控制,路基清除的地表土及耕植土可以作为预压土方,路基两侧取土坑的部分土方也可作为预压土方。预压完成后,卸载土方除可就近利用外,剩余部分要运回取土坑。塑料排水板处理软土地基施工方法及工艺(一)施工准备1、横坡及第一层砂砾垫层的设置(1)首先将软土地基段内沟水排除、清淤,清除原地面的草皮或耕植土,用砂砾回填至地面高。然后按坡度2-3%继续铺30cm厚砂砾垫层,并碾压密实。(2)机具定位a、选用DZ60KS打拔桩机,根据设计要求确定出每个板的孔位,并用木桩作以标记,在套管插入时要将其拔掉。b、插板机定位时要保证桩锤中心与地面定位在同一点上,并用测量仪器控制桩锤与塔架的垂直。(二)塑料板与桩尖连接在塔架插板卷筒上安置塑料板,然后将塑料板通过套管从管靴穿出,固定在桩尖上,并一起贴紧管靴对准板位。(三)沉管插板沉管开始时要缓慢,防止套管突然偏斜,入土后要观察,直插至设计要求的深度。(四)拔管剪断塑料板沉管到设计深度后即可拔管,这时,塑料板因桩尖与土的阻力而垂直设置在软土地基中。套管拔出后剪断塑料板,在砂砾垫层上留出2030cm,拔管时要连续缓慢进行,中途不得放松吊绳,防止因套管下坠而损坏塑料板。(五)用土工布及砂垫层封塑料板塑料排水板施工完成后,铺设一层土工布,土工布宽度超过路基坡脚1米,土工布上面铺10cm砂垫层。两端土工布向内侧回卷1米,然后在10cm砂垫层上再铺一层土工布,土工布上再铺砂垫层,两端土工布向内侧回卷1米,用20cm厚石灰土封盖砂垫层。以上每层砂垫层及石灰土封层完后都要进行压实。同灰土路基并填筑预压土方(详见粉煤灰路基施工说明)。(六)质量控制与施工要求(1)砂砾材料砂砾材料在用塑料排水板处理软土地基中用来作垫层,同时又是滤水层,因而其质量的好坏直接关系到滤水效果。根据技术规范要求砂砾材料应为中砂、粗砂、砂砾或碎(砂)石,有关要求按规范执行。(2)塑料排水板及土工布选用国家注册商标,说明书、出厂质量检查合格证齐全且能满足设计图纸技术要求的塑料排水板和土工布,外观须无破损、孔洞和裂隙等疵点。(3)塑料排水板插入软土地基中的位置要尽量准确,出现偏差也不应超出技术规范规定(偏差包括位置偏差和垂直度偏差)。(4)铺设土工布要一直延伸到沟侧,相临两层土工布的搭接长度应符合技术规范或不少于30cm。(5)塑料板施工要避开雨季,且插板完后要及时进行封闭。(七)劳力组织塑料排水板施工工作人员以围绕主机为中心分工协作。各负其责,各岗位人员及分工是:塑料排水板施工劳力组织表工 种人数职 责 分 工工 班 长1指挥协调、计划安排、安全质量控制技术员或技 师1测量定位、技术指导、质量检查、事故分析处理、现场记录、资料整理机械司机1卷扬机操作及养护电 工1供电、照明、用电安全检查操 作 工2-4机械就位、塑料板与桩尖连接、对准桩位、剪断塑料板、移机C、粉喷桩处理软土地基施工方法及工艺1、施工工艺(1)施工准备施工前应作好现场调查,检修机械设备,取工点的土样进行水泥土试验,安全钻机并进行试运转,备足施工所需材料。(2)地表清淤回填将软土地基内沟水排除、清淤,用砂砾回填至地面高,然后继续回填砂砾,铺完30cm厚砂砾垫层。将过渡段塑料排水板区的超载预压填土填筑至施工标高,待路堤沉降趋于稳定后再进行粉喷桩的施工。(3)钻机就位移动钻机至设计孔位,使钻头对准桩位中心。(4)试喷钻机就位后,首先进行低压(0.3MPa)喷粉试验,以检查喷嘴是否畅通,压力是否正常。(5)钻孔钻机经试喷合格后即行钻孔。启动搅拌机及空压机,边旋转边钻进。钻头钻至设计标高后停止钻进。(6)粉喷工艺粉喷主要技术参数:粉喷压力0.10.6MPa,搅拌速度3040R/min,提升速度12m/min。粉喷。启动搅拌机,边转边提升,同时喷射水泥粉与土体掺和搅拌。当钻头提升至上部设计标高(至少距地面0.5米)时,停止供给水泥粉。在正式打桩之前应做试桩,根据成桩的含粉量确定合适的喷射压力,对喷粉量达不到设计要求的桩应做复喷。整个工艺流程见下图所示:准备工作钻机就位 试喷 钻孔 接长钻孔 钻孔结束 粉喷 粉喷结束 清理钻机 结束备料钻机移至新孔位2、机具设备使用的机具设备主要有钻机、空压机、高压送灰管等,详见下表。粉 喷 机 具 设 备 表序 号机具名称型 号台数作 用1钻 机JJG-301钻孔、粉喷2空 压 机3L-10/81对水泥粉加压3高 压 管20mm(内径)输送高压水泥粉3、劳力组织单机作业每班人员组织分工详见下表。单 管 粉 喷 人 员 组 织 分 工 表序 号职 务职 责 范 围人 数1班 长全面掌握施工质量和安全12钻 探 工操作钻机、卸钻杆、维修保养和排除故障13泵 工操作空压机及维修保养14电 工负责钻机、电源、电路、工地照明及电气故障排除15普 工倒 水 泥26普 工协 助 钻 机 工 作27技术员和记录掌握施工技术、质量、写工程日志1合计94、质量控制及施工注意事项(1)检验手段静力触探试验在成桩后2448小时内用静力触探仪进行自检,填写自检单。当发现水泥土桩身比贯入阻力PS较小(小于原地基土PS的45倍),应考虑重新补钻进行粉喷。挖坑,桩体取样做无限抗压强度试验挖坑深34米,分56段,每段中做一试样,进行28天侧限抗压强度试验,在砍桩过程中测量桩径和桩中心盲区直径,并对桩身的搅拌均匀性填写工程记录。单桩静载破坏试验每工点抽12根做单桩静载破坏试验,测定单桩极限承载及沉降低值。按要求0.5米桩径极限承载力不小于150KN相应沉降值不大于4.5毫米。(2)施工注意事项钻杆旋转和提升必须连续不中断,拆卸接长钻杆和连续粉喷时要保持1020cm的搭接长度,以免出现断桩。在粉喷过程中,如因机械故障,中断粉喷时,应重新钻至桩底设计标高后,重新粉喷。D、软土地基施工观测填土高度大于2.5米的软土路堤,施工中应同时埋设观测设备,根据观测到的沉降值控制施工进度。(1)地面沉降观测采用地面沉降观测仪,主要用来观测填筑路面的沉降值。需要在附近设固定点,以固定点为基准用水准测量测定沉降仪的沉降值。地面沉降设置如图所示:(2)连续式沉降观测采用连续沉降仪,测量深层土的压缩变形。该仪器设在路中心,自基底砂垫层穿透软土层进入持力层。其读数引线引至路基坡脚外。连续沉降仪设置如图所示:(3)地表侧向位移观测地面位移桩法,设置于软土路基坡脚以外,每排6-7根,间距2-3米,深度2米左右,桩顶标高相同,且在同一轴线上。为了便于观测,应在侧位移桩外延线上设置两个不受影响的固定点。(4)深层土侧向位移观测采用测斜仪观测路堤水平位移。测斜管埋置于路面坡脚,底部进入持力层。利用钻机在指定坡脚钻好孔,将连接好的测斜管放入孔中,放好后在管壁外和孔的空隙中回填稍稀的膨润土。本标段施工观测仪器布置严格按“软土施工观测布置表”施工。路基横断面上观测仪器布置如图所示。