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精品资料Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball第4课时 Section B 3a-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 学会句型: He/She has a soccer ball. He/She doesnt have a soccer ball. 2. 掌握主语为第三人称单数时运用has/doesnt have。3. 运用所学的知识来谈论自己的体育用品和其他物品。二、过程与方法“实践出真知”,要让学生多练习,在实践中巩固知识。三、情感态度与价值观与朋友谈论共度时光,培养同学间团结,友爱的精神。教学重点通过练习掌握重点句型的用法。教学难点运用所学的知识来谈论自己的体育用品和其他物品。教法导航通过大量练习,巩固所学知识。学法导航个人独立及小组合作完成练习。教学准备多媒体、练习题。教学过程Step 1: GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2: RevisionThis is a sports shop. What do they have in the shop?(小提示:注意名词单复数形式。)They have _.Step 3: Pair workWork in pairs and finish 3a.Sports Survey1. Do you have a soccer ball?( ) Yes, I do.( ) No, I dont.2. _( ) Yes, I do.( ) No, I dont.3. _( ) Yes, I do.( ) No, I dont.4. _( ) Yes, I do.( ) No, I dont.Step 4: Exercises1. Finish the exercises.(1) Mr. White (有) a son and a daughter。(2) she (有) a soccer ball?(3) they (有) computer games?(4) She (没有) any CDs.(5) My brother (喜欢打篮球).(6) That (听起来有趣).(7) _(让我们) play soccer.(8) I (做运动) every day.(9) she (看) TV every day?2. 熟读3a和3b后,连词组句(请注意大小写和标点符号)。(1) she, does, a volleyball, have _ (2) dont, they, a soccer ball, have _(3) sports, you, do, like _(4) every day,Sue,sports,plays _(5) computer games,play,lets,sounds,that,interesting _参考答案:1.(1)has (2)Does, have (3)Do, have (4)doesnt, have (5)likes playing basketball (6)sounds interesting (7)Lets (8)play sports (9)Does,watch2. (1) They dont have a volley ball.(2) Do you like sports?(3) Sue plays sprots every day.(4) Lets play computer games. That sounds interesting.Step 5: WritingWrite a short passage according to the information in 3a.I dont have a baseball, but I have a soccer ball. Tom has a baseball, but he doesnt have a baseball bat._Step 6: Self Check1. List all the sports you know. Write what you think of them.Sports Your opinion_ _ _ _ _ _2. Complete the questions and answers. (1) A: _?B: Yes, my mom has a baseball bat.(2) A: Do you have a volleyball?B: _.(3) A: _?B: Yeah, my father has a soccer ball(4) A: _?B: No, she doesnt. My teacher has a tennis ball.Step 7: ConsolidationDo some exercises to consolidate the content of this unit.1. 选择填空( ) (1) I like to watch football games _ TV.A. onB. atC. in( ) (2) He _ baseball.A. dont playB. doesnt playsC. doesnt play( ) (3) My mother likes volleyballs.She thinks(认为) it is _.A. funB. boringC. difficult( ) (4) Lets play tennis. Oh, that _ good.A. looksB. interestingC. sounds( ) (5) My father _ many computer games.A. haveB. hasC. dont like( ) (6) We _ soccer balls.We have 5.A. likeB. likesC. dont like( ) (7) Do you have a TV? _.A. Yes, it isB. Yes, we haveC. Yes, we do( ) (8) Does John like tennis? No,_.A. he doesB. he doesntC. likes2. 从括号中选择合适的词填空,使句子正确完整,仔细体会be动词和助动词的用法及区别。(1) (Are / Is) Mary a middle school student?(2) (Do / Does) Jim have a soccer ball?(3) (Do / Does) they have computer games?(4) (Do / Does) Jenny and Gina like sports?(5) (Do / Does) you have a TV set?(6) I(dont / am not) have a basketball.(7) She(dont / doesnt) have a brother.(8) They(dont / arent) play volleyball.参考答案:1. (1)A (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)B (6)A (7)C (8)B2. (1)Is (2)Does (3)Do (4)Do (5)Do (6)dont (7)doesnt (8)dontStep 8: Homework做调查,同学们喜欢什么球类运动,不喜欢什么球类运动,为什么?然后以小组为单位上交一篇短文进行报道NameI likeI dont likeWhy课堂作业按要求改写句子1. He has a tennis racket. (改为一般疑问句) _ he _ a tennis racket?2. She has a computer game. (改为否定句) She _ _ a computer game.3. Do you have a baseball? (否定回答) No, _ _ .4. Some balls are in the dresser. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the balls?5. Does he play sports every day? (肯定回答) _, he _.参考答案:1. Does, have 2. doesnt, have 3. I, dont 4. Where, are 5. Yes, does.教学反思本节课主要是复习本单元的内容,如何让学生真正掌握是本节的重点。本课已经设计了大量的训练,如果能再增加多一些学生的自主训练更好。


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