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文件名称: Description采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Document No.2-04版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page No.1 / 61. 目的Purpose对采购过程及供方进行控制,确保所采购的物资符合规定要求。Control purchase process to assure goods according to the requirement.2. 适用范围Scope of Supply适用于对产品实现过程所需物资的采购、外包过程及提供服务的控制,包括对供方进行选择、评价和控制。It applies to the purchase, outsourcing and service control which include supplier selection, assessment and control in terms of product realization.3. 职责Responsibility3.1 生产部Production Departmenta) 负责按文件的要求组织对供方进行选择、评价和确定,编制“合格供方名录”。并对供方的供货绩效定期进行评价,建立供方档案; Responsible for supplier selection, assessment and confirmation, making Vendor List and giving assessment in time, creating supplier document according to the relevant requirement.b) 负责制定并执行采购(含外包过程,以下不再注)计划; Responsible for making and carrying out purchase process (including outsourcing process)c) 负责对采购物资的样品、试送批的使用验证和反馈。Responsible for sample, lot test and feedback3.2 技术部Technical Departmenta) 制定产品产品原材料/外购件清单、产品过程用工艺装备需求清单(外购);Drawing product (material outsourcing list), (equipment list for product process)b) 收集或编制采购物资技术标准和验收技术规程 ; Collect or draw up technology standard and test rules for purchased productsc) 提供外协件产品图纸、技术协议等有关资料;Provide drawings, technical agreement and other documents for outsourcing productsd) 参与对供方的评价和选择。Participate into supplier assessment and selectioin3.3.质控部a)负责对采购物资的进货检验,跟踪不合格物资控制和处置,参与验收技术规程编制。b)负责对采购物资的样品检验、参与试送样品、批的使用验证和反馈。 3.3. 管理部 指导和参与对供方调查、评价。3.4 市场部参与对供方的评价和选择。3.5 分管副总a)批准采购计划;b)批准合格供方名录。编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28文件名称: Description采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Document No.-02-04版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page No.2 / 64.程序 Procedure4.1采购物资的分类 Product classification技术部负责制定采购物资的技术标准及采购物资分类明细表,根据其对随后的产品实现及最终产品的影响,决定对供方及采购物资控制的类型和程度。Technical department is responsible for making technical standards and Purchased Products Classification List regarding purchased products. According to its possible effect to product realization, then decide the control classification and extent to supplier and purchased products.采购物资分为三类:Purchased products is divided into three classificationa) 重要物资(A类):构成最终产品的主要部分或直接影响最终产品使用或安全性能,可能导致顾客投诉的物资;Important products (A), key product composition or influence directly to product usage or safety which may cause customer complaintb) 一般物资(B类):构成最终产品非主要部位的物资,它一般对最终产品的质量影响较小,不会危及安全性能; Ordinary products; not the key component composition, little effect to product quality and will not harm product safetyc) 辅助物资(C类):对产品质量影响很小或不用于最终产品本身,只起过程或辅助作用的物资。Accessory products ( C), little influence or not apply to product, only serve as accessories.4.2对供方的选择和评价 Supplier selection and assessment4.2.1根据供方按公司要求提供物资的质量、能力、服务和价格等方面对其进行评价和选择。Assess and select suppliers according to product quality, capability, service and price.4.2.2评价和选择的原则Assessment and selection principlea) 对供方的质量管理体系进行审核,并对其体系运行有效性及质量保证能力(包括第三方认证证书的确认)进行评价;b)对供方试供产品的外观、尺寸、技术特性、可靠性、安全性和试用、试验情况进行评审;Assess and test in terms of product appearance, dimension, technical parameters, safety and application.c)对供方批量供货后产品的价格、交货期、交货周期、质量及对问题处理控制的时效性进行评审;Assess and test in terms of price, delivery time, lead time, quality and solution method.d)调查供方交付后的售后服务情况及顾客满意度;e)对比类似产品的历史状况,进行产品评价;f)对原有供方,长期供货且质量稳定者,即可确认。4.2.3评价和选择的步骤a)生产部会同技术部、管理部对提供采购物资的候选供方,按“供方质量保证及供货能力调查”表调查或现场考察和评价,必要时填写“供方综合评价表”;b)对提供的A类和B类物资,可能时需经样品检测和小批量送样试用验证;编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28文件名称: Description采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Document No.4版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page No.3 / 61) 样品检测:技术部提供样品图纸等技术资料、生产部组织采购、质控部进行进货检测,并对供方提供的检测报告进行验证,合格后送生产部进行试用,并将使用意见填入“供货样品/小批量验证及试用报告”中;样品检测不合格,可重新送样,但最多不得超过两次。