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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上苏北四市高三年级摸底考试英 语 说明:1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.在答题纸的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。 3.请将所有答案按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡/纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers?A. On a busy street.B. In a Beijing Hotel.C. At a station.2. How does the man like the book? A. Humorous.B. Scientific.C. Popular.3. Why is Peter leaving? A. To visit his parents.B. To attend college.C. To have a holiday.4. What time is it now? A. Seven oclock.B. Seven-thirty.C. Eight oclock.5. How much does the man need to pay? A. 35 dollars.B. 115 dollars.C. 150 dollars.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. Where are the speakers? A. At a meeting.B. At a party.C. At a wedding.7. What does the man say about Anne? A. She is humorous. B. She is very intelligent. C. She is easy to get to know.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. Why did Mr. Miller get up late? A. He watched a football match live last night. B. He watched a football match on TV late last night. C. He couldnt fall asleep after watching a football match.9. What happened to Mr. Miller on his way to work? A. He had a car accident. B. He was stopped by the police. C. He was stuck in a traffic jam.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. Where does the man want to go? A. To New York.B. To New Jersey.C. To Hawaii.11. When will the man leave? A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.12. How much does one ticket cost? A. $310.B. $325.C. $620.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. How many customers have just come to the restaurant? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.14. Where will they sit eating? A. In the center.B. Near the window.C. In the back.15. Which style of Chinese food is not served in this restaurant? A. Hunan food.B. Sichuan food.C. Guangdong food.16. What food will the customers eat? A. Hunan food.B. Zhejiang food.C. Sichuan food.听下面一段对话,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. What is the womans major? A. Painting.B. English.C. Japanese.18. When did the woman last see Lily? A. Three days ago.B. One week ago.C. Three years ago.19. What is Lilys problem? A. She lacks chances to speak Chinese. B. She finds it difficult to write Chinese words. C. She doesnt know how to remember Chinese words.20. Where does the woman plan to further her study? A. In China.B. In Italy.C. In England.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。21. Owing to the speeding up of urbanization and improvement of living standards, peoples consumption patterns in the last few years. A. changedB. changeC. had changedD. have changed22.The most important thing for a designer to remember is that nature always provides . A. inspiration B. ambition C. immigration D. occupation23. I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, they are not hurting someone else. A. unlessB. supposedC. thoughD. providing24. Nowadays, more and more people like to post the photos of delicious foods on their blogs, especially those in the oven. A. to bakeB. bakedC. bakingD. being baked25. Are the people optimistic about the talks between Palestine and Israel? Its hard to say. Much the outcome of the current peace talks. A. countsonB. takesonC. catchesonD. turnson26. Many companies make it for job applicants to pass a medical examination before they are allowed to work. A. compulsory B. comprehensiveC. controversial D. contradictory27. Can you believe Kims got fired from work? . She was always late or calling in sick. But I hope she will find a new job. A. God bless her B. It cant hurt C. It serves her right D. No worries 28. Scientists think calculating is a necessary skill they base their researches. A. on itB. on thatC. on whichD. on whose29. Have you got any plans for the New Years Day Holiday? Yes. , Im going to travel in Beijing. A. Though possibleB. Unless possibleC. While possibleD. If possible30. The company chose Shenzhen for its first expansion point because its the second largest market for their brand, Shanghai the first. A. was B. being C. will be D. to be31. Their sense of humor and ability to get along with people are two characteristics that _ for their lack of experience. A. allowB. caterC. accountD. compensate32. Considering the location the price, many parents buy houses for their childrens education. A. in preference toB. in response toC. in addition toD. in regard to33. The famous magician, as well as his assistants, to perform at the Chinas Got Talent in 2015. A. were invitedB. was invitedC. have been invitedD. has been invited34. So boring and exhausted! Id rather I hadnt been invited to the party. Oh, no. If so, I _ a quiet night at home. A. didnt enjoy B. hadnt enjoyedC. couldnt have enjoyedD. couldnt enjoy35. I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left. Why did he give you ? You are good friends, arent you? A. a wet blanket B. a cup of tea C. a green finger D. a cold shoulder第二节:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I wrote my first novel when I was 22. It was a 36 . I didnt know how to properly format dialogue or 37 a plot. Those were all 38 I planned to work out later. I gave the book to my father to read, and within a day he left me a voice mail saying that it was 39 and that I was going to sell it for $300,000. 