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单数变复数专项练习一、变化规则1、一般情况下直接在词尾加s例: book-booksapple-applesorange-_tiger-_girl-_banana-_lemon-_pencil-_2、以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾的单词,加 es例: bus-busesbox-boxesfish-fishesbeach-beachesclass-fox-beach-watch-3、以 f或 fe 结尾的单词,把 f 或 fe 变成 v 加 es例: leaf-leavesknife-( 刀)wife-(妻子)4、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词,把 y 变 i 加 es例: fly-fliesbutterfly-_library-_baby-_ _puppy-_二、选择单词的适当形式填空,写在横线上。1. It s so hot. I want to eat an _. Do you like _?( ice-cream, icecreams)2.There are many_(animal,animals) in the zoo.Ilike.( giraffe,giraffes)3. -Can I help you? -Three _ (doll, dolls),please.4. I like_( strawberry, strawberries) because they are sweet and juicy.5. I dont like _(fly, flys,flies) because they are ugly and dirty(脏的).6. Look at the_(baby,babys,babies). They are so cute.7. I like _(water,waters) because we drink water everyday.8. These _(boy,boys,boies) like _.( monkey,monkeys,monkeies)9.Brush your_(tooth,teeth),Kitty. Its time for bed.1三、有些单词就像孙悟空一样会变身,你知道他们是怎么变得吗?现在看看这些变身后的单词,你能把他变身以前的样子写出来吗?lions-_ _strawberries-_roses-_ _teeth-_dragonflies-pears-_四、写出下列名词的复数形式1、 orange2、 class3、 text4、 monkey5、 piano6、 child7、 shelf8、 bed9、 country10、 family11、 toy12、 foot13、 Japanese14、 radio15、 photo16、 army17、 tomato18、 fox19、 woman20、 knife22、sheep五、选择填空1 、 Thereon the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoesB. are photosC. is a photoD. is photos2. This kind of carmade in Shanghai.A. isB .areC .wereD .has3. There are fourand twoin the group.A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, GermenC. Japanese,GermanD.Japanese, Germans4. That aart book.A. anB. aC. theD are5. The boys have gotalready.A. two breadB. two breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two piece of bread6. The old man wants.A. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of appleC. six box of applesD. six boxs of apples27. Theresomein the river.A. is ,fishB. are, fishsC. is, fishsD. are ,fish8. Theretwoin the box.A. is watchB. are watchesC. are watchD. is watches9. We should cleantwice a day.A .our toothB. our toothsC.teethD.our teeth10.The _ meeting room is near the reading room.A.teacherB.teacher sC.teachers D.teachers11. In Britain _ are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter boxD.letters box六、写出下列各词的复数形式amishesheitthatthisyoupendeskkeyorangeboyfriendparentmotherfathersisterbrothersondaughtercaseboxcardfamily七、按要求变换句型(把1 10 句变为复数句。1. This is my friend.2. This is a bike.3.That is her brother.4.This is a book.5.That is an eraser.6.It is a red orange.7.He is a teacher.38. What s this?9.This is my mother.10.He is a Chinese boy.八、写出下列名词的复数形式1、orange2、class3、monkey4、piano5、child6、shelf7、bed8、country9、 family10、 toy11、foot12、radio13、photo14、 tomato15、 woman16、knife17、sheep18、ship19、dish20、mouse21、tooth22、leaf_九、选择填空()1 I can see three _ in the zoo.A monkeysB monkeyesC monkey()2.The pig has four _.A. footB. feetC. foots()3.My two brothers are both _.A. policemanB. policemansC. policemen()4.I can see ten _ in the picture.A. sheepB. dogC. pig()5.The _ has three_.A. boys, watchesB. boy, watchC. boy, watches()6.Can you see _on the plate?A. breadB. breadsC. breades()7.The girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed.A. toothB. toothsC. teeth()8.Mr Black often drink some _.A. milkB. milksC.milkes()9.There are some _on the floor.A. childB. waterC. books()10.Lucy will show us some new _ of hers.A. photoB. photosC. photoes()11. I drank two _.A. bottles ofwaterB. bottle of waterC. bottles of waters()12.The cat eats two _last night.A. mousesB. miceC. mouse()13.I need a pen and some _.A. booksB. deskC. chair()14、Thereon the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoesB. are photosC. is a photoD. is photos()15. Theresomein the river.A. is ,fishB. are, fishsC. is, fishsD. are ,fish()16. Theretwointhe box.A. is watchB. are watchesC. are watchD. is watches()17. We should cleantwice a day.A .our toothB. our toothsC.teethD.our teeth()18.Our _ room is near the reading room.A.teacherB.teachersC.teachers()19.Tom and Jim are _.A.friendsB.friendC.brotherD.sister()20.How many_do they have?A.pictureB. picturesC.a picture4十、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1. There are three _(chair) in the classroom. 3.My brother looks after two _(baby)5.Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles.7.I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen.9.There are some _(bus)in the street.11.Linda has three _(tooth).13.My uncle and father are _(man).watermelon2.These _(tomato) are red.4. My father likes to eat _(potato).6.I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom.8.I have two _(pencil-box).10.Peter has eight _(foot).12.There are some _(child) in the garden14.Tom and King are _(boy).5


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