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牛津小学英语2B教材分析金阊区实验小学 张玉婷一、教学内容 单元日常交际用语词汇歌曲、歌谣要求1Do you like winter?Yes, I do.No, I dont.spring, summer, autumn, winterSeasons song听得懂、说(唱)、拼写2What do you like?I like monkeys.a monkey, a bear,a tiger, a lion, a pandaFive little monkeys3What can you see?I can see a plane.a plane, a train, a jeep, a boatRow, row, row your boat4What do you have?I have a doll.a doll, a puzzle,a yo-yo, a puppetMy lovely doll5What lessons do you have?We have Chinese, Maths and Art.Chinese, Music, Maths, English, PE, ArtLets learn!6Lets count the eggs.How many? Eight.seven, eight, nine, teneleven, twelveNumbers7Can I help you?Id like a jacket.a jacket, a dress,a shirt, a blouseZip, zip, zip8Look, there is a bottle/ box!Lets keep the water clean.a bottle, a box, a canA bottle9Wheres the plane?Its on the sofa.on, in, a bed, a TVThe dog is in the plane10Its time to go to school.Goodbye!Its time to go to bed.Good night.go to school, go home, go to bedGoodbye!二、单元简介Unit 1 Do you like winter?本单元是新学期的第一单元,学生通过一年多的学习已经有了一定的英语基础。第一单元的主要教学内容是“询问对季节的喜好”。主要学习词汇“spring, summer, autumn, winter”以及句型“Do you like winter? Yes, I do. /No, I dont”。建议教师多创设生活化的场景,多运用图片、音响模拟、形象的语言和动作等直观手段,使学生在自然的情景中,感受特点鲜明的四季美景,并学会表达内心的真实情感,在此基础上,教师可以适当扩展 What do you like? I like日常交际用语,以提高学生运用语言的灵活性,同时为第二单元教学做好准备。Unit 2 At the zoo本单元的主要内容是“谈论喜爱的动物”。主要学习词汇“monkey, bear, tiger, lion, panda”以及句型“What do you like? I like.”。动物是人类的好朋友,也是学生感兴趣的话题。建议教师紧紧扣住这一点,多设计听音辨物、图形辨物、形象模拟等有趣的活动,寓教于乐,提高学生参与语言实践的积极性。通过教师潜移默化的引导,进一步激发学生对动物的喜爱,增强他们保护动物的意识,使他们逐步树立起人与自然和谐相处的信念,正确认识人类在自然界的地位和责任。Unit 3 What can you see?本单元的主要教学内容是“能看见某物”。主要学习词汇“plane, train, jeep, boat”以及句型“What can you see?I can see”。.教师要尽量利用学生已经掌握的知识,通过多种活动,引导他们学会在一定的情景中使用“What can you see?I can see”在牛津小学英语1A中已经出现过What can you do? I can因此,学生理解和朗读本部分对话并不困难。本单元设计的单词为“交通工具”。在教学中,建议教师结合学生已经学过的知识,帮助他们进行归纳整理。Unit 4 My toys本单元的主要教学内容是“谈论各自拥有的玩具”。主要学习词汇“doll, puzzle, yo-yo, puppet”以及句型“What do you have? I have.”。这一话题来源于学生生活,符合儿童的天性。然而,现在的孩子拥有太多的玩具,却不知如何玩出价值。建议教师结合学生年龄特点和生活实际,创设真实的情景,采用交换玩具、跳蚤市场、玩具总动员等学生喜闻乐见的活动,使学生产生和他人交流的心理需求,从而主动地进行语言操练。教师还可以结合拼图游戏进行教学。Unit 5 At school本单元的主要教学内容是“谈论学校的课程设置”,重点学习学科名称以及与此有关的日常交际用语。主要学习词汇“Chinese, Maths, English, Music, PE, Art”以及句型“What lessons do you have? We have.”。该话题贴近学生的生活实际,语言的交际性强,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣。同时,学生在前一单元已经学了“What do you have? I have”掌握本组对话并不会有多大困难。建议教师充分领会编者的设计意图,针对低年级的年龄特点和接受能力,采用以旧带新的方法,使语言训练循序渐进,逐步深入,并激发学生内心的交际需求。Unit 6 Lets count本单元的主要教学内容是“询问和确认物品数量”。主要学习词汇“seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve”以及句型“Lets count the eggs. How many?.”。教学重点是特殊疑问句“How many?”及其应答。教学中,教师要在学生理解句意的基础上,积极引导学生在具体的语境中灵活运用这一日常交际用语。建议教师从学生的学习兴趣出发,以学生喜闻乐见的形式讲授新句型和单词。在进行新课教学时,要从学生的认知水平和语言能力出发,注意新旧知识的衔接,灵活处理seven到twelve的教学。Unit 7 Can I help you?本单元的主要教学内容是“购物”句型“Can I help you? Id like”和jacket, dress, shirt, blouse四个服饰类单词。“购物”是孩子们熟悉和感兴趣的话题。教学中,教师应该积极创设“购物”的情景,让学生在情景中学、在情景中用,使学生在学习英语日常交际用语的同事能充分地感受到语言的生活气息,进而增强学生学习英语的热情。在进行A部分对话教学时,教师要结合生活实际,在对话的操练中适当使用一些学生已经学过的食品、文具、水果、文具等类词汇,使购物的内容更加丰富。Unit 8 Keep the water clean!本单元的主要教学内容是“谈论某处有某物”和“环境保护”。主要学习词汇“bottle, can, box”以及句型“Lets count the eggs. How many?.”。在英语中,表示“某处有某物”的常用句型是“There be”由于该句型与have容易混淆,因此在英语教学中的重点和难点,建议教师充分利用身边的物品,创设直观、真切的情景,让学生始终是在真实的情景中理解、操练和运用该句型。Unit 9 Wheres the plane?本单元的主要教学内容是“确定位置”。教学重点是词汇“on, in, bed, TV”和句型“Wheres the? Its on /in”。“确定位置”的话题与学生的日常学习和生活息息相关,场景简便,易于创设。在教学中,教师要充分利用身边的物品和教师场景,引导学生理解对话的意思,并始终让学生在具体的情景中进行操练和运用。Unit 10 Goodbye!本单元的主要教学内容是“谈论该做某事”和“告别”等功能项目。“go to school, go home,和go to bed”是孩子们一天中的主要活动。“告别”和“问候晚安”也是生活中极其平常的事,因此,他们会很乐于谈论这些和他们息息相关的话题。需要注意的是,虽然“Goodbye!和Good night.”都是道别时的用语,但是它们的使用场合并不相同。教师在积极创设语言情景,让学生进行语言操练时,可以适当给学生介绍一些英语国家的礼仪和习惯。注意:根据金阊区牛津小学英语各册教学要求,在参照教师用书的目标要求基础上,2B还需增加以下要求:1、继续渗透语音知识;2、训练学生在四线三格内的规范书写句子,避免如大小写混淆、姓名、地名的书写、单词间无间隔、标点符号漏写或错写、增减,单词中的字母等错误。3、实验学校要求选择 Part A、B一些单词、句子尝试拼写。三、各单元的目标、重难点分析Unit 1 Do you like winter?.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, and like.b. Understand the dialogue: Do you like winter? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.c. Imitate to make a similar dialogue.d. Sing the song: Seasons song.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will talk about the seasons. 3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Ss love of the four seasons.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words spring, summer, autumn, winterb. