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CONTENTS摘要.Abstract.1. Background for the essay .12. Different grades arise different gap.2 2.1The second term of grade seven.2. 2.2 The Grade Eight.22.3 The Grade Nine.33. Provide support for underachievers.33.1 Grab their positive psychology, pay more attention about their.43.2 Dived them into different levels make the “underachievers” feel a sense of success.43.3 Optimization of classroom teaching to enhance teaching interesting, mobilize the enthusiasm of students.53.4 More communication with underachievers, and correct evaluation of a comprehensive.64. Conclusion.7Bibliography.8Acknowledgements .9摘 要步入21世纪,掌握、运用英语能力已成为测试个人综合能力、素质的一项重要指标。但是在目前的中学英语教学中,学生的水平参差不齐, 学生的两极分化现象普遍存在,而且往往十分突出,直接影响着学生在整个中学阶段的英语成绩,同时也阻碍了初中英语教学质量的提高。因此,如何防止学生英语成绩的两极分化,如何控制和缩小分化,全面提高教学质量,使学生在初中阶段获得较好的成绩,为他们的今后发展学习打下坚实的基础,值得我们研究,尤其作为英语系的学生,立志将来作为一名教师的我,十分有必要。英语学习两极分化的现象在初中普遍存在。这种现象通常是七年级差别不大,八年级泾渭分明,九年级分化严重,使英语教学陷入被动。教师如不及时正视这一问题,并积极采取行之有效的措施,容易使部分学生失去学习兴趣。在初中英语教学活动中,老师常有有这样的感觉:学生们虽然同时开始学习英语,并且同是一个老师教,一部分学生越学越好,兴趣越来越浓;另一部分学生成绩却很不理想,他们越学越没兴趣,越学越没自信。一般说来,刚进校的初一学生,对英语学习热情高,好奇心强,学习成绩较好,但是有一部分学生刚进校就很难产生兴趣,可能是他们在小学阶段没能打好扎实的基础,理解能力、记忆能力、知识的迁移能力和英语综合运用能力就比一般同学差,所以对英语产生了抗拒心理,再随着时间的推移难度的加深,这部分同学的成绩一步步地落后掉队,而且落伍人数也逐渐增加,而且差别越来越明显,甚至会出现两个极端。针对这一现状,作为来自于农村地区的大学生,本着将来回报家乡,成为一名优秀的人民教师的,同时实现自己的人生价值,对天水地区初中英语学习防止两极分化进行一些初步探究,对以后顺利的进行工作很有必要。关键词: 两极分化;教学方法;初中生;后进生;英语学习AbstractStep into 21 century, to master the use of English has become a personal comprehensive ability test and an important indicator of quality. But in the current English teaching, students polarization is widespread and very prominent, direct impact on students of English learning throughout the whole grades. Therefore, how to prevent the polarization performance of students in English, how to control and reduce the divide, and comprehensively improve the quality of teaching so that students get better at the junior secondary grades is significant. And as an English major student, I want to be an English teacher in the future. I think to study this problem is helpful to my career.The polarization in middle school is a common phenomenon. This phenomenon is usually not very serious from the seventh grade, eighth grade clear distinction, the ninth grade differentiation serious, so that English teaching in a passive position. If Teachers who do not promptly address this problem, and actively take effective measures, it is easy to make part of the students lost interest in learning English.In the English teaching we often find this phenomenon: though the students start learning English at the same time, and teacher is also the same. Some students got more and more interests about learning English, then another part of students lose their interests gradually. They learn more and forgot more. In general, when the students enter school in the early days they have much enthusiasm, curiosity and motive to learn English. If this situation would keep all the time, that will be a good news to the entire teacher. With the process of them learning, some problem has happened. There are a few students confused understanding, memory, knowledge transfer skills and English proficiency. This part of the students grades step by step behind left behind, and the increasing number of people falling behind, but more and more obvious differences, a polarization may be appeared! Key Words: Polarization; Teaching method; Middle school student;Underachievers ;English learning.1.Background for the essayThere is a phenomenon that a lot of students of middle school arose difficult about English, in other words, some students get more interests about English learning, yet others far away English. When we talk about English learning ,we must speak of polarization. What is polarization? One of the answers is that Grade Eight middle school students with the rising grade and learning content increases and the difficulty of the increase, as a result, some good scores getting better and better, then part of that poor students performance is getting worse, and even loss of confidence in learning English.It is a prevalent phenomenon in English teaching over the years that the middle school students to learn English in the beginning to produce a polarization, especially more serious in rural secondary schools. And how to deal with this problem is always puzzle the middle school students. There are several methods to this problem. Firstly, it is sufficient to effectively prevent polarization in the entry of middle school. To quickly resolve this problem that determines the students to improve English learning and development. At first time, teachers need to find out the situation of the new classes of students, including students base of learning, students personality, learning attitudes and habits. The introverted students who tend to have difficulties to guide them to more open, the teacher should give them more interaction , to experience from the start of their English teachers in special care, maybe they will overcome their learning difficulties and perseverance. Secondly, the basis for poor and rural students spelling ability to imitate is not strong as the higher grades, students begin to learn spelling ability and master the pronunciation rules. As the students that they base the foundation of memory and the accumulation of vocabulary. In addition to timely guidance on the study of law students, students in memorizing English, should be explained to students the law of memory and forgetting to introduce the method and the memory cycle Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, the right learning method is a guarantee of success, through the awareness of teachers to guide, supervise and check, so that students learn to master the correct way as soon as possible. Gradually to develop them a independent habit, such as preview before class, active participation, seriously good notes, review the consolidated after-school time, every day reading and recitation , using a variety of methods memorizing words, serious writing, work independently, as soon as possible to carry out extra-curricular reading, conversation, and so actively practice speaking, once the students develop good study habits, teaching half success.Canadian social psychologist Gardner and Lambert divided the type of foreign language learning motivation into integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. With the integrative motivation and with instrumental motivation are likely to get a high score of foreign language proficiency test, but generally speaking, with integrative motivation as learning more successful. 