【2014自考】外贸函电 常用句子短语

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外贸函电1 enter into / establish/ build up business relations with. 与建立贸易关系2 a wide range of. 大范围的/各类的.3 be confident of sth./ that 自信心的,有信心.4 place an order with sb. 向某人下订单5 be superior to sb./ sth. 优于某人,在某事上处于优先地位6 look forward to (doing) sth 希望7 happen to do sth. 碰巧做8 much as 尽管,虽然9 sb. be interested in sth. Sth be interesting to sb. 某人对某物感兴趣 ; with keen interest 对很感兴趣10free of charge 免费11be able to do 能够做某事 be capable of 12. be waiting for 等待13reply to sth. 对的回复14offer for 未发的报盘 offer of 已报过的盘15on the recommendation of 承蒙.的推荐16handle,deal in / with , trade in , be in the line of ,经营17credit standing 信誉情况 18refer to sb. for sth. 向某人打听(查询)某事;提到,说起,查看19trade in sth. 经营20on the basis of 在的基础上21by return 立刻,立即 in return 作为回报22acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人熟悉某事物23upon/on receipt of 一收到就 in receipt of sth 已收到24in compliance with sth. 与一致,遵从,按照25sb. be satisfied with sth 某人对某物满意 the service after selling 售后服务26be / fall / lie within the scope of 或 come under the scope of 经营范围的表达方法27assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证某事28be desirous to do 热切盼望做29enjoy priority in 在方面享优先权 take priority in 在中优先地位 give priority to 给以优先权,优先考虑30in duplicate ,一式两份, in triplicate ,一式三份, 一式四份或更多用:in copies (folds)31anticipate + doing , expect + to do sth. 预期某事将发生; 希望做某事32强调型结构:It + be + 被强调的部份 + that + 原句剩余的部分33is not in line with the prevailing market.34reduce to 降(价)到35unless otherwise stated 除非另有声明36wish to do sth. 希望做某事37keep sb. done . keep sb. posted of sth. 不断传递最新消息给某人38be agreeable to sth. 与符合的,一致的39on time 准时 no choice / way but to do sth. 不得不做某事40sth. be satisfactory to sb. 某物令某人满意41in ones favour 以某人为受益人 withbank 由银行(开立信用证) to the extent 达到某种程度42have in stock 有现货(可供) ; supply from stock 供现货43owing to 由于 to 为介词,+ 名词或动名词 on the part of 在方面44adapt from sth. 根据改编45at ones request 应的要求 on request 一经要求就46agree to sth. 同意(建议,办法,条件,想法); agree on sth. 就达成一致 agree with sth. 与某一事物相一致,相符合 47in connection with 有关48is not entitled to 无权49in view of 鉴于50out of line with prevailing market level 脱离行市时价51in contact with 联系52in need of 需求53in conformity with 一致54on presentation 在提示时,提示是,见票即付55in accordance with sth. / in agreement with sth. 按照,与某事物一致56be / have difficulty in sth / doing sth 在某事上有困难,做某事有困难57approach sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事58with regard to 关于59make efforts to do sth. 努力去做某事60draw on sb. 向某人开出汇票61as for 关于,对于 at sight 即期62hear from 收到(某人)来信63run out 用完,耗尽64in support of sth. 支持或支援某事物65keep in touch with 与保持联系66with all speed 用全速,尽全力67be regarded as 把.看作是68up to now 直到现在69have no way / choice but to do sth. 没选择,只能做某事70on due time 准时,按时,如期71open L/C with the Bank of 由银行开立信用证72confirm doing sth.73with reference to 74up to the present75take action 采取行动/措施76at an early date77be aware of sth. 或 be aware that + 句子 意识到,认识到78due to + 名词 由于,因为 because / as + 句子79in ones opinion / in the opinion of sb. 在某人看来80fall into sth. 某事物可分为; 养成(习惯);full under 列入某项下 fall in sth. 倒塌 fall to doing sth. 开始做某事81be subjected to sth. 经受,遭受82prior to sth. 在以前83were found broken 被发现破了84amount to sth. 共计,总达85complain (to sb.) about sth. (向某人)抱怨某事86with regard to sth. 关于87claim + against 向某人提出索赔88look into 研究,调查89lodge / file / raist / register a claim against / with sb. for sth 因为某种原因向某人索赔90insurance + on 所保的货物, insurance against 投保的险别, insurance for 保额 , insurance at 保险费或保险率, insurance with 向某保险公司投保91on basis 在的基础上92Be responsible for sth. 为 负责93On + 月份+ 某一日94Prefer A to B 喜欢A,不喜欢B95Be disappointed at sth. 对.失望; sb. be disappointed with sth 某人对某事感到很失望96In a position to do sth. 能够做某事97Take on 从事,经营23. for ones reference 供参考24. offer + for 向某人报某物的盘;offer + of 已报的某货的盘25. satisfy sb. 使某人满意26. available by draft at sight 凭即期汇票支付27. supply form stock 供 现货; have in stock 有.现货; out of stock 缺货,无库存的28. sb. + find sth. + adj. 认为或觉得某事物29. in accordance with 与相一致;按照30. shipping instruction 装船指示;shipping advise 装船通知31. unless otherwise instructed 除非另有指示32. have no way / choice but to do 别无选择,只有33claim for 索赔的原因、金额; claim on 对货物的索赔;claim against 向某人、公司索赔34. trade with sb. 