塑料排水板处理软土地基施工工艺框图回填并铺筑砂砾垫层地 表 清 淤 回 填机 具 定 位塑料板与桩尖连接沉 管 插 板拔管剪断塑料板机 具 移 位铺第一层土工布铺第一层砂垫层铺第二层土工布铺第二层砂垫层石 灰 土 封 盖填筑粉煤灰路堤石 灰 土 封 层填 筑 预 压 土 方沉 降 及 位 移 观测侧 向 粘 土 封 层砌 筑 盲 沟塑料板固定在卷筒上砂 砾 石 料 选 定材 料 抽 样 检 验塑 料 板 质量 检 验记 录 整 理 资 料土 工 布 试 验Without leads, my transition would be struggling. To improve the talent mechanism. Recently, the Central Government issued a circular on opinions on deepening the reform of talent development system aimed at stimulating innovation to create the maximum of entrepreneurial activity. We to actual research developed implement views of implementation approach, further perfect prefectural last year introduced of 19 article talent policy, to through flexible introduced talent, and joint construction development center, and cooperation established focus laboratory, measures solution local talent short problem, implementation technology results pricing shares, and equity option incentive, and Division, award approach, guarantees talent to knowledge, and skills, and management, innovation elements participation interests distribution, in-depth implementation students introduced engineering and local students return engineering, Reverse the shortage situation as soon as possible. To further optimize the allocation of talent. Establishing and perfecting the talent flow system, improving horizontal and vertical mobility, promoting talent in the orderly flow of units with different properties and different areas, improve the wages, health benefits, job appraisal, pension policy, encouraging talent flows to the base first, production line, especially those business park, enterprise incubator . Policy, Tai Hing talent in the whole society, love, weight, using only wind, talent innovation create profit, honor, status, efforts to create a social media environment to encourage innovation, failure tolerated. Four to foster the market. Vibrant market, it is an important foundation for economic transformation and development. Inspire creativity is to enhance endogenous impetus for economic development. Padded short I industrial Panel, accelerating the pace of development, must be hard work on fostering market players. To activate the stock of State-owned enterprises. Through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, reshape the industry chain and the supply chain, more soft values. (XX, to highlight the industrial development plan, lead cultivation and created on board the enterprise, in the Thirteen-Five period, added on board the Enterprise 4, on the regulation of industrial enterprises reached 5. While breakthrough clean energy into industrial development, optimizing the structure of XX energy play XX water rich in resources, important clean-energy base in Northern XX build XXX). Growth of non-public economy. Active encourages, and support and guide non-public economic development, around General Secretary pointed out that of development encountered of market of iceberg, and financing of Alpine, and transformation of volcano this three seat big mountain, developed has breakthrough of with to, and tax, and financial, support policy, to really helped really help, support Lin Gebei, and constant friends, and beyond, non-public enterprise put products do fine, and put


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