2.Different grades arise different gapIn English teaching, The middle school students of rural area learning English arise polarization ,why has this happened? Though students learning English at the same time, some students get much interest. But some part of get little achievement. In order to improve teaching quality, we change the method of teaching to increase the students interest and cultivate the students ability of study, thought and suspicion.2.1 The second term of grade sevenWhen the middle school student entered school in early days, they have deep interest in English learning. Through the first terms learning, some students began to lose confidence in English learning, especially since the second terms learning. Why did this phenomenon happened? Compare to elementary level, intermediate level of English learning is like a bottleneck, with substantial content and more subjects. So polarization begin to appear firstly in the English learning, especially in rural area. 2.2The Grade EightIn English study, grade 8 is a geomantic ridge. In this term, more students are confused about English learning. There are more subjects and substantial content in English learning. A nd the base of rural students are very poor. However, many researchers have demonstrated the fact that word knowledge does not increase naturally with the advancement of learning.So many new words arose the front of students, some of them lose confidence in English learning.2.3 The Grade Nine According to the root causes of learning motivation, motivation of English learning can be divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation of foreign language learners in terms of their own personal interest, motivation to learn from the learners internal factors, such as the thirst for knowledge, curiosity, self-expression, etc.; extrinsic motivation by external means to promote foreign language learners, or external incentives motivation resulting from the excitation, as for obtaining a diploma, school, high scores, and even parents and teachers recognize the incentives. Most researchers believe that stronger and more lasting effects of intrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation.So we called those who have difficult in English learning are underachievers. When those students entered the Grade Nine, there is a serious situation that they need to go to high school. Their poor English may be influenced in their last score. Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural students. 3.Provide support for underachieversThe key reason is interest. The more they are not interested in learning ,They lose more self-confidence. In general, when the students enter school in the early days they have much enthusiasm , curiosity and motive to learn English. If this situation would keep all the time, that will be a good news to all the teacher. With the process of they learning, some problem have happened. There are a few students confused understanding, memory, knowledge transfer skills and English proficiency . This part of the students grades step by step behind left behind, and the increasing number of people falling behind, but more and more obvious differences, A polarization may be appeared!From my experience of learning English of middle school, I think it is a frequent corrosion that grades twos student happened, especially in the rural area. Next, there are several suggestions about this problem.3.1Grab their positive psychology, often concerned about their.Once a underachievers wrote a little piece of paper to a teacher, I hope you can call me in English class to answer some simple questions, from their words, we can saw their eager to get the teachers attention and affirmation. In fact, we all know that everyone, , whether good or bad character, young and old, who has a desire to be recognized by the psychological needs of others. Our desire is to induce such a positive internal to become driving force. A well-known educator once said: The goal of education is to seize all the students ambition. And like all students, underachievers also want to improve themselves, they even use different ways to win the recognition of teachers and students. However, in general, they often find obstacles everywhere. It is this desire for long-term are not met, again and again to experience the frustration and failure, the spirit of constantly being suppressed, then gradually become lazy and give up on themselves, laissez-faire. Teachers to catch them positive psychology, to find their potential, English language classes a little more attention to them, encourage them, and they certainly pay more, when the teacher concerned them, their enthusiasm for learning English will gradually increase, and generated positive emotions.3.2 Dived them into different levels make the underachievers feel a sense of success. Famous educator Suhomlinski,from the former Soviet Union states said: Teaching and education skills and art lies to make every childs strength and possibilities to play out, so he enjoyed the fun of the successful mental work. In another words, in learning, both on the mental content (the nature of the job) or to the time required, it should be taken to individual treatment approach. For the rural middle school students, broad brains of the students and give them more challenging activities or problems is a successful method. Another problem, underachievers often lack of self-confidence and sense of accomplishment. This is common phenomenon between the students. Therefore the teachers should pay much attention about this problem. To this end, teachers can give underachievers a separate assignment. Or require parents to urge the students to complete their homework at home. Adhere to the surface of batch their