与某人做生意;on the basis of 在的基础上35. in receipt of 收到某人的 (信函); on receipt of 一收到某人的(信函),就36. result in(接结果) 的结果是; result from(接原因) 由于而导致 的结果37. place a trial order with sb. for sth. 向某人下某物的试订单38. reduce price by + 百分数 降到百分之多少; reduce prict to 降价到某一具体价位39. extend to 延伸,延展.到40. open/ establish L/C with the Bank of xxx ; issue L/C through the Bank of x x x开立信用证的常用搭配;in ones favour 以某人为受益人41. for 110% of the invoice value 按发票金额的110%(投保)42. on schedule 按时,如期43. complain about sth. 抱怨某事44. this should not be regarded as a precedent. 45. falls within the scope of ; coincide with 与。一致46. look forward to sth. 希望47. free of charge 免费48. be subject to sth. 以为准,以为条件49. find + sth. /sb. + adj. 认为或觉得某物或某人;find sth. satisfactory 认为令人满意50. wait for sth. 等待,是不及物动词;await 等待,等候,是及物动词;51. make use of sth. 利用某事物;52take advantage of sth. 充分使用/利用某事物53. amendment to sth. 对文件做的修改54. to the contrary 的对抗,反对,(意思)相反55. 提出索赔的常用动词:raise , file , register, make , lodge 对某物进行投保时常用动词:cover , insure56. in a position to do sth. 能够做某事57. in the market for sth. 有意购买某物58. cut down the price 降价 by + 百分数, 表示降价的幅度59. insure against + 险别; up to 直到60. claim with sb. for sth. 向某人就某事物出现问题提出索赔61 In duplicate 一式两份; 62. to the extent of sth. 达到某种程度63be responsible to do sth. 有责任做某事64attend to sb. / sth. 专心,仔细考虑65under the circumstances 在这种情况(情形)下66Shipping space 船舱;67In the absence of sth. 缺乏,没有68Much to ones regret 令人遗憾的是69For the time being 暂时70Under separate cover 另函(寄去)71Express ones apologies for sth. 某人为某事道歉72Close to sth. 接近某事物73at ones cost 某人付费74Please see to it that 务必,一定要注意75With the least possible delay 尽快,毫不耽误76On condition that 如果77In quality 在质量方面78Be superior to sth. 优于某事物79Bring down the price 降价,后接to 表示降价到某一具体的价位80Be valid for + 时间段 表示信用证的有效期; valid till + 时间点81Take the liberty of 冒昧82Learn from 从得知/了解到83Make every effort to do sth. 尽力做某事84Be satisfactory to sb. 某物令某人满意85. up to sth. 达到,直到86. let sb. down 让某人失望87. on the high side 偏高88. out of line with sth. 与不一致89. have pleasure in doing sth. 有幸做某事/ take pleasure in 乐意干某事90. fall within the scope of 在的范围之内91. any delay in sth. 在方面的延迟92. lead to 导致 (不好的结果)93. comply with sth. 遵从,符合,依从,服从,听从,服从94. due to sth. / sb. 由某事物或某人引起的95. beyond ones control 不受某人的控制96. on longer 不再97. have sth. in stock 有现货98. according to sth. 按照99. inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事100. of + 名词 = (名词相对应的)形容词 , of importance = important101. we would / shall appreciate it if ; we should be grateful if如果,我方将十分感激 be grateful to sb. 感激某人,感谢某人102. depend on sth. 依靠,根据.103. as follows 如下104. on board 在船上105. leave for 前往(某个要去的地方)106. be reasonable to sb. 某事对某人来说是合理的107. go through 仔细或系统地研究或检查108. in your local markets 在你方当地市场上109. take action 采取行动110. for ones account 由某人付费111. so that 如此以至于112. be acceptable to sb. 对某人来说是可以接受的113. thank sb. for sth. 因某事而感谢某人114. recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人去做某事115. reply to sth. 的回复116. rock bottom price 最低价格117. reach an agreement 达成协议118. in good condition 处于良好状态119. of particular interest to you 对你方是很有利的120. in case of sth. 如果121. apply to sth. 适用于某事物122 take delivery 提货123. arrive at 到达某个地方124. turn down 拒绝125. subject to sth. 经受,遭受126. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力127. transportation charges and premium 运费和保险费128. ensure that 或 assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证某事129. make sth. out to sth 根据开出/写出(账单,单子)130. cash with order 认购即付,现款订货131. at ones expense / cost 由某方付费132. change sth. to sth. 把某物变更为另一事物132. be glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事133. on the way to 在去某个地方的路上134. at ones option 由某人选择135. call ones attention to sth. 引起某人对某事的注意136. provide sth. for sb. 或 provide sb. with sth. 提供,供应137. allow sb. sth. 给予某人某物138. have sth. done 使人或安排人做某事139. press for 要求 (某物)140. in the trade 在行业,做生意141. call for 要求,把召来142. at the beginning of 在开头,在.开始143. pay by credit card 用信用卡支付144a commission of 5% 5%的佣金; commission + on 表示 的佣金145. on hand 在手边,在手头,在近旁


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