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外语系英语专业本科毕业论文A Study of the “Code Hero” in Hemingways Works海明威作品中的硬汉研究 A Thesis Submitted toThe Department of Foreign LanguagesBeijing Institute of Education In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsAbstractWe all know that Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest writer in America, and many of his works have become the favorite of both old and new readers through the world and are also regarded as a piece of treasure worthy of study and research of people specializing in literature. And there are some common places among these works.First, in Hemingways stories there is a stock figure that reappears in many works, and this character is closely related to Hemingway himself. Such as India camp, the sun also rise, Farewell to arms and the old man and the seaSecond, the characters perception of life is limited and affected by his early experience of war and violence, the experience of the war made the writer a real man, who is bravely facing the lifeFinally, there is a set of values in the code hero, and such a set of codes is the goal of the protagonist.Key words: code hero death grace pressure 摘要我们都知道厄内斯特海明威是美国伟大的作家之一,并且全世界的新老读者对海明威的作品越来越来喜爱,这些作品被认为是文学作品研究和学习的财富和瑰宝。 在海明威的作品中有一些共性。 首先,总是有一个固定的角色出现在海明威的小说中,并且这个角色和海明威有极大的联系,例如在印第安营地,太阳照样升起,永别了,武器和老人与海中。 其次,早年的战争与暴力经历影响着人物对生命观点的塑造,战争的经历使得作者成为一个真在的男人,勇于面对人生的人。 最后,硬汉之间有一套价值观体系,这一类的硬汉就是人物塑造的目标。 关键字:硬汉 死亡 优雅 压力 ContentsAbstracti摘 要iiContentsiiiChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter 2 Analysis of the works of Hemingway1 2.1 the Analysis of the Sun Also Rise1 2.2 the Analysis of for Whom the Bells Tolls2 2.3 the Analysis of the Old Man and the Sea3Chapter 3 the Characteristic of the Code Hero5 3.1 the Feature of the Code Hero5 3.1.1 Brave and Strong5 3.1.2 Valiant5 3.2 the Process of the Code Hero6 3.2.1 Facing Death6 3.2.2 Despising Death6 3.2.3 Beyond Death6Chapter 4 the Significance of the Death Theme7 4.1 Realistic Meaning 7 4.2 Progressive Meaning 7 4.3 Beauty Meaning 8Chapter 5 Conclusion8Biography8A Study of the “Code Hero” in Hemingways WorksI. IntroductionThis paper explores the theme of the code hero created by Hemingway, and analyzed the main characteristics of the code hero .The criticism of Hemingways character can be summarized as the following: First , the stock figure reappears in the Hemingways works ,such as India camp, The sun also rise ,Farewell to arms and The old man and the sea. .Second, the character perception of life is related with the writer himself .Third, the significance of death theme. This paper is divided into four parts. The first two parts is analysis of the figure in Hemingways works, the third part is talking about the changing and the significance of the death theme.Analysis the Works of Hemingway The word “hero” can mean both “hero” and “protagonist” in English. In the literary works the two concepts “hero” and “protagonist” are both closely related and distinctive. The protagonist in a story is supported by other minor characters or gains his position by direct conflict with the antagonist.2.1 The Analysis of The Sun Also RiseThe sun also rise, which is representative of the lost generation works. It tells us a story about a group of young American lost generation who stray in Paris; they lost their way of life after experiencing World War I which wounded them either physically or emotionally. They originally cherished good and pleasant hopes and expectation of their promising future and romantic love, but the horrific war shattered their faith in traditional values such as love, bravery, manhood, and womanhood, without these values, the members of this generation found their existence aimless, meaningless and filling. The plot is developed around Bretts love affair with several men, Jake whom Brett really loved couldnt live with Brett whom he deeply loved because he was even injured in the war and lost the ability to have sex; Ken was wooing Brett in order to get rid of the trouble resulted from tangling with his another lover whom didnt love; Mike also didnt love his wife and have love affairs with Brett. In appearance ,these conflicts and contradictions didnt show their danger and harm ,and they were clam and not intensive, But at the back of the so-called calmness ,there was no possibilities for those who longed for love stayed with their lovers ,and for those who were in love could live a normal life. Jake and Brett had no way out but were suffered with mental and physical torture; Ken didnt know what to do and led a vain life; Mike can only seeking sexual pleasures for his vanity in mind. In a word, they all were indulged in drinking, travelling, flirting and bullfighting. As a result, they all felt disillusioned. But in this novel, what Hemingway really wants to express is not the disillusionment but how to survive from the afterwards spiritual wasteland .Just because they are pondering about how to live a meaningful life, they were tortured in the present situation and felt disillusion .Finally Jake found the answer in Spanish bullring. So they must face all dangers and suffering in his life courageously and honestly .and firmly live on, which is widely called the grace under the pressure.The Sun Also Rise is in some ways an extension of the short stories in Our Time, especially those that deal with war and with bullfighting. In the novel, the presence of the war is inevitable in the attitudes and conditions of the character. We see nothing of battle, although Jake and Bills fishing expedition is a clear contrast to whatever turmoil they had experienced in the wartime. We do see a great deal of bullfighting, and with good