work, timely solutions to their difficulties in learning, so that initial success as soon as possible to enhance the enthusiasm of learning English. To establish the sincere feeling between the students and the teachers, especially the underachievers. In the same class, individual differences are inevitable. Underachievers who lack of confidence and self-esteem. The teachers should give them more care. To talk with them and less complaining more encourage and help. Inside and outside the classroom through emotional communication with them to achieve zero distance between teachers and students exchange, mutual trust generated. On this basis, the teacher take the initiative measure that planned and purposeful guidance to them, step by step, gradually deepened, in the after-school time to free them special treatment, will be able to help them reduce the gap with excellent students, minimize the polarization.3.3 Optimization of classroom teaching to enhance teaching interesting, mobilize the enthusiasm of students. Albert Einstein has ever said: interests and hobbies is the best motivator. Czech educator Comenius also said: all possible means should be used to study childrens knowledge and the desire aroused. Underachievers who has not enough attention focused on the teacher teaching materials, so they need to a long time to achieve best results. And create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom as much as possible. In order to extend underachievers you can do some games with the text, teach them some songs, listen to recordings, talk about some interesting stories, so that students experience the joy of learning and further enhance the enthusiasm of learning English and active. With the collective strength to infect “the underachievers, and comprehensively improve student achievement.Divided Different levels of students into several groups in the classroom. According to individual situation to introduce competition and comparison. To make a conclusion who perform well and who is the best partner, so that students not only get the teachers help in the classroom but also can get the extra help from all students to achieve common progress through mutual learning, through this way can effectively avoid polarization. Practice makes perfect. Every English teacher needs to think of a serious problem. I believe as long as we continue to carefully explore, interact, will be able to achieve satisfactory results.3.4 More communication with underachievers, and correct evaluation of a comprehensive. Underachievers also have their own ideas, have their own point of view, it is necessary to be respected and understood. The teachers must respect the underachievers, and give them more communication. And should be considered underachievers as a friend, with full respect, treat them as equals, inadvertently told them some simple ways to learn English. This learning difficulties in learning English are easy to carry out. And finally we have to believe, underachievers who has potential to learning English well. Perhaps more rural middle school children would achieve English success. It is the effective ways to prevent and reduce the polarization that give them more attention and help. Under normal circumstances, underachievers and poor motivation to have a strong dependence. It is necessary for teachers to supervise and guide them to complete a learning task. On the one hand, in school teachers should always use the spare time to collect timely feedback. Ask the students learning, the knowledge of when the class is understanding, given the problems resolved in a timely manner. Teachers also often requires students to conduct self-evaluation and self-motivation, the courage to overcome difficulties to establish. Do not understand, ask, ask to the students. For each learning difficulties arranged for a responsible student. The students must be students of good academic results and responsible. In response to this phenomenon, I think that may take the following measures to halt and eliminate: after school targeted support learning difficulties, teachers are required to report on learning the next day and get the teachers guidance.4.ConclusionIn conclusion, English is a complex language. In order to got a good achievements, we need to develop the students oral, listening, writing, speaking. We should not forget every areas of this four. There is no active support of parents, poor students complete the learning task is difficult, I grabbed the children learn their parents are generally concerned about this feature, the use of parents and parents to visit often and contact them to enlist their cooperation, push their children to do homework, listen to the tape, endorsements, silent words and so on. This will improve the performance of poor students have a great effect. It is the fundamental way to solve the polarization that teachers to enhance teaching methods to student and allow them to apply learning inflexible delivery, and gradually form a strong self-learning ability. Students repeat the exercise or examination is often an error, indicating that some of the knowledge they have not yet fully understand or grasp. In response to this phenomenon, teachers can recommend students to collect, compile wrong topic, wrong answer, while preserving, indicating the correct answer and make the appropriate analysis shows. So long to go, students continue the learning process in the usual read, review, consolidate, deepen the wrong impression will naturally reduce the error rate. Therefore, the wrong title filing law is a deepening of the efficiency of student learning. Therefore, to my mind, as responsible teachers who care about every underachievers”. And to help each and to guide each student. The proof of the pudding is in the eating . Only our Unremitting efforts can to achieve this goal.BibliographyCheng XT. English study strategy M. Foreign language teaching and research publishing press. 2002.Jeremy harmer, how to teach English M.Beijing: Beijing foreign language teaching and research publishing house M 2000Jeremy Harmer, the practice of English language teaching M.New York. 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