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structures Do you like? and Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word spring /p/b/b. Use the sentence structure correctly Do you like? and the answers Yes, I do. / No, I dont.c. Distinguish how to add the correct nouns forms after the verb “like”. e.g: 1. I like winter. 2. I like red. 3. I like dogs. Extending contentWords: cold, hot, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy Review Can you swim/skate/play football/play chess? Yes, I can. 1B Unit 8Unit 2 At the zoo.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: monkey, bear, tiger, lion and panda.b. Understand the dialogue and read it.c. Master the usage of I like (s).d. Imitate to make a similar dialogue.e. Say the rhyme: Five little monkeys.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will talk about the animals they like.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students love of animals.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words monkey, bear, tiger, lion, panda b. Be able to communicate with each other by usingh the sentence structures What do you like?I like. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the words tiger, panda, lion b. Use the sentence structure correctly What do you like? I like c. Use of the plural noun form correctlyI like monkeys /bears /tigers. Extended contentWords:cock, peacock, koala, eagle, goat, sheepReview What are these/those? They are 2A Unit 5&6Unit 3 What can you see?.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the four words: a plane; a train; a jeep; a boat.b. Understand the dialogue of Part A: What can you see? I can see a plane/a train/a jeep/a boatc. Master the pronunciation of ai /ei/ and ee /i:/.d. Imitate to make a similar dialogue.e. Ask and answer in pairs by using “What can you see? I can see.”f. Sing the song “Row, row, row your boat.”2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will ask and answer in pairs by using“What can you see? I can see.”3. Personal developmentTo educate Ss sense of cooperation and competition.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words plane, train, jeep, boatb. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structures What can yousee?I can seec. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word train /tr/b. Use the sentence structures correctly What can you see?I can see a/ an . Extending contentWords:taxi, truck, ship, coach, bike, metroReview What can you do? I can run /jump/sing/dance. 1A Unit 8Unit 4 My toys.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: doll, puzzle, yo-yo, puppetb. Understand the dialogue: What do you have? I have a c. Master the pronunciation of haved. Imitate to make a similar dialogue e. Retell the dialoguef. Complete the dialogue in pairsg. Sing the song: My doll2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss can ask about what others have.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students feeling of being careful with their belongs.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words doll, puzzle, yo-yo, puppetb. Use the sentence structures correctly What do you have?I have. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the words doll, puppet, puzzle, have (doll & door)b. Use the sentence structure correctly What do you have?I havec. Correct spelling and meaning of the words puppet, puzzled. Imitate to make a similar dialogue. Extending contentWords :ball, football, popgun, crayonUnit 5 At school.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: Chinese, Maths, English, Music, PE, Artb. Master the usage of the sentences: What lessons do you have? We have .c. Retell the dialogued. Imitate to make a similar dialoguee. Say the rhyme: Lets learn!2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will introduce the subjects they have in English3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students passion for study.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words Chinese, Maths, English, PE, Artb. Students ability to communicate with each other with the sentence structure What lessons doyou have?We havec. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word Art, English, Chinese, Maths/s/b. Use the sentence structures correctly What lessons do you have?We have c. The plural form of lessons in the question What lessons do you have?d. The first letter of the lessons should be capitals. Extending contentWords:Computer, Science, Social Science, MusicUnit 6 Lets count.