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2021-2022年山东省临沂市罗庄区人教PEP版四年级上册期末测试英语网上检测无纸试卷带答案和解析A. key B. candy C. bowl D. light E. blackboardF. computer G. notebook H. shoes I. table J. kitchen 【1】 (_) 【2】 (_) 【3】 (_) 【4】 (_) 【5】 (_) 【6】 (_) 【7】 (_) 【8】 (_) 【9】 (_) 【10】 (_) 【答案】【1】D【2】I【3】G【4】J【5】F【6】C【7】E【8】B【9】A【10】H【解析】A钥匙、B糖果、C碗、D灯、E黑板、F电脑、G笔记本、H.鞋子、I桌子、J厨房【1】图示为灯light,故选D。【2】图示为桌子table,故选I。【3】图示为笔记本notebook ,故选G。【4】图示为厨房kitchen,故选J。【5】图示为电脑computer ,故选F。【6】图示为碗bowl,故选C。【7】图示为黑板blackboard,故选E。【8】图示为糖果candy,故选B。【9】图示为钥匙key,故选A。【10】图示为鞋子shoes ,故选H。选出画线部分发音不同的一项。【1】A.he B.she C.we D.red【2】A.up B.duck C.use D.mum【3】A.hair B.talk C.fall D.wall【答案】【1】D【2】C【3】A【解析】【1】he中划线字母e发/i:/,she中划线字母e发/i:/,we中划线字母e发/i:/,red中划线字母e发/e/,选项ABC发音相同,故选D。【2】up中划线字母u发/,duck中划线字母u发/,use中划线字母u发/ju:/,Mum中划线字母u发/,选项ABD发音相同,故选C。【3】hair中划线字母ai发/e/,talk中划线字母al发/:/,fall中划线字母al发/:/,wall中划线字母al发/:/,选项BCD发音相同,故选A。A. There are many books in the study.B. We can watch TV in the living room.C. The boy has black glasses.D. Please pass me a knife and fork.E. Is this your uncle? Yes, it is. He is a cook. 【1】 (_) 【2】 (_) 【3】 (_) 【4】 (_) 【5】 (_) 【答案】【1】E【2】A【3】D【4】C【5】B【解析】A. There are many books in the study. 在书房里面有很多书。B. We can watch TV in the living room. 我们能在客厅里面看电视。C. The boy has black glasses. 这个男孩戴着黑色眼镜。D. Please pass me a knife and fork. 请递给我一把刀和叉。E. Is this your uncle? Yes, it is. He is a cook. 这是你的叔叔吗?是的,它是。他是一位厨师。【1】所给图片是一位厨师,故E选项符合,故选E。【2】所给图片是是一间书房,故A选项符合,故选A。【3】所给图片是一把刀和一把叉,故D选项符合,故选D。【4】所给图片是一位戴眼镜的男孩,故C选项符合,故选C。【5】所给图片是一家人在客厅里面看电视,故B选项符合,故选B。阅读理解Zip: Hi, Welcome to my home. Look at these photos. These are photos of my family.Friend: Whats your fathers job?Zip: Hes a cook.Friend: Great.Zip: This is my uncle. Hes a taxi driver.Friend: Hes strong.Zip: This is my grandpa.Friend: Is he a teacher?Zip: Yes!Friend: Look, a basketball player. Whos that?Zip: Ha ha! Its me.【1】These are photos of Zips family. (_)【2】Zips father is a taxi driver. (_)【3】Zips uncle is strong. (_)【4】Zips grandpa is a teacher. (_)【5】Zip is a basketball player. (_)【答案】【1】T【2】F【3】T【4】T【5】T【解析】对话大意:Zip和他的朋友谈论他家的家庭照片。【1】句意:这些是Zip的家庭照片。根据对话中These are photos of my family.这些是我的家庭照片。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。【2】句意:Zip的爸爸是一位出租车司机。根据对话中Whats your fathers job?Hes a cook.你的爸爸是做什么的?他是一位厨师。可知该句不符合题意,故答案为F。【3】句意:Zip的叔叔是强壮的。根据对话中This is my uncle. Hes a taxi driver. Hes strong.这是我的叔叔,他是一名出租车司机,他是强壮的。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。【4】句意:Zip的爷爷是一位老师。根据对话中This is my grandpa.Is he a teacher?Yes!这是我的爷爷,他是一位老师吗?是的。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。【5】句意:Zip是一名篮球运动员。根据对话中Look, a basketball player. Whos that?Ha ha! Its me.看,一名篮球运动员。那是谁?哈哈!他是我。可知该句符合题意,故答案为T。He beef chicken short hair farmer driverdoor window She bathroom long hair bedroom 【1】_ is a _. 【2】Id like some _. 【3】The chairs are in the _. 【4】She has _. 【5】Where is the picture?It is near the _.【答案】【1】 He farmer【2】beef【3】bedroom【4】long hair【5】window【解析】He他;beef牛肉;chicken鸡肉;short hair短头发;farmer农民;driver司机;door门;window窗户;She她;bathroom盥洗室;long hair长头发;bedroom卧室【1】句意:_是一位_。所给图片是一位男性农民,He他,farmer农民,故答案为He;farmer。【2】句意:我想要一些_。所给图片是牛肉,beef牛肉,不可数名词,故答案为beef。【3】句意:这些椅子在_里面。所给图片是卧室,bedroom卧室,故答案为bedroom。【4】句意:她有_。所给图片是女孩有长头发,long hair长头发,故答案为long hair。【5】句意:图画在哪里?它在_附近。所给图片上画在窗户附近,window窗户,故答案为window。 This is my family. My grandparents are farmers. My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He has white glasses. My aunt is a nurse. She has short black hair. She is kind. She likes vegetables very much. My brother and I are good Students. My brother is quiet, but I am active. I love my family. 【1】Whats your grandmas job? She is a _.【2】How is your mother? She is _.【3】What colour are your fathers glasses? They are _.【4】What does your aunt like? She likes _ very much.【5】The word “active” means (意思) _ in Chinese (用汉语).【答案】【1】farmer【2】friendly【3】white【4】vegetables【5】积极的;活跃的【解析】【1】句意:你奶奶的工作是什么?她是一名_。根据My grandparents are farmers. 故答案为farmer。【2】句意:你的妈妈是个怎样的人?她_。根据My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. 我妈妈是一名教师。她很友好。故答案为friendly。【3】句意:你爸爸的眼镜是什么颜色?它们是_。根据 My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He has white glasses. 我父亲是一名医生。他又高又壮。他戴着白色的眼镜。故答案为white。【4】句意:你阿姨喜欢什么?她非常喜欢_。根据My aunt is a nurse. She has short black hair. She is kind. She likes vegetables very much.我阿姨是一名护士。她有一头黑色的短发。她是善良的。她非常喜欢蔬菜。故答案为vegetables。【5】句意:“active”的汉语意思是_。根据My brother and I are good Students.My brother is quiet, but I am active. 我哥哥和我都是好学生。我弟弟很安静,但我很活跃。故答案为积极的;活跃的。选出与其他单词不属于同类的一项。【1】A.table B.cousin C.sofa D.fridge【2】A.chicken B.beef C.toy D.vegetables【答案】【1】B【2】C【解析】【1】table桌子,cousin堂兄弟,sofa沙发,fridge冰箱,选项ACD为家具家电,选项B为称谓,故选B。【2】.chicken鸡肉,beef牛肉,toy玩具,vegetables蔬菜,选项ABD为食物,选项C为玩具,故选C。第 7 页 共 7 页


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