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21春北京语言大学高级写作在线作业二满分答案1. English has become a communication _ for people from different countries.A.meritB.streamC.enjoymentD.medium参考答案:D2. People must be ( ) to the responsibility to their own nation.A.wokenB.realizedC.knownD.awkened参考答案:D3. So far a three-fourths majority in our neighbourhood ( ) to help.A.have volunteeredB.has volunteeredC.has been volunteeredD.have been volunteered参考答案:B4. If only I _ play the guitar as well as you!A.wouldB.couldC.shouldD.might参考答案:B5. His first attempt failed, ( ).A.his second attenpt did eitherB.so did his second attenptC.neither did his second attenptD.so his second attenpt did参考答案:B6. The scientist (argued) that his discovery had changed the course of history.选择能代替括号里的选项A.disagreedB.quarrelledC.persuadedD.tried to prove参考答案:D7. Parents and teachers should work together to ( ) students lives.A.effectB.makeC.influenceD.shape参考答案:D8. predict.选择能代替的选项A.foretellB.prepareC.previewD.warn参考答案:A9. Loudspeaker announcements: The ship ( ) in a few minutes and all persons not traveling are asked to go ashore.A.leaveB.has leftC.is leavingD.will have been leaving参考答案:C10. The conditions can be well imagined when one small settlement is expected ( ) to 1,000 families.A.dwellB.houseC.resideD.inhabit参考答案:B11. It&39;s no use ( ) with him. You might as well ( ) with a stone wall. He is incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view.A.arguing; argueB.to argue; arguingC.arguing; arguingD.to argue; argue参考答案:A12. He prefers to live with his mother than ( ) her alone.A.to leaveB.leavingC.leaveD.leaves参考答案:C13. In the envelope _ .A. there are several one-hundred dollar bills in it.B. are severaIn the envelope _ .A. there are several one-hundred dollar bills in it.B. are several one-hundred dollar bills.C. where there are several one-hundred dollar bills.D. which holds several one-hundred dollar bills in it .答案:B14. Your _ in teaching is different from mine.A.altitudeB.approachC.fuelD.lump参考答案:B15. _ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region._ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.AUnlessBAs long asCIf onlyDOnly if正确答案:D解析:只有在Only修饰状语置于句首时,句子才用倒装,主句中的助动词will才能提前。故答案选D。16. ( ) that you have no objection, we will have the meeting in your room.A.IfB.To be providedC.ProvidedD.Except参考答案:C17. She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she can&39;t eat for _ in his restaurant. A) free,She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she cant eat for _ in his restaurant.A) free, freeB) free, freelyC) freely, freeD) freely, freelyC副词freely表示“自由地,随意地”,for free表示“免费”,是固定搭配。18. She stay ( ) at Buckingham Palace, the first time she had been there since those long-ago days.A.overseasB.overnightC.overtimeD.overuse参考答案:B19. They _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their plan Avisited Bwere visiting CwerThey _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their planAvisitedBwere visitingCwere to have been visited Dwere to have visitedDwere/was to have done表示“本来打算,本来要(而结果没做到)”。20. passive.选择能代替的选项A.impassiveB.dynamicC.activeD.operative参考答案:C21. After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was _.A.leakingB.tricklingC.drippingD.floating参考答案:A22. There was no sign that Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite _ from leadership of it, would intervene personally.A.being resignedB.having resignedC.going to resignD.resign参考答案:B23. Its essential that a photographer ( ) first to use the equipment.A.must learnB.learnC.has to learnD.would learn参考答案:B24. randomly选择能代替的选项( )A.aimlesslyB.carelesslyC.intentionallyD.speedily参考答案:C25. When you are on a boat one shiny day, you have to watch out for the _ of the sun; it is harmful to your eyes.A.directionB.intentionC.intensityD.heat参考答案:C


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