牛津英语A Unit ReadingPPT课件

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1.我爸爸很聪明。他经常想出许多新点子。2.当吉米小的时候,他对一切充满好奇。3.他的姐姐太谦虚,从不自我炫耀。4. 那个男孩已经吃光了所有的香蕉。My father is _. He often _ a lot of new ideas.Jim _ everything when he_.very clevercomes up withwas curious aboutwas youngtoo modestnever shows herself offhas eaten up第1页/共28页第2页/共28页praisesculptureraceleadchallengemissattentionstandardpioneersurgeonn. 表扬,赞扬n. 雕塑,雕像n.竞赛;赛跑n. 领先地位;榜样n. 挑战n. 错误,过失n. 注意,专心n. 标准n.先锋,开拓者n. 外科大夫New words第3页/共28页 carelessnesspartnerborngeneralchiefhigh-speedextrasuitableimpressconnectdevoten. 粗心n. 搭档,合作伙伴adj. 天生的adj. 总的;普遍的;首席的adj. 主要的,首要的adj. 高速的adj. 额外的;附加的adj. 合适的;适宜的v. 给留下印象v. 连接v. 把贡献,把专用于第4页/共28页respectsales departmenteitherortake the leadfall behindconnect to/withas good as pay attention tov. 尊敬,尊重销售部不是就是,或者或者处于领先地位落后与相连,连接和几乎一样,简直是注意第5页/共28页第6页/共28页_第7页/共28页1.The song Where has the time gone won high _(赞扬) from the people all over our country.2. Their work is not up to _(标准).3. The _(首席的) manager of that company is his uncle.4. Theres a _(高速的) railway between Xian and Zhengzhou.5. “Do you like to be _ (先锋) in this field?” The manager asked the young people.praisestandardgeneralhigh-speedpioneers第8页/共28页6. Who is _(suit) for the new chairperson of the students union?7. He didnt pass the exam because of his _(care).8. Is he a _(bear) artist?9. I am _(impress) by what he does for me.10. You should pay attention to _ (write) as carefully as possible.suitablecarelessnessbornimpressedwriting第9页/共28页第10页/共28页1. Who are the four people?2. Why are they introduced on Sunshine Daily?3. How do they feel about their jobs?They are Wu Wei, Su Ning, Liu Hao and Fang Yuan.Because they are outstanding in their fields in Sunshine Town.They are happy with their jobs.第11页/共28页Follow Millie and try Follow Millie and try to know more about the four people. to know more about the four people. 第12页/共28页1. What does Wu Wei do?2. Whats he like?3. Whats his achievement?4. Why he can be an artist? 第13页/共28页Wu Wei is a _. He is _ and doesnt like _, but his work _. So he _ the whole country. His _ _ have won high praise from _. He is always searching for _ because he wants to _. born artistquietto talk muchshoutshas impressed sculptures for Sunshine Town Squarethe art communitysomething better or differentshare the best art with people第14页/共28页1. What job did Su Ning do five years ago?Whats her job now?Where does she work?She used to be an accountant.Now she is the general manager of a company. she works for the sales department in a big company.第15页/共28页2. Why did she give up her last job?3. Read and translate the sentences into Chinese.Because she is active and energetic. In her last job, she could only work with numbers day after day. That was boring and made her unhappy.Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. Im ready to take on new challenges any time.第16页/共28页 Name JobPersonalities Detailsa cheif_of the _railway _Sunshine Town to Tianjin_and_“ A miss is as good as a mile. We cant _ to make any _,” said Mr. Liu. So he pays _ to every_.So he always works to high _Liu Hao_So he is easy to work with.Liu Hao第17页/共28页1. Fang Yuan is a(n) _. A. actor B. manager C. surgeon2. She is _.A. careless B. clever C. curious D. careful3. How many hours does Fang Yuan do operations for a day?_ A. four B. six C. eight D. ten 4. What do you think of her? Why? Do you respect her?第18页/共28页第19页/共28页_thinks his work shouts.was unhappythe high-speed railway.easy第20页/共28页(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(8)_(12)_(5)_(6)_(7)_(9)_(10)_(11)_(13)_(14)_(15)_第21页/共28页第22页/共28页 1. What are your personalities? 2. Can you be a good.? Why? 3. What do you want to be in your future?第23页/共28页 Write a short description of your partners personalities. Then discuss with your partner whether or not you agree with each other. _第24页/共28页第25页/共28页 Every mans work, whether it be literature of music of pictures or architecture of anything else, is always a portrait of himself. 每个人的工作,不管是文学、音乐、美术、建筑还是其他工作,都是自己的一幅画像。(美国教育家 勃特勒。S.)Love what we do!第26页/共28页第27页/共28页感谢您的观看!第28页/共28页


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