Sample test: technical department provides drawings and other technical documents, production department organize purchase, QC departments takes test and review inspection report issued by supplier. After qualification, production department does test and gives its opinion in Supplier Sample Test Report. If the sample is not qualified, test again. But the maximum time is two times.2) 小批量试用:样品鉴定和试用合格后,生产部与供方签定供货协议并组织小批量进货,质控部按图纸和技术协议、检验规程进行检测,合格后投放车间。生产部对小批量试用物资使用后,质控部检测使用该物资的零件或产品是否符合设计要求,并将结果填入“供货样品/小批量验证及试用报告”中。若达不到设计要求,生产部重新组织进货,但对一家初始供方最多不得超过两次。Lot test: After the sample qualification, production department will order by lot from the supplier. QC do test according to relevant technical standards. If it is qualified, it will be used in production. After production, QC department will test if the components or products reach the design standard and fill in its feedback into Lot Test Report. If it can not reach the design requirement, lot needs to be purchased again To each supplier, it can not exceed two times.3) 样品和小批量送货均合格的供方,经组织评审通过,公司主管副总级或以上人员批准后,将其列入“合格供方名录”,作为采购的依据。To supplier qualified for sample and lot, after assessment and reviews, after department chief or director approval, list into Vendor List.b) 对于C类物资的供方,应择优择价选取,经样品检测合格,分管副总批准,即可将其列入“合格供方名录”。Regarding supplier into C classification, select based on best price and after department chief or director approval, list into Vendor List. 4.2.4 每样物资的合格供方原则上不超过两家,两家供方应分为主供供方和次供供方。4.2.5 对供方的监控和评价Supplier assessment and slection.a)根据供方提供产品的重要程度,供方的质量保证能力,以及进货检验的结果,对供方实施分类控制;According to product importance and supplier capability, give supplier classification1)对A类物资的供方 To suppler in A classification 必须对其质量管理体系进行本公司的工厂审核和评价,评价分值在80分以上; 提供必要而有效的生产许可证书和强制性(认可)/专业产品合格证书。提供每批供货产品全部必要的检测报告。 进货检验不合格,不采取“让步”接收。重新全检后则应加严检验;退货处理的要跟踪纠正措施实施和处理控制; 因供货原因引起的重大外部故障,立即中止供货。供方负责赔偿经济损失; 每年评审一次。编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28文件名称: Description采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Document No.-02-04版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page Number4 / 62)对B类物资的供方:To supplier into B classification确认质量管理体系认证证书或质量保证能力,必要时对其工厂审核评价分值达75分以上;Confirm quality management system or quality assurance ability. If necessary supplier assessment score shall reach above 75 每批提供检测报告。必要时应提供产品型式试验报告或第三方的材料化验试验报告;Provide inspection report. If necessary, supplier shall provide product property test report or material report. 进货检验不合格,从严控制“让步”接收。重新全检后必须重新抽检合格;To unqualified inspection, control strictly to concession. It is must to re-inspect. 每年评审一次。Each time for annual inspection3)对C类物资的供方 To supplier into C classification 样品合格并确认其基本质量保证能力;Sample qualification and confirm basic quality assurance ability 要求提供检测报告;Require inspection report 进货检验不合格,允许“让步”接收;To goods unqualified, allow concession acceptance. 每二年评审一次。Review per two yearsc) 每年或每二年年底,由生产部组织管理部、技术部、质控部对供方进行综合评价,并填写“供方质量保证及供货能力调查表”和“供方现场综合评分评价表”(老合格供方每三年重填一次)。评价内容: Each year or every two years, production department tougher with management department, technical department and QC department do one comprehensive assessment and fill in Supplier Quality Assurance and Ability Survey and Supplier Score Table (one time per three years for qualified supplier). The content is below1)供货质量及质量稳定性;Goods quality and stability2)对供方执行合同情况(数量、交货期、价格和服务等)、供方的顾客满意度;Contract carrying out condition (quantity, lead time, price and service) and customer satisfaction.3)对供方的产品在生产中的使用情况;Product usage situation.4)对供方产品的可靠性及售后服务及时性、有效性进行评价;c) 生产部将综合评价情况反馈给有关供方,对评价低的责成其限期采取纠正措施,并对其纠正措施效果进行评价和验证,验证不合格取消其供方资格。4.2.6对供方的评价结果及评价引起的任何必要措施,应记录保存。4.3采购控制4.3.1采购计划生产部依据公司下达的月度或当期生产计划和期末库存数量编制月度或当期采购计划或采购明细单,并经主管负责人批准。编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28文件名称: Description 采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Documents No.02-04版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page No.5 / 64.3.2采购信息 Purchase informationa) 技术部按生产计划和顾客要求,提供产品图纸、技术标准、产品原材料/外购件清单,明确采购物资的名称、规格、型号、数量、质量特性及验收标准;ccording to production scheme and requirement, provide drawings, technical standard, outsourcing components list, clarifying component description, specification, model, quantity,. Property and acceptance standard.b) 生产部编制的采购计划(单)必须经主管人审批,确保规定的采购要求是充分的与适宜的。