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【硕士论文】桑菲ODM项目管理应用研究 西南交通大学硕士学位论文桑菲ODM项目管理应用研究姓名:陈辉殿申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:王明亮20071001西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第1页摘要在知识经济时代,电子制造业的OEM面临生存的考验,而ODM具有利润空间优势,是OEM企业获得新生、迎接挑战的积极选择。而电子产品更新快速、市场变化也日新月异特别是消费类电子产品,这需要我们在较短的时间内迅速导入新产品,抢占市场:在另一方面由于消费类电子产品属于资金密集型项目,需要控制好的投资风险。在此情况下传统工厂运作管理方法已很难对此进行全方面的管理,而现代项目管理方法作为现代管理学的一个重要分支,在解决此类关系复杂、时间和资源有限、节约成本的问题中有较高的实用价值。本文首先介绍了改革开放以来OEM和ODM的发展,明确了ODM是电子制造业OEM发展的必然,同时介绍了项目管理的发展,明确了项目管理在电子制造业的地位;其次介绍了桑菲公司的基本情况与发展战略、产品开发背景,提出了开发流程和项目组织架构;接着运用ODM项目SA31XX的实战模型,细化了项目管理各模块范围管理、时间管理、成本管理、质量管理、风险管理在电子制造业各领域的应用,并提供了可实践的具体制造方案;最后对照项目管理与制造运作管理各模块之间的关系,运用项目管理理论知识对ODM项目实战模型进行了分析,加强了实战模型的说服力,让我们对ODM制造项目管理的框架有了更清晰的了解,并对改善要点提出了建议,达到了可持续研究的目的。本文对桑菲公司完善自己的ODM项目管理框架有一定的现实意义。本文也可供相关规模较大且仍处于快速成长期的电子制造公司在ODM项目导入时参考和借鉴。关键词:电子制造;ODM;项目管理西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第页AbstractDuring the knowledge-economy times,OEM is taking risker ofdevelopment than ODM which has moie profit room and it is positive option ofOEM toget reborn and dochallenge1 acing the continuous innovatingelectronic product market,the instant input ofnew product to occupy market isnecessaryOn the other hand,we have tO contxol the risk well since the investcapital for lleW pIodllct is always abig numberBased on current status itSdifficult tocon仃ol those variants ifWe only use traditional operationmanagement methodBut new management theory ofmodem projectmanagement,one important portion of management,is mofe value withpractical operation to handling those kinds of complex activities with time andlesource limitM as well as cost problemFirstly,the development of OEM and ODM after innovation-open isintroduced with the view that 0DM iSOEMS result as well as there show Uflthe development of project management and the importance ofprojectmanagement in electronic manufactufngSecondly,the company Sangfei ispresented with the mention of product manufacture ch出t and projectorganization chartThen,scope management,time management,costmanagement,quality management and risk management骶identified how tobe used in ODM manuf-ture through the practical project which also show usthe practical manufacture modelFinally the analysis of practical project isdone combining、析m the theory of project management so that the practicalmodel is clearerIn addition,the author po缸out proposal of problem that isfoundation ofcontinuous rcscarclLThis research ismeaningful of Sangfei toimprove projeel:managementand itgall be as reference and use by eleclronic manufacture especially forthose ale large-sized enterprises that are in rapidly developingKeywords:Electronic M衄皿Icturing;0DM;project Management西南交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书


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