reason: the bullfight for Hemingway was a new source of ritual.2.2 The Analysis of For Whom the Bell Tolls For Whom the Bell Tolls which Hemingway used his experiences as a reporter during the Civil War in Spain as the background. The protagonist of this novel, Robert Jordan left his job as a college instructor in the United States to volunteer for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. His task is to explode the bridge in order to stop Fascist enemies attack. In guerrilla forces station he fell in love with young Spanish girl, Maria whose father was killed by rebel army and who was raped. Before having got ready for exploding the bridge, he found the coward guerrilla head; pillar stole his explosives and detonators. He had to use hand grenades to take place of detonators. After successful explosion he was injured on the way to withdrawal, and he begged to stay for hiding his comrades and encouraged Maria to live a happy life courageously in the world. During these four days of exploding the bridge, Jordan initially believed in the Republican cause with a near-religious faith and felt an absolute brotherhood with his comrades on the Republican side. However, when the action of the novel started, we found that Jordan became disillusioned. As the conflict dragged on, he realized that he didnt really believe in the Republican cause but joined their side simply because they fought against.Because he fought for a side whose causes he didnt necessarily support, Jordan experiences a great deal of internal conflict. Yet his courage enables him to remain devoted to the cause, even as he faces death. Jordan is a hero who has firm belief and sublime ideal, and is willing to sacrifice himself to it. Jordans belief is peoples will of freedom: I believe people; I believe people completely have the right to manage themselves according to their own will. For this belief Jordan sacrificed his precious life, and just for this belief, Hemingway took arms in person and took part in Spanish Civil War against Fascism oversea. In this point, Jordan is Hemingways spokesman. Both of them are true heroes because they stacked to their own belief and cause even if facing the complexities between individuals and war.2.3 The Analysis of the Ola Man and the SeaThe old man and sea describes a old Cube fisherman living by fishing, and he didnt caught fish for 84 days continuously , life wasnt that easy ,but he didnt give up ,didnt surrender to life ,he went to Gulf of Mexico which isnt so many people ,and fishing there ,finally ,he got a big marlin, with two days fighting, Santiago wined, he tried to returned to base ,but a group of sharp come for the blood .the old man had to fight with these sharps ,or he would lost marlin. Though at last, the fish only had the skeleton, Santiago is not the loser, and he winced in the sprints.The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun bring from its reflection on the tropics sea, were on his cheeks .The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of the scars were fresh .They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.1.海明威著, 海观译. 老人与海M, 北京:商务印书馆出版,1960Santiago wined when he fighter with the big marlin ,but lucky isnt last that long ,shark came, he and the big marlin become the victim, they became the whole and their enemy is these sharks .It was the tragedy, if Santiago didnt go that further ,he wouldnt get that big marlin ,he wouldnt fight with it for almost 3 days; If the marlin isnt that big ,Santiago could put it into the boat which could avoid the attack of the sharks. If marlin isnt that big ,it couldnt drag Santiago in the sea for 3 days ,so the ending is the destiny, when he go that further ,the blood of marlin attract the shark come here ,which is a inevitable result ,all these things told us that the shark isnt an accident .Santiago said :when you go beyond your place ,you offend youre lucky. Which means Santiago understand that ,and he also accept that , Though he got a failure ,he accept the natural rule and even praise that wind is still my friends ,and then he added that sea is also my friend, so does the creature there ,but there also exists my enemy .he asked himself, what defeated myself ? Nothing, it is only for that I am go too further. The old man is the person who behind the death ,of course ,every people would have his own attitudes towards death ,some clam ,some worried, and the hero in the novel choose to fight with it ; the big fish is like the goal in our life ,while the shark is the time ,it take our life little by little. When we make clearly out that ,we can have a conclusion ,that we would face the death now and then ,we would face the danger of losing our mind ,our mind is just like a small boat in the sea ,and it face the troubles .we have to fight with storm so that we can gain something from it , in the meanwhile ,shark time would took our life little by little ,and at last we can only got skeleton ,which is the lifeless thing ,we would die in the end ,but the generation would take this again ,namely the small kid in the novel.The Characteristic the Code Hero In Hemingways works, there exist certain common features among the protagonist, or the “heroes”, portrayed by Hemingway, due to the fact that these characters share identical personalities and life experiences and that they bear similar attitudes towards society. Their way of life can be defined as well as the way in which they are depicted.3.1 The Feature of the Code Hero The code hero is appeared in Hemingways works many times, and they have some place in common 3.1.1 Brave and strong Brave and strong is one of the most important feature of the code hero, Santiago in The Old Man and Sea is an unyielding man ,he couldnt get anything in 84 days ,but he didnt give up .he is an old man ,but he tried his best ,though he is a loser in that battle ,he won in the spirit. 