Purchase scheme drawn by production department (must by approved by chief director to assure the purchase is appropriate)4.3.3采购合同 Purchase contracta) 根据采购计划和采购产品标准,与供方签订“采购合同”(含口头承诺),内容包括according to scheme and standard, sign Purchase Contract which includes oral agreement: 采购物资名称、规格、型号、性能要求、加工要求、价格要求、包装要求、交货期、交货方式、验收标准和违约责任等;必要时,还包括:Purchased product description, specification, model, property, machining requirement, price, package requirement, lead time and delivery terms. 对人员资格的要求;Relevant person qualification 对供方的组织结构、程序、过程和资源方面的要求;supplier organization chart, procedure and source 对供方质量管理体系的要求;supplier quality management system requirementb) 采购合同须经主管人签字(或加盖公章)才能生效;Purchase contract shall be valid after the signature of chief director.c) 生产部向供方提供相应的技术标准和图样,作为合同的附件,并做好发放记录;Production department shall provide technical standard, drawings as contract appendix and keep in record.d) 具体的采购作业,由采购人员以“采购单”的形式执行。许多情况,用电子文件采购是合适的。Detail purchase work shall be carried out in the form of Purchase List. It is proper to use electric document under many conditions.4.3.4采购物资的验证 Purchase product testa) 采购物资到货后,库管人员对到货物资检查确认后,填写“进货检验通知单”并随附货物合格证、全部必要检验报告送质控部。质控部按规程实施进货检验并核查供方合格证和检验报告的符合性。合格后填“进货检验结果通知单”送物资库,由其组织入库、标识、分类存放。不合格物资不得入库;b) 验证按合同的规定进行,需要在供方现场实施验证时,应在采购信息中对拟验证的安排、产品放行的方式作出规定,由质控部派人与顾客代表到供方进行验证;c)顾客推荐及确认的产品不能免除本公司提供合格产品的责任,也不能排除其后顾客的拒收;Even customer recommendation, it can not exclude production qualification responsibilityd) 采购物资经验证不合格的产品按不合格品控制程序执行;Unqualified products shall be carried out according to Unqualified Product Control Procedure.e) 未经检验或检验不合格的采购物资不得入库,更不得投入生产。Unqualified products can not put into warehouse and production.编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28文件名称: Description采购控制程序Purchase Control Procedure文 件 编 号Document No.02-04版本号/修订号Edition Rev.2 / 0页 码Page No.6 / 64.4 外包过程(或产品)的质量控制按采购物资控制要求进行控制。Outsourcing quality control according to the requirement.4.4.1 按4.2条款对外包供方的资质进行评价和选择,纳入“合格供方名录”。According to Clause 4.2, assess and select outsourcing supplier qualification and list into Qualified Vendor List.4.4.2 在与供方签订合同时,要明确产品质量标准、交货期等要求,并按合同规定向供方提供完整的、正确的图样及工艺规范、技术要求等有关文件。When sign contract with supplier, state clearly quality standard, lead time and others, provide comprehensive and correct drawings, technology regulation and other documents.4.4.3 供方提供的用于外协加工的采购品必须符合图纸、技术条件的要求。必要时,由技术部、质控部与供方签订技术质量协议。需提供质保书和检验单,由质控部进行复检。Outsourcing components which need machining shall meet drawing and technical requirements. If necessary, technical department and QC department shall sign quality agreement with suppliers Also suppliers shall proved quality and inspection report which submit to QC department for review.4.4.4 供方使用本公司提供的采购品时应进行标识,妥善保管,确保其处于良好状态。Supplier shall make sorts and keep goods in good condition.4.4.5 供方在外协加工中,必要时首件需经本公司质控部鉴定合格后,方可投入批量生产。When supplier does outsourcing, if necessary, supplier shall report to QC department for approval so as to be in mass production.4.4.6 生产部负责对供方的监视和控制,必要时组织质控部等有关部门一起到供方进行检查监督和验证。Production department is responsible for supplier control and supervision. If necessary, QC Department can join to do test and supvervision.4. 相关文件Relevant Documents.不合格品控制程序 Unqualified Products Control Procedure -02-075. 相关记录Relevant records 年 月采购计划XX X Date XXX Purchase scheme 4-01-02采购单 Purchase List 04-01-03供方质量保证及供货能力调查表 Supplier Quality Assurance and Capability Survey -04-01-04 供方现场综合评分评价表Supplier Site Assessment Table 4-01-05 年合格供方名录 Year Qualified Supplier List 4-01-06进货检验通知单 Receive inspection inform list -04-01-07供货样品/小批量验证及试用报告Sample, lot test and trial report 1-08 进货入库单 Warehousing entry 1-09供方质量问题通知书 Quality issue inform letter -01-10进货检验结果通知单 Inspection inform letter 4-01-11不合格品评审处置单 -04-01-12Unqualified assessment letter编制Make审核Review批准Approve日期Date2009/12/28


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