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words of the numbers: seven eight nine ten eleven twelveb. Read and say sentence structures: lets count the eggs. How many?.c. Say the rhyme: Numbers d. Count the things correctly, using the sentence structures: Lets count How many?2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss can count the numbers correctly.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students feeling of numbers.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelveb. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structure Lets count theeggs. How many? c. Ss can master the “wh” questions: How many? . Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word eight, seven, eleven, twelve/v/, count/au/ b. Correct use of the question Lets count the eggs. How many?c. Correct pronunciation of the question How many? . Extended contentWords: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteenHow many s can you see?Unit 7 Can I help you?.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class, Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: a jacket, a dress, a shirt, a blouse, zipb. Understand the dialogue: Can I help you? Id like a jacket.c. Imitate to make a similar dialogued. Retell the dialoguee. Complete “Can I help you? Id like a ” in pairsf. Say the rhyme: Zip, zip, zip.g. Know the culture of shopping in English-speaking countries.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will use the sentences to sell things and buy things they want .3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To inspire students enthusiasm of using English to go shopping.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words jacket, dress, shirt, blouseb. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structure Can I help you?Id likec. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word jacket, shirt, blouse /z/b. Correct use of the sentence structure Can I help you?Id likec. Correct meaning of dress, bloused. Distinguish the different meanings of I like and Id like. Extending contentWords:jeans, trousers, uniform, scarf, glovesReview Take off / Put on your coat/sweater/T-shirt/skirt. 2A Unit 10 Here you are. Thank you. 2A Unit 7Unit 8 Keep the water clean!.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class, Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the letters: a bottle, a box, a can .b. Read and say the sentences:There is a c. Master the pronunciation of a bottle, a box, a can and There is a d. Imitate to write a similar dialogue.e. Retell the dialogue.f. Complete the simple dialogue in groupsg. Sing the song:A bottle2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will use There is to introduce the things in different places.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students sense of protecting the environment.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words bottle, can, box b. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structure Look! There isaLets keep the water clean. c. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word box, bottle, there (different pronunciations between box and books)b. Correct use of the sentence structure There is ac. Correct meaning of can in this unit.d. Correct use of the sentence structure Lets keep the clean.e. The different meanings between have and There be. Extended contentWords :carton, cup, glass, tinReview Lets go to the park/zoo/cinema. 1B Unit 10Unit 9 Wheres the plane?.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words on. in / bed . TV / Where is the ? / Its on/in with correct pronunciation and intonation.b. Understand / read the dialogue Where is the ? / Its on/in c. Sing the song The dog is in the plane.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will describe things positions , and can ask about the things positions.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students feeling of position of the things.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words on, in, bed b. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structures Where is the? Its on/in. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation and spelling of the word where /w/b. Correct use of the sentence structure Where is the? Its on/inc. The different meanings between Its on/in and There bed. Dstinguish the meanings of on . in clearly, and use the preposition words to express the things positions. Extending contentWords :near, behind, beside, bookcase, bedroom, sitting-room, study, classroom, dining-roomUnit 10 Goodbye!.