3.1.2 Valiant Valiant made them become the hero of power, but not mean they are rude, they are wordless, which is related with their destiny and characters. But on the other side, they are charming in their mind. When meet the troubles, meet the death, the high spirits he own made them perfect.3.2 The Process of the Code Hero The early works of Hemingway didnt refer too many things in death, but because of the experience of the war and the violence, in the later works there were many successful hero in his novel, they became brave and responsible to the society. 3.2.1 Facing Death The India Camp can be seen as a masterpiece, the plot is very simple, and tell a story about a boy face the death when he went out with his father, his father is doctor ,and was be a mid-woman while he was in the outside. And the husband couldnt bear his wifes shriek, so he killed himself. On the way home, the small boy asked his father about the question. The small boys scared about death .Death is so simple that made us fears amazing. As to these people who are pessimistic, maybe suicide is the best way to escape. Tough it have no alternative choice, people can use death to escape everything. Under the story of Hemingway, there is no painful about death, no horror, even no sad. People are already beyond the social emotions, left the clam writer. Just like in The Snow of Kilimanjaro that everything about death is original, serious, and beautiful. So the greatest fun of life is that having a fight when you feel the death. It is said that Hemingway was with his father to the India camp, the impression of the local people left deeply in his mind. 3.2.2 Despising Death Hemingway is good at finding the death from the bullfighting, fishing, and boxing. As to Hemingway, in the People is Undefeated, there is exciting description about the bullfighting.Well, you are the bastard! Manu block from jinn in Seoul to create out of order to the same action aimed and threw himself upon the bull to go. He felt the sword all the way down hole has gotten together bar nursing won. Four fingers and his thumb are inserted into the cows body, the blood hot in Bay. To his knuckles, he rushed in cattle. He bent over the cow when the cow stumbled seemed to fall; then he stood the ground. He looked at the bull to the one-sided first turned slowly to the ground, then the four Feet heavenward T. Then he waved to the audience, his hand just warm enough to warm the blood of cattle. In Hemingways story, there is some other traditions culture; bull is an animal which is irrational, strong and blindness thing. So we should kill it, but as to Hemingway, bull is the ridiculous world, and the bullfighter is the human beings, so bullfighting is courage when you fight with the bull. In this battle, no matter who is, he would die. Because of the death is an inevitable thing, and it is the only thing that every people should affirmative. 3.2.3 beyond DeathAs to Hemingway, death is inevitable, it will come sooner or later, and it is not that important about the death itself, the question is, you should have an attitude about life, and what would you do about it. In the For Whom the Bell Tolls, Jon has a large dialogue about that:You can see there is no horror when the hero confront with death, you can only see the courage the hero own. It is like The Old Man and The Sea, man is undefeated, when people is fight with the nature, mans spirits cannot be ruined, Santiago is old, but he is brave, though he lose, but his courage is appreciated.The Significance of the Death Theme As to human, death is inevitable thing, even all the creature in the world. In the description of story, Heming create an admirable action about the life, it told us that though the human energy is limited, the most important thing is how you treated life.4.1Realistic Meaning His death philosophy is not only talking about the phenomenon of death ,but also as high as the critics the realistic thing ,for example ,The Sun Also Rise not only express the war destroy the young people ,but explore a literature of lost generation .Farewell To Arms is not only say the death of love ,but also analysis of the reason of the appearance of the lost generation.4.2 Progressive Meaning When we face the limitation of life and the inevitable of death, Hemingway creates an imagery of code hero, which is benefit to the defeat the horror of death. The Old Man and the Sea get a famous saying, man cant be defeated. Which is the grace under pressure; Hemingway put people into a high pressure, and let people find the value of the life.4.3 Beauty Meaning Many death image can be divided into two parts, one is the ugly, then the other is the thing can transit into beauty. Though these things are also very ugly, but we can see the beauty from it. And we could see the majestic of the death. Like the hero in the Snow of Kilimanjaro, Hail saw the dead leaves, and the bad meat, and some dead animal, they are ugly, but the leopard dead in the mountain, it turned out a beauty. From ugliness, nobleness and tragedy, when we take an aesthetic judgment on Hemingways works, we can see the value of turning ugliness to the beautiful, the noble spirit of chasing high, and the bright tragic.ReferencesArthurWaldorn. A Readers Guide to Ernest HemingwayM New York, Farrr Straus and Giroux Reception,1972Carol S Baker. Ernest Hemingway: the Writer in ConticalM. New York, Burt Franklin,1997Charles Molesworth. 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