40 , and rather quickly, the book was 41 by every publisher in New York. If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections, I would have won it. I was 42 , of course, but I knew better than to 43 writing wasnt an easy job, and if this book wasnt my 44 in, maybe the next one would be. I got back to work. But this scenario(剧情) happened again: I wrote booksand then they wouldnt 45 . Still, my fathers faith in me never wavered(摇摆), even 46 I worked a host of other jobs. Some of the jobs, like being a bookseller, were great and 47 to my writing life. Some, like selling overpriced jeans to 12-year-olds, were only good insofar as they were material for future 48 . And they were because it finally 49 . I sold a book! I was going to make it big! I completely agree with motivational speaker and author John Maxwells words: “Successful and unsuccessful people do not 50 greatly in their abilities but in their 51 to reach their potential.”Lifes not 52 . It never was, it isnt now, it wont ever be. But do not fall into the entitlement trap of feeling you are a 53 , you are not. Get over it and 54 with it. And yes, most things are more 55 when you break a sweat to get them. 36. A. messB. mixC. confusionD. puzzle37. A. followB. structureC. discoverD. hatch38. A. factsB. messagesC. meaningsD. details 39. A. practicalB. complexC. wonderfulD. dissatisfactory40. A. But B. InsteadC. ThereforeD. Regardless41. A. rejected B. acceptedC. abused D. commented 42. A. depressedB. surprised C. frightened D. embarrassed43. A. continueB. fightC. withdrawD. write44. A. card B. ticketC. penD. bill45. A. writeB. buyC. workD. sell46. A. ifB. becauseC. asD. since47. A. turnedB. opened C. ledD. contributed48. A. livesB. decisionsC. storiesD. jobs49. A. happenedB. failedC. made D. passed50. A. varyB. changeC. matchD. diversify51. A. requestB. demandC. hopeD. desire52. A. sadB. happy C. hard D. easy 53. A. witnessB. victimC. ownerD. winner54. A. get round B. get on C. get aboutD. get by 55. A. challengingB. demandingC. rewarding D. paying第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题 2分, 满分 30分) 请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AThe HairMax LaserBand The Ultimate Hair Loss Laser DeviceHairMax, the company that revolutionized non-surgical, non-drug hair regrowth, now brings you the hand-free LaserBand, the most technologically advanced hair growth laser treatment yet.Super-Fast TechnologyThe LaserBand adopts a new band design, patented hair parting teeth and an unprecedented 82 medical grade lasers. The LaserBand effectively delivers nourishing light energy to your follicles to regrow your hair with a super-fast treatment in as little as 90 seconds.8 Proven BenefitsHairMax laser treatments are proven to Treat Hair Loss, Stimulate New Hair Growth, Reverse Thinning Hair, Activate Hair Follicles, Rejuvenate Aging Hair, Repair Damaged Hair, Speed Hair Growth, Strengthen and Thicken Hair.Money Back GuaranteeTry a HairMax laser device with a 5-month money back guarantee and see for yourself the dramatic difference it can make in your hair.Visit HairM for our full collection of laser devices, shampoo, scalp treatments and supplements.Devices starting from $195.Order any laser device and receive free shipping, and $20 HairMax Gift Card which can be used for your next shopping.Ask about our Buy 1 Get 1 FREE shampoo at HAIRMAX.COM.Lexington International, LLC777 Yamato Road, Suite 105, Boca Raton, FL 33431 +1.561.417.020056. Why is the HairMax LaserBand so special?A. The band requires no operations but medicines to regrow your hair. B. You can keep your hands free when using the HairMax LaserBand.C. The band has proven to be effective for all of your hair problems.D. You have a 5-month trial of the band with money back guarantee.57. Next time you order a laser device at HairM, you should pay at least .A. $195 B. $175 C. $97.5 D. $215BFor Yali Liu, the hardest thing about UK higher education is having to go to the pub. “Its how much you need to invest socially with other students,” she says. “I dont like going to a pub or club, but people just keep going out and I feel the pressure to go out too.” This is because, unlike in China, she says, there is so much emphasis during the course on teamwork and group projects, so socialising with other students especially British people, is crucial.Liu, 23, who is in her final year of a BSc in business administration at the University of Bath, is one of more than 80,000 Chinese students studying in UK universities. They are responsible for a large proportion of the more than 10bn a year that international students contribute to the UK economy. However, research shows that where their academic attainment(成就) is concerned, the picture is not satisfactory. While nearly 58% of all students and 45% of overseas students graduated with a first-class degree last year, this was true of only 35% of students from China.To find an explanation, Zhiqi Wang and Ian Crawford, lecturers at the University of Bath, compared the performance of Chinese and British undergraduates in each year of their degree. Taking a sample of 100 British and Chinese students and comparing their average marks and final degree classification, they found a dramatic drop in performance among the Chinese students between year one, when they performed better than their UK counterparts, and year two, when they performed worse.They believe the drop results from two factors. First, Chinese students fail to adapt their approaches to learning and so their performance declines in the later years when the complexity of the work increases. Second, many young people in China enroll in higher education due to pressure from family rather than their own motivation.Professor Sedghi thinks part of the problem may be the changing socio-economic background of Chinese undergraduates. While 85% of Chinese students at British universities before 2000 were mature students, often funded by the government, since 2004, however, they have been younger, most funded by their families.Maybe UK institutions need to work harder to take into account what a big challenge it is for young people from a radically different culture and linguistic background to adapt to life in the UK. “We need to do more, contacting students before their arrival, assigning them tutors, encouraging peer-assisted learning, for example,” says Sedghi.58. What can be inferred about Yali Liu from the passage? A. She is not good at socialising with local students. B. She is bored with the teamwork and group projects. C. Her family cant afford her education in the UK.D. The university wont award her a first-class degree.59. Which of the following is NOT a possible factor for Chinese students unsatisfactory attainment? A. They dont adjust their studying methods in time. B. They are lacking in motivation to achieve success. C. They are too young and mostly come from poor families. D. They havent got necessary support from the