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class, Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write the words: go to school, go home, go schoolb. Understand the dialogue: Its time to go to school. Goodbye! Its time to go to bed. Good night.c. Imitate to make a similar dialogued. Retell the dialoguee. Complete “Its time to.” in pairsf. Sing the song: Goodbye.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss can use the sentences to remind others of doing something.3. Personal developmenta. To educate Ss sense of cooperation and competitionb. To develop Students manners of saying goodbye.Focusa. Master the pronunciation of the words go to school, go home, go to bed b. Be able to communicate with each other by using the sentence structure Its time to goto,Goodbye. / Good nightc. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word time, school /k/g/, goodbye, nightb. Correct use of the sentence structure Its time to c. Correct use of the sentence structure go to . Pay attention to home. Extending contentWords:see you, company, hospital, airport, stationSentences:Its time to go to the + 公共地点Whats the time? Its (Number112)Review cinema/zoo/park 1B Unit 10四、参考教案2A Unit 8 Keep the water clean (period1)Teaching content: Look! There is & part B. Teaching aims and demands:After class, Ss will be able toa. Read, say, spell and write bottle, can, box and be able to put them into use in situationsb. Conduct something in groups with the sentence structure Look! There is a. Focusa. master the pronunciation of the words bottle, can, box b. Be abke to communicate with each other by usingh the sentence structure Look! There is a c. Students sustained interested in learning English. Difficulties to overcomea. Correct pronunciation of the word box, bottleb. Correct use of the sentence structure Look! There is ac. Correct meaning of can in this unit.Teaching aids: a cassette recorder, CAI, real objectsArrangement of teachingStep1 Warm up and revisionT: Whats this/that? S: Its a/anT: What are these/those? S: They are(PPT shows a picture of Shanghai Expo)T: what can you see in shanghai Expo?Ss; I can see a.(snack bar, market, cinema, park)T: lets go to the snack bar by bike.Ss: OK.(Rationale: Create a circumstance of some place and let Ss try to find something there)Step2 Presentation and practice1.T: What can you see in the snack bar?Ss: chocolateT: Where is it? in the boxT: Yes, look, there is a box! A box of chocolate. (T shows a box to Ss)T: Can you read this word? boxball fox boxSs read the word after T.Ss read and spell the word (Ss can get a small box if they read it correctly)2. T: what can you see in the snack bar?Ss: juice/tea/water.T: where is it? in the bottleT: Yes, look, there is a bottle! A bottle of juice/tea/water (T shows a bottle to Ss)T: Can you read this word?box little bottleSs read the word after T.Ss read and spell the word (Ss can get a small box if they read it correctly)3. The same method to teach the word can 1)T: What can you see at the snack bar?Ss: ColaT: Where is it?in the can.T: Yes, look, there is a can ! A can of cola/orange(T shows a can to Ss)T: Can you read this word?Ss read the word after T.Ss read and spell the word (Ss can get a can if they read it correctly)2)T distinguish the two different meanings of canT: Can you translate two sentencesWhat can you see? I have a can of fish. (Rationale: With the pictures of the places Ss have learned, T teaches the new words. T tries to teach the correct pronunciations of the new words with the words Ss have learned. Giving a small award can cause Ss interests of the new words. )Step3 DrillT: in the Expo, there is a market, lets go to the market by car! (PPT shows There is 有)Ss: OK T: Whats in the market? (T shows a picture and tries to lead Ss answer the question with There is)Ss: There is a /an.A. Practice1. Say a rhyme:bottle, bottle, there is a bottlebox, box, there is a boxcan, can, there is a can2. T: Look! There is a big TV in the classroom. Ss practice in pairs with the sentence structure Look! There is a/an(Ss try to describe the things on their own desks to their desk mates.)(Rationale: T teaches the sentence structure There is by the picture and lets Ss try to find things with their own eyesight. Ss consolidate the sentence structure with the rhyme and try to describe their classroom to command the sentence structure)Step4 In-cla


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