UK universities.60. The passage mainly talks about in UK universities. A. the great pressure Chinese students are sufferingB. cultural differences between the east and the west C. main reasons for Chinese students poor performance D. possible solutions to the problems facing Chinese students CFor years, scientists and others concerned about climate change have been talking about the need for carbon capture and storage (CCS). That is the term for removing carbon dioxide from, say, a coal-burning power plants smokestack and pumping it deep underground to keep it out of the atmosphere, where it would otherwise contribute to global warming. However, currently, only one power plant in Canada captures and stores carbon on a commercial scale (and it has been having problems). Among the concerns about storage is that carbon dioxide in gaseous or liquid form that is pumped underground might escape back to the atmosphere. So storage sites would have to be monitored, potentially for decades or centuries.But scientists at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University and other institutions have come up with a different way to store CO2 that might eliminate that problem. Their approach involves dissolving the gas with water and pumping the resulting mixture soda water, essentially down into certain kinds of rocks, where the CO2 reacts with the rock to form a mineral called calcite(方解石). By turning the gas into stone, scientists can lock it away permanently. Volcanic rocks called basalts(玄武岩) are excellent for this process, because they are rich in calcium, magnesium and iron, which react with CO2.The project called CarbFix started in Iceland, 2012, when the scientists pumped about 250 tons of carbon dioxide, mixed with water, about 1,500 feet down into porous basalt. Early signs were encouraging: The scientists found that about 95 percent of the carbon dioxide was changed into calcite. And even more importantly, they wrote, the change happened relatively quickly in less than two years.“Its beyond all our expectations,” said Edda Aradottir, who manages the project. Rapid change of the CO2 means that a project would probably have to be monitored for a far shorter time than a more conventional storage site.There are still concerns about whether the technology will prove useful in the fight against global warming. For one thing, it would have to be scaled up enormously. For another, a lot of water is needed 25 tons of it for every ton of CO2 along with the right kind of rock.But the researchers say that there is enough porous basaltic rock in Iceland, including in the ocean floors and along the margins of continents. And sitting a storage project in or near the ocean could potentially solve the water problem at the same time, as the researchers say seawater would work just fine.61. What can we learn about CCS in Paragraphs 2 and 3?A. Scientists believe global warming will be avoided if CO2 is pumped underground.B. Its been a common practice in many plants to capture and store CO2 underground.C. There is no guarantee that CO2 will not escape even if pumped underground.D. It requires decades to turn CO2 into liquid form and be locked underground.62. What materials should be involved in the project CarbFix?A. Water, CO2, soda water and basaltsB. Water, soda water, a pump and calciteC. CO2, basalts, a pump and calciteD. Water, CO2, a pump and basalts63. According to Edda Aradottir, the result of the project was beyond the researchers expectations, because .A. its disappointing to discover new problems caused by rapid changeB. its amazing to see 95% of the carbon dioxide turn into calcite that fastC. its puzzling to find the encouraging but unexpected result of the projectD. its exciting to sense the problem of storing CO2 likely to be solved64. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?A. To inform us of a breakthrough in storing CO2.B. To praise the efforts of scientists in storing CO2.C. To show the different ways to fight against CO2.D. To urge people to produce the least possible CO2.D“What defines you?” Thats what Lizzie Velasquez asked the crowds of people who came to hear her motivational speeches. Due to a rare syndrome(综合症), from the second when Velasquez was born incredibly ugly, the doctors prepared her parents to accept absolutely nothing out of her, no crying, no walking, no crawling and literally nothing. But her parents decided to take her home, love her and raise her the best as they could. They brought her up completely normally, so normally that when she started kindergarten she had no clue that she was different.Unfortunately she had to find it out in a way like a big slap of reality for a 5-year-old. No one wanted to play with her or stand by her. No one wanted to have a single thing to do with her. As a little girl, she couldnt understand, because she was raised still normally. So she had to go home and ask her parents. And they encouraged her to go back to school and be herself so eventually everyone would see she was just like them. So again, at such a young age, she was forced to a situation where she could either choose to be happy or choose to give up. Luckily, she chose to be happy.When she was in high school, one day she was shocked to click on one video of herself labeled “the Worlds Ugliest Woman”, which was only 8 seconds long but had over 4 million views. The comments that went along were horrible. “Why would her parents keep her?!” read one; “Kill it with fire!” said another. And they continued on and on. She wanted to fight back at some of the commentators, like one specifically who told her to put a gun to her head and kill herself. So again, she was put in the position to choose happiness or to choose to give up. And again with the help of family, Velasquez found the strength to channel the hatred into motivation and to rise above the cruelty. At that moment, she was going to let her goals, her success and her accomplishments be the things that define her, not her outer appearance, not the doctors who said she would accomplish nothing or those people who called her a monster. She decided to be a motivational s


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